The clustering model

We can tokenize the text into sentences so that we expand our dataset. We imported a function called sent_tokenize from the nltk package (natural language toolkit). This function will take in a single string and output the sentence as an ordered list of sentences separated by punctuation. For example:

sent_tokenize("hello! I am Sinan. How are you??? I am fine")

['hello!', 'I am Sinan.', 'How are you???', 'I am fine']

We will apply this function to our entire corpus using some reduce logic in Python. Essentially, we are applying the sent_tokenize function to each review and creating a single list called sentences that will hold all of our sentences:

sentences = reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, texts.apply(lambda x: sent_tokenize(str(x).decode('utf-8'))))

We can now see how many sentences we have:

# the number of sentences


This gives us 118,151—the number of sentences we have to work with. To create a document-term matrix, let's use TfidfVectorizer on our sentences: 

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words='english')

tfidf_transformed = tfidf.fit_transform(sentences)


We get the following:

<118151x280901 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
        with 1180273 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

Now, let's try to fit a PCA to this data, like so:

# try to fit PCA


Upon running this code, we get the following error:

TypeError: PCA does not support sparse input. See TruncatedSVD for a possible alternative.

The is error tells us that for PCA, we cannot have a sparse input, and it suggests that we use TruncatedSVD. singular value decomposition (SVD) is a matrix trick for computing the same PCA components (when the data is centered) that allow us to work with sparse matrices. Let's take this suggestion and use the TruncatedSVD module.

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