

Acceptors, 71

ACs, see see Alternating currents (ACs)

ADC, see see Analog to-digital converter (ADC)

Agarwal method of linearization, 297, 342

AI, see see Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Air gap

cup-type rotor, 315

demagnetization action, 68

electromagnetic field power flux in, 161163

endwindings in permeable wall, 263

influence, 259261

real and ideal, 278

Alnico, 46, 48, 415

Alternating currents (ACs), 12

electromagnetic screens, 217

hysteresis loop, 44

mirror image coefficients, 248250

nonmagnetic metal mass, 404

proximity effect, 323

quasi-permeability, 64

solid steel elements, 475

Aluminum, 12, 20, 21

conductivity, 15

electromagnetic screens, 200

humid contact, 21, 22

properties, 22

recrystallization, 14

thick screens, 182

wavelength and equivalent depth, 134

Amorphous strips, 40, 44, 52, 53

Ampere-turns, 171, 314

ASM, 434

division of transformer, 371

Ampere-turns shifting method (ASM), 434

Ampere’s law, 80, 234, 395, 447

Analog to-digital converter (ADC), 481

Analytical-numerical methods (ANM), 98, 370

classical and modern, 403

power transformer steel parts, 376

single-phase turrets, 433, 434

stray losses calculation, 375

Analytical methods, electric machine, 277288

Analytical prolongation method, 269271

Epstein iron loss measurement, 451, 454

FDM, 98, 281, 443

FEM, 98

Fourier, 98, 269

interactive design, 99, 203, 205, 288

MEB, 98, 437, 443

MFN, 98

mirror images, 244, 276

powder figures, 37

RNM-3D, 98, 203, 205, 206

RNM, 98, 271273

Rogowski, 195, 270

Roth, 270, 356, 403

wave for screen calculation, 175, 273

Anisotropic media, 99103; see see also Nonlinear media

Anisotropic transformer sheets, 65

metallic glass amorphous strips, 48

per-unit iron losses plots, 47

symmetric hysteresis loops, 45


constant, 66

of crystals, 10

magnetic, 9, 39, 57, 6466

ANM, see see Analytical-numerical methods (ANM)

Annealing design, 14, 20, 44, 425

“Anomaly” of eddy currents, 226

Antiferromagnetism, 34, 36


of magnetization characteristics, 331335

of magnetization curve, 49, 420, 448

of recalculated characteristics, 335337

Artificial Intelligence (AI), 4, 272

ASM, see see Ampere-turns shifting method (ASM)

Atom of iron, 34, 35

Atomic bonds, 70, 71

Atomic structure of metals, 59

Austenite, 56

Auxiliary functions, 90

electric and magnetic scalar potentials, 9091

electric vector potential, 95

Hertz vector, 9596

magnetic vector and scalar potential, 9195

Maxwell’s stress tensor, 9697

Azimuthal quantum number, 6, 7, 34


Band, 10

energy, 10

forbidden, 70

semiconductor, 71

Bar field, 264

flux density distribution, 266

magnetic field, 265, 267

Bar of steel, 360, 425

Barkhausen’s effect, 38, 39

Bars and conductor wires

busbar screen connections, 237

coefficient of reflexive interaction, 230

conformal mapping method, 233

connected screens, 235, 236

cylindrical screen, 229

design programs, 224

Eddy currents, 220

electromagnetic screens, 220

in generator unit systems, 231

geometric dependences, 234

Hankel’s functions, 221

isolated screens, 233

magnetic field, 232, 233

power losses in screen, 225228

proximity effect, 232

relative current densities, 235

screen damping, 231

screening of, 219

Thomson’s functions, 222, 223

BEM, see see Boundary element method (BEM)

Bessel function, 275

equations, 123

Biot–Savart law, 80, 81

Blackout, 351, 352, 369

Bloch walls, 37

Bohr magneton, 35

Boltzmann constant, 15

Boltzmann transport equation (BTE), 115

Boundary element method (BEM), 437

Boundary layers, see see Bloch walls

Bridge systems

high-voltage, 472

with mutual inductance, 471

power and induction impedances, 470

power factor, 473

Turowski’s compensation wattmeter, 470

BTE, see see Boltzmann transport equation (BTE)

Bus-bars, 56, 425, 431

Bushing field, 261

current permitted, 431434

currents dynamic mirror image, 261262

field on cover surface, 262264

Bushing turrets, 432


CAD, see see Computer-aided design (CAD)

CAE system, see see Computer-aided engineering system (CAE system)

CAM system, see see Computer-aided manufacturing system (CAM system)

