Patterns suggested by data


Patterns Suggested by Data explores linear models that characterize data as a mixture of a few significant patterns, whose properties are determined by the data themselves (as contrasted to being imposed by the analyst). The advantage to this approach is that the patterns are drawn from the data themselves and may bring out features that reflect the physical processes of the system. The methodology, which goes by the names factor analysis and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is applied to a wide range of data types, including chemical analyses and images of sea surface temperature (SST). In the SST case, the strongest pattern is the El Niño climate oscillation, which brings immediate attention to an important instability in the ocean-atmosphere system.


factor analysis; factor loading; mineral; chemical element; component; empirical orthogonal function; singular value decomposition; varimax factor; El Niño

8.1 Samples as mixtures

We previously examined an Atlantic Rock data set that consisted of chemical analyses of rock samples. The data are organized in an N × M matrix, S, of the form given below:

S=element1in sample1element2in sample1elementMin sample1element1in sampleNelement2in sampleNelementMin sampleN

si10_e  (8.1)

In the Atlantic Rock dataset case, N > M; that is, the number of rock samples is larger than the number of chemical elements that were measured in each. In other cases, the situation might be reversed.

Rocks are composed of minerals, crystalline substances with distinct chemical compositions. Some advantage might be gained in viewing a rock as a mixture of minerals and then associating a chemical composition with each of the minerals, especially if the number, say P, of minerals is less than the number, M, of chemical elements in the analysis.

In the special case of M = 3 chemical elements, we can plot the compositions on a ternary diagram (Figure 8.1). For rocks containing just P = 2, the samples lie on a line connecting the two minerals. In this case, viewing the samples as a mixture of minerals provides a significant simplification, as two minerals are simpler than three elements. The condition, P < M, can be recognized by graphing the data in this low-dimensional case. In higher dimensional cases, more analysis is required.

Figure 8.1 Ternary diagram for elements A, B, C. The three vertices correspond to materials composed of pure A, B, and C, respectively. A suite of samples (circles) are composed of a mixture of two factors, f1 and f2 (stars), and therefore lie on a line connecting the elemental composition two factors. MatLab script eda08_01.

In the generic case, we will continue to use the term elements to refer to parameters that are measured for each sample, with the understanding that this word is used abstractly and may not refer to chemical elements. However, we will use the term factors in place of the term minerals. The notion that samples contain factors and factors contain elements is equivalent to the following equation:

samples=a linear mixture of factorsorS=CF

si11_e  (8.2)

The N × P matrix, C, called the factor loadings, quantifies the amount of factors in each sample:

C=factor1in sample1factor2in sample1factorPin sample1factor1in sampleNfactor2in sampleNfactorPin sampleN

si12_e  (8.3)

The P × M matrix, F, quantifies the amount of elements in each factor:

F=element1in factor1element2in factor1elementMin factor1element1in factorPelement2in factorPelementMin factorP

si13_e  (8.4)

Note that individual samples are rows of the sample matrix, S, and individual factors are rows of the factor matrix, F. This arrangement, while commonplace in the literature, departs from the convention of this book of exclusively using column vectors (compare with Equation 4.13). We will handle this notational inconsistency by continuing to use column vector notation for individual samples and factors, s(i) and f(i), respectively, and then viewing S and F as being composed of rows of s(i)T and f(i)T, respectively.

Note that we have turned a problem with N × M quantities into a problem with N × P + P × M quantities. Whether or not this change constitutes a simplification will depend on P (that is, whether N × P + P × M is larger or smaller than N × M) and on the physical interpretation of the factors. In cases where they have an especially meaningful interpretation, as in the case of minerals, we might be willing to tolerate an increase in the number of parameters.

When the matrix of factor, F, is known, least squares can be used to determine the coefficients, C. Equation (8.2) can be put into standard form, Gm = d, by first transposing it, FTCT = ST, and then recognizing that each column of CT can be computed independently of the others; that is, with d a given column of ST, and with m the corresponding column of CT, and G = FT. However, in many instances both the number, P, of factors and the factors, F, themselves, are unknown.

