Chapter 42. Never "Wing it" When You're Networking-Use an Agenda

Here is a basic agenda to follow in an initial phone outreach (see Network Agenda #1). My main piece of advice to you for networking. success is: just be yourself. Don't try too hard during these networking meetings. Relax, and follow the agenda very closely.

Sample: Networking Agenda #1 (Downloadable)

Never "Wing it" When You're Networking-Use an Agenda

Begin by asking, "Is this a good time for you to talk?" (If it isn't, identify a different time to call the person back.) Then move the conversation forward in this manner:

  1. Build rapport

  2. Update on where you have been (use Positioning Statement)

  3. Explain what happened (use Departure Statement)

  4. Ask for help (would you be willing to help me?)

  5. Decompress by taking the pressure off (reassure them you are not asking for a job)

  6. Ask again for help (expanding contact network/guidance/advice/ feedback)

  7. Thank them—set a time to get back to them

If you look at Network Agenda #1 and #2, you'll see some very practical forms that my clients have used with great success. Copy and use them, or adapt them to your own style.

Network Agenda #2 on the following page is an example of an agenda document that you can adapt, fill in, and actually hand to your networking partner as you sit down to start a meeting.

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