Carlit layer, 65

Carter’s coefficient, 277, 315

Catalogue machines, 236, 477

Characteristic of magnetization, 27

demagnetization, 46, 332, 337, 354

Chemical diffusion processes, 104, 107

Closed screens, 165

Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), 18, 20

Cold-rolled transformer sheets, 65, 66

Collision resistivity, see see Phonon resistivity

Commutation magnetization curve, 44

Compensation wattmeter, 467, 468, 470

Competitiveness, 2

Complex permeability, 62

Complex permeability, equivalent, 63

Computer-aided design (CAD), 3

Computer-aided digital measurement methods, 481

Computer-aided engineering system (CAE system), 3

Computer-aided manufacturing system (CAM system), 3

Computer method, 346349

Concentric cable, power flux in, 156, 157

Concurrent engineering, 4

Conduction band, 10


equation, 86

of metals, 10, 17, 428


cryoconductive, 30

field, 281287

Conformal mapping method, 233

Constructional materials, 4

atomic structure, 5

crystal structure of metals, 9

electrical conductivity and resistivity, 10

example, 7375

hall effect and magnetoresistivity, 22

influence of ingredients on resistivity, 13

ionization, 9

mechanical properties, 18

metals, structure and physical properties, 4, 5

resistivity at higher temperatures, 14

semiconductors and dielectrics, 6973

superconductivity, 2431

thermal properties, 17

thermoelectricity, 15

Contributed resistance, 320


electrical, thermal, and chemical properties, 18

pairs, 2425

properties, 26, 27

Cost effectiveness of abandoning, 440441

Cost of risk (CR), 439

Coulomb forces, 107

Cover plate

heating, 421, 430

with nonmagnetic slits inserts, 302305

CR, see see Cost of risk (CR)

Critical distance of tank wall, 483, 488

Cryogenic liquids, 28

Crystal structure of metals, 910

CTE, see see Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)

Cup-type rotor, 315317

Curie motor, 54

permanent magnets, 57, 73, 414, 416

point, 5, 54, 5556

temperature, 54

Curie point, 54, 5556

Cylindrical conductor skin effect coefficient, 321

Cylindrical coordinate systems, 121123


d’Alambert’s equation, 92

DC, see see Direct current (DC)

DC field theory to AC application, 247

AC mirror image coefficients, 248250

experimental verification, 248

quasi-permeability, 247

Dead phase, 327

Debye temperature, 12

Deep-slot induction machine

rectangular slot, 273275

trapezoidal and bulb slots, 275277

de l’Hospitale rule, 364

Demagnetization, 54

coefficient, 67, 6869

factor, 68

Diamagnetic bodies, 34

Dielectrics, 69, 70, 71, 72

Differential permeability, 61

Diffusion, 78, 109

Dipole, 261

Direct current (DC), 24, 476

impedance, 320

loops of, 256

mirror images, 254258

Dirichlet, 88

Domains, 36

complementary, 443

curie point, 54

ferromagnetic materials, 36, 37

Donors, 71

Dopants, 71, 72

Doping-based conductivity, 71

Double-layer conductor, 237

Double Fourier’s series, 270, 358

Drude’s model of conductivity, 11

Dynamic images, 248

Dynamic permeability, see see Differential permeability


Eddy currents, 305308

anomalies, 50

flow, 371

linear density, 329

losses, 295296

methods, 482

Effective complex permeability, see see Complex permeability, equivalent

Electrical steel, 289

eddy-current losses, 295296

flux expulsion coefficient, 290293

hysteresis losses, 293295

insulation coefficient, 289290

reactive power consumption, 296298

Electric charge images method, 246

Electric field intensity measurement, 477479; see see also Magnetic field intensity measurement

