Creating timers upon application deployment

Sometimes it is useful to create a timer as soon as the application is deployed. Many applications have actions that need to occur on a regular basis. Creating timers for these actions at application start up is a convenient way of addressing this need.

One way to achieve this is to use a singleton EJB. Here we will programmatically create a timer that generates a JVM memory report after the application has been deployed.

Getting ready

The steps to achieve the creation of timers in this fashion include:

  1. Creating a singleton session bean using the @Startup annotation
  2. Marking a method with the @PostConstruct annotation
  3. Creating timers from this method

    We will create a singleton EJB and then use the @PostConstruct annotation with a method which creates the timer. In this method, we will also create an instance of the SystemReportManager so we can get ready access to the report.

How to do it...

Create a singleton EJB called ReportsSingleton. Details on how singletons work is found in the Singleton session bean and Using multiple singleton beans recipes of Chapter 2, Session Beans. Use the @Startup annotation to request immediate instantiation of the EJB when the application is loaded.

public class ReportsSingleton {

First, set up three instance variables for the application:

  • timerService Use resource injection to create an instance of the TimerService
  • duration A long value set to 1000 milliseconds specifying the delay before the report is generated
  • systemReportManager Use dependency injection to create an instance of the SystemReportManager
    TimerService timerService;
    long duration = 1000;
    SystemReportManager systemReportManager;

Create a method called initialization which returns void and is passed void. Add the @PostConstruct annotation to the method. In the method, add a println method to show the method is executing. Next, use the createSingleActionTimer method to create a timer.

public void initialization() {
System.out.println("ReportsSingleton initialization");
timerService.createSingleActionTimer(duration, new TimerConfig());

The last step is to create the @Timeout method. Name the method, timeout, and use the getMemoryReport to display the memory used.

public void timeout(Timer timer) {
System.out.println("timeout occurred");
" + systemReportManager.getMemoryReport());

Deploy the application. The output should appear similar to the following:

INFO: ReportsSingleton initialization

INFO: Loading application ReportsApplication#ReportsApplication-war.war at ReportsApplication-war

INFO: ReportsApplication was successfully deployed in 420 milliseconds.

INFO: timeout occurred

INFO: Total Memory: 235073536

Maximum Memory: 518979584

Free Memory: 91557120

How it works...

Annotating the singleton with the @Startup annotation resulted in the creation of the singleton when the application was deployed. The @PostConstruct annotated method, initialization, was executed after the singleton was created. Within this method we created a new timer event that executed one second later. The timeout method was executed at that time.

See also

The use of the createSingleActionTimer method and @Timeout annotation is explained in more detail in the Creating and using programmatic timers recipe.

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