Subject Index to Volume 4B


Abbring, J., 1806
Abdel Rahman, Hesham M., 1290
Abowd, J. M., 1663t, 1683, 1788
Abowd, John, 805t, 813, 839, 983t, 1000t
Abstract tasks, 1077, 1158
Acemoglu, Daron, 814, 1130, 1131, 1149, 1150, 1287, 1292, 1635
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 1574
ACS. See American Community Survey
ACT. See American College Test
Activation programmes (AP), 1180, 1185, 1223
examples of, 1220
increase in, 1196
literature on experiments with, 1220–1222
locking-in effect, 1221
participation in, 1220
Active labor market policy (ALMP), 1179, 1192, 1193
in Europe, 1177t
European v. non-European, 1182t
GDP to, 1181f
Add Health. See National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health
Addison, John T., 1645t
ADHD. See Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Adoption studies, 1514, 1516t, 1519–1521, 1522t
biological/adoptive parents and, information on both, 1521
bivariate regression approach, 1519, 1520
multivariate regression approach, 1520, 1521
reconciling with twin/IV literatures, 1527, 1528
screening, 1519
Advance information, 820
Advance notice period, 1209
Affirmative action, 1550, 1551
AFQT. See Armed Forces Qualifying Test
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 942, 946
consumption and, 782
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort and, 951, 952
father’s earnings and, 1492
firing costs and, 1790
heaping, 1367
income and, 799
mother’s, 946, 952
National Education Longitudinal Survey and, 963
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 929
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 and, 931
racial achievement gap and, 870
small for gestational, 1432
son’s earnings and, 1492
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1597t
Agency-theoretic models, 1771
Agglomeration economies, 1027, 1028, 1241
dartboard style methodology of, 1282
empirical estimates of, 1282–1286
estimates of magnitude of, 1284
explanations of, 1286–1296
hiring and, 1813, 1814
industrial coagglomeration and, 1291
spatial equilibrium with, 1273–1276
Aggregate matching function, 1191
Aghion, E. A., 1645t, 1750
Aghion, P., 1638
Agreeableness, 1560, 1561
Agüero, Jorge M., 1402t
Aguiar, Mark, 1579
Ahsan, A., 1645t
AIDS. See Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Air pollution
childhood shocks and, 1367–1370
mobility and, 1367
Aizer, Anna, 1354t, 1369, 1458t, 1460t, 1461t, 1465, 1466
Akbulut, Mevlude, 1531
Akerlof, George, 1570–1572
Alaska Permanent Fund, 783n14
Albanesi, Stefania, 1564
Allen, S. G., 1663t, 1664t
AlmaLaurea, 1810, 1811
Almond, Douglas, 1343t, 1344t, 1361t, 1366, 1369, 1408t, 1410
ALMP. See Active labor market policy
Altonji, Joseph, 811t, 841n63, 842, 1532, 1544, 1570
Altruism, 1553, 1554, 1559
Alvarez, Fernando, 828
Alvarez, Javier, 810t, 817, 818
Ambition, 1559
Ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations, 1465
American College Test (ACT), 863
American Community Survey (ACS), 1049, 1050
Americans with Disabilities Act, 1598t
Amin, M., 1645t
Anderson, Kathryn, 1443t
Anderson, Michael, 1434, 1436t
Andersson, Fredrik, 1289n45, 1813, 1814
Andreoni, James, 1553n12, 1636
Andrews, M. J., 1808
Anger, Silke, 1528
Anson, Elizabeth, 1422t
Antoninis, M., 1799, 1800
Antonovics, Kate, 1515t, 1552
Aos, Steve, 1437t
AP. See Activation programmes
Appalachian Regional Commission, 1296
Arai, Mahmood, 1000t
ARCH structures, 801, 815
identification of, 802, 803
Arcidiacono, Peter, 1552
Arkvik, Arild, 1494
Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT), 859, 860, 929, 931
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 929, 931
Arrow-Debreu markets, 828
Arzaghi, Mohammad, 1284, 1285
Asch, Bath, 1726t
Asgari, S., 1576
Ashworth, Karl, 986t
Asking language, 1555
Assortative mating, 872, 873, 1497, 1513, 1514
ASVAB. See Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
ATE. See Average treatment effect
ATT. See Average treatment on treated effect
Attanasio, O. P., 828, 829
Attencion a Crisis, 1404t
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 1393
Attitudes, intergenerational transmission of, 1532, 1533
Attrition, 790, 791, 816n43
At-will employment, 1606, 1607, 1633
defining feature of, 1608, 1609
exceptions to, 1609–1614
good-faith exception, 1609, 1612–1614
implied contract exception, 1609, 1611, 1612
public policy exception, 1609, 1610, 1611
Autor, D. H., 1070, 1075, 1077, 1117n60, 1147n71, 1641, 1646t, 1787, 1795, 1810
Average treatment effect (ATE), 1712
Average treatment on treated effect (ATT), 1712


Babcock, Linda, 1555, 1556, 1558
Baby boom, 1053
Baby college, 875t
Backes-Gellner, U., 1789
Bagues, M. F., 1810, 1811
Baiker, Katherine, 1723t
Bailey, Martha J., 1564
Baily, Martin, 1709
Baker, G., 1777, 1778
Baker, Kevin, 1400t
Baker, Michael, 807t, 809t, 814, 815, 817, 1384t, 1446t, 1451
Baldwin, Laura-Mae, 1465
Bandiera, Oriana, 1720t, 1721t, 1730, 1735, 1774
Banerjee, Abhijit V., 1358t, 1367
Banzhaf, Spencer, 1367
Barankay, Iwan, 1720t, 1721t, 1730, 1735, 1774
Barber, Brad M., 1548, 1549
Bargaining. See also Negotiation
collective, 1177t
wage, 991–995, 1022, 1023
Bargaining power, 1632, 1638, 1639
education and, 1504
union, 1683, 1684
wage posting and, 993
Barker, David, 1341
Barlow, Jane, 1424t
Barnett, Steven, 1436t, 1447t, 1448t
Barreca, Alan, 1353t
Barron, John M., 983t, 986t, 1805, 1806
Bartel, Ann, 1716t
Barth, Erling, 1011t
Bartling, B., 1809, 1810
Baten, Jörg, 1355t, 1367
Bauer, Charles, 1435t
Baum, Charles L., 1408t, 1410, 1411
Baumol, William, 1162
Bayer, P., 1797
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID), 865, 870, 939, 942
Bebchuck, L. A., 1784
Becker, B., 1665t, 1719t, 1728
Becker marriage market, 846
Becker’s taste-based discrimination model, 1573
Behavioral problems, 1393, 1394
gender and, 1562, 1563
Behrman, Jere R., 1342t, 1366, 1513, 1515t
Belfield, Clive, 1436t
Bemmels, B., 1666t
Benefit pensions, defined, 777
Benjamin, Daniel J., 1576, 1577
Bennett, Forrest, 1435t
Bennett, Neil G., 1341, 1345t, 1356t
Berger, Lawrence M., 1383t
Berger, Mark C., 983t, 1806
Bergman, N. K., 1794
Berkowitz, Carol, 1431t
Berman, E., 1787
Bernbaum, Judy, 1435t
Bernhardt, D., 1802
Bertrand, M., 1784
Besanko, D., 1774
Besley, T., 1644, 1647t
Bettinger, Eric, 1568
Bhattacharya, Debopam, 1494
Bilateral monopoly, 990, 991
Bingley, Paul, 1406, 1407t, 1513, 1514, 1515t
Biomarkers, 1339, 1340
Bird, R. C., 1647t
Birth control pill, 1544n1, 1574
Birth weight, 1329
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 947
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort, and, 952
education and, 1330, 1341, 1366
health and, 1392
health insurance and, 1453–1458t
income and, 1333, 1366
intergenerational correlation, 1531, 1532
interventions, 1333
parental investments and, 1330, 1331, 1332t
sibling, 1329
smoking and, 1369
twin, 1330
Bishop, J., 1805
Bitler, Marianne, 1426, 1427t
Björklund, Anders, 1495–1497, 1509–1511, 1516t, 1528, 1534
Black, Dan A., 983t, 1278, 1806
Black, Maureen M., 1431t
Black, Sandra E., 1000t, 1334t, 1338, 1347t, 1517t, 1524, 1528, 1532, 1662, 1667t, 1716t, 1728
Blackaby, D., 1559
Blanchard, O. J., 1636, 1648t
Blanchflower, David G., 1000t
Blanden, Jo, 1321t
Blank, Rebecca M., 1544, 1570
Blasi, Joseph, 1700, 1723t, 1731, 1732
Blatter, Marc, 983t
Blau, Francine D., 1010t, 1577, 1592
Bleakley, Hoyt, 1288, 1371, 1373t
Bloom, Nick, 1717t, 1728, 1742n22, 1743, 1748, 1753
Blow, Laura, 1400t
Blundell, Richard, 787–789, 822, 831, 832, 831t
Bodkin, R., 833
Bollinger, C. R., 1790, 1791
Bondy, Jessica, 1422t
Boning, Brent, 1724t, 1732
Booth, Alison, 1011t, 1559, 1566, 1567, 1573, 1574
Borghans, Lex, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1564
Borrowing, 780, 782. See also Natural borrowing constraint; Zero borrowing constraint
Boschini, Anne, 1577
Botero, J. C., 1643, 1648t
Bouchard, Thomas, Jr., 1560
Bound, J., 1787
Bowles, Hannah R., 1555, 1556
Boyle, Michael, 1424t
Bozzoli, Carlos, 1374t
BPP model, 787–789
Bradley, S., 1808
Brain and brawn model, 1564n28
Brain sparing mechanisms, 1341
Bratsberg, Bernt, 1495–1497
Brencic, V., 1808, 1811
Brenner, Mark D., 1008t
Bresnahan, Timothy, 1738, 1787
Brewer, Marilynn, 1293
British Household Panel Study, 989, 1529
British Workplace Employees Relations Survey (WERS), 1556, 1557, 1701
Bronars, S., 1668t, 1669t
Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, 1416t, 1435t
Brown, C., 1670t
Brown, Donna, 983t
Brown, Eleanor, 1532
Browning, Martin, 810t, 817, 818, 833, 835
Brynjolfson, Erik, 1737
Bryson, Alex, 1732
BSID. See Bayley Scale of Infant Development
Buka, Stephen, 1354t, 1435t
Bull, C., 1795, 1796
Burdett, Kenneth, 1023, 1806, 1807
Burdett-Mortensen model, 1023t
Burgess, R., 1644, 1647t
Burgess, Simon, 1724t, 1733, 1790
Burguet, R., 1639
Burrell, Lori, 1420t
Busso, Matias, 1298, 1299
Buyer-seller contract, 1608
Buyouts, 1815
Byrns, Patricia, 1465