Electric machines

analytical methods, 277288

commutator bars of, 20

field in gap, 277

graphical-numerical methods, 278279

manganic steels, 56

mmf determination, 279281

rotational remagnetization, 53

vector potential T, 95

Electric scalar potentials, 9091

Electric vector potential, 95

Electrodynamic systems, forces in, 395

on bus bars, 403404

calculation of, 395

circumferential flux density, 409

conductor surfaces, 404405

course of flux density lines, 405

Euler–Lagrange equations, 397

examples, 411

field and forces calculation, 406

flux density in slot, 410

forces in slot, 407

Hamilton’s Principle equations, 397

iron saturation influence, 408

magnetic coenergy, 396, 397

Maxwell’s stress tensor, 398

nonlinear 2-D FEM model, 409

parallel conductors, 400403

ponderomotive forces, 399

reluctance forces and torques, 412416

slotted part of windings, 405

virtual work, 396


criteria, 493495

of electrochemical systems, 115117

heterogeneous media, 114

laws, 395, 396

of semiconductor devices, 114115

similarity, 442448

superconductors, 112114

technical, 90, 97

Electroflow field, 84

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 115

Electromagnetic field

anisotropic media, 99103

electromagnetism, 7784

field differential equations solution, 8497

MHD and magnetogasdynamics, 106112

plane wave, 123, 124125

reflection and refraction, 141145

Electromagnetic field power flux, 161

capacitive load, 162

example, 163164

ideal inductive load, 162, 163

motion in synchronous machine, 162

Electromagnetic screens, 165; see see also Magnetic screens

current density distribution, 180

eddy-current reaction, 176

field and current density distribution, 184

internal reflections, 183

magnetic field distribution, 178

magnetic field strength, 177

penetrable double-sided screens, 182

penetrable screen, 175

reflection of, 179

thick screens, 182

thin screens, 179181

wave method, 174175

Electromagnetic tail, 111

Electromagnetism, 77

Biot–Savart law, 81

Faraday’s formulation, 81

Gauss’ Law, 8283

Green’s Theorem, 83

Maxwell’s equations, 7778

Ohm’s law, 7880

Stokes’ theorem, 80

Electromotive force (EMF), 158, 279, 482

Electron-dominated n-type semiconductor, 71, 72

electron-volts (eV), 9

Electron conductivity, 10

intrinsic conductivity, 71

of semiconductor, 70

Electron gas, 9

metal conductors, 17

permeability, 62

valence electrons, 11

Electron mobility, 23, 71

Electron octet, 70

Electron thermoemission, 11

Electronic work function, 11

Electrostatics, 83

EMC, see see Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

EMF, see see Electromotive force (EMF)

Endwinding field in electric machines, 258

air gap influence, 259261

constructional elements influence, 261

mirror image, 259

Energy band, 10, 70

Energy methods, 98

Equiphase flux, 201, 202

Error function, 137

Euler-Lagrange equations, 395, 396, 397, 403

eV, see see electron-volts (eV)

Experimental investigation methods, 439

cost-effectiveness dependence, 441

electrodynamic similarity theory, 442448

electromagnetic coupled systems, 443

electromechanical coupled systems, 443

experimental verification, 439

flux collectors, 489490

high current lines modeling, 450451

induction heating device modeling, 448450

industrial investigations profitability, 440

metal elements diagnostics, 481482

modeling principles, 441442

power transformers, 465466

transformers modeling, 451454

Expert approach

industrial power transformers, 272

RNM-3Dshell program, 437

systems, 3, 407


Faraday’s formulation, 81

Faraday’s law, 81, 116

Far radiation field, 142

FDM, see see Finite difference method (FDM) FEM-2D tool, 99

analytical methods, 98

calculations effect, 489

differential approach, 273

physical models, 281

three-dimensional computer analysis, 203

FEM, see see Finite element method (FEM)

