Chapter 71. Congratulations! You Got the Job (Even When No One Was Hiring)

When you're accepting a job offer, or expect to get an offer, contact the other hot companies on your active Target List that you've met with and let them know you're about to accept another offer.

This does several things for you:

  1. It leverages the other employers' fear of loss, which might prompt them to make you an offer if you're already one of their top candidates.

  2. It sends a clear message that you're an in-demand asset, and thus may precipitate a hiring decision in your favor.

  3. It establishes a competitive environment between two or more potential employers, and gives you an edge in negotiating with either — or both — companies.

The language for this conversation is straightforward and simple. You could say something like, "It looks like I'll be taking a position at..." or "As much as I'd like to work with your organization, I need to let you know I have an offer in hand from..."(Of course, you should only use this strategy if you really do have another job offer in hand.) Once you've established this groundwork, you can see where the employer takes the discussion next. No matter what the final outcome, this strategy can never hurt you if you use it ethically and honestly.

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