Caballero, R. J., 1649t
Cain, Kevin, 1465
Calvo-Armengol, A., 1797
Caminal, R., 1639
Campbell, C., 1010t
Campbell, David, 1709
Canadian Intergenerational Income Data (IID), 1493
Canonical model, 1045, 1095–1120
disadvantages of, 1119
earnings distribution through, 1108–1115
extension, 1111
inequality in, 1115–1117
interpretations of production function, 1104, 1105
shortcomings of, 1045
theory of, 1098–1107
Capelli, Peter, 1717t
Card, David, 805t, 813, 839, 1053, 1304n63, 1457t
Career Academics, 913t
Career concerns, 1779, 1811
Carlino, Gerald A., 1293, 1294
Carmichael, H. L., 1640
Carneiro, Pedro, 1442t, 1451, 1518t, 1525
Caroli, Eve, 1717t, 1754
Carolina Abecedarian Project, 875t, 878, 1434, 1435t, 1436t
Carter, Micahel R., 1402t
Cascio, Elizabeth U., 1449t, 1452
Case, Anne, 1321t, 1371, 1375t, 1376t, 1377t, 1380t, 1381t, 1392
Casella, A., 1798
Casey, Patrick H., 1431t, 1435t
Castilla, E. J., 1800
Causal effect, defined, 1617, 1618
Cawthon, Mary, 1465
CCB. See Children’s Cognitive Battery
CCDP. See Comprehensive Child Development Program
CCT. See Conditional Cash Transfer Programs
Census Integrated Public Use Micro Samples, 1163
Census of Populations, 1049, 1050
CEO. See Chief Executive Officer
CEX. See Consumer Expenditure Survey
CGS. See South African Child Support Grant
Chadwick, Laura, 1498
Chakravarty, S., 1642
Chamberlain, Gary, 808t, 817
Charles, Kerwin K., 1533, 1573
Chatterjee, Pinka, 1382t
Chatterjee, Satyajit, 1293, 1294
Chay, Kenneth, 1343t, 1351t, 1360t, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1371, 1396
Chevalier, Arnaud, 1517t, 1525
Chevalier, Judith, 1726t, 1735n20
public schools data descriptions, 954–956
racial achievement gap in, 897, 898, 899–900t, 901, 902f, 903f
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
dismissals, 1815
luck and, 1784
mobility of, 1803, 1804
pay structure, 1781–1784
pay structure dependencies, 1783
abuse, 1395
human capital of, 1323, 1471, 1499, 1502
Intergenerational elasticity and state spending per, 1500, 1501
labor, 1607
mortality rates, 1337
mother’s reaction to, 946
Child care, 1433–1453. See also Foster care
evaluations of, 1435–1450t
Childhood, early, 1317–1321t. See also Infant
defined, 1370
environment, 1370, 1371, 1392–1396
intervention programs, 1419–1467
Childhood shocks
administrative data improvements, 1338, 1339
air pollution and, 1367–1370
biological, 1328
capacity formation and, 1324
child abuse and, 1395
conceptual framework of, 1322, 1323
Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and, 1403, 1404t
cost of, 1326
data constraints, 1336–1340
double-barreled, 1326
economic, 1367
environmental, 1359–1365t, 1390–1391t
fixed investments and, 1324, 1325
Food Stamp Program and, 1407–1409t
health and, 1371–1394
health and, physical/mental, 1372–1391t
health insurance and, 1453–1467
home environment, 1382–1391t, 1394, 1395
housing and, 1412–1414t
impact of, 1324
income and, 1399–1404t
income enhancement and, 1397–1405
inequality aversion and, 1328
infections, 1371
intervention programs, 1419–1467
leveraging existing datasets for, 1336–1338
long term consequences of, 1340–1396
magnitude of, 1323
maternal employment and, 1394, 1395
maternal health and, 1341–1355, 1342–1358t, 1366
maternal mental health and, 1394
methodological issues of, 1328–1333
near-cash programs and, 1405, 1406, 1410, 1411, 1418, 1419
neighborhood characteristics and, 1414–1417t
nutrition and, 1431t
overcrowding and, 1411
overlapping generations, 1326
policy responses, 1396–1467
power calculations, 1333–1336, 1334–1335t
preferences tensions and, 1328
prenatal environment and, 1341–1370
reinforcing, 1326, 1328–1330
remediation, 1324–1326
response to, 1370
responsive investments, 1326–1328
sibling effects and, 1328
substance abuse and, 1394
toxic exposure and, 1396
Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (CNLSY79), 893–907, 895t, 896t
data description, 952, 953
demographic variables and, 952
income and, 952
summary statistics, 953t
test scores and, 952
Children’s Cognitive Battery (CCB), 880
Children’s Sentinel Nutritional Assessment Program, 1431t
Choi, James J., 1576, 1577, 1743
Christensen, Kaare, 1513, 1514, 1515t
Christofides, Louis N., 1000t
Civil law, 1643
Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1597t
Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 1597t
Civil Rights Acts of 1991, 1598t, 1790
Clark, K. B., 1662, 1671t, 1672t, 1673t
Clean Air Act of 1970, 1367, 1368
Cleveland, racial achievement gap in, 918, 919, 918f
Clotfelter, Charles, 1008t
CNLSY79. See Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Coates, J. M., 1569
Cochrane, J. H., 1624
Codifiable tasks, 1076
Cognitive skills. See also Tasks
intergenerational elasticity and, 1528, 1529
Cole, Nancy, 1397, 1399t
Cole, Robert E., 1421t, 1422t, 1425, 1426
Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP), 865, 869t
age and, 942, 946
birth weight and, 947
data description, 942–947
demographic variables, 867
family structure and, 946
home environment variables, 867
income and, 946
mother’s age and, 946
mother’s reaction to child and, 946
multiple birth indicator and, 947
number of siblings and, 947
parents’ education and, 947
parents’ occupation and, 947
prematurity and, 947
prenatal environment controls, 867
race and, 946
racial achievement gaps in, 867f
sex and, 946
socioeconomic status variables, 868n22
summary statistics, 943–945t
Collective bargaining, European, 1177t
College and Beyond 1976, 858, 863, 864t
data description, 933–935
income and, 933
race and, 935
SAT score and, 935
sex and, 935
summary statistics, 934t
unemployment and, 935
College wages, 1050–1055
detrended changes in supply and, 1111f
by experience, 1112, 1113, 1113t
high school and, gap between, 1109t, 1110f, 1111
nominal hourly, 1244–1246, 1244f, 1245t, 1246t, 1247f
ratio to high school wage, 1112f
real hourly, 1249, 1250f
skill supply and, 1052, 1053
weekly, composition adjusted, 1051f
Colman, Sylvie, 1429t
Combes, Pierre Philippe, 1283
Comer School Development Program, 913t
Common law, 1685
The Common Law (Holmes), 1596
Commuting costs, 1029
Comparative advantage
schedule of, 1154
of skill groups, 1122, 1123
wage and, 1154–1157
Compensation policy, hiring, 1793
Competition. See also Imperfect competition; Perfect competition
decentralization and, 1756
gender and, 1549–1552, 1557, 1558, 1565–1567
incentives and, 1746
product market, 1745–1747, 1756
wages and, 1024, 1249, 1592
Complete reforms
defining, 1194
general equilibrium effects of, 1194–1196
partial equilibrium effects of, 1193, 1194
two-tier v., 1187t, 1200
Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP), 1420t
Computing progress, 1075, 1118, 1787
Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCT), 1397, 1403, 1404t, 1405
Conditional tax credits, 1218, 1397, 1398, 1523
Condliffe, Simon, 1392n15
Conduct disorders, 1393, 1394
Congestions costs, 1260n19
Conley, Dalton, 1335t, 1341, 1345t, 1356t
Connell, Frederick, 1465
Connolly, R., 1677t
Conover, Christopher J., 1466
Conscientiousness, 1560, 1561
Constant elasticity of substitution function, 1323
Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), 821n46
detachment problems of, 847
Consumer wages, 1059n15
Consumption, 776, 777
adjusting upwards, 783
age and, 782
announcing tax reforms and, 780
anticipated income changes and, 780
change in household, 780
closed form solution for, 784
Euler equation and, 785
excess sensitivity to, 777
excess smoothness of, 828, 829
extent of attenuation of, 830
future uncertainty and, 783, 784
impact of income changes on, 779–789
imputation procedure, 826
income data and, 818–839
income inequality and, gap between, 832
income shocks and, 781t, 782, 783t
individual behavior model of, 827
innovation and, 786n20
intergenerational transmission of, 1533
magnitude hypothesis, 783
mortgage payments and, 783
permanent shocks and, 782
related to permanent income, 818, 819
responding to news in income, 780
responding to signal, 827
size of income changes and, 782, 783
smoothing benefits, 833
transitory shocks and, 782, 783t
variance of, 793f
Consumption inequality, 846
change in, 823
growth of, 832
income inequality and, 846, 847
asymmetric information and, 1621, 1626–1629, 1636–1639
at-will employment implied exception of, 1609, 1611, 1612
authority and, 1621, 1628n44
basic reasons for, 1621
buyer-seller, 1608
cooperative investments, 1631
court overrule of, 1615
economics of, 1621–1633
enforcement of, 1601, 1602, 1615, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625
implementing efficient, 1633–1641
implicit, 1622
incentive-compatible, 1627
incomplete wage, 1640
incompleteness, 1606
increasing employer, 987
indexed, 1633
insurance, 1622–1626
as legally binding, 1602
motivations for, 1633, 1642
nexus, 1602
optimal matching and, 1637
penalty clauses, 1604
reliance and, 1621, 1629–1633
renewals, 1197
reputational concerns and, 1608
risk and, 1621, 1634–1636
sales, 1605
self-investments, 1631
selling, 1635
severance payments undone via labor, 1634
signaling, 1638
sunk investment, 1629, 1630
tenure, 1627
termination, 1625
theory, 1595, 1772, 1773
Contract, permanent
employment protection and, 1201f, 1202f
temporary contracts converted to, 1201
wage premia on, 1202t
Contract, temporary, 1197
converted to permanent contracts, 1201
employment protection and, 1201f
Contract breach, 1601, 1602, 1625, 1629
court decisions and, 1603
defining, 1604
Contract damages
expectation, 1603, 1625, 1629, 1637
liquidated, 1604
measuring, 1629
reliance, 1603
restitution, 1603, 1629
Contribution pensions, defined, 777
Cook, John T., 1431t
Cook, Thomas, 1448t
Cooke, William, 1674t, 1718t
Corak, Miles, 1529
Corseuil, C. H., 1646t
Cortisol, 1339
Costa, Dora L., 1289, 1366
Costinot, Arnaud, 1121n65
contract breach and decisions of, 1603–1605
overrule of contract terms, 1615
selective nature of, 1685
Coutry, Pascal, 1726t
Coverdill, J. E., 1796
Cowan, K. N., 1649t
Cox, Donald, 1533
CPP. See Collaborative Perinatal Project
CPS. See Current Population Survey
Cramer’s rule, 1194
Crayen, Dorothee, 1355t, 1367
Credentialization process, 1572
Credit constraints
Intergenerational elasticity and, 1502, 1503
Intergenerational transmission of education and, 1504
location-based policies and, 1307, 1308
Criminal law, 1594
Crop loss shocks, 833
Croson, Rachel, 1546, 1563
Cross-country trends, 1161
Crossley, Thomas, 833, 835
decentralization and, 1756
intergenerational transmission of, 1532
Cunha, Flavio, 818, 823, 824, 824, 1318t, 1319t
Cunningham, E. J., 1806, 1807
Current Population Survey (CPS), 1661
March, 1048, 1162, 1163
March Annual Demographic Files of, 1049
May, 1049
May/Outgoing Rotation Groups, 1162
Currie, Janet, 1320t, 1328, 1333, 1337n9, 1342t, 1346t, 1360t, 1362t, 1363t, 1364t, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1372t, 1378t, 1387t, 1388t, 1392, 1393, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1399t, 1405, 1406, 1409t, 1410, 1411, 1412t, 1426, 1427t, 1439, 1440t, 1453, 1453t, 1456t, 1458t, 1462t, 1465, 1466
Cutler, David M., 1357t, 1367
Cutts, Diana B., 1431t


Dafny, Leemore, 1461t, 1465
Dahl, Gordon B., 1398, 1401t
Dale-Olsen, Harald, 1011t
independent school district data descriptions, 956–958
racial achievement gap in, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901, 902f, 903f, 904t
Daniela, Vuri, 1531
Darby, Michael, 1293
Dasgupta, N., 1576
Data use agreements, 1339
Datar, Ashlesha, 1329, 1330
Daughter’s earnings, 1497, 1498
Davis, Hilton, 1424t
Day Reconstruction Method (DRM), 1580
DC Comprehensive Assessment System (DC-CAS), 897
DC-CAS. See DC Comprehensive Assessment System
DD. See Difference in Differences
de Barros, P., 1646t
Dearden, Lorraine, 1320t
Deaton, Angus, 814, 815, 1374t
DeBrock, L., 1791
Decentralization, 1749–1756
benefits, 1750, 1751
competition and, 1756
complexity, 1752
costs of, 1751, 1752
by country, 1751f
culture and, 1756
heterogeneity and, 1753, 1754
human capital and, 1754
ICT and, 1752, 1753
influences on, 1752–1756, 1755f
measures of, 1749, 1750
theories, 1750–1752
trust and, 1756
Decker, Janet, 1462t
Deere, D., 1668t, 1669t
Delfgaauw, J., 1795
Deming, David, 1439, 1441t
Department of Education Student Mentoring Program, 916t
Deregulation, 1544n1
DeVaro, J., 1808, 1809
Developing countries, eradicating poverty in, 864, 865
Devereux, Paul J., 1334t, 1338, 1347t, 1517t, 1524, 1528, 1532
Di Tella, R., 1649t
Diamond, P. A., 1637
Dickens, Charles, 1592
Dickens, Richard, 983t
Dictator experiments, 1553, 1554
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), 1078, 1079
Difference in Differences (DD), 1712
Digital divide, 978
DiNardo, J., 1618, 1675t, 1683, 1735
Disability shocks, 833–835
Discrete-choice structural model of hiring, 1809
Chief Executive Officer, 1815
constructive, 1628
right of, 1628, 1629
Djankov, S., 1643, 1648t, 1650t
Doblhammer, Gabriele, 1359t, 1366
Dohmen, Thomas J., 1547, 1548, 1551, 1552
Donohue, J. J., 1646t
Dorn, David, 1147n71
DOT. See Dictionary of Occupational Titles
Doucouliagos, H., 1662
Downes, E. A., 1650t
Doyle, Joseph, Jr., 1338, 1386t
Dranove, D., 1774
Dreber, Anna, 1569
DRM. See Day Reconstruction Method
Dubay, Lisa, 1455t, 1465
Dube, Arindrajit, 983t, 1008t
Dubois, W. E. B., 925
Duflo, Esther, 1358t, 1367
Duggan, Anne, 1420t
DuMont, Kimberly, 1420t
Duncan, Greg, 1399t, 1416t, 1430t, 1532
Dunkelberg, W. C., 1805
Dunn, Thomas A., 1532
Dur, R., 1795
Duranton, Gilles, 1282, 1283
Dustmann, Christian, 1385t
Dwyer, Peggy D., 1548


Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), 865, 869t
data description, 935–941
demographic variables, 866
interviewers, 868n20
parent as teacher variable, 866, 867
racial achievement gap in, 866f
summary statistics, 936–938t
variables in, 866
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K), 880–893, 886–887t, 888–889t, 891–892t, 940
age and, 951, 952
birth weight and, 952
data description, 947–952
general knowledge exam and, 951n62
math and, 951
mother’s age at first birth and, 952
number of children’s books and, 951
racial achievement gap and, 881, 882t
reading and, 951
restricted-use version, 897
socioeconomic composite measure, 951
summary statistics, 948–950t
Early Head Start, 875t, 878n36, 1437t, 1439
Early retirement (ER), 1185, 1223
Early Start, 1423t
Early Training Project, 875t, 878, 1434, 1436t
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 1218, 1398, 1523
Earning Supplement Project, 1217
Earnings. See also Income; Poverty
conditional variance of, 800–803
controversy over random walk in, 816
daughter’s, 1497, 1498
differences between skills, 1302
distribution through canonical model, 1108–1115
dynamics model, 792–794
education and, 1091
endogenous variability in, 789
family, 1498
father’s, 1491–1493, 1495
intergenerational correlations of, 1489–1507
mobility, 803, 813
son’s, 1492, 1495–1497
stochastic growth in, 797–799
as sum of random components, 790
unexplained growth of, 793
volatility, 843, 844
Earnings growth
autocovariance of, 796, 797, 798f, 799
random walk v. stochastic controversy, 816, 817
Easton, George, 1718t
Eberts, R., 1676t
ECI. See Employment conditional incentives
Eckel, Catherine C., 1546, 1553, 1576
Eckenrode, John, 1421t, 1425, 1426
ECLS-B. See Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort
ECLS-K. See Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort
Economic geography, 1027–1029
Edlund, Lena, 1361t, 1369, 1408t
Educare, 875t
Education, 1527. See also Teachers
bargaining power and, 1504
birth weight and, 1330, 1341, 1366
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 947
compulsory, 1524, 1525
earnings and, 1091
gender and achievement in, 1562
health and, 1526
higher, 1503
hiring and, 1816
hourly wage and, 1060f, 1061, 1062f, 1248t
IQ tests and, 1512
intergenerational elasticity and public, 1500
intergenerational transmissions of, 1501, 1503–1507, 1506–1507t, 1524, 1525
job vacancies and, 1806
of mother, 894, 897
occupations by, 1084–1085f, 1099t
real wages and, 1058t
reform and IGE, 1501, 1524
return to, 1503
substituting labor for, 1607
task measure by, 1101, 1102t
tasks by, 1080
Ehrenberg, R. G., 1676t
EITC. See Earned Income Tax Credit
Ejrnaes, Mette, 810t, 817, 818
Elias, Peter, 986t
ELL. See English Language Learner
Ellison, Glenn, 1282, 1286n41, 1291, 1726t, 1735n20
Elmeskov, Martin S., 1650t
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1938 (ERISA), 1596
Employer collusion, 978–980
Employer Opportunity Pilot Project (EOPP), 1805
Employer size-wage effect (ESWE), 1017, 1018
predictions, 1018
Employment. See also Hiring; Jobs; Unemployment
childhood shocks and maternal, 1394, 1395
mandated, 1005
maximizing wage, 1025
minimum wage to maximize, 1025
responsiveness and two-tier reforms, 1207f
self, 791n29, 1529n60
smoothed changes in, 1071f
strictness of, 1180f
subsidies from entry jobs, 1200
wage and, one-to-one link between, 1005
Employment, at-will, 1606, 1607, 1633
defining feature of, 1608, 1609
exceptions to, 1609–1614
good-faith exception, 1609, 1612–1614
implied contract exception, 1609, 1611, 1612
public policy exception, 1609, 1610, 1611
Employment conditional incentives (ECI), 1181, 1185, 1196, 1223
costs of, 1218
reforms of, literature on, 1217–1220
Employment law, 1596–1616, 1597–1598t, 1605–1609, 1643–1644, 1661–1662. See also Employment protection; specific laws
adapting to environment, 1607
adoption pattern 1983-1994, 1613f
changes in, 1643
changes in, effects from, 1620
defining, 1599–1605
economics and, gap between, 1599
ensuring performance, 1615
mandatory rules of, 1603
for selected countries, 1644t
as separation cost, 1593
under state jurisdiction, 1661
as substitute for union protection, 1641
summary, 1645–1660t
three solitudes of, 1686
Employment protection, 1179, 1185, 1210t, 1223, 1634. See also Employment law
abandoning, 1599
administrative procedures, 1209
under dual regimes, 1212
in Europe, 1177t
European v. non-European, 1182t
Job flows in countries with strict, 1209, 1210
on labor markets, 1210t
legal minima, 1209
negative effect of, 1211
overestimating, 1212
permanent contracts and, 1201f, 1202f
reduced-form approach to, 1639
reforms, 1188t, 1200, 1203
reforms, literature on, 1209–1213
strictness of, 1180
tax component, 1209
temporary contracts and, 1201f
transfer component, 1209
as turnover cost, 1599, 1634, 1685
Employment relationship, 1605, 1606
economics of, 1616–1642
models, 1616–1621
Empowerment Zones Program, 1296–1299
Enforcement, contract, 1601, 1602, 1615, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625. See also Courts
Engel, E. M., 1649t
English Language Learner (ELL), 897
Entitlement, 1555
childhood shocks, 1341–1370, 1359–1365t, 1382–1391t, 1394, 1395
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 867
early childhood, 1370, 1371, 1392–1396
employment law adapting to, 1607
gender and, 1566–1568, 1575
home, 867, 1382–1391t, 1394, 1395
IQ tests and, 1512n40
prenatal, 867, 1341–1370
Ricardian trade model, 1122, 1123
substitutions across different skills, 1144–1146
EOPP. See Employer Opportunity Pilot Project
Equal pay legislation, 1027
Equilibrium, 1239, 1260. See also General equilibrium model; Partial equilibrium model; Spatial equilibrium model
housing market, 1260
income shocks and, 844–846
in local labor markets, 1254–1257
rat-race, 1779
Ricardian trade models and, 1123–1130, 1135f
wage dispersion, 1022, 1024
wage inequality and, 1127, 1128
ER. See Early retirement
Eriksson, Tor, 1495–1497
ERISA. See Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1938
Eslava, E. A., 1651t
ESWE. See Employer size-wage effect
Euler equation, 829
advantage of, 784
approximation of, 784–787
consumption and, 785
limited parameters of, 784
Active labor market policy, 1177t, 1182t
collective bargaining, 1177t
employment protection, 1177t, 1182t
reforms 1980-2007, 1185t
taxes on low wages in, 1177t
tracking reforms, 1185, 1186
unemployment benefits, 1177t, 1182t
European Community Household Panel, 1202
European labor market institutions
Anglo-Saxon, 1178
changes, 1179–1182
clusters, 1176–1179, 1177t
Continental, 1178
Mediterranean, 1178
European Union Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), 1201, 1202
“Eurosclerosis,” 1176
Eurostat data, 1086n43
EU-SILC. See European Union Survey of Income and Living Conditions
Eva, Österbacka, 1495–1497
Evans, William N., 1343t, 1369
Ex-ante responses to risk, 775, 777
examples of, 774
Exchange rate fluctuations, 1006
Executive search firm, 1795, 1796
advantages of, 1796
Expectation damages, 1603, 1625, 1629, 1637
Expected wages, 1009
college wage by, 1112, 1113, 1113t
openness to, 1560, 1561
real wages and, 1058t
Experience Corps, 913t
Ex-post responses to risk, 774–777
Extroversion, 1560, 1561


FACES. See Family and Child Experiences Study
Factor-augmenting technology, 1045
Fair division rule, 1640
Fair Labor Standards Act, 1597t, 1607
Fair Standards Act of 1938, 1596
Falch, Torberg, 1002t
Falk, Armin, 1547, 1548, 1551, 1552
Fallick, B., 1800, 1803
Family and Child Experiences Study (FACES), 939
Family and Medical Leave Act, 1596, 1598t
Family Credit (FC), 1217
Family earnings, 1498
Family Investment, 1217
Family Tradition, 1217
Farber, Henry, 807t, 813, 814, 1801
Farre, Lidia, 1575
Father’s earnings
age and, 1492
measurement error, 1491, 1493, 1495
FC. See Family Credit
FDPIR. See Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
Fehr, E., 1809, 1810
Feldmann, H., 1651t
Fergusson, David M., 1423t
Fernandez, Raquel, 1532, 1533, 1574, 1575, 1800
Fernie, Sue, 1721t
Fertif, Angela, 1321t, 1411, 1414t, 1418
Field, Erica, 1366, 1367
Fields, G., 1808, 1809
Fiess, N. M., 1687
Figlio, David, 1428t, 1432
Figueras, Alexandra, 1447t
Finlay, W., 1796
Firing costs, 1634
age and, 1790
Firing tax, 1194
entering negatively into outsider wages, 1198
entering positively into insider wages, 1198
exogenous, 1192
increase in, 1195, 1196
removing, 1197
wages and, 1195
Firm location, 979
hiring and, 1813, 1814
Firpo, Sergio, 1157n79
Fixed wages, 1637
Fleischman, C. A., 1800, 1803
Flexicurity, 1178
Fogli, Alessandra, 1532, 1533, 1574, 1575, 1575
Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, 1185, 1222, 1223
Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), 898
Food spending, 819, 820
Food Stamp Program (FSP), 898, 1405, 1406
childhood shocks and, 1407–1409t
introduction of, 1406
Fortin, Nicole, 1157n79, 1559, 1572, 1573, 1574
Fortune v. National Cash Register Co., 1597t, 1614
Foster, Andrew, 1721t
Foster, James, 1443t
Foster care
childhood shocks and, 1395
incarceration and, 1338
Fragile Families Study, 1411, 1418
Frank, Deborah, 1431t
Frank, J., 1559
Frank, Richard, 1389t, 1394
Free lunch eligibility, 897, 898
Free rider problem, 1733
Freedman, R. B., 1811, 1813, 1814
Freeman, B., 1652t
Freeman, Eric, 983t
Freeman, Richard, 1053, 1722t, 1723t, 1730–1732
imperfect competition and, 976–978
measuring, 1019–1021
Fried, J. M., 1784
Friedman, Thomas, 782, 791, 833n55, 1608
Frisvold, David, 1441t, 1443t, 1451
Fryer, Roland G., 1568
FSP. See Food Stamp Program
Fuddy, Loretta, 1420t
Fugazza, M., 1687
Fujita, Masahisa, 1290
Fuller, L. L., 1629
Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference (Holland, P.W.), 1618
Funk, Patricia, 1554


Gabaix, X., 1784
Gafni, Amiram, 1424t
Gahvari, Firouz, 1405
Gain-sharing, 1732
Galano, Joseph, 1420t
Galinsky, Adam, 1576
Gant, Jon, 1737
Garces, Eliana, 1440t
Garibaldi, M., 1652t
Garicano, Luis, 1753, 1814
Garrett, Mario D., 1000t
Gathmann, Christina, 1554
Gayer, Ted, 1445t, 1452
Gayle, G., 1784
Geel, R., 1789
Gelfand, Michele, 1555, 1558
Genakos, Christos, 1748
Gender. See also own-gender effect
agreeableness and, 1560, 1561
altruism and, 1553, 1554, 1559
ambition and, 1559
behavioral problems and, 1562, 1563
birth control pill and, 1544n1
changes in differentials, 1161, 1162
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 946
College and Beyond 1976 and, 935
college attendance and, 1563
competition and, 1549–1552, 1557, 1558, 1565–1567
conscientiousness and, 1560, 1561
declining significance of, 1572
delaying gratification and, 1562
deregulation and, 1544n1
dictator experiments and, 1553, 1554
educational achievement and, 1562
entitlement and, 1555
environment and, 1566–1568, 1575
extroversion and, 1560, 1561
globalization and, 1544n1
greed and, 1559
household tasks and, 1572
household technologies and, 1544n1
income and, 1026, 1027
intergenerational correlation and, 1496t, 1575
intergenerational elasticity and, 1496t, 1497
interpersonal skills and, 1561, 1562
labor market outcomes and, 1556–1560
leadership and, 1559
math and, 1558n19
medical progress and, 1564
nature v. nurture and, 1564–1570
negotiation and, 995, 1554–1556, 1558
neuroticism and, 1560, 1561
occupation and, 1082, 1083f, 1571
openness to experience and, 1560, 1561
overconfidence and, 1548–1550
personality and, 1559, 1560–1564
personality and, source of, 1564–1570
political gap in, 1554
preferences, 1544, 1576, 1577
preferences, source of, 1564–1570
psychological attributes, 1544, 1546–1570
public good experiments, 1553, 1554
redistribution and, 1553, 1554
risk and, 1545, 1546–1549, 1564, 1576
social preferences and, 1552–1554
socialization and, 1566, 1568
spatial abilities and, 1567
stereotyping, 1576
tasks by, 1080
technological progress and, 1544n1
ultimatum experiments, 1553, 1554
well-being and, 1545, 1577–1580
Gender identity, 1545, 1570–1577
birth control pill and, 1574
driving psychological attributes, 1576, 1577
empirical determinants of, 1574–1576
labor market choices and, 1572–1574
schooling environment and, 1575
theoretical foundations of, 1570–1572
General equilibrium model, 777, 1240, 1256
complete reforms and, 1194–1196
oligopsony, 1026
reforms and, 1212
shocks and, 1240, 1241
Genetics. See also Siblings; Twins
assortative mating, 872, 873, 1497, 1513, 1514
component of IQ tests, 1512n40
inconsistency of, 874
intergenerational elasticity and, 1507, 1509–1511
racial achievement gap and, 871–873
Geppert, Joni, 1431t
German Socio-economic Panel (GSOEP), 1493, 1528
Gertler, P., 834, 835
Gettman, Hilary, 1555
Geweke, John, 808t, 817
Gibat, Robert, 1708
Gibat’s Law, 1708
Gibbons, Robert, 807t, 813, 814, 1733, 1777, 1778, 1801, 1814
Gibson, Diane, 1429t
Gilkeson, James H., 1548
Ginja, Rita, 1442t, 1451
Giuliano, L., 1812
Glaeser, Edward, 1254, 1260, 1278n34, 1282, 1283, 1286n41, 1291, 1301, 1306
Glennie, Elizabeth, 1008t
Glewwe, Paul, 1727t, 1734
Globalization, 1544n1
Gneezy, Uri, 1546, 1549, 1551, 1552, 1563, 1565–1567
Gobillon, Laurent, 1283
Goldberger, Arthur S., 1515t
Goldin, Claudia, 1564, 1571, 1572, 1574, 1577
Goldman, Julie, 1435t
Golsteyn, Bart, 1563, 1564
Gormley, William, Jr., 1445t, 1446t, 1452
Gorter, C., 1807
Gottlieb, Joshua, 1278n34, 1306
Gottschalk, Peter, 806t, 813, 814
Goux, Dominique, 1411, 1416t
Governance, 1747–1749
Grant, Hildegard, 1423t
Gratification, delaying, 1562
Grawe, Nathan D., 1493, 1494
Great Expectations (Dickens), 1592
Great Recession of 2008-9, 1175, 1207, 1215
Greed, 1559
Greene, Rose, 1420t
Greenstone, Michael, 1284, 1289, 1299, 1300, 1306, 1360t, 1367, 1368, 1396
Greenwald, B. C., 1786
Gregg, Paul, 983t, 1321t
Gregory, Jesse, 1298, 1299
Griffith, Rachel, 1718t, 1722t
Griliches, Z., 1787
Grogger, Jeffrey, 1456t, 1465
Gronqvist, Erik, 1528, 1529
Grossman, Philip J., 1546, 1553, 1576
Grossman, S. J., 1632, 1638
Grosso, Jean-Luc, 1645t
Grout, P., 1629, 1630, 1631, 1640
Grubb, David, 1652t
Gruber, J., 834, 835, 1337n9, 1446t, 1451, 1453, 1453t, 1461t, 1465
GSOEP. See German Socio-economic Panel
Gueorguieva, Ralitza, 1428t, 1432
Guerrieri, V., 1639
Guiso, Luigi, 845n64, 1000t
Gupta, Nabanita Datta, 1551
Gurnell, M., 1569
Guryan, Jonathan, 1351t, 1371, 1573
Guvenen, Fatih, 812t, 816, 826, 827, 844


