Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents




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1. Background

Chapter 1. Introduction to Spring Integration

1.1. Spring Integration’s architecture

1.2. Spring Integration’s support for enterprise integration patterns

1.2.1. Messages

1.2.2. Message Channels

1.2.3. Message endpoints

1.3. Enterprise integration patterns meet Inversion of Control

1.3.1. Dependency injection

1.3.2. Method invocation

1.4. Say hello to Spring Integration

1.5. Summary

Chapter 2. Enterprise integration fundamentals

2.1. Loose coupling and event-driven architecture

2.1.1. Why should you care about loose coupling?

2.1.2. Type-level coupling

2.1.3. Loosening type-level coupling with dependency injection

2.1.4. System-level coupling

2.1.5. Event-driven architecture

2.2. Synchronous and asynchronous communication

2.2.1. What’s the difference?

2.2.2. Where does Spring Integration fit in?

2.3. Comparing enterprise integration styles

2.3.1. Integrating applications by transferring files

2.3.2. Interacting through a shared database

2.3.3. Exposing a remote API through Remote Procedure Calls

2.3.4. Exchanging messages

2.4. Summary

2. Messaging

Chapter 3. Messages and channels

3.1. Introducing Spring Integration messages

3.1.1. What’s in a message?

3.1.2. How it’s done in Spring Integration

3.2. Introducing Spring Integration channels

3.2.1. Using channels to move messages

3.2.2. I’ll let you know when I’ve got something!

3.2.3. Do you have any messages for me?

3.2.4. The right channel for the job

3.2.5. A channel selection example

3.3. Channel collaborators

3.3.1. MessageDispatcher

3.3.2. ChannelInterceptor

3.4. Summary

Chapter 4. Message Endpoints

4.1. What can you expect of an endpoint?

4.1.1. To poll or not to poll?

4.1.2. Inbound endpoints

4.1.3. Outbound endpoints

4.1.4. Unidirectional and bidirectional endpoints

4.2. Transaction boundaries around endpoints

4.2.1. Why sharing isn’t always a good thing

4.2.2. What are transactions, and can we get by without them?

4.3. Under the hood

4.3.1. Endpoint parsing

4.3.2. Endpoint instantiation

4.4. Summary

Chapter 5. Getting down to business

5.1. Domain-driven transformation

5.1.1. Marshalling flight information

5.1.2. Using the simplest possible data representation

5.1.3. Wiring the components together

5.1.4. Testing the transformer

5.1.5. Content enricher

5.1.6. Header enricher

5.2. Message-driven services

5.2.1. The Service Activator pattern

5.2.2. The Return Address pattern

5.3. Message publishing interceptors

5.4. Domain-driven Messaging Gateways

5.5. Chaining endpoints

5.6. Summary

Chapter 6. Go beyond sequential processing: routing and filtering

6.1. Do you want to get this message?

6.1.1. Filtering out messages

6.1.2. Using filters for selective processing

6.2. Whose message is this, anyway?

6.2.1. Configuring routers

6.2.2. Routers provided by the framework

6.2.3. Routers with multiple destinations

6.3. Under the hood

6.3.1. The message filter API

6.3.2. The message router API

6.4. Summary

Chapter 7. Splitting and aggregating messages

7.1. Introducing correlation

7.1.1. A real-life example

7.1.2. Correlating messages

7.2. Splitting, aggregating, and resequencing

7.2.1. The art of dividing: the splitter

7.2.2. How to get the big picture: the aggregator

7.2.3. Doing things in the right order: the resequencer

7.3. Useful patterns

7.3.1. Grouping messages based on timing

7.3.2. Scatter-gather

7.4. Under the hood

7.4.1. Extension points of the CorrelatingMessageHandler

7.4.2. How do Resequencer and Aggregator do it?

7.5. Summary

3. Integrating systems

Chapter 8. Handling messages with XML payloads

8.1. XML messaging

8.1.1. Marshalling LegQuoteCommand into XML

8.1.2. Enriching the leg quote using XSLT

8.1.3. XPath support

8.1.4. Splitting hotel, car rental, and flight quotes

8.1.5. Routing messages based on their XML payloads

8.1.6. Validating XML messages

8.2. Under the hood

8.2.1. Supported payload types and return type matching

8.3. Summary

Chapter 9. Spring Integration and the Java Message Service

9.1. The relationship between Spring Integration and JMS

9.1.1. Mapping between JMS and Spring Integration messages

9.1.2. Comparing JMS destinations and Spring Integration message channels

9.2. JMS support in the Spring Framework

9.3. Asynchronous JMS message reception with Spring

9.3.1. Why go asynchronous?

9.3.2. Spring’s MessageListener container

9.3.3. Message-driven POJOs with Spring

9.4. Sending JMS messages from a Spring Integration application

9.5. Receiving JMS messages in a Spring Integration application

9.6. Request-reply messaging

9.6.1. The outbound gateway

9.6.2. The inbound gateway

9.7. Messaging between multiple Spring Integration runtimes

