Syntax Analyzer

What you will learn in this chapter

  • Some basic parsing terms
  • Recursive-descent Parser
  • Top-down parsing
  • Bottom-up parsing
  • Various types of LL(1) grammars and parsers
  • Shift/Reduce and Operator precedence parser
  • LR(0), SLR(1), LR(1) and LALR(1) parsers
  • What are conflict situations in LR parsers?
  • How conflicts are resolved?
  • Compiler writing tools– yacc, bison and ANTLR

Key Words

syntax analysis, parser, RDP, Top-down, Bottom-up, LL(1), LR(0), SLAR(1), LR(1), LALR(1), conflicts, resolution of conflicts, yacc, bison

Parsing is a general term meaning analyzing a sentence to arrive at its syntactic structure. From theoretical viewpoint, lexical analysis is also parsing, only the atoms of the language involved are at finer granularity.

Though a typical programming language contains several context-sensitive rules, e.g. identifier types, goto labels, number of arguments in a function, etc., there is no known parsing algorithm for context-sensitive grammars. We therefore define the programming languages in terms of regular (Chomsky type 3) and context-free (Chomsky type 2) grammars (Appendix A) and use the context-sensitive rules separately while performing the semantic analysis.


Table 4.1 Parsing: Scanner and Parser

Item Scanner Parser
Language atoms Characters Tokens
Structure sought Tokens for identifiers, numbers, operators Statement expressions, control constructs
Usual grammar Regular CFG
Usual acceptor FSM PDA

We shall assume that the reader has some background in formal languages and Automata, but it is strongly suggested that the material given in Appendix A be reviewed. We have defined and explained some of the terms – such as sentential form, phrase, simple phrase and handle – used in the discussion of parsing in Section A.5.2. Also, the definitions of an ambiguous sentence and an ambiguous grammar given there should be referred to.

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