Hackman, James, 823, 824
Hadass, Y. S., 1811
Haider, Stephen, 810t, 1493
Hall, Peter, 1008t
Hall, R. E., 819, 820, 1637
Hallock, Kevin, 1304n63
Haltiwanger, J., 1788, 1813, 1814
Hamersma, Sarah, 1428t, 1432
Hamilton, Barton H., 1724t, 1732
Hammurabi’s code, 1593, 1599, 1600
Hanaki, N., 1798
Hanks, Carole, 1422t
Hanratty, Maria J., 1453, 1455t
Happiness, 1577, 1578
Harding, Kathryn, 1420t
Harkness, Joseph, 1413t, 1418
Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ), 920–923
eligibility, 920
racial achievement gap in, 921f, 923f
results from, 924, 925
Harlem Gems, 875t
Harrison, A., 1687
Hart, O. D., 1631, 1632, 1638, 1640, 1686
Hashimoto, M., 1640
Hause, John, 804t
Haute Ecole de Commerce (HEC), 1558
Havnes, Tarjei, 1450t, 1452, 1453
Hayashi, F., 836
Hayes, R. M., 1784, 1792
HCZ. See Harlem Children’s Zone
Head Start, 875t, 1328, 1336, 1434, 1437t, 1439
eligibility criteria, 877n34
evaluations of, 877, 1440–1443t
Impact Study, 939, 940
launch of, 1451
long term effects of, 1337
reauthorization of, 877, 878
siblings and, 1439
Health, 860–863. See also Mental health
birth season and, 1366
birth weight and, 1392
childhood shocks and, 1371–1394, 1372–1391t
education and, 1526
health insurance and birth, 1453–1458t
intergenerational correlation of, 1531, 1532
measurement problems, 1392
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 930
racial achievement gap and, 862t, 863
Health and Retirement Survey (HRS), 1493
Health insurance. See also Medicaid
birth weight and, 1453–1458t
childhood shocks and, 1453–1467
crowdout, 1466
health at birth and, 1453–1458t
later child outcomes and, 1459–1464t
public, 1466
Healthy Start, 1420t
HEC. See Haute Ecole de Commerce
Heckman, James, 818, 824, 1318t, 1319t, 1438t, 1563, 1564, 1653t
Hederos Eriksson, Karin, 1528
Heineck, Guido, 1528
Hellerstein, Judith, 1529
Helpman, Elhanhan, 1748
Henderson, Charles R., 1421t, 1422t, 1425, 1426
Henderson, J. Vernon, 1283–1285
Henderson, Rebecca, 1293
Hendricks, W., 1791
Hermalin, B., 1638
Herren, Tim, 1431t
Herrmann, Mariesa, 1564n29
Heterogeneous Income Profiles (HIP), 814n39, 815, 816
Hidden asset accumulation, 828, 829
High school wages, 1050–1055
college and, gap between, 1109t, 1110f, 1111
detrended changes in supply and, 1111f
hourly nominal, 1243, 1244f, 1245, 1245t, 1247f
ratio to college wage, 1112f
real hourly, 1249, 1250f
weekly, composition adjusted, 1051f
High/Scope, 877, 1436t, 1438t
Higman, Susan, 1420t
Hildreth, Andrew K. G., 1000t
Hill, Jennifer, 1383t
HIP. See Heterogeneous Income Profiles
Hirano, Keisuke, 808t, 817
Hiring, 1784–1816. See also Job seeking
agglomeration economies and, 1813, 1814
beliefs and, 1791–1793
black-box models of, 1784–1786
compensation policy, 1793
complementarities, 1786–1788
discrete-choice structural model of, 1809
education and, 1816
employer-to-employer transitions and, 1800–1805
firm location and, 1813, 1814
firm-level strategies, 1786–1814
illegal practices, 1602
index of aggregate activity of, 1014
inducing self-selection and, 1793–1795
intermediaries, 1795, 1796
on Internet, 1810–1812
method choice of, 1809, 1810
neighborhood effects, 1797
organizational demography of, 1812, 1813
preferences and, 1791–1793
problems, 1784
referral based, 1798, 1799
risk and, 1771, 1789–1791
social networks and, 1796–1800
thick labor markets and, 1813, 1814
Hiring costs, 980–984, 1004, 1016–1017
average, 983, 984, 1016
estimates of, 983t
evidence on, 982
marginal, 980, 981
marginal, relationship between average and, 983, 984
theory of, 980–982
Hiring raids, 1800–1805
conditions for, 1801
symmetric v. asymmetric learning and, 1801, 1802
Hiring search, 1805–1810
screening, 1806
Hirsch, B. T., 1677t
Hirsch, Boris, 1011t
Hispanic Paradox, 856n2
Hitt, Lorin, 1737
Hoffman, Moshe, 1567, 1569
Hoffmann, Florian, 1567
Holdup problem, 1198, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1639–1641
Holland, P.W., 1617–1619
Holmberg, John, 1422t
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1596
Holmlund, Helena, 1515t, 1516t, 1518t, 1527
Holmstrom, B., 1775, 1776, 1779, 1784
Holzer, Harry J., 986t, 1805
HOME. See Home Observation for Measurement of Environment
Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME), 893
Home visiting programs, 1420–1424t, 1425, 1426
Hopenhayn, H., 1635
Hornbeck, Rick, 1284, 1289, 1306
Horwood, L. John, 1423t
Hotchkiss, J. L., 1790, 1791, 1811
Hourly wages, 1246t, 1248t
college nominal, 1244–1246, 1244f, 1245t, 1246t, 1247f
college real, 1249, 1250f
education and, 1060f, 1061, 1062f, 1248t
high school nominal, 1243, 1244f, 1245, 1245t, 1247f
high school real, 1249, 1250f
by metropolitan area, 1245t
occupations and, 1098t
percentiles, 1066, 1067f
percentiles relative to median, 1068, 1069f
Houseman, S., 1795
assistance, 1411, 1418
childhood shocks and, 1412–1414t
demand, 1259
market equilibrium, 1260
risk, 1307, 1308
Housing supply, 1259
elasticity, 1263, 1264
Houston Parent-Child Development Centers, 875t, 879
Howes, Candace, 1008t
Hoynes, Hilary W., 1406, 1407t, 1410, 1430t, 1433
HRM. See Human Resource Management
HRS. See Health and Retirement Survey
Hryshko, Dmytro, 811t, 816, 817, 823
Hsin, Amy, 1330
Hubbard, T. N., 1814
Huffman, David, 1547, 1548
Huggett, Mark, 843, 844
Hulten, Charles, 1709
Human capital, 843, 844
decentralization and, 1754
labor mobility and subsidies to, 1303
specific, 977
spillovers, 1291–1296
theory, 1788
training and, 1029, 1030
Human capital, child’s, 1323, 1471, 1499
government investment in, 1499
optimal investment in, 1502
Human Resource Management (HRM), 1698
best practices, 1740
by country, 1703f
design perspective, 1711, 1738, 1739, 1743
determinants, 1744–1756
expectations of, 1710–1712
firm distribution by country, 1705, 1706f
general practices studies, 1716–1719t, 1728, 1730
identification problem, 1712–1715
international comparisons, 1702, 1704–1706
measurement period, 1734
multinationals and, 1749f
practices, 1699–1707
on productivity, 1710–1738
regulations and, 1744f
studies, 1715, 1716–1727t
technology perspective, 1738, 1739, 1740–1743
trends, 1703t
Hunt, Robert M., 1293, 1294
Huntington, Lee, 1420t
Hurst, Erik, 1533, 1579
Huselid, Mark, 1718t, 1719t, 1728
Hustedt, Jason T., 1447t
Hyson, Rosemary, 1333, 1342t


Ichino, Andrea, 1564, 1564n29
Ichniowski, Casey, 1716t, 1719t, 1724t, 1732, 1737, 1787
ICT. See Information and communication technologies
IGE. See Intergenerational elasticity
IID. See Canadian Intergenerational Income Data
Ilias, Nauman, 1727t, 1734
Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT), 897, 954, 956
Imperfect competition, 974, 1741. See also Perfect competition
amount of, 980–990
applications of, 1022–1030
complications, 1021
frictions and, 976–978
idiosyncrasies and, 976–978
sources of, 976–980
value-added from, 1021
Important life events, self-reported, 975t
Incarceration, 860–863
foster care and, 1338
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 929
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 and, 931
racial achievement gap and, 862t, 863
Incentives, 1698, 1740, 1772–1784. See also Employment conditional incentives
changing behavior, 1773, 1774
competition in form of, 1746
contract compatible, 1627
by country, 1705, 1706f
direct, 1699–1701
distortions, 1726, 1727t, 1733–1735
imperfect measurement and, 1777
incidence of, 1700f
increases in, 1701t
indirect, 1699, 1707
insurance v., 1744, 1745
non-linear, 1777
objective v. subjective measures and, 1777, 1778
over time, 1700, 1701
provision methods, 1774–1779
risk v., 1779–1781
studies for group, 1723–1726t, 1731–1733
studies for individual, 1720–1723t, 1730–1731
trends in, 1702f
Income. See also Earnings; Life-cycle-permanent income hypothesis; Permanent income hypothesis income process; Poverty
age and, 799
allowing endogenous fluctuations in, 840
assessing risk and, 839
birth weight and, 1333, 1366
changes on consumption, 779–789
childhood shocks and, 1399–1404t
Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 952
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 946
College and Beyond 1976 and, 933
consumption and anticipated changes in, 780
consumption and permanent, 818, 819
consumption and size of change, 782, 783
Consumption responding to news to, 780
convergence, 1248, 1249
current v. lifetime, 799
data and consumption, 818–839
enhancement, 1397–1405
estimating alternative processes of, 796–800
expected lifetime, 1622
gender and, 1026, 1027
heteroskedastic innovations to, 817
increase in replacement, 1195
intergenerational elasticity and, 1522–1527
maintenance programs, 844
measured lifetime variability of, 823, 824
modeling, 789–818
National Education Longitudinal Survey and, 963
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 929
produced in US by square mile, 1243f
proportionality hypothesis, 818, 819
quasi-experimental approach to, 832–835
racial inequality and, 864
regional differences in, 1302, 1303
specifications, 791–818
studies, 804–812t
subjective expectations of, 835–839
taxes based on nominal, 1301
time varying impacts on, 796
transitory/permanent process of, 790n27
variance, 793f
Income growth, 786
of particular individual, 797
Income inequality
consumption and, gap between, 832
consumption inequality and, 846, 847
permanent income shocks and, 824, 825
permanent rise in, 777, 778
permanent v. transitory, 822, 823
transitory rise in, 778
Income shocks
asymmetry of responses to, 801n35
consumption and, 781t
consumption and permanent, 782
consumption and transitory, 782, 783t
crop losses, 833
disability, 833–835
distinguishing between types of, 833
endogenous responses to shocks and, distinction between, 813
equilibrium and, 844–846
identifying, 835
illness, 833–835
insurable v. uninsurable, 847
insurance and, 847
intergenerational elasticity and, 1522, 1523
job opportunities, 842
persistent, 828
productivity, 842, 845
responses to shocks and, distinguishing between, 840
unemployment, 833, 835
weather, 833, 835
Income shocks, permanent, 815
anticipated, 825
identification of variance of, 793, 794
income inequality and, 824, 825
Natural borrowing constraint and, 788f
in 1980s, 825
transitory and, distinction between, 791
Zero borrowing constraint and, 788f
Income shocks, transitory
estimating, 794, 795
identifying properties of, 794, 795
measurement error, 794, 795, 796, 821
Natural borrowing constraint and, 788f
permanent and, distinction between, 791
variance of, 794
Zero borrowing constraint and, 788f
Industry cluttering, 1284
Infant. See also Child
attention, 870n23
habituation, 870n23
Infant cognitive achievement, 865
generalizability of, 870n23
Infant Health and Development Program, 875t, 878, 879, 1435t
Infections, 1371
Information and communication technologies (ICT), 1737, 1738
decentralization and, 1752, 1753
Information set, 789
given insurance and identifying, 820–827
identifying insurance for given, 818–820, 823–827
Information-based tasks, 1148
Informativeness Principle, 1775, 1784
Innovation, 1253, 1254
consumption and, 786n20
distribution, 1254
patents to measure, 1293, 1294
Insider wages, 1198, 1199
firing taxes entering positively into, 1198
outsider and, difference between, 1198, 1199
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 1222, 1223
Insurance, 776, 818. See also Health insurance; Self-insurance models; Unemployment insurance
against “bad initial conditions,” 844
contract, 1622–1626
differing degree of, 828
extent of partial, 830
identifying for given information set, 818–820
identifying information set for given configuration of, 820–827
incentive pay v., 1744, 1745
income shocks and, 847
information v., 827–831
location-based policies and missing, 1307, 1308
measurements of partial, 831t
minimum wage as imperfect, 1608
model of full, 827
moral hazard of partial, 828
no interest in, 845
perfect model of, 1624
thick labor markets and, 1287, 1288
via wages, 1628
Intelligence, multiple dimensions of, 872n28
IQ tests, 878, 879, 942
education and, 1512
environmental component of, 1512n40
genetic component of, 1512n40
intergenerational elasticity and, 1528, 1529
sibling correlations and, 1528
Intergenerational correlation
of birth weight, 1531, 1532
by country, 1496t
of earnings, 1489–1507
function, 1490
gender and, 1496t, 1575
of health, 1531, 1532
persistent transitory shocks, 1491
zero, 1488
Intergenerational elasticity (IGE), 1490
adoption studies, 1516t
attenuation biases, 1493
of attitudes, 1532, 1533
causal effects of, 1507–1528, 1515–1518t
cognitive skills and, 1528, 1529
consumption and, 1533
by country, 1495–1501, 1496t, 1498–1501
credit constraints and, 1502, 1503
of culture, 1532
decompositions, 1511, 1512
early estimates of, 1491
educational reforms and, 1501, 1524
gender and, 1496t, 1497
genetics and, 1507
income and, 1522–1527
income shocks and, 1522, 1523
instrumental variable studies, 1517, 1518t, 1522–1527
IQ tests and, 1528, 1529
job loss and, 1523, 1524
lifecycle bias, 1492–1494
in low per-child spending states v. high per-child spending states, 1500, 1501
of marriage preference, 1532, 1533
natural experiments, 1522–1527
neighborhood correlations and, 1508, 1509
over time, 1495–1501, 1498–1501
probability limit of, 1492
public education and, 1500
regression analysis using adoptees and, 1514, 1519–1521, 1522t
rich-poor gap in political participation and, 1500
self-employment and, 1529n60
sibling correlations and, 1508
sibling structural analysis and, 1509–1511
sibling/twin differences and, 1512–1514
sibling/twin studies, 1515t
of social behavior, 1532, 1533
wealth and, 1533
welfare and, 1530, 1531
Intergenerational mobility
jobs and, 1529, 1530
occupations and, 1529, 1530
optimal amount of, 1488
transition matrices, 1494, 1495, 1504
Intergenerational transmission of education, 1501, 1503, 1524, 1525
by country, 1505–1507, 1506–1507t
credit constraints and, 1504
estimation issues, 1504
evidence, 1505
measurement issues, 1503
over time, 1505, 1507
school system features and, 1505
school tracking and, 1505
Internal Revenue Service, 1605
hiring on, 1810–1812
job seeking on, 977, 978
Interpersonal skills, 1561, 1562
Intertemporal consumption theory, 776, 777
IRT. See Item Response Theory
ISAT. See Illinois Standards Achievement Test
Italian Survey of Household Income and Wealth (SHIW), 836, 838, 839
response rates, 838
Item Response Theory (IRT), 907, 940
IZA. See Institute for the Study of Labor


