Getting to publication has been a journey for us, one we’ve taken alongside our clients as they wrestle with what it means to compete and grow in the Age of Complexity. We’ve been helped and inspired along the way by the many conversations, insights, and challenges posed and thank our clients for their encouragement.

We also want to thank our many colleagues who have made substantive contributions to the book, including David Toth, Ernie Spence, Megan Beck, Scott Stallbaum, Andrew Dorin, Rob Turell, Tom Hamnett, and Chris Seifert.

We are indebted to the team at McGraw-Hill: to Knox Huston, our first editor, with whom we started this journey, and Cheryl Ringer, who has helped us get this across the finish line. Also, our appreciation goes to Sue Reynard for her editorial support.

Our thanks to Frederik van Tuyll and Alejandro Peñas of TMF Group for their thoughtful contributions around what it takes to deploy a global operating model.

We also would like to acknowledge Mike George and Andy Beal, who have acted as inspiration and counsel for us over the years.

Last but not least, we wish to thank our families for their support and understanding as we learned firsthand the time demands of writing a book while running a business, which doesn’t leave time for much else.

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