Populating the Patient and Medication tables

In this recipe, we will learn how to create and populate the Patient and a Medication table. These tables will be used for the other recipes in this chapter. This approach means you do not have to import or otherwise use an existing database. The process of creating these tables is facilitated through several helper methods. Upon completion of this recipe, you will have the base for learning how to use JPQL as illustrated in the remaining recipes.

Getting ready

The process of creating this application consists of:

  1. Creating five classes
    • Patient An entity representing a patient
    • Medication An entity representing the medications used by a patient
    • AbstractFacade A base class used by the next two classes
    • PatientFacade A facade class for the Patient entity
    • MedicationFacade A facade class for the Medication entity
  2. Creating a servlet to populate and demonstrate the use of JPQL

    We will start with the description of a patient and a medication entity. The facade classes are then defined and a servlet will be created to actually use the facade classes to populate the tables.

    The Patient class represents a patient with several attributes:

    • id A long integer automatically generated
    • firstName A simple string
    • lastName A simple string
    • sex A character
    • dateOfBirth An instance of the java.util.Date class
    • medications A collection of medication for the patient

    The Medication class represents a medication with several attributes:

    • name The name of the drug
    • type The type of the drug
    • dosage The dosage level
    • frequency The frequency the medication is taken
    • patient A reference to the patient using this medication

How to do it...

Create a new Java EE application called PatientApplication. Add a package called packt to the EJB module and a package called servlet to the WAR module.

We will create two entity classes that deal with patients and their medications; Patient and Medication. A patient can have zero or more medications. This relationship between the entities is called a One-To-Many relationship.

Create the Patient entity in the package packt. The creation of an entity is detailed in the Chapter 4, Creating an entity recipe. We will augment this entity with the @Table annotation to associate the entity with the table PATIENT. Add fields for the patient attributes listed previously along with getter and setter methods. The fields are annotated with @Column which specifies the field name for the corresponding table. In addition, we will need constructors and two methods: addMedication and removeMedication which associates a medication with a patient. Until the Medication class is added, these methods will result in a syntax error.

public class Patient implements Serializable {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private char sex;
private Date dateOfBirth;
private Collection<Medication> medications;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
public Patient() {
public Patient(String firstName, String lastName, char sex, Date dob) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.sex = sex;
this.dateOfBirth = dob;
public void addMedication(Medication medication) {
public Medication removeMedication(Medication medication) {
return medication;

Next, add the Medication entity to the packt package. Use the @Table annotation to associate this entity with the MEDICATION table. Add getter and setter methods to the class for the fields listed earlier. Also add a default and four argument constructor to facilitate the construction of a Medication instance.

@Table(name = "MEDICATION")
public class Medication implements Serializable {
private Patient patient;
@Column(name = "NAME")
private String name;
@Column(name = "TYPE")
private String type;
@Column(name = "DOSAGE")
private int dosage;
@Column(name = "FREQUENCY")
private int frequency;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
public Medication() {
public Medication(String medication, String type, int dosage, int frequency) {
this.patientId = patientId;
this.name = medication;
this.type = type;
this.dosage = dosage;
this.frequency = frequency;
public Patient getPatient() {
return patient;
public void setPatient(Patient patient) {
this.patient = patient;

Create and add an AbstractFacade class to the packt package as detailed in the previous chapter. Also add a PatientFacade and a MedicationFacade class to persist the entities as discussed in Chapter 4, Creating an entity facade recipe. We will later add methods to these classes to illustrate the use of JPQL and the Criteria API.

The last class we need to create is the PatientServlet which we will add to the servlet package. Here, only the first part of the servlet is shown. The basic servlet class is discussed in Chapter 1, Accessing a session bean using dependency injection recipe. Note the declaration and injection of the entity class and their facade class variables. These will be used later to illustrate the use of JPQL.

public class PatientServlet extends HttpServlet {
private Patient patient;
private PatientFacade patientFacade;
private Medication medication;
private MedicationFacade medicationFacade;
// Helper methods
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
try {
// Populate the tables
} finally {

Our main task here is to populate the PATIENT and MEDICATION tables. To assist in this process create two methods: createPatient and createMedication, and add them after the helper methods comment. Also, add a method called populateTables to actually add entries to these tables.