Jackson, M. O., 1797
Jacob, Brian A., 1413t, 1418, 1563
Jacobs, Ken, 1008t
Jacobsen, Karl, 1494
Jacobson, Mireille, 1723t
Jaffe, Adam B., 1293
Jamieson, Ellen, 1424t
Janssen, M. C. W., 1794
Jäntti, Markus, 1495–1497, 1509–1511, 1528, 1534
Jarrell, Sherry, 1718t
Jensen, Vibeke M., 1513, 1514, 1515t
Jenter, D., 1794
Jermann, Urban, 828
Job creation
condition, 1199
MP Model and, 1227–1229
in two-tier regimes, 1229, 1230
Job destruction, 1198
conditions, 1199
gross, 1192, 1195
MP Model and, 1227–1229
for temporary jobs, 1229, 1230
in two-tier regimes, 1229, 1230
Job displacement, 799, 989, 1814, 1815
cost of, 990
father, 1523
Job First, 1217
Job flows
in countries with strict employment protection, 1209, 1210
gross, 1190–1192
two-tier reforms and, 1199, 1200
Job loss. See also Dismissal; Firing costs; Firing tax
costs of, 989, 990
intergenerational elasticity and, 1523, 1524
job offer arrival rate to, 1019, 1020
rate, 1031
Job offer arrival rate, 976
job loss to, 1019, 1020
Job polarization, 1070–1095
cross-national evidence on, 1085–1087
industrial composition explaining, 1087–1090
pattern of, 1083
routinization hypothesis, 1070, 1075–1078, 1142
sources of, 1075–1078
Job Seekers’ Allowance, 988
Job seeking, 984–989. See also Hiring; Unemployment
assistance programs, 987
costs of, 1785
emotional costs of, 988
estimates of time spent, 986t, 987
evidence, 986–989
hyperbolic discounting in, 988
inactive, 989
on Internet, 977, 978
misrepresentation and, 1784, 1785, 1793
on-the-job, 997
return on extra, 989
scale effect in, 1288
theory, 984–986
time cost of, 988
Job vacancies
as accidents, 976n2
duration, 1805, 1807
duration hazard rate, 1806, 1807
education and, 1806
filling rate, 1191
literature on, 1805, 1806
matching workers to, 1191
value function of, 981
withdrawing, 1808
young, 1807
Jobs. See also Occupations; Skills; Tasks
admissible scope of, 1606
evaluating asset value of, 1227
growth by occupation, 1071
inefficient quits, 1640
intergenerational mobility, 1529, 1530
job destruction for temporary, 1229, 1230
local, 1241, 1242
offer matching, 997
percent change by occupation, 1073f
reform increasing replacement rates to unemployed coming from continuing, 1199, 1200
reforms increasing employment subsidies for entry, 1200
retention, 1814, 1815
shares by occupation, change in, 1072f
shares in occupations, 1097t, 1103t
Job-to-job transition rate, 1019
Johnson, Rucker, 1348t
Jones, Derek, 1725t, 1732
Jovanovich, B., 1785
Joyce, Theodore, 1426, 1427, 1429t, 1455t, 1459t, 1465
Jung, Kwanghee, 1447t, 1448t


Kaestner, Robert, 1455t, 1459t, 1465
Kahn, Charles, 1722t
Kahn, L. B., 1803
Kahn, Larry M., 1010t, 1577, 1592, 1654t
Kahn, Matthew, 1289
Kahneman, Daniel, 1580, 1580n43
Kaiser, Karen, 1317t
Kalil, Ariel, 1532
Kaplan, D., 1654t
Kaplan, Greg, 787–789, 788f
Kaplan, S. N., 1815
Katic, Pamela, 1011t
Kato, Takao, 1725t, 1732
Katz, Lawrence F., 1117n60, 1415t, 1417t, 1564, 1574, 1577, 1787, 1814
Kaufmann, K., 836, 837, 837t
Kay, Libby, 1435t
Keane, Michael, 808t, 817
Kearney, Melissa S., 1117n60
Kelly, Elaine, 1354t, 1366
Kenney, Genevieve, 1455t, 1465
Kermack, W. O., 1340
Kerr, William, 1282, 1291, 1646t
Khurana, R., 1796
Kilburn, Rebecca, 1329, 1330
KIPP. See Knowledge is Power Program
Kitzman, Harriet, 1421t, 1422t, 1425, 1426
Kleiner, Morris, 1722t, 1730, 1731
Kline, Patrick, 1298, 1299, 1304, 1305
Kling, Jeffrey R., 1415t, 1416t, 1417t
Knez, Marc, 1725t
Knittel, Christopher R., 1365t
Knopf, J. D., 1647t
Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP), 924, 925
Koch, Thomas G., 1464t, 1466
Koenker, R., 1791
Kolesnikova, N., 1278
Konig, Pierre, 1379t, 1394
Kowaleski-Jones, Lori, 1430t
Kramarz, Francis, 983t, 1530
Kranton, Rachel, 1570–1572
Kray, Laura J., 1576
Kremer, Michael, 1727t, 1734
Kretschmer, Tobias, 1748
Krueger, Alan B., 986t, 1580, 1580n43, 1787
Krueger, Dirk, 828
Krugman, Paul, 1289, 1290
Kruse, Douglas, 1700, 1723t, 1731, 1732
Kugler, Adriana D., 1531, 1639, 1646t, 1654t, 1655t, 1799
Kuhn, P., 1810, 1812
Kuziemko, Ilyana, 1577
KV model, 831, 832


La Porta, R., 1643, 1648t
Labini, M. S., 1810, 1811
Labor. See also Active labor market policy
child, 1607
spatial equilibrium model with homogenous, 1256–1265
spatial equilibrium model with multiple types of, 1279, 1280
spatial equilibrium model with one type of, 1278, 1279
spatial equilibrium with heterogeneous, 1265–1272
specialized and thick labor market, 1289
substituted for education, 1607
wage and low-skill, 995, 996
Labor demand, 1259
curve model, 998, 999, 1025
shock to, 1256, 1260–1263, 1267–1269
Labor market. See also Local labor markets
choices influenced by gender identity, 1572–1574
city, 1028, 1029f
gender and outcomes in, 1556–1560
imperfections, 1160
regulation, 1024–1026
structural modeling of, 1021n22
trends, 1048–1095
village, 1028, 1029f
Labor market, thick, 1286–1290
hiring and, 1813, 1814
as insurance, 1287, 1288
for intermediate inputs, 1290, 1291
productivity benefit of, 1289
specialized labor and thick, 1289
Labor market institutions, 1192, 1193
collusions, 978–980
defined, 1182, 1183
evolution of, 1182t
example of, 1183
indicators, 1179
in MP Model, 1224–1227
reforms and, 1176–1190
role of, 1160, 1161
Labor market institutions, European
Anglo-Saxon, 1178
changes, 1179–1182
clusters, 1176–1179, 1177t
Continental, 1178
Mediterranean, 1178
Labor markets, employment protection on, 1210t
Labor mobility, 1262
human capital subsidies and, 1303
Labor supply, 839–846, 992
elasticity, 1263, 1264
estimation problems, 1003
identifying, 1006
local, 1258
locational preferences and, 1258
model, 1003
rent-splitting and, 1002–1006
responses, 1497
shock, 1256, 1264, 1265
short-run v. long-run, 1003
wages and, 1004, 1005
Ladd, Helen, 1008t
Lahey, Joanna N., 1366
Lai, Lei, 1555, 1556
Laibson, David, 1743
Lakhani, Hyder, 1010t
Lalive, Rafael, 1578
Land prices, 1249
Landier, A., 1784
Lane, Julia, 1289n45, 1788, 1790, 1813, 1814
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS), 913t
Larkin, Ian, 1727t, 1734, 1735, 1777
Laroche, P., 1662
Larson, Eric H., 1465
Laschever, Sarah, 1558
LATE. See Local average treatment effects
Lavy, Victor, 1557, 1558, 1722t, 1725t, 1731
Law. See also Courts; Employment law; Employment protection; Rule systems; specific laws
civil, 1643
common, 1685
criminal, 1594
private, 1594
Lawler, Edward, 1700
Lazear, E. P., 1634, 1637, 1655t, 1723t, 1730, 1771, 1773, 1774, 1778, 1779, 1788–1791, 1793–1794, 1801
Leadership, 1559
Learnfare, 913t
Lee, Bong, 1431t, 1433
Lee, D.S., 1343t, 1369, 1618, 1675t, 1678t, 1683, 1735
Lee, Eunju, 1420t
Lefebvre, Pierre, 1444t, 1451, 1452
Leisure, value of, 992
Lemieux, Thomas, 1000t, 1053, 1117n60, 1157n79, 1699, 1700, 1701
Leonard, J., 1812
Leonard, Kenneth, 1565, 1566
LETRS. See Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling
Levenson, Suzette, 1431t
Levine, D. I., 1812
Levine, Phillip B., 1397, 1463t, 1466, 1530
Levitt, Steve, 1568
Levy, Frank, 1070, 1075, 1077
Liability rule, 1600
Lieb, Roxanne, 1437t
Liebman, Jeffrey B., 1415t, 1417t
Lien, Diana S., 1343t, 1369
academic achievement explaining outcomes in, 858
expectancy uncertainty component, 787
important events in, 975t
Life-cycle-permanent income hypothesis, 778, 779–784
testing implications of, 818
Lillard, Lee, 804t
Lin, Jeffrey, 1288
Lin, Ming-Jen, 1355t
Lin, Wanchuan, 1462t
Lindahl, Mikael, 1515t, 1516t, 1518t, 1527
Lindeboom, Maarten, 1353t, 1356t, 1367
Lindquist, Matthew J., 1509–1511
Link, Charles, 1392n15
Liquidated damages, 1604
Lise, Jeremy, 845
List, John A., 1548, 1565–1567
Literacy, 865
Liu, Jin-Tan, 1355t
Living wage, 1008
LMP model, 840–843, 845
estimating, 842, 843
Local average treatment effects (LATE), 1526
Local development policy, 1280
Local jobs, 1241, 1242
Local labor markets, 1242–1254
equilibrium in, 1254–1257
productivity differences across, 1281–1296
Location-based policy
credit constraints and, 1307, 1308
defined, 1296
efficiency considerations, 1304–1308
equity considerations, 1297–1303
examples, 1296
implications of, 1296–1308
missing insurance and, 1307, 1308
subsidy incidence, 1297–1300
unemployment and, 1307, 1308
Location-based subsidies, 1242
Lochner, Lance, 1398, 1401t
Loehlin, John C., 1560
Long, Bridget T., 1568
Lopez-de Silanes, F., 1643, 1648t
Lopoo, Leonard M., 1500, 1501
Loughran, David, 1329, 1330
Loureiro, Maria L., 1531
Lovell, Knox, 1679t
Low, H., 812t, 840–843, 843
Lowenfels, Ann, 1420t
Lubotsky, Darren, 1392
Lucas, Robert, E., Jr., 1291, 1292
Luckey, Dennis, 1422t
Ludwig, Jens, 1337, 1440t
Lumeng, Julie C., 1443t, 1451
Lynch, L. M., 1662, 1667t, 1716t, 1728


