A.5 Context-free Languages, CFG and Push-down Automata

Context-free Languages (CFL) have structures which cannot be specified by regular expressions. Most of the computer programming languages are of this type. The grammar which can specify a CFL is called Context-free Grammar (CFG) and acceptor for such a language is called Push-down Automata (PDA).

A.5.1 Context-free Language

We consider first an example:

Palindrome language PAL over ∑ = {a, b} can be defined as:

  1. λ, a, bPAL
  2. SPAL, aSa, bSbPAL
  3. no other string in PAL unless it can be obtained by applying (1) and (2).

Typical strings in PAL are: a, b, aa, bb, aaa, aba, bab, image,…

We can write the corresponding grammar immediately as:

  1. S → λ | a | b
  2. SaSa | bSb

Note the occurrence of S on the RHS in rule (2), which makes it a recursive production. This is one of the characteristic features of a CFG.

A.5.2 Context-free Grammars

A CFG is a 4-tuple G =< VN , ∑, S, P >, where

VN is a finite set of variables or non-terminals;

∑ is a finite set, alphabet, of finals or Terminals; VN ∑ = Ø;

S is the starting symbol, SVN;

P is a finite set of Production Rules, of the form A → α, where AVN and α ∈ V* = (VN ∪ ∑)*.

We use the symbol image for example image to mean “β is derivable from α” which denotes that a string (a sentential form) β can be derived from α, using a rule of grammar G.

The closure operation image means “β is derivable from a in zero or more steps”.

Note the use of the three words:

String: Any arbitrary string derived from an alphabet;

Sentence: Any string strictly in a specified language, i.e. derivable from staring symbol S, containing only T symbols;

Sentential form: A string of T and NT symbols derivable from the staring symbol S.

We also use the following terms while discussing parsing theory:

Phrase: In a sentential form, σ = Ø1βØ2, β is a phrase If image and image

Simple phrase: If in the above formula, Aβ, then β is a simple phrase.

Handle: Of a sentential form is, it is leftmost simple phrase.

Definition: Let G = < VN , ∑, S, P > be a CFG. The language generated by




A given language L is CFL if there is a grammar CFG G such that L = L(G).

We give here a theorem about CFL, without giving its proof.

Theorem A.5.1 (Union, catenation and closure of CFL) If L1 and L2 are CFL, then so are L1L2, image

Derivation and Ambiguity

Example: Consider a grammar for algebraic expressions, G1: VN = {E}, ∑ = {+, –, *, /, (, ), a}, S = E, and P is given by:

P = {

1. EE + E

2. EE – E

3. EE * E

4. EE/E

5. E → (E)

6. Ea



This is an ambiguous grammar, because there is more than one way in which a sentence can be derived, see Fig. A.13.


Two possible derivation trees for a * a – a


Fig. A.13 Two possible derivation trees for a * aa


To remove this ambiguity, G1 can be rewritten as a non-ambiguous grammar or the ambiguity can be resolved by some other means, such as defining the precedence of the operator symbols.

A normalized or canonical derivation is used to remove even a trivial ambiguity where the resultant derivation tree is the same.

Definition A.5.1 (Leftmost derivation) A leftmost derivation is one in which, at every step of derivation from some initial NT to the final sentence, we always replace the leftmost NT in the sentential form.


We could also similarly define a rightmost derivation which is used in Bottom-up parsing.

Definition A.5.2 (Ambiguous grammar) A CFG G is ambiguous If at least one sentence in L(G) has more than one distinct leftmost derivations.


A well-known example of ambiguity is the nested if-then-else structure.

A non-ambiguous version for image and P is given by:

P = {

1. E → E + T | E – T | T

3. T T * F | T/F | F

3. F → (E) | a



Simplification of Grammar

There are several features in a grammar which make it difficult to deal with:

λ-productions have the form A → λ. If λ ∈ L(G), we cannot remove all such productions, but can ensure that L(G) {λ} can be generated by a λ-less grammar.

Unit productions of the form A → B or even A → A.

Useless NT and productions which are never used in production of any sentence in the language. An NT may be either unreachable – no path from S, or dead-end – no further productions.

Chomsky Normal Form

A grammar given in this form is not only simplified, but has further restrictions on the productions.

A CFG G = < VN , ∑, S, P > is in CNF if every production in P is in one of the forms ABC, or Aa, where A, B, CVN and a ∈ ∑.

Greibach Normal Form

A grammar given in this form is useful for constructing parsers.

A CFG G = < VN , ∑, S, P > is in GNF if every production in P is of the forms A → α, where α can be represented by an RE ∑VN*, i.e. each RHS starts with a T symbol followed by zero or more NTs.

To convert a CFG to GNF, we must remove any left-recursive rules of the form AAα.

A.5.3 Push-down Automata

Finite-state machines are limited in ability due to their limited “memory”, which is in the form of the states of the FSM. As we have finite and fixed number of states in any particular FSM, it cannot recognize certain kinds of languages.

If we add a separate, possibly arbitrary size, memory to an FSM, then can we make the machine more powerful? The FSM would then keep track of only the overall situation and details of the input string, sentential forms, etc. be held in that memory. PDA is such a machine, with a push-down stack (a LIFO) as the memory (see Fig. A.14).