Ferraris motors, 315

Ferrites, 46, 67

comparative scale, 69

demagnetization curve, 48

permanent magnets, 49

Ferromagnetic bodies, electromagnetic phenomena in

magnetization characteristics approximation, 331337

power losses in transformer steel covers, 352354

stray loss calculation, 354367

stray loss dependence, 349352


atomic structure, 31

bodies, 33

magnetization zones, 36, 37

materials, 31

resonance, 67

Ferromagnetism, see see Magnetic properties of bodies

Fick’s law of diffusion, 116

Field differential equation solution, 84

auxiliary functions and vectors, 9097

classification, 8587

electrodynamics, 8790

example, 97

finding of field function, 8485

using methods, 9799

Field power, transfer and conversion of

field components, 153

penetration into solid conducting half-space, 150152

power flow through, 155

Poynting vector distribution, 156

Poynting’s theorem, 147150

Finite difference method (FDM), 98, 281

Finite element method (FEM), 98

Flow, see see Magnetomotive force (MMF); Flow network method (FNM), 98

Flux collectors, 489490

FNM, see see Flow network method (FNM) Foerster’s probe, 482

Foil winding, 277, 283

experimental verification, 439

losses in, 287288

Fourier’s method, 119120

double, 358

RNM-3D method, 272

series, 269, 270, 354369

Fredholm’s equations, 321

Frölich–Kenelly law, 48


Gauss error function, see see Error function

Gauss errors integral, 137

Gauss’ law, 8283

Gaussotrons, 72

General electric co. (GEC), 382

Generalized Power Density Vector, 149

Generators, screening in

electromagnetic screening, 217, 218

isotropic sheets, 65

magnetic screening, 215217

periphery flange, 218

windings and conductors, 217

Gibbs’s correction coefficient, 314

Grain-oriented sheets, see see Anisotropic transformer sheets

Graphical-numerical methods, 278279

Green’s Theorem, 83


Half-closed screens, 165

Hall effect, 12, 23, 72

magnetic circuit, 73

magnetoresistance, 12

in metals, 24

in semiconductors, 72, 73

sensor, 480481

Hallotrons, 72, 482

Hamilton-84 program, 403

Hamilton package, 443

electrodynamic transient forces, 403

mathematical modeling, 442

principle, 98, 395, 396, 397, 443

Hamilton’s differential operator, 78

Hankel functions, 123

Hankel problem, 89

Hard magnetic materials, 33

Hard superconductor, see see Soft superconductor Hardening coil design, 425

Heat distribution

irregularity coefficient of, 427

power losses and temperature, 427

thermal conductivity, 428

transformer cover, 429

Heat irregularity coefficient, 427430

Heisenberg quantum theory, 36

Helmholtz equation, 86

Hermite’a FEM solution, 393

Hertz vector, 9596

Heterogeneous media, electrodynamics of, 114

High-current lines, 320

currents induced in steel walls, 328330

impedance, 320322

modeling, 450451

power translocation, 327328

proximity effect, 322325

High-temperature superconductors, 28

High current bus-bars, 431

leads, 432

High voltage (HV), 280

Hole-dominated p-type semiconductor, 71, 72

Holes, 70

Hydrodynamic equations, 109110

Hydrogen atom, 5

Hysteresis loop, 39

coefficient, 52

demagnetization characteristics, 46

in electronics and power electronics, 4243

energy factor, 47

flux density of saturation, 39, 4041

hard magnetic material, 45, 46

hysteresis losses, 51

magnetization curve shape, 49

metallic glass amorphous strips, 48

neodymium production, 4950

plots of per-unit iron losses, 47

rotational hysteresis, 5354

symmetric family, 45

working process of iron, 44

Hysteresis losses, 51, 293294

loop, 39, 44, 258

rotational, 53


IACS, see see International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS)

Ideal magnetization curve, 54

Ideal permeability, 61

Ideal resistivity, 12

Ideal superconductor, 25; see see also Nonideal superconductor

IEC, see see International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Imaginary permeability, 6364

Impenetrable screens, 166

IMT, see see Institute of Material Technology (IMT)

