Standards Bodies and Organizations

This section lists some of the independent, government, industry, or private standards bodies that affect the semiconductor industry. You're encouraged to contact them for more information about their activities and materials.

Semiconductor Industry of America (SIA)

The SIA works on technological, political, and business measures that advance the interests of America's semiconductor vendors. Some 90 percent of U.S. chip firms are represented by the SIA.

World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS)

This nonprofit organization keeps monthly and yearly figures on semiconductor sales and shipments worldwide. Some of its statistics are available for free on its Web site, and more detailed information is availablefor a subscription fee.


This organization includes representatives from a number of semiconductor companies around the world. Together, they research advanced manufacturing techniques for next-generation chip production.

Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI)

SEMI represents 2,400 companies around the world, promoting and encouraging development of semiconductor manufacturing technology.

Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC)

This organization is part of the Electronic Industries Alliance, charged with setting standards for chips and other components so that devices from different vendors can work together.

Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)

This blanket group includes more than a half-dozen separate organizations dealing with various aspects of electronics, telecommunications, and consumer electronics. The EIA's subordinate organizations set technical and political policy for its member companies.

Electronic Design Automation Consortium (EDAC)

EDAC works on technological, political, and business measures affecting America's EDA vendors.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The IEEE sets standards for the engineering community and accredits engineers. The group is a professional trade organization, similar to the American Medical Association for doctors. The IEEE publishes several technical periodicals and convenes technical conferences around the world.

Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)

This professional engineering society represents mostly European engineers. The IEE distributes technical periodicals, sets industry standards, and promotes economic and political agendas that advance the causes of its members.

International Engineering Consortium (IEC)

The IEC promotes research and cooperation between industry and academia in the areas of computer science and information technology.

International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

This relatively young organization is sponsored by the IEEE and covers broad areas such as silicon manufacturing, circuit design, and EDA.


Accellera is a nonprofit consortium of EDA vendors working on next-generation HDLs. The group promotes discussion and creation of these languages, but leaves their commercial development to its member companies. Accellera was formed from the merger of Open Verilog International and VHDL International, two groups promoting previously incompatible HDLs.

Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI)

Like Accellera, OSCI is a nonprofit organization promoting the development and use of next-generation HDLs, in this case, SystemC.

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