9.8. Managing transactions with JMS channel adapters and gateways

9.8.1. JMS transaction basics

9.8.2. A note about distributed transactions

9.9. Summary

Chapter 10. Email-based integration

10.1. Sending email

10.1.1. The outbound channel adapter

10.1.2. Advanced configuration options

10.1.3. Transforming outbound messages

10.2. Receiving email

10.2.1. Polling for emails

10.2.2. Event-driven email reception

10.2.3. Transforming inbound messages

10.3. Summary

Chapter 11. Filesystem integration

11.1. Can you be friends with the filesystem?

11.1.1. A file-based collaborative trip diary editor

11.2. Writing files

11.2.1. Configuring the file-writing endpoint

11.2.2. Writing increments from the collaborative editor

11.3. Reading files

11.3.1. A File in Java isn’t a file on your disk

11.3.2. Configuring the file-reading endpoint

11.3.3. From the example: picking up incremental updates

11.4. Handling file-based messages

11.4.1. Transforming files into objects

11.4.2. Common scenarios when dealing with files

11.4.3. Configuring file transformers

11.4.4. Applying incoming changes to the collaborative editor

11.5. Under the hood

11.5.1. FileReadingMessageSource

11.6. Summary

Chapter 12. Spring Integration and web services

12.1. XML web services with Spring WS

12.1.1. Exposing a Spring WS–based inbound gateway

12.1.2. Calling a web service with the outbound gateway

12.1.3. Marshalling support

12.2. Simple HTTP endpoints

12.2.1. Processing HTTP inbound requests

12.2.2. Inbound-only messages using inbound-channel-adapter

12.2.3. Outbound HTTP requests

12.2.4. Outbound channel adapter

12.3. Summary

Chapter 13. Chatting and tweeting

13.1. XMPP

13.1.1. Sending XMPP messages

13.1.2. Receiving XMPP messages

13.1.3. Sending and receiving presence status updates

13.2. Twitter

13.2.1. Receiving messages from a Twitter search

13.2.2. OAuth configuration for the Twitter template

13.2.3. Receiving messages from your Twitter timeline

13.2.4. Sending messages to update your Twitter status

13.2.5. Receiving messages from Twitter retweets, replies, and mentions

13.2.6. Sending and receiving direct messages via Twitter

13.3. Future directions

13.4. Summary

4. Advanced topics

Chapter 14. Monitoring and management

14.1. Message history

14.2. Wire Tap

14.3. JMX support in Spring Integration

14.3.1. Monitoring channels and endpoints with JMX

14.3.2. Integration using JMX adapters

14.4. Control Bus

14.4.1. Spring’s support for management annotations

14.4.2. Using SpEL for control messages

14.4.3. Using Groovy for control messages

14.5. Under the hood

14.6. Summary

Chapter 15. Managing scheduling and concurrency

15.1. Controlling timed events

15.1.1. Pollers and their configuration

15.1.2. Controlling the polling frequency

15.1.3. Scheduling jobs at precise times

15.1.4. Advanced configuration options

15.1.5. Publishing messages according to a schedule

15.2. Managing concurrency

15.2.1. Breaking down the thread

15.2.2. Configuring the infrastructure

15.3. Under the hood

15.3.1. The TaskExecutor API

15.3.2. The TaskScheduler API

15.4. Summary

Chapter 16. Batch applications and enterprise integration

16.1. Introducing batch jobs

16.1.1. Online or batch, that’s the question

16.1.2. Batch processing: what’s it good for?

16.1.3. Batch by example

16.2. Introducing Spring Batch

16.2.1. A batch job in five minutes

16.2.2. Getting the job done

16.3. Integrating Spring Batch and Spring Integration

16.3.1. Launching batch jobs through messages

16.3.2. Providing feedback with informational messages

16.3.3. Externalizing batch process execution

16.4. Summary

Chapter 17. Scaling messaging applications with OSGi

17.1. The OSGi module system

17.1.1. The bundle lifecycle in an OSGi environment

17.2. Accessing the Service Registry through Gemini Blueprint

17.3. Messaging between bundles

17.3.1. Reasons to combine OSGi with messaging

17.3.2. Publish-subscribe messaging between bundles

17.3.3. Point-to-point messaging and sharing the load

17.3.4. Using gateways and service activators to avoid Spring Integration dependencies

17.4. Summary

Chapter 18. Testing

18.1. Matching messages with the Spring Integration testing framework

18.1.1. Unwrapping payloads

18.1.2. Expectations on headers

18.2. Mocking services out of integration tests

18.3. Testing an asynchronous system

18.3.1. Can’t we wait for the message to come out the other end?

18.3.2. Avoiding the wicked ways of debugging

18.3.3. Injecting latches into endpoints

18.3.4. Structuring the configuration to facilitate testing

18.3.5. How do I prove my code thread safe?

18.4. Summary


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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