Induction heating device modeling

losses and effective power, 450

objective of modeling, 448, 449

principles of, 448

Induction heating principles, 317

curie point, 320

current density distribution, 318

current density ratio, 319

power density volumetric distribution, 318

Induction machine, electromagnetic field, 160, 161

Induction motor

current density in, 214

deep-slot, 192

power losses, 215

radial flux density, 214

rotation torque, 215

solid rotor of, 308315

stratified, 209211

two-phase, 315

Induction motors cap motor, 315

characteristics, 208209

computation programs, 213

current density in, 214

density of forces, 212

double-layer screened rotor, 210

equivalent circuit of, 314

field equations, 211

fundamental equations, 209

heating, 69, 139, 218219

Maxwell’s equation, 313

radial flux density, 214

in rotating field, 309

rotation torque and power losses, 215

rotor parameters calculation, 310

six-layer motor calculations, 213

solid rotor, 308

Inductivity, 324

Industrial verification, 496497

Innovativeness, 2

Institute of Material Technology (IMT), 49

Interactive design, 99, 203, 205, 288

International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS), 14

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 401

Intern. Sympos. on Electromagn Fields (ISEF), 413, 414, 422

Inverse synthesis design, 425

Inverted transformer model, 451, 452, 453

Investigation methods, 1

classification of, 2

structure and physical properties, 4

synthesis, 34

Iron resistivity, 59, 60

Isolated screens, 233, 234


Josephson phenomenon, 26, 27


Kirchhoff’s equations, 84

laws, 95, 272, 441, 492

Knowledge base, 3, 4

base, 4

engineer, 3

expert, 491, 495

Kramp’s function, 334


Lagrange state function, 443

Laplace function

equation, 86, 87

single-harmonic function, 89

Laplacian operator, 79

Laser irradiation, 50

Law of flow, see see Ampere’s law

Łazarz M. ASEA formula of tank loss, 374, 379380

Leakage field

analytical prolongation method, 269271

in electric machine gap, 277281

multiple mirror images application, 267269

numerical methods, 271273

slot in deep-slot induction machine, 273277

in transformers, 267

Legendre transformation, 396

Lehman’s method, 98

Lenz rule, 34, 306

Limit value problems, 8788

Linearization of steel, 136137

Local heating, 417

coefficient of heat removal, 419

detection of, 422

electromagnetic criteria, 417

irregularity coefficient of heat distribution, 427430

J. Turowski’s approximation, 420

permissible current in bushings, 431434

permitted current determination, 425

permitted values, 421

perpendicular penetration of field lines, 424

temperature method, 425, 426

thermal dissipation of eddy-current, 418

three-phase turrets, 434437

transformer cover plates, 430

Local overheating

bushing turrets, 432

lack of screens, 194

spot detection, 421, 422

London’s equations, 112, 113

Longitudinal magnetic screens, 171

lines of magnetic field, 171

magnetic screening power coefficient, 173

reluctance of solid conductor, 172

of solid steel, 171

Lorentz number, 17

condition, 92

force, 22, 77, 109

forces of volume density, 78

Low-temperature superconducting generator (LTS generator), 31

Low voltage (LV), 280


MacDonald function, 123

Machine learning, 3

intelligence, 23

Magnetic anisotropy, 64, 65, 66

Magnetic coenergy, 396, 397

Magnetic constant, 32

Magnetic field intensity measurement, 477

Magnetic flux lines diagram, 247

Magnetic hysteresis

demagnetization curves, rare earth, 44, 54, 67

materials properties, 31

Magnetic materials

anisotropy, 102

in electronics and power electronics, 4243

hard, 33, 39

properties, 57, 58, 59, 60

Magnetic permeability

at high frequencies, 6264

nonlinear, 104

permalloys, 46

thick metal plates, 419

types of, 6062

variability of, 337

Magnetic polarization, 3132

demagnetization field intensity, 68

in hard magnetic materials, 39

rotation of, 45

rotational hysteresis, 53

vectors of, 37, 39

Magnetic properties of bodies, 31

amorphous strips, 52, 53

atomic structure, 34, 35, 36

curie point, 54, 5556

demagnetization coefficient, 67, 6869

diamagnetics, 3234

distribution, 35

in electronics and power electronics, 4243

energy of exchange dependence, 36

ferromagnetic and paramagnetics, 3234

flux density reduction, 60

hysteresis loop, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 4852

magnetic anisotropy, 64, 65, 66

magnetic material properties, 57, 58, 59

magnetic permeability, 6062

magnetic polarization and magnetization, 3132

magnetization curve, 37, 3839, 54

magnetostriction, 66, 67

nonmagnetic steel, 56

permeability at high frequencies, 6264

remagnetization field, 52

