Chapter 11. Your Attitude and Assumptions Will Dictate Your Career Fate

When no one's hiring, you need to be more selective in your job search. You need to focus like a laser on exactly the kind of work you would love to do. You need to identify precisely the kind of company you want to hire as your next employer. And you need to be crystal clear on the ideal work situation for you. Your attitude, assumptions, and beliefs alone will determine how far you carry this material—and how quickly. As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

Your level of focus and clarity will come through in every phase of the job search that you'll read about in the coming chapters. Hiring managers will be able to sense your focus, clarity, and commitment. Unlike your competition in a job market where no one's hiring, you will exude confidence, focus, and fit because you've laser-targeted the precise kind of job where you can do your very best work and deliver maximum value to your employer and customers. Mindset before skill set. Throughout the rest of this book, keep one thought in mind: You can do this!

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