The number of factors, P, has no upper bound. However, in general, at most P = M factors are needed to exactly represent any set of samples (that is, one factor per element). Furthermore, as we shall describe below, methods are available for detecting the case where the data can be represented with fewer than M factors. However, in practice, the determination of this minimum value of P is always somewhat fuzzy because of measurement noise. Furthermore, we might choose to use a value of P less than the minimum value required to represent the data exactly, if the approximation, SCF, is an adequate one.

Even after specifying P, the process of determining C and F is still nonunique. Given one solution, S = C1F1, another solution, S = C2F2, can always be constructed with C2 = C1M and F2 = M−1F1, where M is any P × P matrix that possesses an inverse. Prior information must be introduced to select the most desirable solution.

Two possible choices of factors in the two-factor example are illustrated in Figure 8.2. Factors f1 and f2 bound the group of samples, so that all samples can be represented by mixtures of positive amounts of each factor (Figure 8.2A). This choice is appropriate when the factors represent actual minerals, because minerals occur only in positive amounts. More abstract choices are also possible (Figure 8.2B), such as factor f1 representing the composition of the typical sample and factor f2 representing deviation of samples from the typical value. In this case, some samples will contain a negative amount of factor, f2.

Figure 8.2 Two choice of factors (stars). (A) Factors, f1 and f2, bind the samples (circles) so that the samples are a mixture of a positive amount of each factor. (B) Factor, f′1, is the typical sample and factor, f′2, represents deviations of samples from the typical value. MatLab scripts eda08_02 and eda08_03.

8.2 Determining the minimum number of factors

A surprising amount of information on the structure of a matrix can be gained by studying how it affects a column vector that it multiplies. Suppose that M is an N × N square matrix and that it multiplies an input column vector, v, producing an output column vector, w = Mv. We can examine how the output, w, compares to the input, v, as v is varied. The following is one question of particular importance:


si14_e  (8.5)

If w is parallel to v, then w = λv, where λ is a scalar proportionality factor. The parallel vectors satisfy the equation:


si15_e  (8.6)

Notice that only the direction of v, and not its length, is meaningful, because if v solves the equation, so does cv, where c is an arbitrary scalar constant. We will find it convenient to use vs that are unit vectors satisfying vTv = 1 (or if v is complex, then vT*v = 1, where * means complex conjugation).

The obvious solution to Equation (8.6), v=(MλI)10=0si16_e, is not very interesting. A nontrivial solution is possible only when the matrix inverse, (MλI)1si17_e, does not exist. This is the case where the parameter λ is specifically chosen to make the determinant, det(MλI)si18_e, vanish (as a matrix with zero determinant has no inverse). Every determinant is calculated by adding together terms, each of which contains the product of N elements of the matrix. As each element of the matrix contains, at most, one instance of λ, the product will contain powers of λ up to λN. Thus, the equation, det(MλI)=0si19_e, is an N-th order polynomial equation for λ. An N-th order polynomial equation has N roots, so we conclude that there must be N different proportionality factors, say λi, and N corresponding column vectors, say v(i), that solve Mv(i) = λiv(i). The column vectors, v(i), are called the characteristic vectors (or eigenvectors) of the matrix, M, and the proportionality factors, λi, are called the characteristic values (or eigenvalues). Equation (8.6) is called the algebraic eigenvalue problem. As we will show below, a matrix is completely specified by its eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

In the special case where M is symmetric, the eigenvalues, λi, are real, as can be seen by calculating the imaginary part of λi and showing that it is zero. The imaginary part is found using the rule that, given a complex number, z, its imaginary part satisfies 2izimag = z − z*, where z* is the complex conjugate of z. We first premultiply Equation (8.6) by v(i)T*:


si20_e  (8.7)

We then take its complex conjugate


si21_e  (8.8)

using the rule, (ab)* = a*b*, and subtract


si22_e  (8.9)

Here, we rely on the rule that for any two vectors, a and b, the quantities, aTMb and bTMa are equal when M is symmetric. Equation (8.6) will yield real eigenvectors when the eigenvalues are real.