MacCulloch, R., 1649t
MacDuffie, John, 1719t
Machin, Stephen, 983t, 1679t
Mackey-Bilaver, Lee, 1431t, 1433
Mackin, Christopher, 1723t, 1731, 1732
MacLeod, W. B., 1629, 1632, 1640, 1642, 1656t, 1699, 1700, 1701
MacMillian, Harriet, 1424t
MacMillian, Lindsey, 1321t
Macours, Karen, 1404t
MaCurdy, Thomas, 805t, 813
Madrian, Brigitte, 1743
Maestripieri, Dario, 1569
Magnuson, Katherine, 1445t, 1525
Malcomson, J. M., 1629, 1632
Malmendier, Ulrike, 1742
Maloney, W. F., 1687
behavioral explanations of, 1742
favoritism, 1774
overconfidence, 1742
people, 1729t, 1743
quality theories, 1740–1742
visionary, 1792
Mandated wages, 1005
rise in, 993f
Manivong, Phongsack, 1362t, 1363t, 1368, 1369, 1378t, 1393
Mann, Horace, 880
Manning, Alan, 983t, 1011t, 1556, 1557, 1560, 1807, 1808
Manski, C. F., 835
Manual tasks, 1077
nonroutine physical, 1164
routine, 1080, 1164
Mare, David, 1283
Markowitz, Sarah, 1382t
Marriage, intergenerational transmission of preference in, 1532, 1533
Marschke, Gerald, 1726t
Marshall, Alfred, 1028
Martin, Anne, 1435t
Martin, Camilia, 1435t
Martin, Christopher, 1011t
Martin, Joanne, 1420t
Martin, Nick, 1379t, 1394
Mas, A., 1285, 1286, 1678t, 1683, 1726t
Maskin, E., 1637
Master-servant law, 1606, 1609
Mastery Learning, 912, 914t, 917
Matched employer-employee data, 799
Math, 865, 895t, 896t
data description, 939–941
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort and, 951
gender and, 1558n19
interventions and impact on, 922n52
racial achievement gap and, 881t, 885, 886t, 898, 899t, 904t, 909t
specific skills, 891t, 905, 906t
teacher quality and, 886t, 904t
tests in New York City, 897
Matouschek, N., 1639
Matsudaira, Jordan, 1003–1005, 1002t, 1033
Maurin, Eric, 1411, 1416t, 1517t, 1525
Mayer, Susan E., 1500, 1501, 1532
Mayfield, Jim, 1437t
Mazumder, Bhashkar, 1343t, 1351t, 1371, 1491, 1494
McCormick, Marie C., 1435t
McCrary, J., 1618
McFarlane, Elizabeth, 1420t
McGraw-Hill, 897
McIntosh, Emma, 1424t
McKay, Stephen, 986t
McKendrick, A. G., 1340
McKinlay, P. L., 1340
McKinsey, K. L., 1788
McKnight, Abigail, 986t
McLeod, Jane, 1317t
McNally, Sandra, 1517t, 1525
McNeil, I. R., 1604, 1605
MCSUI. See Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality
Meara, Ellen, 1389t, 1394
Meckling, Jensen, 1602
Medicaid, 1426. See also Health insurance
reducing quality of care, 1466
Medoff, J. L., 1670t
Meghir, Costas, 801, 802, 809t, 812t, 814, 815, 840–843, 845, 1518t, 1525
Meijers, Huub, 1563, 1564
Meitzen, Mark E., 1010t
Melitz, Marc, 1286, 1748
Mellow, Wesley, 986t
Mental health
childhood shocks and, 1372–1391t
maternal, 1394
screening, 1393, 1394
Meritor savings bank v. Vinson, 1598t
Merrigan, Philip, 1444t, 1451, 1452
Metcalf, David, 1721t
Meyers, Alan F., 1431t
Micco, A., 1649t
Michaud, Marie-Laure, 983t
Miles, T. J., 1656t, 1661
Milgrom, P., 1626, 1736, 1775, 1776, 1802
Miller, Douglas L., 1337, 1365t, 1440t
Miller, Grant, 1357t, 1367
Miller, Marna, 1437t
Miller, R. A., 1784
Milligan, Kevin, 1384t, 1398, 1401t, 1405, 1446t, 1451
Milwaukee Project, 876t, 878, 879
Mincerian wage equation, 1546
Minimum Distance procedure, 795
Minimum wage, 1593
binding, 1025
Hammurabi and, 1600
heterogeneity, 1026
as imperfect insurance, 1608
to maximize employment, 1025
optimal design of, 1622, 1623
perfect competition and, 1024
training and, 1030
Minton, B. A., 1815
Mishel, Lawrence, 1682t
Mishkin, F. S., 819, 820
Mitchell, M. W., 1680t
Mitchell-Herzfeld, Susan, 1420t
Mitford v. Lasala, 1612, 1614
Mobility, 839–846. See also Labor mobility; Upward mobility, degree of
air pollution and, 1367–1370
of CEOs, 1803, 1804
costs and skills, 1279
driving worker, 1258
earnings, 803, 813
intergenerational, 1488, 1494, 1495, 1504, 1529, 1530
labor, 1262
private costs, 1308
skills and costs of, 1279
social costs, 1308
Model servers, 1339
Moffitt, Robert, 806t, 813, 814
Mogstad, Magne, 1450t, 1452, 1453
Mohrman, Susan, 1700
Mondino, G., 1657t
Monopsony model, 992, 1004, 1005, 1013, 1024, 1028
partial equilibrium, 1025, 1026
textbook model of, 993f
undocumented workers and, 1030, 1811
Montenegro, C., 1657t, 1660t
Montgomery, J.D., 1771, 1797, 1798
Montoya, S., 1657t
Moon, Seong, 1438t
Moore, J., 1631, 1640
Moore, J. H., 1638
Moore, P., 1800
Moretti, Enrico, 1059n15, 1277, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1289, 1294, 1299, 1300, 1302, 1304n63, 1306, 1333, 1346t, 1366, 1409t, 1410, 1458t, 1466, 1564, 1564n29, 1726t
Morrill, Melinda, 1529
Morris, Pamela, 1399t
Morse, Steven, 1428t
Mortensen, Dale T., 1023, 1190
Mortgage, 783
Mosca, M., 1799
age at first birth and, 952
childhood shocks and employment of, 1394, 1395
childhood shocks and health of, 1342–1358t, 1366
childhood shocks and mental health of, 1394
childhood shocks health of, 1341–1355
Collaborative Perinatal Project and, 946
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort and, 952
guilt, 1572, 1573
racial achievement gap and education of, 894, 897
reaction to child, 946
Mother-child home program, 876t
Moving to Opportunity (MTO), 924, 1418, 1419, 1514
long-term outcomes of, 1419
MP Model, 1190
gross job flows in, 1190–1192
job creation and, 1227–1229
job destruction and, 1227–1229
labor market institutions in, 1224–1227
two-tier reforms and, 1196–1198
MTO. See Moving to Opportunity
Mueller, Andreas, 986t
Mueller, Gerrit, 1560, 1561
Muhlemann, Samuel, 983t
Mullainathan, S., 1784
Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality (MCSUI), 1808
Mundlak, Yair, 1741
Mure, J., 1789
Murname, Richard J., 1070, 1075, 1077
Murphy, K. J., 1777, 1778, 1803, 1804


NAEP. See National Assessment of Educational Progress
Nakamura, A. O., 1811
Nakamura, E., 1811
Nakavachara, V., 1656t
Nash bargaining rule, 1191, 1193, 1224, 1226, 1630, 1783
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 917, 1466
data description, 954
proficiency levels, 918f, 919f
selection for, 917n48
test scores and, 954
National Child Development Study (NCDS), 1495
National Education Longitudinal Survey (NELS), 907, 909–911t, 1563
age and, 963
data description, 963–966
income and, 963
parent’s education and, 963
primary outcomes in, 907
school ID and, 966
socioeconomic status and, 966
summary statistics for, 964, 965t
National Guard Youth Challenge Program, 914t
National Labor Relations Act of 1935, 1596
National Labor Relations Board, 1601
National Longitudinal Survey, 1493
National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (Add Health), 907n46
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), 1494, 1495
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79), 858, 859t, 861, 862t, 1525
age and, 929
data description, 926–930
family income and, 929
incarceration and, 929
parent occupation and, 930
physical health and, 930
race and, 930
reading materials and, 929
sex and, 930
summary statistics, 927, 928t
unemployment and, 930
wage and, 930
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97), 858, 860, 861t, 862t
age and, 931
data description, 931–933
incarceration and, 931
race and, 931
sex and, 931
summary statistics, 932t
unemployment and, 933
wage and, 933
National Resident Matching Program (NMRP), 979
National School Lunch Program (NSLP), 1432
Natural borrowing constraint (NBC), 787
permanent shock and, 788f
transitory shock and, 788f
Nature v. nurture
adoption studies and, 1519
gender and, 1564–1570
Navarro, Salvador, 823, 824
Naylor, Robin, 1495–1497
NBC. See Natural borrowing constraint
NCDS. See National Child Development Study
Near-cash programs, 1405, 1406, 1410, 1411, 1418, 1419
findings summary, 1419
Neely, Andrew, 1718t, 1722t
Negotiation. See also Bargaining
gender and, 995, 1554–1556, 1558
Neidell, Matthew, 1360t, 1396
Neighborhood characteristics
childhood shocks and, 1414–1417t
hiring and, 1797
intergenerational elasticity and, 1508, 1509
NELS. See National Education Longitudinal Survey
Neumark, David, 1717t
Neuroticism, 1560, 1561
New Hope, 1217
New York City
elementary school skills in, 905t
math tests, 897
middle school skills in, 906t
public schools data descriptions, 958–961
racial achievement gap in, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901–903, 902f, 903f, 904t, 905–906t
reading tests, 897
voucher program, 914t
Newman, Sandra J., 1413t, 1418
Ng, Serena, 1533
Nickell, S., 1657t
Nickell, William, 1187
Nickerson, Jack A., 1724t, 1732
Nicoletti, G., 1658t
Nicolini, J., 1635
Niederle, Muriel, 1549–1551, 1552, 1558n19, 1561
Nijkamp, P., 1807
Nilsen, Oivind A., 1494
Nilsson, Peter, 1349t, 1391t, 1396
NLSY. See National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
NLSY79. See National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
NLSY97. See National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
NMRP, National Resident Matching Program
Nolen, Patrick, 1566, 1567
Nominal wage, 1243–1249
college hourly, 1244–1246, 1244f, 1245t, 1246t, 1247f
cost-of-living adjusted, 1249, 1250
differences in perfect competition, 1249
high school hourly, 1243, 1244f, 1245, 1245t, 1247f
productivity and, 1251
skills gap in, 1272
Nonroutine tasks, 1079
cognitive, 1163, 1164
manual physical, 1164
Nordlund, Daniel, 1465
Nores, Milagros, 1436t
Norris, J. B., 1811
Norton, Douglas M., 1357t, 1367
NSLP. See National School Lunch Program
Nuren, Astri, 1577
Nurse Family Partnership, 876t, 878, 1421t, 1422t
Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale (NCATS), 867, 941
Nutrition, 1431t


Oaxaca, Ronald, 1011t
Oaxaca decomposition, 1620
Obama, Barack, 856
Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), 1164
Occupational Information Network (O*NET), 1078, 1079, 1163, 1164
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), 1596, 1597t
Occupations. See also Jobs; Skills; Tasks
change in job shares by, 1072f, 1103t
changes linked to tasks, 1078–1081
changes within industries, 1103t
cleaning, 1074
clerks, 1087f, 1088, 1089f
craft/trade, 1087f, 1088, 1089f
education and, 1084, 1085f, 1099t
elementary, 1087f, 1088, 1089f
food preparation, 1074
full-time wage and, 1098t
gender and, 1082f, 1571
hourly wage and, 1098t
intergenerational mobility, 1529, 1530
job growth by, 1071
job shares in, 1097t
officials/managers, 1087f, 1088–1017f
operators/assemblers, 1087f, 1088, 1089f
percent change in jobs by, 1073f
professionals, 1087f
protective, 1074
structural change in, 1070–1075
task measures for, 1100t
tasks content of, 1075, 1078
technicians, 1087f
testosterone and, 1569
wage determination and, 1090–1095, 1092–1093t
weekly wage and, 1098t
Occupations, high skill, 1073, 1086, 1089
Occupations, low skill
decline in, 1090
growth of, 1073, 1086
Occupations, middle skill, 1074, 1075, 1076
decline of, 1073, 1083, 1086
growth of, 1074
Occupations, service, 1087f, 1088, 1089f
growth of, 1072n27, 1074, 1081
importance of, 1162
Ockert, Bjorn, 1528, 1529
Odean, Terrance, 1548, 1549
O’Donoghue, Ted, 1743
OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OES. See Occupational Employment Statistics
Offshoring, 1076n33, 1080, 1094, 1095, 1104t, 1147, 1148, 1164
information-based tasks, 1148
of routine tasks, 1077
wage structures and, 1148
Oi, Walter, 983t
Okun’s betas, 1206f
Okun’s law, 1206
“Old boy” network, 1797
Olds, David L., 1421t, 1422t, 1425, 1426
Olivetti, Claudia, 1532, 1533, 1564, 1574, 1575
Olson, C., 1665t
O’Neill, Donal, 1494, 1495
O*NET. See Occupational Information Network
Oportunidades, 1403t
Ordinance of Labourers, 1607
Oreopoulos, Philip, 1350t, 1414t, 1419, 1517t, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1567
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 1658t, 1659t
Organization for Strategic Labor Market Research, 1806
Organizational change, 1159, 1160
Organogram, 1750
Ornati, O., 1795, 1796
Örs, Evren, 1558
OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
Oster, S., 1802
Osterman, Paul, 1719t
Oswald, Andrew J., 1000t
Ottaviano, Gianmarco I. P., 1286
Outgoing Rotation Group samples, 1049
Outsider wages, 1198, 1199
derivation of, 1230–1232
firing taxes entering negatively into, 1198
insider and, difference between, 1198, 1199
Outsourcing. See Offshoring
gender and, 1548, 1549, 1550
management, 1742
Overcrowding, 1411
The Overeducated American (Freeman), 1053
Overman, Henry G., 1282, 1291
Owan, Hideo, 1724t, 1732
Ownership, 1747–1749
family, 1747, 1748
Own-gender effect, 1528
Oyer, Paul, 1727t, 1734, 1777, 1792, 1794, 1812, 1813