// Helper methods
private Patient createPatient(String firstName, String lastName, char sex, int year, int month, int day) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(year, month, day);
patient = new Patient(firstName, lastName, sex, calendar.getTime());
return patient;
private Medication createMedication(String name, String type, int dosage, int frequency) {
Medication medication;
medication = new Medication(name, type, dosage, frequency);
return medication;
private void populateTables() {
patient = createPatient("Donald", "Baker", 'M', 1976, 3, 13);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Accupril", "ACE", 10, 1));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Cleocin", "Anti-Bacterial", 2, 2));
patient = createPatient("Jennifer", "Campbell", 'F', 1982, 5, 23);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Urex", "Anti-Bacterial", 5, 2));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Lasix", "Diuretic", 12, 1));
patient = createPatient("Steven", "Young", 'M', 1965, 6, 12);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Vasitec", "ACE", 10, 2));
patient = createPatient("George", "Thompson", 'M', 1957, 12, 2);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Altace", "ACE", 25, 1));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Amoxil", "Anti-Bacterial", 10, 4));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Mycelex", "Anti-Fungal", 12, 2));
patient = createPatient("Sandra", "Taylor", 'F', 1998, 1, 23);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Accupril", "ACE", 10, 1));
patient = createPatient("Maria", "Green", 'F', 1978, 7, 21);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Altace", "ACE", 25, 1));
patient = createPatient("Sarah", "Walker", 'F', 1980, 10, 10);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Accupril", "ACE", 10, 1));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Ilosone", "Anti-Bacterial", 5, 2));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Terazol", "Anti-Fungal", 20, 1));
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Aldactone", "Diuretic", 5, 3));
patient = createPatient("Kevin", "Hall", 'M', 2005, 4, 2);
patient = createPatient("Carol", "Harris", 'F', 1958, 8, 11);
patient.addMedication(createMedication("Zyvox", "Anti-Bacterial", 10, 3));

When the servlet is executed the tables should be created and populated.

In this recipe we set up the foundation for the other recipes in this chapter. While we now have populated these tables, it would be nice if we could examine and verify that our code works as expected. We will delay this activity until the Using the Select query recipe.

How it works...

Let's examine the Patient class first. Notice the use of the @OneToMany annotation. One patient entity may possess zero or more medications. The mappedBy attribute indicates a bi-directional relationship. This means we can use JPQL or the Criteria API to navigate in either direction.

Getter and setter methods are easy to add to a class. Most IDEs provide some mechanism to quickly generate and insert these methods based on the existing class fields. For example, from NetBeans right-clicking on the source code and selecting the insert code menu allows you to use a Getter option that presents a set of options for generating these types of methods.

The dateOfBirth field was declared as a Date. Either the java.util.Date or the java.sql.Date class could have been used. The java.util.Date stores a date as a long value representing the time elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 Greenwich Mean Time. The java.sql.Date class extends the java.util.Date class and is used where a JDBC SQL DATE value is used. The use of time is covered in more detail in Chapter 12, Using time within an EJB recipe.

In the Medication entity notice the use of the @ManyToOne annotation. It was used to create a bi-directional connection between the Patient and Medication entities. It allowed us to determine which patient uses which medication.

In the servlet, the createPatient and createMedication methods used their arguments as parameters to their respective constructors. The createPatient method also used a Calendar instance to convert the date information into a form assignable to the Patient's dateOfBirth field.

The populateTables method used these helper methods to populate the database. This simple, but lengthy method added a series of patients each with zero or more medications.

There's more...

Throughout this chapter we will create and use queries to illustrate the various techniques available. Some of these queries will retrieve information from a table while others may delete and modify the contents of a table. In order to insure consistent and predictable behavior, it is best if the tables always start with the same initial contents. We can insure this by removing and then restoring the contents of the tables each time the PatientServlet executes. By using the following code we can make this possible. The findAll method is part of the facade classes and returns a list of all of the entities in that table. Add the following code sequence before the call to the populateTables method.

// Remove all medications from the database
List<Patient> patientList = patientFacade.findAll();
for (Patient patient : patientList) {
// Remove all medications from the database
List<Medication> medicationList = medicationFacade.findAll();
for (Medication medication : medicationList) {
// Populate the tables

See also

The remainder of the recipes in this chapter builds upon this recipe. The next recipe develops a JPQL query to display the contents of our tables.

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