In the special case where M is symmetric, the eigenvectors are mutually perpendicular, v(i)Tv(j) = 0 for i ≠ j (this rule is subject to a caveat, discussed below). This orthogonality can be seen by premultiplying the equation, Mv(i) = λiv(i), by v(j)T, and the equation, M(j) = λjv(j), by v(i)T and subtracting:


si23_e  (8.10)

Thus, the eigenvectors are orthogonal, v(i)Tv(j) = 0, as long as the eigenvalues are distinct (numerically different, λi ≠ λj). This exception is the caveat alluded to above. We do not discuss it further here, except to mention that while such pairs of eigenvectors are not required to be mutually perpendicular, they can be chosen to be so. Thus, the rule v(i)Tv(j) = 0 for i ≠ j can be extended to all the eigenvectors of M. We can also choose them to be of unit length so that v(i)Tv(j) = 1 for i = j. Thus, v(i)Tv(j) = δij, where δij is the Kronecker delta symbol (see Section 4.7).

Customarily, the N eigenvalues are sorted into descending order. They can be arranged into a diagonal matrix, Λ, whose elements are [Λ]ij = λiδij, where δij is the Kronecker Delta. The corresponding N eigenvectors, v(i), can be arranged as the columns of an N × N matrix, V, which satisfies VTV = I. Equation (8.6) can then be succinctly written:


si24_e  (8.11)

Thus, the matrix, M, can be reconstructed from its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Furthermore, if any of the eigenvalues are zero, the corresponding vs can be thrown out of the representation of M:


si25_e  (8.12)

Returning now to the sample factorization problem, S = CF, we find that it could be solved if S were a square, symmetric matrix. In this special case, after computing its eigenvalues, Λ, and eigenvectors, V, we could write


si26_e  (8.13)

Thus, we would have both determined the minimum number, P, of factors and divided S into two parts, C and F. The factors, f(i) = v(i) (the rows of FT), are all mutually perpendicular. Unfortunately, S is usually neither a square nor symmetric matrix.

The solution is to first consider the matrix STS, which is a square, M × M symmetric matrix. Calling its eigenvalue and eigenvector matrices, Λ and V, respectively, we can write


si27_e  (8.14)

Here, ΛP12si28_e is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the square root of the elements of the eigenvalue matrix, ΛP (see Note 8.1). Note that we have replaced the identity matrix, I, with UPTUP, where UP is an as yet to be determined N × P matrix which must satisfy UPTUP = I. Comparing the first and last terms, we find that


si29_e  (8.15)

Note that the N × P matrix, UP, satisfies UPTUP = I and the P × M matrix, VP, satisfies VPTVP = I. The P × P diagonal matrix, ΣP, is called the matrix of singular values and Equation (8.15) is called the singular value decomposition of the matrix, S. The sample factorization is then


si30_e  (8.16)

Note that the factors are mutually perpendicular unit vectors. The singular values (and corresponding columns of UP and VP) are usually sorted according to size, with the largest first. As the singular values appear in the expression for the factor loading matrix, C, the factors are sorted into the order of contribution to the samples, with those making the largest contribution first. The first factor, f1, makes the largest contribution of all and usually similar in shape to the average sample.

Because of observational noise, the eigenvalues of STS can rarely be divided into two clear-cut groups of P nonzero eigenvalues (the square roots of which are the singular values of S) and M − P exactly zero eigenvalues (which are dropped from the representation of S). Much more common is the case where no eigenvalue is exactly zero, but where many are exceedingly small. In this case, the singular value decomposition has P = M. It is still possible to throw out eigenvectors, v(i), corresponding to small eigenvalues, λi, but then the representation is only approximate; that is, SCF. However, because S is noisy, the distinction between S = CF and SCF may not be important. Judgment is required in choosing P, for too small a value will lead to an unnecessarily poor representation of the samples, and too large will result in retaining factors whose only purpose is to fit the noise. In the case of the Atlantic Rock dataset, these noise factors correspond to fictitious minerals not actually present in the rocks.