A push-down automaton. FSM part in heavy lines


Fig. A.14 A push-down automaton. FSM part in heavy lines


Each action of a PDA depends upon the current state of the FSM controller, the next input symbol and top-of-stack symbol (TOS). The actions are:

  1. Decide the next state of FSM and take a transition to that state;
  2. Replace the TOS with one or more symbols, including λ, which means effectively pop-off TOS.

Definition A.5.3 (PDA) A PDA is a 7-tuple, M = < Q, ∑, Γ, q0, Z0, δ, F > where

Qset of states in FSM part;

∑ – input alphabet;

Γ – alphabet on the stack;

q0 – the starting state of FSM;

Z0the initial symbol on the stack;

δ – transition function: Q×∑×Γ→ Q × Γ*;

Fset of acceptance or final states of FSM.

If it is a non-deterministic PDA (NPDA), then δ: Q × ∑ × Γ → finite subsets of (Q × Γ*).

While showing the contents of the stack, it is helpful if it is shown horizontally as image

Definition A.5.4 (PDA configuration) A configuration of PDA, written as (q, x, α), where qQ is the current state of FSM, x ∈ ∑* unread portion of the input and α ∈ Γ* is current stack contents.

We say that some configuration (p, ay, Xβ) derives some other configuration (q, y, γβ), written as


{p,ay,X β)⊢M{q,y, γβ)


if δ contains the pair (q, γ).

We can extend this definition for k steps by writing image and similarly, image defines a derivation in zero or more steps.

A PDA can accept a string in two ways:

Definition A.5.5 (Acceptance by final state) For a PDA defined as a 7-tuple as above, then a string x ∈ ∑ * is accepted by final state If image for some α ∈ ∑* and qfF.

Definition A.5.6 (Acceptance by empty stack) A string x ∈ ∑* is accepted by empty stack If imageimage for some qQ.

The corresponding languages are denoted by Lf(M) and Le(M).

Theorem A.5.2 The two types of acceptances are equivalent, i.e. they recognize the same language.


Consider the language L = {xcREV (x) | x ∈ {a, b}*}. Here, ∑ = {a, b, c, ∇},Γ= {a, b, Z0}, Q = {q0, q1, q2}, q0 is the starting state, F = {q2}. Note that symbol ∇ is used to denote end of string marker.

The transition function δ is shown in Table A.5.


Table A.5 Transition function of an example PDA


Transition function of an example PDA


For an input string “abcba”, the operation of the machine is shown Table A.6.


Table A.6 Operation of example PDA


Operation of example PDA


Theorem A.5.3 For every CFG G, there is a PDA recognizing the language L(G).

Theorem A.5.4 For every PDA M, there is a CFG G, generating a language L(G), such that M recognizes the language L(G).

A.5.4 Pumping Lemma for Context-free Languages

The pumping lemma for class CFL is derived from the corresponding grammar. Consider the grammar image used as an example in Section A.5.2. If we derive a string “a * (a + a) in this grammar, the derivation tree will be as shown in Fig. A.15.


A derivation for string “a * (a + a)”


Fig. A.15 A derivation for string “a * (a + a)”


This derivation tree can be broken down into three “jig-saw pieces” as shown in Fig. A.16.


The three “jig-saw” pieces which make up string a * (a + a)


Fig. A.16 The three “jig-saw” pieces which make up string a * (a + a)


The pieces are named as A, B and C and represent portions of the given string and the NT from which that portion is derived. The label at the top of a piece shows the “socket” where the piece can be plugged-in. For example, piece B can be plugged-in at a socket labelled F. So can piece C also. Some of the ways in which we can plug the pieces is shown in Fig. A.17.


Some of the combinations of the three jig-saw pieces; first generates string a * a, second a * (a + a) and third a * ((a + a) + a)


Fig. A.17 Some of the combinations of the three jig-saw pieces; first generates string a * a, second a * (a + a) and third a * ((a + a) + a)


This idea is the basis of the pumping lemma for a CFG. It will be easier if the grammar is in CNF.

Theorem A.5.5 (Pumping Lemma – 1st form) Let G = < VN, ∑, S, P > be a CFG expressed in CNF, with a total of n NTs. If uL(G), | u | ≥ 2n+1, then u may be written as: u = vwxyz, for some v, w, x, y and z, satisfying | wy | > 0, | wxy | ≤ 2n+1 and this further implies thatm > 0, vwmxymzL(G).

See Fig. A.18, in which the shaded portion – piece B – can be iterated 0 or more times.


Five substrings involved in pumping lemma


Fig. A.18 Five substrings involved in pumping lemma


Theorem A.5.6 (Pumping Lemma – 2nd form) Here we remove the requirement that the grammar should be given as CNF. Let L be a CFL. There is an integer N such that for any uL, | u |N, there are strings v, w, x, y and z satisfying | wy | > 0, | wxy | ≤ N and further,∀ m ≤ 0, vwmxymzL.


Show that the language L = {xayb | x, y ∈ {a, b}* and | x | = | y |} is CFL by using pumping lemma.

Select v = null, w = {a, b}, x = a, y = {a, b} and z = b. Then it is easy to see that the lemma is satisfied and thus L is CFL.


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