Chapter 7. EJB Security

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Creating the SecurityApplication
  • Configuring the server to handle security
  • Understanding and declaring roles
  • Controlling security using declarations
  • Propagating identity
  • Controlling security programmatically


Security is an important aspect of many applications. Central to EJB security is the control of access to classes and methods. There are two approaches to controlling access to EJBs. The first, and the simplest, is through the use of declarative annotations to specify the types of access permitted. The second approach is to use code to control access to the business methods of an EJB. This second approach should not be used unless the declarative approach does not meet the needs of the application. For example, access to a method may be denied during certain times of the day or during certain maintenance periods. Declarative security is not able to handle these types of situations.

In order to incorporate security into an application, it is necessary to understand the Java EE environment and its terminology. The administration of security for the underlying operating system is different from that provided by the EE server. The EE server is concerned with realms, users and groups. The application is largely concerned with roles. The roles need to be mapped to users and groups of a realm for the application to function properly.

A realm is a domain for a server that incorporates security policies. It possesses a set of users and groups which are considered valid users of an application. A user typically corresponds to an individual while a group is a collection of individuals. Group members frequently share a common set of responsibilities. A Java EE server may manage multiple realms.

An application is concerned with roles. Access to EJBs and their methods is determined by the role of a user. Roles are defined in such a manner as to provide a logical way of deciding which users/groups can access which methods. For example, a management type role may have the capability to approve a travel voucher whereas an employee role should not have that capability. By assigning certain users to a role and then specifying which roles can access which methods, we are able to control access to EJBs.

The use of groups makes the process of assigning roles easier. Instead of having to map each individual to a role, the user is assigned to a group and the group is mapped to a role. The business code does not have to check every individual. The Java EE server manages the assignment of users to groups. The application needs only be concerned with controlling a group's access.

A group is a server level concept. Roles are application level. One group can be associated with multiple applications. For example, a student group may use a student club and student registration application while a faculty group might also use the registration application but with more capability.

A role is simply a name for a set of capabilities. For example, an auditor role may be to review and certify a set of accounts. This role would require read access to many, if not all, of the accounts. However, modification privileges may be restricted. Each application has its own set of roles which have been defined to meet the security needs of the application.

The EE server manages realms consisting of users, groups, and resources. The server will authenticate users using Java's underlying security features. The user is then referred to as a principal and has a credential containing the user's security attributes. During the deployment of an application, users and groups are mapped to roles of the application using a deployment descriptor. The configuration of the deployment descriptor is normally the responsibility of the application deployer. During the execution of the application, the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) API authenticates a user and creates a principal representing the user. The principal is then passed to an EJB.

Security in a Java EE environment can be viewed from different perspectives. When information is passed between clients and servers, transport level security comes into play. Security at this level can include Secure HTTP (HTTPS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Messages can be sent across a network in the form of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages. These messages can be encrypted. The EE container for EJBs provides application level security which is the focus of the chapter. Most servers provide unified security support between the web container and the EJB container. For example, calls from a servlet in a web container to an EJB are handled automatically resulting in a flexible security mechanism.

Most of the recipes presented in this chapter are interrelated. If your intention is to try out the code examples, then make sure you cover the first two recipes as they provide the framework for the execution of the other recipes. In the first recipe, Creating the SecurityApplication, we create the foundation application for the remaining recipes. In the second recipe, Configuring the server to handle security, the basic steps needed to configure security for an application are presented.

The use of declarative security is covered in the Controlling security using declarations recipe while programmatic security is discussed in the Controlling security programmatically recipe. The Understanding and declaring roles recipe examines roles in more detail and the Propagating identity recipe talks about how the identity of a user is managed in an application.

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