8.3 Application to the Atlantic Rocks dataset

The MatLab code for computing the singular value decomposition is

[U, SIGMA, V] = svd(S,0);
sigma = diag(SIGMA);
Ns = length(sigma);
F = V′;

(MatLab eda08_04)

The svd() function does not throw out any of the zero (or near-zero) eigenvalues; this is left to the user. Here, U is an N × M matrix, SIGMA is an M × M diagonal matrix of singular values, and V is an M × M matrix. The diagonal of SIGMA has been copied into the column-vector, sigma, for convenience. A plot of the singular values of the Atlantic Rock data set reveals that the first value is by far the largest, values 2 through 5 are intermediate in size and values 6 through 8 are near-zero. The fact that the first singular value, Σ11, is much larger than all the others reflects the composition of the rock samples having only a small range of variability. Thus, all rock samples contain a large amount of the first factor, f1—the typical sample. Only five factors, f1, f2, f3, f4, and f5, out of a total of eight are needed to describe the samples and their variability about the typical sample requires only four (factors 2 through 5) (Figure 8.3):

Figure 8.3 Singular values, Σii, of the Atlantic Ocean rock dataset. MatLab script eda08_04.


The role of each of the factors can be understood by examining its elements. Factor 2, for instance, increases the amount of MgO while decreasing mostly Al2O3 and CaO, with respect to the typical sample.

The factor analysis has reduced the dimensions of variability of the rock dataset from 8 elements to 4 factors, improving the effectiveness of scatter plots. MatLab's three-dimensional plotting capabilities are useful in this case, as any three of the four factors can be used as axes and the resulting three-dimensional scatter plot viewed from a variety of perspectives. The following MatLab command plots the coefficients of factors 2 through 4 for each sample:

plot3(C(:,2), C(:,3), C(:,4), ‘k.’);

(MatLab eda08_04)

The plot can then be viewed from different perspectives by using the rotation controls of the figure window (Figure 8.4). Note that the samples appear to form two populations, one in which the variability is due to f2 and another due to f3.

Figure 8.4 Three-dimensional perspective view of the coefficients, Ci, of factors 2, 3, and 4 in each of the rock samples (dots) of the Atlantic Ocean Rock dataset. MatLab script eda08_04.

8.4 Spiky factors

As mentioned earlier, the factors, F, of a set of samples, S, are nonunique. The equation, S = CF, can always be modified to S = CM−1MF, where M is an arbitrary P × P matrix, defining a new set of factors, F′ = MF. Singular value decomposition is useful because it allows the determination of a set of P ≤ M factors that adequately approximate S. However, it does not always provide the most desirable set of factors. Modifying the set of P factor by using the matrix, M, does not change the value of P or the quality of the fit, but can be used to produce factors with more desirable properties than those produced by singular value decomposition.

One possible guiding principle is the prior information that the factors should be spiky; that is, they should have just a few large elements, with the other elements being near-zero. Minerals, for example, obey this principle. While a rock can contain upward of twenty chemical elements, typically it will be composed of minerals such as fosterite (Mg2SiO4), anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8), rutile (TiO2), etc., each of which contains just a few elements. Spikiness is more or less equivalent to the idea that the elements of the factors should have high variance. The usual formula for the variance, σd2, of a data set, d, is


si31_e  (8.17)

Its generalization to a factor, fi, is


si32_e  (8.18)

Note that this is the variance of the squares of the elements of the factors. Thus, a factor, f, has a large variance, σf2, if the absolute values of its elements have high variation. The signs of the elements are irrelevant.