rotational hysteresis, 5354

Magnetic quantum number, 6

Magnetic scalar potentials, 9091

Magnetic screens, 165

calculation of spherical, 168

crosswise, 170

curves, 195

double-conductor line, 170

effectiveness of, 169

empty iron sphere, 167

in external magnetic field, 166

in large generators, 216217

longitudinal magnetic screens, 171174

non-linear, 5

permeability, 33, 6062

vector potential, 9195

Magnetic strap, 476

Magnetic vector potential, 9195

Magnetic voltage measurement, 475

Magnetization characteristics approximation, 331

approximating equations, 333

approximation, 331

Kramp’s function, 334

recalculated characteristics, 335337

standard magnetization characteristic, 332

Magnetization curve, 37, 3839

approximation formulae, 49

measurement, 476

types, 38, 54

Magnetogasdynamics, 106112

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), 106107

electric machines and apparatus, 111112

generators, 110, 111

hydrodynamic equations, 109110

liquid substance, 108109

plasma conductivity, 107108

Reynold’s Magnetic Number, 110

Magnetomotive force (MMF), 80, 279

Magneton of Bohr, 35, 36

Magnetoresistance, 12

Magnetoresistivity, 2324

Magnetostatics, 83

Magnetostriction, 66, 67

curves, 57, 67

Manganese (Mn), 36

Manganic steels, 56

Market, 2, 3

Material, 2, 4041

Matlab, 443

Matthiessen’s rule, 12

Maxwell theory, 375

Maxwell’s equation, 77, 313

steel linearization by Agarwal, 297, 342

stress tensor, 9697, 398

thermometric loss measurement, 458

Maxwell’s stress tensor, 9697, 398

Maxwell’s surface equations, 140141

Mechanical properties of metals, 4, 1822

Mechatronic engineering, 4

Mechatronics, 4

Meissner effect, 82, 112

Melting design, 5, 106

Meshed methods, 271273, 278

Metal resistivity, see see Resistivity, metal

Metallic glass, 46

Metals, electromagnetic phenomena in

cup-type rotor, 315317

electrical steel, 289298

electromagnetic wave reflection application, 289

high-current lines, 320330

induction heating principles, 317320

induction motor solid rotor, 308315

power losses in steel covers, 302305

single-phase bushing system, 298300

three-phase bushing system, 300301

transient induced processes, 305308

Metals, structure and physical properties

aluminum, 20, 21

atomic structure, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

average thermoelectric force, 17

characteristics of, 11

copper at temperature, 21

crystal structure, 9, 10

Cu conductivity, 14

electrical conductivity, 1011, 1213

electromagnetic properties, 4, 5

electrons energy levels, 7

Hall effect, 23

humid contact, 21, 22

influence of ingredients on resistivity, 13, 14

ionization, 9

magnetoresistivity, 22, 2324

mechanical properties, 18

mechanical strength on temperature, 19

periodic classification, 8

quantization of orbits, 6

recrystallization temperature, 20

resistivity, 1011, 1213, 15

resistivity at higher temperatures, 14, 15

tensile forces vs. elongation, 19

thermal properties, 17, 18

thermaland mechanical properties, 5

thermoelectricity, 15, 16

METGLASS, see see Metallic glass

Method of finite boxes (MFB), 98

MFB, see see Method of finite boxes (MFB)

MHD, see see Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

Mirror image methods, 243

analogy in electrostatic fields, 246247

current magnetic images, 251252

DC field theory to AC application, 247250

direct current singular images, 243245

magnets and circuits mirror images, 254258

multiple mirror images, 252254

MMF, see see Magnetomotive force (MMF)

Mobility of electrons, 13, 22

Model laws, 451


classification, 23

of transformers, 451454

Mono-coherent superconductor, 112

Monochromatic wave, 124

Multicore conductors, 2930

Multilayer screens

electromagnetic field in, 236

insulation influence, 240

long transmission line theory, 241

magnetic field intensity, 238

two-layer conductor, 236

wave impedance, 239

Multiple mirror image approach, 252, 269

conductor encircled, 254

current mirror images in flat iron surfaces, 252

two iron surfaces, 252254


Natural wave, see see Plane unpolarized wave

Navier-Stokes equation, 109, 443

Near induction field, 142

Neiman’s method, 342345

Non-magnetic materials, 427

Nonideal superconductor, 26; see see also Ideal superconductor

Nonlinear magnetic permeability, 104106, 346

Nonlinear media, 103; see see also Anisotropic media

current–voltage characteristic, 104

nonlinear magnetic permeability, 104106

permittivity, nonlinear, 103

resistance, nonlinear, 104

Nonlinear permeability, 6162

Nonlinear permittivity, 103

Nonmagnetic cast iron, 56

Nonmagnetic steel, 56

Normal magnetization characteristic, see see Standard magnetization characteristic

