

acceleration, 44

accounting software, 8, 1112, 33

accounts, 1120

book-keeping, 1113

filing, 3

key performance indicators, 1620

monthly profit reporting, 1316

accrued income, 6

acid test ratio, 1920

adding value, 93

additional services, 43, 45, 89

adjudication, 72

aged debtor report, 6870

annual accounts, 3, 12

annual budget, 226

annual targets, 22

arbitration, 72

assets, 6


balance sheet, 3, 12, 17

bank loans, 89

bank reconciliation, 13


inter-firm comparison, 16, 17, 42, 78

targets, 22, 77

bidding for projects, 901

book-keeping, 1113

budget control, 24, 26

budget holders, 24, 26


capital expenditure, 268, 63

quarterly reviews, 26

setting, 24

sole practitioner or small practice, 28

business closure, 82

business sales, 83


capital, working, 57

capital expenditure, 268, 63

capital gains tax (CGT), 82, 85

captive fees forecast, 489

cash flow management, 5764 (see also working capital)

cash inflows, 602

cash outflows, 634

change control, 434 (see also additional services)

client brief

change of brief, 44, 8990

omission of work, 445

cliff edge profile, 4950, 76

closing the practice, 82

combined fees forecast, 523

Companies House, 4

competitive tenders, 8, 901

contract terms, 66, 878

corporation tax, 3, 27, 634

costs (see also overheads; resources)

cash outflows, 634

monitoring, 367, 90

project planning, 325

credit checking, 66

credit control, 6573, 88

‘creditor days’, 61

current assets, 6

current liabilities, 6

current ratio, 1819


daily accounts, 13

‘debtor days’, 61

debtors, 6871 (see also late payments)

depreciation, 27

design team management, 91

direct staff costs, 334

dispute resolution, 712


exit strategies, 816

expenditure, 15, 634 (see also costs)

expenses, 43, 63


fees, 3946 (see also payments)

adjustments and changes, 435, 8990

forecasting, 4753, 602

setting, 403, 91

finance, raising, 89

financial managers, 24

financial recession, 92

financial records see accounts

financial statements, 478

financial targets, 22 (see also key performance indicators (KPIs))

five-year plans, 212

fixed sum fees, 41

Flat Rate Scheme (FRS), 62


cash-flow, 5764

fees, 4753, 602

project resources, 536

forms of contract, 878

future possible fees, 502


income, 15, 602 (see also fees)

income tax, 3, 27, 634

indirect staff costs, 34

interest on late payments, 67

invoices, 67, 69, 88


‘joint and several’ liability, 2


key limiting factor, 234

key performance indicators (KPIs), 1620


late payments, 678, 889

liabilities, 6

licence fees, 423

‘limited by guarantee’, 5

limited companies, 35, 845

limited liability partnerships (LLP), 23, 834

limiting factor, 234

liquidity, 6, 17, 18 (see also cash flow)

litigation, 72

loans, 89, 18

lump sum fees, 41


management accounting, 1314

marketing, 54

mediation, 71


costs, 367, 90

performance, 1620, 367

monthly accounts, 13

monthly profit reporting, 1316


national insurance contributions, 63


office overheads, 34, 63

omission of work, 445

overdrafts, 9, 18, 58

overheads, 15, 34, 63


partnerships, 12, 834

payments, 88 (see also credit control)

contract terms, 61, 66

late, 678, 889

writing off debts, 701

percentage fees, 41, 42

performance benchmarks, 16, 17, 78

performance charts, 367

performance indicators, 1620

performance targets, 22, 767 (see also key performance indicators (KPIs))

personal liability, 2

planning, 219

annual budget, 226

capital expenditure budgets, 268

project resources, 312

sole practitioners and small practices, 28

strategic, 212

possible fees forecast, 502

professional indemnity premiums, 63

profit and loss (P&L) account, 12, 14, 17

profit targets, 22, 767

profitability, 6, 1617, 37, 778, 90

project performance, 367

project profiles, 37

project reporting and control, 318

project resource plan, 345

purchase order (PO) numbers, 69


quarterly accounts, 13

quarterly budget reviews, 26

quick ratio, 1920


reports, 759

aged debtors, 6870

cash-flow forecasts, 5860

monthly profit, 1316

project performance, 367

resource allocation, 55

research, 45

resources, 15 (see also staff)

allocation, 556

forecasting, 536

monitoring, 367, 90

planning, 32, 35, 536

resources cliff face, 545

RIBA Fees Calculator, 401

royalty payments, 423


self-employment, 12

selling the practice, 83

shareholders, 4, 84

small practices, 28, 52, 58, 76

software, 8, 1112, 26, 33

sole traders, 12, 28

staff costs, 15, 325, 778 (see also resources)

staff management, 91

staff resource allocation, 556

staged payments, 88

Standard Agreements, 878

strategic objectives, 22

strategic plan, 212

sub-consultants, 91



capital expenditure, 278

capital gains, 82, 85

depreciation, 27

partnerships, 2, 3

payroll, 634

self-employment, 2

sole practitioners and small practices, 28

VAT, 13, 62

technology, 26

time charges, 412

time-recording, 32

trade sale, 83

turnover analysis, 67, 17, 768


unit price fees, 42

unpaid fees see late payments


variations, 45

VAT, 13, 62


websites, 95

weekly accounts, 13

work in progress (WIP), 1516

working capital, 57

writing off debts, 701


zero-based budgets, 23

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