The varimax procedure is a way of constructing a matrix, M, that increases the variance of the factors while preserving their orthogonality. It is an iterative procedure, with each iteration operating on only one pair of factors, with other pairs being operated upon in subsequent iterations. The idea is to view the factors as vectors, and to rotate them in their plane (Figure 8.5) by an angle, θ, chosen to maximize the sum of their variances. The rotation changes only the two factors, leaving the other P − 2 factors unchanged, as in the following example:


si33_e  (8.19)

Figure 8.5 Two mutually perpendicular factors, f1 and f2, are rotated in their plane by an angle, θ, creating two new mutually orthogonal vectors, f′1 and f′2.

Here, only the pair, f3 and f5, are changed.

In Equation (8.19), the matrix, M, represents a rotation of one pair of vectors. The rotation matrix for many such rotations is just the product of a series of pair-wise rotations. Note that the matrix, M, obeys the rule, M−1 = MT (that is, M is a unary matrix). For a given pair of factors, fA and fB, the rotation angle, θ, is determined by minimizing Φ(θ) = M2(σfA2 + σfB2) with respect to θ (i.e., by solving dΦ/dθ = 0).

The minimization requires a substantial amount of algebraic and trigonometric manipulation, so we omit it here. The result is (Kaiser, 1958) as follows:


si34_e  (8.20)

By way of example, we note that the two vectors fA=12[1,1,1,1]Tsi35_e and fB=12[1,1,1,1]Tsi36_e are extreme examples of two nonspiky orthogonal vectors, because all their elements have the same absolute value. When applied to them, the varimax procedure returns fA′ = (1/√2)[1, 0, 1, 0]T and fB′ = (1/√2) [0, −1, 0, −1]T, which are significantly spikier than the originals (see MatLab script eda08_05). The MatLab code is as follows:

u = fA.^2 − fB.^2;
v = 2* fA.* fB;
A = 2*M*u'*v;
B = sum(u)*sum(v);
top = A − B;
C = M*(u‘*u−v’*v);
D = (sum(u)^2) − (sum(v)^2);
bot = C − D;
q = 0.25 * atan2(top,bot);
cq = cos(q);
sq = sin(q);
fAp = cq*fA + sq*fB;
fBp = − sq*fA + cq*fB;

(MatLab eda08_05)

See Note 6.1 for a discussion of the atan2() function. Here, the original pair of factors fA and fB, and the rotated pair are fAp and fBp.

We apply this procedure to factors f2 through f5 of the Atlantic Rock dataset (that is, the factors related to deviations about the typical rock). The varimax procedure is applied to all pairs of these factors and achieves convergence after several such iterations. The MatLab code for the loops is as follows:

FP = F;
% spike these factors using the varimax procedure
k = [2, 3, 4, 5]′;
Nk = length(k);
for iter = [1:3]
for ii = [1:Nk]
for jj = [ii+1:Nk]
% spike factors i and j
% copy factors from matrix to vectors
fA = FP(i,:)′;
fB = FP(j,:)′;
% standard varimax procedure to determine rotation angle q
% copy rotated factors back to matrix
FP(i,:) = fAp′;
FP(j,:) = fBp′;

(MatLab eda08_06)

Here the rotated matrix of factors, FP, is initialized to the original matrix of factors, F, and then modified by the varimax procedure (omitted and replaced with a “–––”), with each pass through the inner loop rotating one pair of factors. The procedure converges very rapidly, with three iterations of the outside loop being sufficient.

The resulting factors (Figure 8.6) are much spikier than the original ones. Each now involves mainly variations in one chemical element. For example, f2 mostly represents variations in MgO and f5 mostly represents variations in Al2O3.

Figure 8.6 (A) Factors, f2 through f5, of the Atlantic Rock data set, as calculated by singular value decomposition. (B) Factors, f′2 through f′5, after application of the varimax procedure. MatLab script eda08_06.

8.5 Weighting of elements

An element can be important even though its concentration is extremely low. Gold, for instance, is economic in ore at 5 parts per million and arsenic is unhealthy in drinking water at 10 parts per billion. When a data set contains both high- and low-concentration elements, the procedure described in Section 8.3 for choosing a set of P important factors will lead to an approximation SPSobssi37_e that only poorly describes patterns in the low-concentration elements, because the overall quality of the fit is dominated by the much larger errors of the high-concentration elements.

