Chapter 3. This Has Happened Before, and It Will Happen Again

How do I know you'll get back on track? Because I've been working as a career coach for many years, and my practice has gone through several economic downturns. Through it all, I've helped thousands of people take charge of their careers, find jobs they love, and earn what they deserve. So here's a question for you: Given how difficult things are now, how do you want to react, and what do you want to do to improve your career situation?

I firmly believe that you have a choice and that the choice you make will determine the outcomes of your job search. Some people will panic and sit on the sidelines, waiting for the situation to change. Others will remain in a state of denial, acting as though world events can't affect them. Still others will assess the employment situation for what it is, and then do whatever it takes to rise above their circumstances and create success.

What's needed is action, and you don't have to take on the challenge alone. All of the help, support, tools, and resources you need are available to you. It's up to you to find and take advantage of them. This book offers you a lifeline. If you're willing to adopt a new attitude, shift your assumptions, step a bit outside of your comfort zone, try a few new behaviors, and use some new tools—you will get the job you want, even when no one's hiring.

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