Accessing the EJB container

An EJB will always reside inside of an EJB. Normally, this container is part of the server. There are times when it is desirable for the EJB to gain access to this container. This access is provided through an instance of the EJBContext interface, which represents the container holding the current bean. The object provides methods to access various aspects of the container including:

  • Security issues
  • Transactions
  • Access to the timer service of the bean
  • References to objects available in the JNDI registry
  • An object allowing the methods of the bean to be invoked

In this recipe we will obtain a SessionContext object for the Salutation EJB developed in the Creating a Simple Session Bean recipe.

How to do it...

The Salutation bean developed in the first recipe will be modified. First, we start to modify the bean by adding a SessionContext object. The easiest way of obtaining a SessionContext object is to use dependency injection. In order to inject a SessionContext object we will need to use the @Resource annotation. Both the annotation and the SessionContext declaration require imports.

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;

Next we add the @Resource annotation and declare our SessionContext variable context as a field of the class.

public class Salutation {
private SessionContext context;

Next, create a getContextInformation method returning a string. We can use the StringBuilder class to build a string containing context information. There are several SessionContext methods available. The result of these methods is appended to contextInformation variable.

public String getContextInformation() {
StringBuilder contextInformation = new StringBuilder();
contextInformation.append(context.toString() + "<br/>");
try {
contextInformation.append( context.getInvokedBusinessInterface().toString() + "<br/>");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
return contextInformation.toString();

The simplest way to demonstrate the use of the method is to modify the SalutationServlet. Add the getContextInformation method call after the statement where the getFormalGreeting method is used.

out.println("<h1>" + salutation.getFormalSalutation("Sherlock Holmes") + "</h1>");
out.println("<h2>" + salutation.getContextInformation() + "</h2>");

Execute the servlet using the URL http://localhost:8080/SalutationApplication-war/SalutationServlet as illustrated in the following screenshot:

How to do it...

How it works...

The stateless session bean, as we used it, limits the amount of useful context information available. In the example, we only displayed a string to represent the SessionContext object and the business interface used by the client, neither of which are terribly exciting. Since the Salutation EJB used a no-interface view, we get back the class name. An EJB not implementing an interface is said to have a no-interface view.

There's more...

The EJBContext is the super class for SessionContext. It possesses methods common to the three sub-interfaces of the EBJContext interface:

  • SessionContext for Session Beans
  • MessageDrivenContext for MDB
  • EntityContext for an Entity

Always choose the corresponding context interface for the EJB or entity in use. The EJBContext can be obtained using either dependency inject or JNDI. We have already seen how dependency injection can be used. If we need to use JNDI instead, we need to follow the standard JNDI look up process:

  1. Establish an initial context
  2. Use the lookup method to locate the object
  3. Use the methods of the object
    public String getContextInformationJNDI() {
    SessionContext sctxLookup;
    try {
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    sctxLookup = (SessionContext) ic.lookup("java:comp/EJBContext");
    } catch (NamingException ex) {
    return "NamingException: " + ex.toString();
    return sctxLookup.toString() + "<br/>" +
    sctxLookup.getInvokedBusinessInterface().toString() + "<br/>";

    Notice the structure of the JNDI look up string, java:comp/EJBContext. It is different from the previous JNDI names we have seen. The java:comp prefix is used to allow applications to expose their components. In this case, it specifies the standard name for a SessionContext.

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