This problem can be avoided by weighting each element by an amount, say wi, that reflects its importance. The singular value decomposition is performed on the matrix SobsW, where W is a diagonal matrix with elements Wii=wisi38_e:


si39_e  (8.21)

The weights can be chosen in any of several ways. One possibility is to set them intuitively, to reflect the qualitative importance of each element. Another possibility is to scale them according to the certainty of the measurements; that is, to set wi=1/σisi3_e, where σi2 is the prior variance of the i-th element. This choice leads to each element being fit to similar relative error (Figure 8.7).

Figure 8.7 Histograms of relative error (error normalized by measurement error σ) for two elements in a 10, 000 sample, 7-element synthetic dataset with exactly P = 3 factors. (A) For a high-concentration element, unweighted (black curve) and weighted (grey curve) factor analyis yield similar distributions of errors. (B) For a low-concentration element, the weighted method yields smaller errors. MatLab eda08_07.

Crib Sheet 8.1

Steps in factor analysis

Step 1: Organize the data as a sample matrix S



Step 2: Establish weights that reflect the importance of the elements



one possibility: wi=1/σisi3_e with σi2 the prior variance of element i

Step 3: Perform singular value decomposition and form the factor matrix F and loading matrix C

UΣVT=SobsWsi4_e with Wij=δijwisi5_e



[U2,SIGMA2,V2] = svd(Sobs*diag(w),0);

Fpre2 = V2'*diag(1./w); % factors

Cpre2 = U2*SIGMA2; % loadings

Step 4: Determine the number P of important factors

Plot the diagonal of Σ as a function of row index i and choose P to

include all rows with “large” Σii

Step 5: Reduce the number of factors from M to P





Fpre2P = Fpre2(1:P,:);

Cpre2P = Cpre2(:,1:P);

Step 6: Predict the data



Spre2P = Cpre2P*Fpre2P;

MatLab eda08_07

8.6 Q-mode factor analysis and spatial clustering

The eigenvectors U and V play completely symmetric roles in the singular value decomposition of the sample matrix S = UΣVT. We introduced an asymmetry when we grouped them as S = ()(VT) = CF, to define the loadings C and factors F.

This grouping is associated with the term R-mode factor analysis. The R-mode factors F = VT express patterns of variability among elements. Thus, for example, the table in Section 8.3 indicates that the elements in the Atlantic rock dataset contains a pattern, quantified by factor f(2), in which Al2O3 and MgO are strongly and negatively correlated and another pattern, quantified by factor f(3), in which Al2O3 and FeOtotal are strongly and negatively correlated. These correlations reduce the effective number of elements; that is, they to allow us to substitute a small number of factors for a large number of elements.

Alternately, we could have grouped the singular value decomposition as S = (U)(ΣVT), an approach associated with the term Q-mode factor analysis. The equivalent transposed form ST = ()(UT) is more frequently encountered in the literature, and is also more easily understood, since it can be interpreted as ‘normal factor analysis’ applied to the matrix ST. The transposition has reversed the sense of samples and elements, so the Q-mode factors F = UT quantify patterns of variability among samples, in the same way that the R-mode VT quantifies patterns of variability among elements.

The sampling in the Atlantic rock dataset is geographical, so the Q-mode factors express patterns of spatial variability and can be used to detect geographical clustering. These spatial patterns can be brought out by plotting the components of each factor on a map, with the i-th component plotted at the location of sample i and with its numberial value depicted by the color (or grey shade) or the symbo. When applied to the Atlantic rock datset, this technique demonstrated that that the chemistry of the mid-Atlantic ridge (north-south bands of symbols in Figure 8.8) is strongly segmented, with ~10si41_e degree long sections of failry uniform chemistry punctuated by spatially-sharp jumps.