Paarsch, Harry J., 1557n17
Pacchetto Treu, 1196, 1197, 1198
Page, Marianne E., 1430t, 1433, 1508, 1509, 1517t, 1523, 1524, 1525
Pagés, C., 1645t, 1653t, 1657t, 1660t
Palme, Mårtin, 1361t, 1369, 1408t
Palomino, Frederic, 1558
Pan, Jessica, 1573
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 821n46, 1336, 1493
Parent, Daniel, 1699, 1700, 1701
Parents as Teachers Program, 879
Parey, Matthias, 1518t, 1525
Park, Rhokuen, 1700
Parsons, Donald O., 1010t
Partial equilibrium model, 1239
complete reforms and, 1193, 1194
monopsony model, 1025, 1026
Paserman, Daniele, 1557
Pastore, F., 1799
Patents, 1253, 1293
change over time in number filed per city, 1255f
distribution by city, 1253
to measure innovation, 1293, 1294
Paula Martins, Ana, 842
Pauli, Wolfgang, 1595
Pavoni, N., 828, 829
Paxson, Christina, 814, 815, 835, 1321t, 1371, 1375t, 1376t, 1377t, 1380t, 1381t, 1392
Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT), 893, 894, 895t, 896t
Peabody Individual Assessment Test-Revised (PIAT-R), 880
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-3 (PPVT-3), 880, 939
Pekkarinen, Thomas, 1562
Pencavel, J., 1815
Pennucci, Annie, 1437t
Pensions, 777
People management, 1729t, 1743
People skills, 1561, 1562
Pepper, John V., 1530n62
Perdue, William R., Jr., 1629
Perfect competition, 1022, 1028, 1607. See also Imperfect competition
minimum wage and, 1024
nominal wage differences in, 1249
Performance management, 1729t
Permanent contract
employment protection and, 1201f, 1202f
temporary contracts converted to, 1201
wage premia on, 1202t
Permanent income hypothesis income process, 782, 791, 819
beyond, 784–789
Permanent income shocks, 815
anticipated, 825
identification of variance of, 793, 794
income inequality and, 824, 825
Natural borrowing constraint and, 788f
in 1980s, 825
transitory and, distinction between, 791
Zero borrowing constraint and, 788f
Permanent transitory decomposition, 813
Perri, Fabrizio, 828
Perry Preschool, 876t, 877, 1434, 1436t, 1438t, 1560n20
long-term return on investment of, 879n37
Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator, 1055, 1163
Personal identifiers, 1338
Personality traits. See also specific personality traits
Big Five model, 1560, 1561
gender and, 1559, 1560–1564
gender and source of, 1564–1570
risk and, 1563, 1564
Persson, Matz, 1577
Petrongolo, Barbara, 1288
Peyrache, Eloic, 1558
Pfeiffer, Katherine M., 1335t, 1345t
Phibbs, Ciaran, 1002t
PIAT. See Peabody Individual Achievement Test
PIAT-R. See Peabody Individual Assessment Test-Revised
Pinto, Rodgrigo, 1438t
Piraino, Patrizio, 1529
Pischke, Jorn-Steffen, 814
Pissarides, Christopher, 1190, 1288, 1635, 1636
Pistaferri, Luigi, 787–789, 801–802, 809t, 812t, 814, 815, 831–832, 836–837, 837t, 840–843, 845n64, 1000t
Plug, Erik, 1515t, 1516t, 1518t, 1527, 1560, 1561
PNSS. See Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System
Politeness theory, 1555
Political gender gap, 1554
Pollution theory of discrimination, 1571, 1572
Portrait, France, 1353t, 1356t, 1367
Posner, Richard, 1598
Postel-Vinay, Fabien, 843, 846
Postel-Vinay, Gilles, 1358t, 1367
Potential-outcomes framework, 1617
Poulsen, Anders, 1551
Poverty. See also Earnings; Income
in developing countries, 864, 865
regional differences in, 1302, 1303
welfare trap and trap in, distinguishing between, 1530
PPVT-3. See Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-3
Pre-CTOPPP. See Preschool Comprehensive Test of Phonological and Print Processing
Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System (PNSS), 1429t
Pregnancy Risk Monitoring System, 1426, 1427t
PreLAS 2000, 939
Pre-market skills, 858
Prenatal/early infancy project, 876t
Prendergast, Canice, 1745, 1780, 1792, 1793
Prennushi, Giovanni, 1719t
Preschool Comprehensive Test of Phonological and Print Processing (Pre-CTOPPP), 939
Preston, Ian, 787–789, 822, 831–832
Pries, M., 1639
Primary Test of Cognitive Skills (PTCS), 880
Primiceri, G. E., 824–826
Private law, 1594
Procedural costs, 1209
Procrastination, 1742, 1743
Productivity, 1251–1253, 1699–1710. See also Total factor productivity
advantages of, 1241
benefits from increase in, 1263, 1264
benefits from thick labor market, 1289
determinants of local labor markets, 1281–1296
differences, 1238
dispersion, 1708–1710
econometrically estimating, 1710
HRM on, 1710–1738
identification problem, 1712–1715
of incumbent plants in counties with new plant opening, 1285f
nominal wages and, 1251
permanent advantage in, 1741
problems with measuring, 1709
profits v., 1711
risk, 840
shocks, 842, 845
sources of match-specific, 1786–1793
spillover, 1284, 1289, 1306, 1307
unions enhancing, 1641, 1662, 1663–1682t
wages and, 1637
Profile heterogeneity model, 814
Profits, 1004
maximizing steady-state, 1016
as measure of rents, 999
productivity v., 1711
unions and, 1683
Progresa program, 1403t
Project CRISS, 914t
by country, 1705, 1706f
tournaments, 1778, 1779
wage changes and, 1779
wages and, 1802
Pronzato, Chiara, 1515t, 1527
Property-rights approach, 1632
Propper, Carol, 1724t, 1733
PSID. See Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Public good experiments, 1553, 1554
Puga, Diego, 1291
Pugh v. See’s Candies, 1612
PYCS. See Primary Test of Cognitive Skills
Pyman, A., 1811


Quantum Opportunity Program, 915t
Quintana-Domeque, Climent, 1374t


Raaum, Oddbjørn, 1495–1497
Rabin, Matthew, 1743
Racial achievement gap, 857, 864t
age and, 870
beyond including fixed school effects, 885
changes in differentials and, 1161, 1162
charter schools and, 924
in Chicago, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901, 902f, 903f
in Cleveland, 918, 919, 918f
community-centered approach, 920, 924
in CPP, 867f
in Dallas, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901, 902f, 903f, 904t
data description, 926–966
debate, 919, 920
development rates and, 870
in ECLS-B, 866f
English and, 909, 910t
before entering school, 865–874
genetic models and, 871–873
by grade, 902f, 903f
Harlem Children’s Zone and, 921f, 923f
health and, 862t, 863
in high school, 907–911
history and, 910t
incarceration and, 862t, 863
interventions before entering school, 874–880, 875–876t
in kindergarten through 12th grade, 880–907
losing ground, 885, 890
losing ground, sensitivity analysis, 888, 889t
maternal achievement and, 894, 897
math and, 881t, 885, 886t, 898, 899t, 904t, 909t
mental function composite score and, 869t
money spent on closing, 917
in New York City, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901–903, 902f, 903f, 904t, 905–906t
parental test scores and, 873, 874
reading and, 882t, 884, 885, 887t, 894, 898, 900t, 904t
school-age interventions, 912–925, 913–916t
school-centered approach, 920
science and, 911t
teacher quality and, 885, 886, 887t, 901, 904t
unemployment and, 859t, 861t
using district administrative files, 897–907
wage and, 859t, 860, 861t
in Washington DC, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901, 902f, 903f, 918f
Racial equality, progress towards, 865
Racial inequality
debate over causes, 857
declining significance of, 858–865
experiments, 857
income and, 864
Racine, Andrew D., 1426, 1427, 1429t, 1459t
Rajan, Raghuram, 1750
Ramalho, R., 1650t
Ramezzana, P., 1639
Rankin, Peter J., 1466
Ransom, Michael, 1011t
Rasul, Imran, 1720t, 1721t, 1730, 1735, 1774
Rat-race equilibrium, 1779
Ratto, Marisa, 1724t, 1733
Reading, 895t, 896t
data description, 939–941
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort and, 951
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 929
racial achievement gap and, 882t, 884, 885, 887t, 894, 898, 900t, 904t
specific skills, 892t, 905, 906t
teacher quality and, 887t, 904t
tests in New York City, 897
Real wage, 1249–1251, 1262
calculating, 1249
changes in composition-adjusted weekly, 1057f, 1058t
education and, 1058t
experience and, 1058t
hourly college, 1249, 1250f
hourly high school, 1249, 1250f
by skill group, 1055–1061
weekly, 1056f
Rebitzer, J. B., 1803
Redistribution, 1553, 1554
Reforms, 1188–1190, 1189t
addressing more than one topic, 1223
average wage and, 1196
comparative statics results of, 1195t
decreasing wedge, 1186f
defined, 1184, 1185
discrete, 1184, 1187
dualism, 1200–1203
employment conditional incentives, 1217–1220
employment protection, 1188t, 1203
in Europe 1980-2007, 1185t
financial market, 1188–1190, 1189t
general equilibrium effect of, 1212
honeymoon effect, 1203–1207, 1204f, 1211
IGE and education, 1501, 1524
increasing employment protection for incumbents, 1200
increasing employment subsidies for entry jobs, 1200
increasing replacement rates to unemployed coming from continuing jobs, 1199, 1200
incremental, 1184, 1186–1188
institutes and, 1176–1190
issues checklist, 1208
Italy, 1196, 1197
labor market, 1188–1190, 1189t
labor reallocation and, 1190–1208
learning from, 1208–1222
measurement problem, 1210
nature of, 1207
by orientation, 1189
packaging, 1186, 1187t
phasing in, complete, 1184
phasing in, long, 1208
phasing in, partial, 1184
phasing in, timing of, 1184
product market, 1188–1190, 1189t
regulatory intensity of, 1187
scope of, 1185t, 1189
size of, 1185t, 1187, 1188
structural, 1185t, 1188
summary, 1207, 1208
target share, 1186
taxonomy of, 1185t
tracking European, 1185, 1186
transitional dynamics, 1203–1207
treatment group, 1187
unemployment benefit, 1187, 1188t
wedge and, 1183f
Reforms, complete
defining, 1194
general equilibrium effects of, 1194–1196
partial equilibrium effects of, 1193, 1194
two-tier v., 1187t, 1200
Reforms, two-tier, 1186–1188
comparative statics results of, 1199t
complete v., 1187t, 1200
defined, 1184
determinants of, 1175, 1176
employment responsiveness and, 1207f
engineering, 1175
job flows and, 1199, 1200
MP Model and, 1196–1198
Okun’s betas and, 1206f
from rigid regime, 1204
two-tier wage structures and, 1201, 1202
of unemployment benefits, 1215
Rege, Mari, 1523
Regression discontinuity, 1618
Reich, Michael, 983t, 1008t
Reingold, David, 1411, 1414t, 1418
Reliance damages, 1603
Rents, 974
distribution of, 1031
industry profits as measure of, 999
responsiveness of wages to, 998
size of, 980–990, 1031
size of, from search model, 1031, 1032
estimates of, 998–1002, 1000t
unions and, 1002
degree of, 1019
estimates of, 997–1021
labor supply curve elasticity and, 1002–1006
Research privacy protection, 1339
Restart experiments, 1221
Restitution, 1603, 1629
Restricted Income Profiles (RIP), 816
Retirement, 781n11, 785. See also Early retirement
Reyes, Jessica Wolpaw, 1390t, 1396
Ricardian trade models, 1047, 1120–1154
comparative statics, 1132–1140, 1133f
comparative statics, basic, 1133–1138
environment, 1122, 1123
equilibrium allocation, changes in, 1135f
equilibrium without machines, 1123–1130
features, 1121
special cases, 1130–1132
wage effects and, 1138–1140
Ridder, Elizabeth, 1423t
Ridder, G., 1806
Rietveld, P., 1807
Rigby v. Ferodo, 1633
Right-to-manage model, 998, 999
RIP. See Restricted Income Profiles
Risk, 774n1
background, 775
contracts and, 1621, 1634–1636
employment, 840
estimating, 800
ex-ante responses to, 774, 775, 777
ex-post responses to, 774–777
gender and, 1545, 1546–1549, 1564, 1576
great shift, 777n6
hiring and, 1789–1791
housing, 1307, 1308
importance of measuring, 776
incentives v., 1779–1781
income and assessing, 839
measurement, 801
mortality, 774n1
option value, 1790
personality traits and, 1563, 1564
policy implications of, 776
predictive power of preferences of, 1546n3
primitive, 789, 790
productivity, 840
sharing, 825
testosterone and, 1569
types, 774n1
uncertainty and, technical difference between, 775n3
uninsurable lifetime income, 827
using choices to learn about, 818–839
varying over life cycle, 1547
wage, 1307, 1308
as year-to-year volatility, 789
Risk aversion
increasing, 784
individual, 1547
Roback, Jennifer, 1254
Robert-Nicoud, F., 1639
Roberts, John, 1736
Robin, Jean-Marc, 845
Robles, Omar, 1366, 1367
Rockoff, Jonah, 1564n29
Rodrigues, Christopher, 1399t
Rodriguez, Monica, 1420t
Røed, Knut, 1495–1497
Rogerson, R., 1639
Rogerson, W. P., 1629
Role models, 1568
Rooney, Patrick M., 1532
Roos, Leslie, 1350t, 1362t, 1363t, 1368, 1369, 1378t, 1393
Rose, Nancy L., 1000t
Rosen, Sherwin, 1254, 1778, 1779
Rosenblatt, Robert, 1465
Rosen-Roback framework, 1254–1256, 1258
key insight, 1255
restrictions of, 1256
Rosenthal, Stuart, 1282
Rosenzweig, Mark, 1342t, 1366, 1513, 1515t, 1721t
Ross, S., 1797
Rotemberg, Julio R., 1287
Roth, Jeffrey, 1428t, 1432
Routine tasks, 1076, 1078. See also Nonroutine tasks
cognitive, 1080, 1164
manual, 1080, 1164
market price of, 1155
offshoring of, 1077
Royalty, Anne Beeson, 1010t
Royer, Heather, 1352t
Ruback, R. S., 1680t, 1683
Ruhm, Christopher J., 1383t, 1445t
Rule systems, 1600, 1601
Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, 898
Rush, David, 1337, 1338
Rustichini, Aldo, 1549, 1551, 1552, 1569


