Conferences and Trade Shows

Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (“Asilomar”)

This annual conference is sponsored by the U.S. Navy, featuring technical papers, presentations, and discussions on electronics and computer systems. The conference is noted for its informal nature, low cost, and spectacularly picturesque surroundings on the California coast in Pacific Grove, near Monterey, Carmel, and Pebble Beach.

Embedded Systems Conference (ESC)

ESC is held several times a year in the United States, Europe, and Japan. It covers both business and technology and offers attendees a look at new products and tools for engineers and developers. Several papers are presented and full-day tutorials are available.

Microprocessor Forum

This annual San Jose conference sees new 32-bit and 64-bit microprocessor chips announced, generally for the first time. The conference is a mix of business and technology and is noted for its professional atmosphere, comparatively high cost, and high level of service.

Embedded Processor Forum

Like the Microprocessor Forum, the annual Embedded Processor Forum features first-time announcements of new microprocessor chips and related technology for embedded systems (i.e., not PCs). The conference is noted for its combination of technical material with business relevance.

Network Processor Conference

Network Processors is a combination trade fair, product exhibit, and technical conference. It is held annually and provides a broad look at the state of the network processor industry.

Hot Chips

Hot Chips is an annual tradition at Stanford University, situated in the heart of Silicon Valley. This low-cost conference features a number of paper presentations of new technology, mostly related to microprocessors. The members of the nonprofit group that organize Hot Chips change every year.

International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)

ISSCC is an annual event, usually held mid-winter in San Francisco, where semiconductor researchers and manufacturers display and discuss their latest advances. The program is generally very technical, but some of the papers are accessible to the general public.

International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)

Like ISSCC, the annual IEDM conference covers low-level advances in semiconductor manufacturing and its underlying technology. The conference is usually held in the winter at locations around the world.

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