Figure 8.8 Maps of three Q-mode factors of the Atlantic rock dataset, which express patterns of geographical variability. (A) The i-th component of factor f(2), plotted at the geographical location of sample i (squares) and shaded according to its numberical value. The range of the shading is scaled according to the standard deviation σ of the components. (B) The factor f(3). (C) The factor f(4). See text for further discussion. MatLab eda08_08.

8.7 Time-Variable functions

The samples in the Atlantic Rock dataset do not appear to have an intrinsically-meaningful order. As far as we know, their order in the file could merely reflect the order that the samples were entered into the database by the personnel who compiled the data set. However, one might imagine a similar dataset in which sample order is significant. One example would be a set of chemical analyses made in the same place as a sequence of times. The time sequence could be used to characterize the chemical evolution of the system. Sample, s(i), quantifies the chemical composition at time, ti.

The ordering of the elements in the Atlantic Rock dataset does not appear to have any special significance either. It does not reflect their abundance in a typical rock. It is not even alphabetical. However, one might imagine a similar dataset in which the order of chemical constituents is significant. One example would be a set of analyses of the concentration of alkanes (methane (CH4), ethane (C2H8), propane (C3H8), etc.) in a hydrocarbon mixture, as the chemical properties of these carbon-chain molecules are critically dependent on the number of carbon atoms in the chain. In this case, ordering the elements by the increasing length, x, of the carbon chain would be appropriate. The standard equation for factors (Equation 8.2) could then be interpreted in terms of variation in x and t:


si42_e  (8.22)

Note that the analysis has broken out the (x, t) dependence into dependence on, x and t, separately. The factors, fk(xj), each describe a pattern in x and the factor loadings, Ck(ti), describe the temporal, t, variation of those patterns. When used in this context, the factors are called empirical orthogonal functions, or EOFs. In the hydrocarbon example, above, a plot of the elements of a factor, fk(x), against x would display the distribution of alkane chain length within the k-th factor. A plot of Ck(t) against time, t, would display the time-dependent amplitude the k-th factor. One might imagine a chemical evolution process in which chain length of alkanes decreased systematically with time. This behavior would be manifested in a temporal evolution of the factor loadings, with the mix becoming increasingly rich in those factors that contained larger fractions of short-length alkanes.

A sample is just a collection of numbers arranged in column vector format. While the alkane data set has a one-dimensional organization that makes the use of vectors natural, a one-dimensional organization is not required by the factor analysis method. Samples could, for instance, have the natural organization of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional grid. The grid merely would need to be rearranged into a vector for the method to be applied (see Section 5.9).

The Climate Analysis Center (CAC) Equatorial Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperature data set is one such example. It is a time sequence of two-dimensional grids of the surface temperature of a patch of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, a part of the world important to the study of the El Niño/La Niña climate oscillation. Bill Menke, who retrieved the data, provides the following report:

I downloaded this data set from the web site of the International Research Institute (IRI) for Climate and Society at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. They call it CAC (for Climate Analysis Center) and describe it as containing “climatological, smoothed and raw sea surface temperature of the tropical Pacific Ocean”. I retrieved a text file, cac_sst.txt, of the entire “smoothed sea-surface temperature anomaly”. It contains deviations of sea surface temperature, in K, from the average value for a region of the Pacific Ocean (29°S to 29°N, 124°E to 70°W, 2° grid spacing) for each month from January 1970 through March 2003. I made one set of minor changes to the file using a text editor, replacing the words for months, “Jan”, “Feb”… with the numbers, 1, 2 …, to make it easier to read in MatLab. You have to skip past a monthly header line when you read the file – I wrote a MatLab script that does this. The data center gave two references for the data set, Reynolds and Smith (1994) and Woodruff et al. (1993).

A 6-year portion of the CAC dataset is shown (Figure 8.9). Many of the monthly images show an east-west band of cold (white) temperatures that is characteristic of the La Niña phase of the oscillation. A few (e.g., late 1972) show a warm (black) band, most prominent in the eastern Pacific that is characteristic of the El Niño phase.

