About This Book

It's normal to be curious about something that so fundamentally separates our daily lives from those of our grandparents. However, the nature of electronics, semiconductors, and chip making is inherently technical and, to be honest, pretty dull to the nonengineer. How can we keep up with this fast-moving business without becoming a nerd?

Plenty of people fly in airplanes without being pilots. Lots of people sail on ships or ride ferries without nautical experience. You can drive a car without being a mechanic. By the same token, plenty of people work in the massive electronics and semiconductor industries without first earning engineering degrees. This book is intended for them: the curious, intelligent adults who want a primer on the terms, words, and concepts behind this endlessly fascinating business, science, and technology.

Although this book is organized logically into a progression of chapters, it's not necessary to read them in order, or even to read them all. Some chapters are paired and might be best read together, such as Chapters 3 and 4, which deal with how silicon chips are designed and built. In general, feel free to browse and let your curiosity take you where it may.

I have made a deliberate attempt to avoid jargon, buzzwords, and acronyms through this book. In the back you'll find a glossary that defines many of the three-letter acronyms (TLAs) common to this business, even if those terms are never used in this book. If nothing else, keep a bookmark in the glossary so you can turn to it quickly in time of need.

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