Numerical methods, 271273, 278

Numerical solution, two-dimensional, 369370


Ohm’s law, 13, 17, 78

Oil cooling, 422

Open screens, 165

Orbits quantization, 5, 6

Orthogonal right-handed system, 125

Overheating hazard, 417


Parallel conductors, interaction force of determination, 400

forces in transformer windings, 401, 402


program, 403

magnetic field intensity, 400

short-circuit forces in switching stations, 401

Paramagnetic bodies, 34

Paramagnetics, diamagnetics, 3234

Pauli exclusion principle, 7

Peltier effect, 17

Hall effect, 12, 23, 72

Seebeck effect, 15, 17, 18

Thomson functions, 192, 221, 222, 223

Penetrable screens, 166

Permalloys, 46

Permanent magnets, 57, 73, 414, 416

DC current, 248

demagnetization characteristics, 46

hard magnetic materials, 47

motor design, 416

with rare earth, 55

Permeability causes, 347348

Permitted field on metal surface, 430

P. Hammond concept, 322

Phonon resistivity, 11

Photon, 9

Piezoelectricity, 72

Planck constant, 5, 35

Plane polarized wave, 123, 124

Plane unpolarized wave, 124

Plane wave, 123, 124125

near and far fields, 142

boundary conditions, 139141

in conducting half-space, 129, 130, 131133

in dielectric, 125129

electromagnetic penetration, 130

field diffusion into conductor, 137, 138, 139

guiding, 143145

reflection and refraction, 141142

solid conductors, 133, 134, 135136

spherical coordinate system, 128

Plasma, 9

Poisson’s equation, 86

Ponderomotive forces, 399

Potassium seeding, 106

Powder method, 482

Power density volumetric distribution, 318

Power flux

in capacitor and coil, 157

in concentric cable, 156, 157

at conductors passing, 153, 154156

example, 163164

field components, 153

induction machine, 160, 161

measurement, 479481

in parallel-plate capacitor, 158

in screened bar, 156, 157

synchronous machine, 161, 162163

in transformer, 159160

Power losses; see see also Screens, power losses in

bar pairs geometrical proportionality, 367

computer calculation, 364

in core iron, 50

de l’Hospitale rule, 364

example and solution, 368

opacity, 366

parallel bar magnetic field distribution, 365

in steel covers, 302305

in transformers steel covers, 352354

Power measurement

additional losses, 473475

angle-errors, 469

bridge systems, 470473

compensation wattmeter, 468

electrodynamic systems, 466

wattmeter, 467, 468

Power translocation, 327328

Poynting vector, 147150

double-sided symmetric, 189193

measurement, 479

in one-sided screen, 184189

and power losses, 184

Poynting’s theorem, 147150

Preisach’s model of hysteresis, 44, 51

Principles of mechatronics, 4, 437, 492

Prototype, 3, 440

Proximity effect, 232, 322

coefficient for bars, 324, 325

in nearby conductors, 323


Quantization of orbits, 5

Quantum number, main, 5, 6

Quasi-static sinusoidal processes, 345

Quasi-stationary alternating fields, 94


Radio frequencies (RFs), 62

Rapid design, 224

complementary domains of, 443

Reactive power consumption, 296298

Real system, 255

AC leakage flux in, 174

mapping, 254

Recoil permeability, 61

Recoil straight line, 61, 69

Rectangular anisotropy, 102

Rectangular waves method, 338342

Reluctance forces, 412

field and electrodynamic forces, 413

hybrid stepping motors torques, 414416

linear reversible actuator, 415

magnet sort in slots, 415

permanent magnet motors, 416

thyristor-controlled reversible motors, 412414

Reluctance network method (RNM), 271273, 412, 434

calculation of reluctances, 435, 436

magnetic shunts, 436

shell-type transformers, 437

3D modeling, 435

three-phase bushing system, 435

Reluctance network method three-dimensional (RNM-3D), 272, 383

industrial implementation, 384386

large transformers, 388389

RNM-3Dasm, 387, 389, 391

RNM-3Dexe, 386, 387, 388

RNM-3Dshell program, 437

screening mistake risk, 390393

structure and screens configuration, 389390

transformers without screens, 386388

user’s input questionnaire, 203

users opinion, 496497

Remagnetization field superposition, 52

Resistivity, metal, 10

formula for, 13

ideal, 12

influence of ingredients on, 1314

phonon, 11

temperature vs., 1415, 16

Return permeability, 61

Reversible permeability, 6061

Reynold’s magnetic number, 109, 110

RFs, see see Radio frequencies (RFs)

RNM-3D, see see Reluctance network method three-dimensional (RNM-3D)

RNM, see see Reluctance network method (RNM)

Rogowski’s method, 270

Rogowski’s strap, see see Magnetic strap

Rosenberg’s method, 338

Roth method, 270, 402


Saber, 98, 395

Scalar Poisson’s equation, 93

Scale of power, 445

Screened bar, 156157


electromagnetic field in multilayer screens, 236241

in generators, 215218

induction heating, 218219

induction motors, 208215

magnetic screens, 167174

types and goals, 165167


connected, 235236

cross wise cylindrical, 167170

electromagnetic, 220225

isolated, 233235

longitudinal magnetic, 171174

thick, 182

thin, 179182

Screens, power losses in, 184; see see also Transformer tank, power losses in

active and reactive power, 187, 190

by dielectric, 186

double-sided symmetric, 189

electric power factor, 191

impedances, 185

magnetic field intensity, 192

power density distribution, 193

Poynting vector, 184

screen adhering to iron, 187

screen per unit surface, 185

screening coefficient of power, 188

Secondary quantum number, see see Azimuthal quantum number

Seebeck effect, 17, 18

Semiconductors, 69

comparative scale, 69, 70

dopants, 71

electrodynamics of, 114115

electron-dominated n-type, 71, 72

electron conductivity, 70, 71

hall effect in semiconductors, 72, 73

properties, 70

Shunting, see see Magnetic screening Shunt thermocompensators, 55, 75

SI, see see Signal integrity (SI)