Figure 8.9 Sea surface temperature anomaly for the equatorial Pacific Ocean. (A) Index map. (B) Maps for each month of the year for the 1970–1975 time period are shown, but the dataset continues through March 2003. Darker shades correspond to warmer temperatures. Source: CAC smoothes sea surface temperature anomaly dataset, IRI Data Library. MatLab script eda08_09.

The CAC data set comprises N = 399 monthly images, each with M = 2520 grid points (30 in latitude, 84 in longitude). Each factor (or empirical orthogonal function, EOF) is a 2520-length vector that folds into a 30 × 84 spatial grid of temperature values. The total number of EOFs is M = 399, but as is shown in Figure 8.10, many have exceedingly small singular values and can be discarded. As the data represent a temperature anomaly (that is, temperature minus its mean value), the first EOF will not resemble the mean temperature, but rather will characterize the maximum amplitude spatial variation. A visual inspection (Figure 8.11) reveals that it consists of an east-west cold (white) band crossing the equatorial region and is thus a La Niña pattern.

Figure 8.10 Singular values, Σii, of the CAC sea surface temperature dataset. MatLab script eda08_10.
Figure 8.11 First 12 empirical orthoginal functions (EOFs) of the CAC sea surface temperature dataset. MatLab Script eda08_11.

Plots of the factor loadings, the time-dependent amplitude of the EOFs, indicate that the first five factors have time-variation with significant power at periods greater than 1 year (Figure 8.12). The coefficient of the first EOF is essentially a La Niña index, as the shape of the first EOF is diagnostic of La Niña conditions. Peaks in it indicate times when the La Niña pattern is particularly strong, and troughs indicate when it is particularly weak. The El Niño years of 1972, 1983, and 1997 show up as prominent troughs in this time series.

Figure 8.12 Amplitude time series, Ci(t), of the First 12 EOFs of the CAC sea surface temperature dataset for the time period January 1970 to March 2003. MatLab script eda08_11.

The EOFs can be used as a method of smoothing the temperature data in a way that preserves the most important spatial and temporal variations. A reconstruction using just the first five EOFs is shown in Figure 8.13.

Figure 8.13 (A) First 3 years of the CAC sea surface temperature dataset. (B) Reconstruction using first five empirical orthogonal functions. MatLab script eda08_12.


8.1. Write the matrix, SST, in terms of U, V, and Σ and show that the columns of U are eigenvectors of SST.

8.2. The varimax procedure uses one type of prior information, spikiness, to build a set of P “improved” factors, f′i, out of the set of P significant factors, fi, computed using singular value decomposition. Another, different type of prior information is that the factors, f′i, are close in shape to some other set of P factors, fis, that are specified. Find linear mixtures of the factors, fi, computed using singular value decomposition that comes as close as possible to fis, in the sense of minimizing, Σi (f′i fis) (f′i fis)T.

8.3. Compute the power spectra of each of the EOF amplitude (factor loading) time series for the CAC dataset. Which one has the most power at a period of exactly 1 year? Describe and interpret the spatial pattern of the corresponding EOF.

8.4. Cut the Black Rock Forest temperature dataset up into a series of one-day segments.
Discard any segments that contain hot or cold spikes or data dropouts. Subtract out the mean of each segment so that they reflect only the temperature changes through the course of the day, and not the seasonal cycle of temperatures. Consider each segment a sample and analyze the dataset with empirical orthogonal function analysis, making and interpreting plots that are analogous to Figure 8.9-8.13.

8.5. Invent a scenario in which the factor loadings (amplitudes of EOF's) are a function of two spatial coordinates, (x, y) instead of time, t, and in which they could be used to solve a nontrivial problem.


Kaiser H.F. The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrika. 1958;23:187–200.

Reynolds R.W., Smith T.M. Improved global sea surface temperature analyses. J. Climate. 1994;7.

Woodruff S.D., Lubker S.J., Wolter K., Worley S.J., Elms J.D. Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS) Release 1a: 1980–1992. NOAA Earth System Monitor; 1993 4, September.

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