Accessing the session bean using JNDI

JNDI can also be used to access an EJB but using this technique is not as easy as DI. The Salutation EJB from the first recipe and the servlet from the second recipe are used to illustrate this technique.

Getting ready

To use JNDI in a client:

  1. Obtain an InitialContext object
  2. Use the context to look up the EJB

    Familiarize yourself with the Salutation session bean and its two methods as developed in the Creating a Simple Session EJB recipe. We will also modify the SalutationServlet from the second recipe to use JNDI instead of DI.

How to do it...

A portable JNDI name syntax has been added to EJB 3.1. We will use this syntax as it makes the use of JNDI less dependent on the deployment server.

The modification of the SalutationServlet involves removing the @EJB annotation and adding code to perform the JNDI look up. This code is placed immediately before the servlet's try block.

Context context = null;
try {
context = new InitialContext();
salutation = (Salutation) context.lookup( "java:global/SalutationApplication/ SalutationApplication-ejb/Salutation");
} catch (Exception e) {

How it works...

In order to initialize and assign an instance of the bean to the salutation variable, the bean needed to be looked up using an object implementing the Context interface. The Context interface provided the information necessary to locate the server and to create a reference to a Salutation object. First, we needed to create an InitialContext object. This class implemented the Context interface. Exceptions resulting from the creation of the InitialContext object and the subsequent lookup method were caught.

Once the Context has been established, the Context object's lookup method was invoked and a reference to the Salutation EJB was provided. The lookup method used a portable JNDI name to identify the EJB. In this case, a global name was used.

The syntax starts with one of three different prefixes. In this example the prefix was java:global specifying a global name. Following the prefix is a series of names separated by forward slashes. The first name was the name of the application, SalutationApplication. The second name was the name of the JAR file where the bean is held, SalutationApplication-ejb. The name of the bean was the last name. Names are automatically generated for EJBs.

Prior to EJB 3.1, a JNDI name was server-specific and limited the portability of EJBS. With EJB 3.1 this problem goes away and we can create more portable and maintainable applications.

There's more...

There are two features of JNDI needing further scrutiny.

  • Portable JNDI naming syntax
  • EJBS supporting multiple interfaces

Portable JNDI naming syntax

JNDI is used to look up resources such as session beans within an application and across the network. A JNDI server allows resources to be registered and then clients can look up and use these resources. Each EJB is automatically assigned a unique name by the server though it is possible to assign a specific name if desired. This name is then combined with one of three JNDI namespace prefixes to form a complete portable JNDI name.

The following table details the string prefixes and implications.

String prefix

Visibility of the resulting name


A globally accessible name


Can only be seen by code in the same application


Can only be seen by code in the same module

A Java EE application is organized around a series of JAR files. An EJB may be packaged in either an application-ejb.jar or an application-war.war file. The application-ejb.jar can also be packaged within the application.ear file.

Let's look at the syntax for portable global session beans in more detail.


There are three sections that follow the java:global prefix:

  • <app-name>—This name is optional and is only used if the bean is packaged in an .ear file. The<app-name> is the name of the .ear file minus the file extension. The<app-name> can also be specified in the application.xml file.
  • <module-name>—This is the name of the ejb-jar file or the .war file containing the bean excluding its extension. An explicit name can be specified for the<module-name> using either the ejb-jar.xml or web.xml files.
  • <bean-name>—This is the name of the bean. As mentioned earlier, this name is automatically generated but can be given an alias.

The JNDI name used is dependent on the location of the client in relationship to the EJB module. For example, the module namespace can be used for looking up names within the same module.


The application namespace can be used for looking up names within the same application.


Using more than one namespace can make our code more stable and less susceptible to breaking when code changes. For example, we could use a global namespace for a client and a bean within the same module.


If the client and bean are moved into a different module then this lookup will fail. However, if we had used the module namespace, the lookup would not fail.


EJBs supporting multiple interfaces

Each of the JNDI names may be terminated with [/interface-name] and are only required if the EJB implements more than one business interface. For example, a session bean may implement a local interface and a remote interface.

public class Salutation implements
SalutationRemoteInterface {

Either of these two names could then be used:

java:global[/<app-name>]/<module-name>/Salutation/ SalutationLocalInterface
java:global[/<app-name>]/<module-name>/Salutation/ SalutationRemoteInterface
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