Chapter 7. Most Job-Hunting Advice Doesn't Apply in a World Turned Upside Down

You get your clothes cleaned when they're dirty. You pay your bills each month. You see your doctor once or twice a year. You send cards to family members at each birthday. So, why is it that most people (maybe even you!) don't integrate "careering" (savvy career management activities) into their regular routines?

Most individuals have a reactive—not a proactive—approach to their careers. Thinking that you only need to fix your career when it's broken (i.e., when you're laid off, downsized, or just plain miserable) is a very unfortunate misconception that will seriously limit your career success—both now and in the future, when economic conditions start to improve.


Thinking that you only need to fix your career when it's broken is a very unfortunate misconception.

Maybe you're in career transition (laid off, downsized, unemployed, between jobs, or changing industries); perhaps you're underemployed (not enough challenge, growth, or compensation in your current job); or you might be fully employed, but dissatisfied (wondering if there's something better for you elsewhere, or concerned that you made some wrong career choices).

Whichever situation you find yourself in, there are proven (and sometimes contrarian) steps you can take to maximize your opportunties and get the most from your chosen career. With the proper knowledge and support, you can make your career anything you want it to be, even in the midst of economic turmoil. That's what this book is all about.

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