
Who reads the credits at the end of a movie?

The people who are named, of course. They worked hard and all they get is some small print. Lots of people spent nearly as much time on this book as I did, but probably enjoyed it less. I'm indebted to them because all of their efforts made it better. If any errors or omissions remain, that's all my work.

Many of the images and photographs throughout the book came courtesy of Nick Tredennick (Dynamic Silicon); Lindsay Okamoto and Phil Bourekas at Integrated Device Technology; Susanna Jakubik, Gary Silcott, and Henry Wiechman at Texas Instruments; P. F. Domanis and Akiko Ishiyama at Hitachi; Nancy Snyder, Rosalind Yeh, and Martin Chorich at Sun Microsystems; and Michelle Herrick at ASM Lithography. Thanks for coming to work on such short notice.

The big gray parts between the photos were vastly improved through the talents and efforts of Patti Guerrieri, Teresa Horton, Lance Leventhal, and Bernard Goodwin, all of Prentice Hall. They work with words and ideas, and there are few better callings.

It's important to thank Michael Slater, Linley Gwennap, and Keith Diefendorff (Microprocessor Report) for patient on-the-job training; Tracy Kidder (Soul of a New Machine) for inspiration; Irritus and Lileks (James) for amusement; and the builders of Highway 1 for diversion.

And of course, Kathy, Caroline, and David who were neglected for the duration.

—Jim Turley
Pacific Grove, California

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