Signal integrity (SI), 115

Silicon carbide (SiC), 70

Similarity theory, 441

based electrodynamic similarity theory, 442

Single-phase bushing system, 298300

Single-phase turrets, 433434

Skin-effect, 12, 133, 317, 465

Slot bottom field, 276, 408

Slot in deep-slot induction machine, 273

rectangular slot, 273275

trapezoidal and bulb slots, 275277

Soft ferromagnetics, 33

Soft superconductor, see see Ideal superconductor

Solid conductors, 133, 134, 135136

conductor radius, 136

equivalent depth of penetration, 133, 134

example, 136137

solid metal half-space, 135

wavelength, 134

Source-free flux density field, 82

Spin magnetic quantum number, 6

Spins, 36, 37

Spontaneous magnetization zones, 36, 37

Standard magnetization characteristic, 332

Static images, 248, 262

Steel linearization, 337

Steel surface, field on, 360

linear induction motors calculations, 364

theoretical system, 363

typical cases of, 361

Steel walls, currents induced in, 328330

Steinmetz formula, 51

Stokes’ theorem, 80, 81, 94

Stray field three-dimensional analytical calculations, 370

field on Tank Surface, 370372

flux in tank influence, 374375

power losses in tank, 372374

Stray fields and losses three-dimensional numerical calculation, 381

FEM-3D, 382383

RNM-3D, 383384

Stray flux distribution, 487, 489

Stray losses calculation method, 354

analytical formulae, 360364

losses in transformers steel covers, 355

three-dimensional field, 356359

two-dimensional field, 359360

Stray losses dependence, 349

analytical approximation, 350

magnetic field intensity, 351

Stray losses in ABB-ELTA transformers, 387

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT), 4

Superconductivity, 24, 112

Cammerlingh-Onnes, 24

critical flux density dependence, 26

cryoconductive conductors, 30

cryogenic liquid features, 28

in electric machine industry, 3031

high temperature Bednorz & Müller, 28, 30

Londons’ equations, 113, 114

magnetization and flux density, 27

multicore conductors, 2930

Olszewski and Wróblewski, 24, 30

quantum character, 26, 27

stability of, 29

temperatures and critical fields, 27

in Y–Ba–Cu–O system, 2829

Superconductors, 24

classes, 25, 26

in electric machine industry, 3031

electrodynamics of, 112114

hard, 26

magnetization in, 27

superconducting devices, 29

Swelling, 304

SWOT, see see Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT)

Synthesis design, 425


Tangential component, 207, 234, 260, 421, 426

Tank wall, critical distance of, 482

circuit tests, 483

determination, 484

electromagnetically screened tank walls, 485

experimental verification, 488

FEM-2D calculations, 489

geometric proportions, 485

leakage flux distribution, 486

tank screening influence and yoke beams, 488

from transformer windings, 482

Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD), 114

Temperature method, 425

Tensor permeability, 63

Textured sheets, see see Anisotropic transformer sheets

Thermal properties, 5

Thermal resistors, see Thermistors Thermistors, 70, 103

Thermoelectricity, 15, 16, 17

Thermomagnetics, 55

Thermometric method

accuracy, 457458

approximate formulae, 462465

coefficient, 460

extended, 460, 461

heating and self-cooling, ideal curves of, 455

local losses and magnetic field intensity, 454, 456

measurement techniques, 462

power loss density distribution, 462

rise of body temperature method, 454456

switching method, 456457

transformer core, heating curves of, 459

Thick screens, 182

Thin screens, 179

in dielectric, 181

exponential functions, 179

on surface of iron, 181182

Third quantum number, see see Magnetic quantum number

Three-dimensional computer analysis, 203

interactive computer design, 204, 206

RNM-3D program user’s input questionnaire, 203

screw bolts bracing yoke beams, 208

two-dimensional analysis, 207

Three-dimensional field, 356359

Three-phase bushing system, 300301

Three-phase transformer, 374

computational dimensions of, 377

equiphase flux in, 201, 202

experimental verifications, 384

interactive computer design, 204

Thyristor-controlled reversible motors

dynamics of, 412

electromechanical transient processes, 413

RNM-3D calculations, 414

Time to market, 2, 3

Transformation electromotive force, 82

Transformer cover plates, heating of, 430

Transformer modeling

Fe sheets packages, 453

magnetic screening, 454

model laws, 451

Turowski’s inverted model, 452, 453

Transformer tank, power losses in, 369

RNM-3D verification, 384393

stray field 3D analytical calculations, 370375

stray losses parametric ANM-3D calculation, 375381

3D numerical calculation of stray fields, 381384

two-dimensional numerical solution, 369370

Transformer tanks, 375, 378, 380

Transformer tanks, screening of, 194

3D computer analysis, 203208

electromagnetic screening, 200203

magnetic screening, 195199

power losses in, 194

principle of operation, 195

strong leakage fields, 194

Transient induced processes, 305

eddy currents, 305308

Translucent screen, see see Penetrable screens

Transparency of sheet, 354

Two-dimensional field, 359360


Uniqueness of field, 243

Uniqueness theorem, 88, 90


Valence band, 10

Valence electrons, 9, 11

Variable magnetic permeability methods, 337

computer method, 346349

Neiman’s method, 342345

permeability substitution, 345346

rectangular waves method, 338342

Rosenberg’s method for steel conductors, 338

Varistors, 70

Vertex magnetization curve, see see Commutation magnetization curve


Wave equations, 87, 117118

in cylindrical coordinates, 121123

heterogeneous wave equation, 92

in metal, 118119

Wavelength, 5, 127, 134, 136, 172, 182, 446

Weierstrass theorem, 331

Wiedemann-Franz law, 17

Winding factor, 82


Yokes measurement, 482

Young’s modulus, 5, 19

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