List of Symbols

A: magnetic vector potential (definition: B = ∇ × A or B = curl A or B = rot A), instantaneous value; A: modulus (Wb/m)

A: surface area, dA: vector of area element perpendicular to the surface (m2)

A1: specific electric loading = linear current density, instantaneous value; Am1: maximum value (A/m)

a1, a2: width of HV and LV transformer winding, respectively (m)

B: magnetic flux density vector, instantaneous value; B: modulus of vector; B¯m=Bmejωt, where Bm = |Bm|e : complex value; B*: conjugate value

Bm: maximum value in time,

Bavr,m: average value in space of maximum flux density in time;

Bt: tangential component; Bn: normal component; Bs: surface value;

Bsat: saturation flux density (T = Wb/m2)

b, a: linear dimensions (m)

C: capacitance of capacitor (F); constant

c: specific heat [J/(kg ⋅ oK)]

co: speed of light (m/s)

D: vector of electric flux density, electric displacement (C/m2);

D: internal stator diameter (m)

d: thickness of sheet or screen (m)

e: instantaneous value of electromotive force EMF (V); base of a natural logarithm (e = 2.718); e = 1.60219 × 10−19 C electron charge

E: vector of electric field intensity, instantaneous value; Em: maximum value (V/m); other symbols as in case of B; Eext: external (e.g., thermoelectric) field intensity

Eu: electromotive force EMF, rms value; Eum: maximum value (V); F: force vector (N)

F: current flow, magnetomotive force MMF, ampere-turns; Fm: maximum flow (A)

f: frequency (Hz)

H: vector of magnetic field intensity, instantaneous value; Hm: maximum value (A/m); Ĥm: maximum in time and space; other symbols as in case of B

h: linear dimension, height (m)

i: current, instantaneous value; I: rms value; Im: maximum value (A); i = ∫ J ⋅ ds

i, j, k or 1x, 1y, 1z: unit vectors in rectangular (Cartesian) coordinates

J: vector of electric current density, instantaneous value; Jm: maximum value (A/m2); other symbols as in case of B;

j=1: imaginary (complex) unit, j2 = –1

k=ωμσ2: attenuation constant of electromagnetic wave in metal (1/m)

l: length; dl: vector of length element (m)

L, M: self-inductance and mutual inductance, respectively (H)

M, m: coefficients of mirror images

n: rotational (angular) speed, ns = (f/2p)(revolutions/s = 1/s); ns = (3000/p)(rev/min)-synchronous speed

N: number of turns

P: active power (W); Ps = P + jQ: apparent power (V ⋅ A); P1: value per unit surface (W/m2)

p: screening factor; number of poles pairs

Q: reactive power (var); Q1: per unit surface, length or volume

Q: electric charge (C); q: volumetric electric charge density (C/m3); qs: surface charge density (C/m2)

R: electric resistance (Ω)

Rm: reluctance (magnetic resistance), R¯m=Rm+Rmr: complex reluctance (magnetic impedance) (1/H)

r: radius vector, r: radius (m); 1r: unit vector in radial direction

S = E × H: Poynting’s vector; S¯s=Sp+jSq: vector modulus of complex Poynting’s vector; Sp: active component (W/m2); Sq: reactive component (var/m2)

si = isxi + jsyi + kszi: vector in direction of wave propagation

T: period (s); thermodynamic temperature (K)

t: time (s); temperature (oC)

u or v: voltage, instantaneous value; U or V: rms value; Vm: maximum value (V); Vm = ∫ E ⋅ dl

v: linear velocity vector (m/s)

W: energy (J); w: energy per unit volume (J/m3)

X: reactance; XL: leakage reactance (Ω)

Z = R + jX: complex impedance; Z* = R – jX; |Z|=R2+X2(Ω); Z1, Z2, Z3: wave impedances of media 1, 2, and 3 (Zair = 377 Ω ≫ |ZSteel| ≈ 2.4 × 10−4 Ω ≫ |ZCu| = 2.7 × 10−6 Ω)

α = (1 + j)k: propagation constant in space, for solid metal (1/m); α* = (1 − j)k; |α|=2k=ωμσ; α: thermal coefficient of resistivity (1/K)

α′: coefficient of heat dissipation (W/m2)

Γ=jωμ(σ+jωϵ)=α+jβ: propagation constant in space

α″: attenuation constant; β″: phase constant

δ=(1/k)=2/ωμσ: equivalent depth of field penetration into conducting half-space (m)

δair: interwinding insulation gap in transformer; δ′ = δair + (a1 + a2/3): equivalent leakage gap

ε = εr εo: dielectric permittivity; εr: relative permittivity

εo ≅ 8.854 × 10−12 F/m: absolute dielectric permittivity = electric constant (permittivity of free space)

Θ = ttambient: temperature rise (−oK)

Λ: permeance: magnetic conductivity (H)

λ: length of wave (m); thermal conductivity [W/(m ⋅ oK)]

μ = μr μo: magnetic permeability; μr: relative permeability; μo = 4π × 10−7 H/m: absolute magnetic permeability = magnetic constant (permeability of free space)

ν = 1/μ: reluctivity (m/H)

ρ = 1/σ : resistivity = specific resistance (Ω/m)

σ = 1/ρ: conductivity = specific conductance (S/m)

ρ: volume density of space charge (C/m3)

ρm: mass density (kg/m3)

τ=πD2p: pole pitch of electric machine (m)

Φ = B ⋅ ds: magnetic flux, instantaneous value; Φm: maximum value (Wb)

ΦL: leakage flux; φ: angle of phase shift (rad)

χm: magnetic susceptibility, μr + χm (pure number) = a measure of magnetic polarization

Ψ = ∫D ⋅ ds: electric flux (C)

ω = 2πf: pulsation, angular frequency (rad/s)

W = AB = AB cos α = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz: scalar product; div A (or ≡ A)

F = A × B = n AB sin α = i(AyBzAzBy) + j(AzBxAxBz) + k(AxByAyBx): vector product; curl A ≡ rot A × A

2 A ≡ Lap A ≡ ΔA

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