Saavedra, J., 1660t
Sacerdote, Bruce, 1516t
Sadun, Raffaella, 1717t, 1748, 1753
Saidi, Farzad, 1556, 1557
Salganik, Mikhail, 1435t
Salinger, M., 1681t
Salm, Martin, 1376t, 1392, 1393
Saloner, Garth, 1287, 1797
Salop, J., 1793
Salop, S., 1793
Salter, W. G., 1708
Salvanes, Kjell G., 1334t, 1338, 1347t, 1517t, 1524, 1528, 1532
Sanbonmatsu, Lisa, 1416t
Sanders, Nicholas, 1365t
Sandusky, K., 1788
Sanz-de-Galdeano, Anna, 1531
Sapienza, Paola, 1569
SAT. See Scholastic Aptitude Test
Savelyev, Peter, 1438t
Säve-Söderbergh, Jenny, 1559
Savings, 782n13, 784, 828
lack of precautionary motive for, 784
precautionary, 787, 800, 845
Scarpetta, S., 1658t, 1660t
Scarring effects, 799, 800
Schady, Norbert, 1404t
Schaefer, S., 1774, 1784, 1792, 1794, 1812, 1813
Schanzenbach, Diane, 1406, 1407t, 1410, 1463t, 1466
Schellenbach, Cynthia J., 1420t
Schenker, Samuel, 983t
Schennach, Susanne, 1319t
Schivardi, Fabiano, 845n64, 1000t
Schkade, David, 1580n43
Schmidt, K. M., 1809, 1810
Schnabel, Claus, 1011t
Schnberg, 1385t
Schoeni, Robert F., 1348t
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 863, 864
College and Beyond 1976 and, 935
Scholder, Kessler, 1724t, 1733
Schonberg, U., 1802, 1803
Schrank, Tomas, 1011t
Schunk, Daniel, 1376t, 1392, 1393
Schupp, Juergen, 1547
Schwab, S. J., 1646t
Schwartz, J., 1676t
Schwarz, Norbet, 1580n43
Schweinhart, Lawrence, 1436t
Scoones, D., 1802
Scorse, J., 1687
Scott, David, 1435t
Seattle Social Development Project, 915t
SEED charter schools, 924
Self Sufficiency Project (SSP), 1217, 1220
Self-affirmation essay writing, 912, 915t, 917
Self-employment, 791n29
intergenerational elasticity and, 1529n60
Self-insurance models, 785, 828
Seniority scales, 1012
SER. See Social Security Administration’s Summary Earnings Records
Severance payments, 1209, 1622, 1623, 1635
undone via labor contract, 1634
SF-12. See Short Form Health Survey, 12-Item
SGA. See Small for gestational age
Shannon, Harry, 1424t
Shapiro, C., 1628
Shavell, S., 1629
Shaw, Kathryn, 1716t, 1719t, 1724t, 1732, 1737, 1811, 1813, 1814
Shearer, Bruce, 1557n17, 1723t, 1731, 1774
Shen, K., 1812
Sherman, D., 1676t
Shimer, R., 1635
SHIW. See Italian Survey of Household Income and Wealth
Shleifer, A., 1643, 1648t
Shocks. See also Childhood shocks; Income shocks
labor demand, 1256, 1260–1263, 1267–1269
labor supply, 1256, 1264, 1265
productivity, 842, 845
skill-specific, 1241, 1270–1272
Shore-Sheppard, Laura, 1457t
Short Form Health Survey, 12-Item (SF-12), 861
Sia, Calvin, 1420t
Siblings. See also Twins
allocating resources between, 1329
birth weight, 1329
childhood shocks and, 1328
Head Start and, 1439
studies, 1508–1514, 1515t, 1528
welfare and, 1397
Sickles, Robin, 1679t
Sidora-Arcoleo, Kimberly, 1422t
Silva, Emilson, 1722t
Silva v. University of New Hampshire, 1609
Simester, Duncan, 1725t
Simon, C. J., 1799
Simon, H. A., 1605, 1606, 1608, 1626
Sims, David, 1011t
Siow, Aloysious, 842
Situational ambiguity, 1555
Skalicky, Anne, 1431t
Skans, Oskar N., 1530
Skill bias, 1044, 1097, 1149. See also Technical change
technical change and medium, 1138
Skills. See also Occupations
allocated to tasks, 1123, 1124, 1158
college wages and supply of, 1052, 1053
comparative advantage of, 1122, 1123
demand for, 1044, 1097
determination of threshold high, 1132f
dimensions of, 1788
earnings differences between, 1302
elasticity of substitution between, 1099, 1102
external benefits from, 1292
imperfect substitutions in, 1105
inequality within groups, 1115–1117
intergenerational elasticity and cognitive, 1528, 1529
law of one price for, 1124–1126
math, 891t, 905, 906t
mobility costs and, 1279
no arbitrage across, 1126, 1127
nominal wage gap, 1272
nominal/real differences across, 1301
people, 1561, 1562
pre-market, 858
premium, 1106
real wages by groups of, 1055–1061
replacing, 1107
specific shocks, 1241, 1270–1272
specific weights on, 1788, 1789
supply of, 1044, 1097
tasks and, distinction between, 1045, 1120
types, 1047, 1050, 1097, 1265
utility gap, 1272
wages and, 1154
wages of males with low, 1057
Skills, substitution across different, 1144–1147
comparative statics, 1146, 1147
environment, 1144–1146
interpretation, 1146, 1147
Skuterud, M., 1810
Slesnick, Daniel T., 1302, 1303
Sloan, Frank A., 1466
Small, Deborah A., 1555, 1558
Small for gestational age (SGA), 1432
Smith, Adam, 1242, 1745–1747
Smith, Alison, 986t
Smith, Anthony, 811t, 826, 827
Smith, Gillian C., 1377t
Smith, James, 1377t, 1379t, 1392
Smoking, 1368
birth weight and, 1369
SNAP. See Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program
Social assistance. See also Welfare; specific programs
unemployment benefits and, 1216f
Social behavior. See also Behavioral problems; Culture
intergenerational transmission of, 1532, 1533
“Social Europe,” 1176
Social identity model, 1545
Social networks, 1796–1800
“Social Policy Reform Inventory,” 1185
Social preferences, 1552–1554
Social Security Act, 1597t
Social Security Administration’s Summary Earnings Records (SER), 1491
Social security system, 787
Socialization, gender and, 1566, 1568
Solon, Gary, 809t, 810t, 815, 817, 1488, 1493, 1498–1500, 1508–1509, 1533–1534
Son’s earnings
age and, 1492
estimating, 1495–1497
measurement error, 1495
South African Child Support Grant (CSG), 1402t
SPAK, 1218, 1219
evaluation of, 1219
Spatial abilities, 1567
Spatial equilibrium model, 1240, 1242
with agglomeration economies, 1273–1276
assumptions, 1257–1260, 1266–1267, 1278n34
conclusions of, 1278n34
empirical evidence, 1278–1281
with heterogeneous labor, 1265–1272
with homogenous labor, 1257–1265
with multiple types of labor, 1279, 1280
with one type of labor, 1278, 1279
residents v. movers and, 1280, 1281
with tradable/non-tradable industries, 1276–1278
variations of, 1257
Spence, M., 1786
Spetz, Joanne, 1002t
Spillovers, 1439
human capital, 1291–1296
internalizing, 1285, 1286, 1304–1307
knowledge, 1291–1296
magnitude, 1293n50
paper trail, 1293
productivity, 1284, 1289, 1306, 1307
Sprenger, C., 1636
SSP. See Self Sufficiency Project
Stabile, Mark, 1350t, 1362t, 1363t, 1368, 1369, 1372t, 1378t, 1392, 1393, 1398, 1401t, 1405
Stabilization policies, 776, 777, 784
Staiger, Douglas, 1002t, 1033, 1034
Standard Certificate of Live Birth, 1369
Stanford-Binet IQ scores. See IQ tests
Stanley, M., 1774
Stayn, Heidi, 1558
Stein, Zena, 1337, 1338
Steinberg, Richard, 1532
STEP. See Summer Training and Education Program
gender, 1576
threat, 917
Stevens, Anne H., 1430t, 1433, 1517t, 1523, 1524, 1525
Stevens, D., 1790
Stevenson, Amanda, 1422t
Stevenson, Betsey, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1810
Stewart-Brown, Sarah, 1424t
Stiglitz, J. E., 1628
Stimulus policies, 776
Stock-flow matching, 988, 989
Stock-stock matching, 988
Stone, Arthur A., 1580n43
Stone, J. A., 1676t, 1680t
Stott, D., 1808
Strahan, Phillip E., 1000t
Strange, William, 1282
Strickland, Joshua A., 1576, 1577
Stroud, Laura, 1354t, 1369
Strully, Kate, 1345t
Student maturity, 1776
Stutzer, Alois, 1578
centrally financed, 1297–1299
from entry jobs, 1200
labor mobility and human capital, 1303
locally financed, 1299, 1300
location-based, 1242
wage, 1218, 1219
Substance abuse, 1394
Success for All, 912, 915t, 917
evaluating impacts of, 917
Sullivan, D., 1687
Summer Training and Education Program (STEP), 915t
Sunde, Uwe, 1547, 1548
Sunk investment, 1629, 1630
Super-additivities, 1736
Superior information, 790, 820, 821, 824
extent of, 830
test, 832
Supplemental Feeding Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), 1426–1433
selected studies, 1427–1431t
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), 1405, 1406
Supplemental Reading Instruction, 916t
Sure Start program, 1453
Susser, Mervyn, 1337, 1338
Svenson, Ola, 1742
Swaffield, Joanna, 1560
Sweetman, Olive, 1494, 1495
Syracuse University Family Development, 876t
Syverson, Chad, 1708, 1710, 1741


TAKS. See Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
Talent Development High School, 916t
Tameny v. Atlantic Richfield Co., 1597t, 1610, 1611
TANF. See Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
Tasks, 1045
abstract, 1077, 1079
automation, 1077
codifiable, 1076
content of occupations, 1075, 1078
demand, 1087
determination of threshold high skill, 1132f
by education, 1080
evolution of, 1081–1085
by gender, 1080
information-based, 1148
intensity, 1080
linking occupational changes to job, 1078–1081
machine displacement of, 1140–1144
measures, 1079, 1163, 1164
measures by education, 1101, 1102t
measures for occupations, 1100t
skills allocated to, 1123, 1124, 1158
skills and, distinction between, 1045, 1120
unitary elasticity of substitution between, 1125
wages and, 1154
Tasks, manual, 1077
nonroutine physical, 1164
routine, 1080, 1164
Tasks, nonroutine, 1079
cognitive, 1163, 1164
manual physical, 1164
Tasks, routine, 1076, 1078
cognitive, 1080, 1164
manual, 1080, 1164
market price of, 1155
offshoring of, 1077
Taste shifters, 785, 787
Tate, Geoffrey, 1742
Tatelbaum, Robert C., 1421t, 1425, 1426
Taxes. See also Conditional tax credits
based on nominal income, 1301
consumption and reforms of, 780
employment protection component of, 1209
firing, 1192, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198
law, 1605
on low wage in Europe, 1177t
re-employment financing unemployment benefits, 1635
wedge on low wage, 1179
Taylor, L., 1278
Teachers. See also Tenure
parents as, 866, 867, 876t, 941
racial achievement gap and, 885, 886, 887t, 901, 904t
reading and, 887t, 904t
loop, 941
to test, 1776
Technical change, 1046, 1102, 1104, 1105, 1107, 1117, 1118, 1134, 1787, 1788
directed, 1148–1154
direction of, 1119
example, 1152–1154
medium skill biased, 1138
pace, 1117, 1118, 1119
on wage levels, 1138–1140
Tedeschi, P., 1795, 1796
Teixeira, Paulino, 1645t
Tekin, Erdal, 1388t, 1395
Telle, Kjetil, 1523
TEMA-3. See Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF), 898
Temporary contract, 1197
converted to permanent contracts, 1201
employment protection and, 1201f
Temporary Work Agency, 1197, 1795
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1296
Tenure, 1777
contract, 1627
return to, 841n63
wage elasticity to, 1012
ter Weel, Bas, 1561, 1562
Tervio, M., 1784
Test of Early Mathematics Ability-3 (TEMA-3), 939
Testosterone, 1568, 1569
career choices and, 1569
risk and, 1569
Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), 897, 958
Theory of the Consumption Function (Friedman), 833n55
Thomas, B. Helen, 1424t
Thomas, Duncan, 1320t, 1328, 1439, 1440t
Thompson, Leigh, 1576
The three year old journey, 876t
Time homogeneity, 1618
Tinbergen’s race, 1106, 1107, 1108
Tirole, J., 1634, 1636, 1750
Tominey, Emma, 1349t, 1368, 1724t, 1733
Topa, G., 1797
Topel, Robert, 806t
Torero, M., 1366, 1367, 1660t
Tort claim, 1610
Total factor productivity (TFP), 1251, 1708
changes over time, 1252f
higher, 1709
Total Suspended Particles (TSP), 1368
Tousaint v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield, 1611n29
Townsend, R. M., 1624
Toxic exposure, 1396
Toxic stress, 870
human capital accumulation and, 1029, 1030
minimum wage and, 1030
paying for, 1030
Trajtenberg, Manuel, 1293
Tranaes, T., 1801
Transaction costs theory, 1642
Transitory income shocks
estimating, 794, 795
identifying properties of, 794, 795
measurement error, 794, 795, 796, 821
Natural borrowing constraint and, 788f
permanent and, distinction between, 791
variance of, 794
Zero borrowing constraint and, 788f
Treatment-on-the-treated effect (TTE), 790n26
Trial Urban District Assessment, 918
Trust, 1756
TSP. See Total Suspended Particles
TTE. See Treatment-on-the-treated effect
Tulsa Pre-K Program, 876t, 878, 879
Turnover cost, employment protection as, 1599, 1634, 1685
Turon, Hélène, 843, 846
Tutt, Robin, 1422t
Twins. See also Siblings
birth weight, 1330
fixed effect model, 1527
reconciling with adoptee/IV literatures, f1527, 1528
studies, 1512–1514, 1515t, 1531–1532
Two-tier reforms, 1186–1188, 1188
comparative statics results of, 1199t
complete v., 1187t, 1200
defined, 1184
determinants of, 1175, 1176
employment responsiveness and, 1207f
engineering, 1175
job flows and, 1199, 1200
MP Model and, 1196–1198
Okun’s betas and, 1206f
from rigid regime, 1204
two-tier wage structures and, 1201, 1202
of unemployment benefits, 1215


UB. See Unemployment benefits
UI. See Unemployment insurance
Ultimatum experiments, 1553, 1554
volatility, 815
wage variability and, 824
Unemployment, 860. See also Employment; Job seeking
assistance, 1213
benefit sanctions on outflows from, 1222
College and Beyond 1976 and, 935
duration and duration of benefits, 1214
evolution of, 1192
hazard rate, 1214
income shocks, 833, 835
location-based policies and, 1307, 1308
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 930
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 and, 933
racial achievement gap and, 859t, 861t
rate, 1176
value of, 985
Unemployment benefits (UB), 1179, 1185, 1192, 1194, 1195, 1223
eligibility conditions, 1213
entitlement conditions, 1213
in Europe, 1177t
European v. non-European, 1182t
generosity of, 1180, 1214, 1216
macro literature, 1213, 1214
micro literature on, 1214
pricing out and, 1214
reforms, 1187, 1188t
reforms, literature on, 1213–1216
reforms, two-tier, 1215
replacement rates, 1213
social assistance and, 1216f
tracking, 1197
unemployment duration and duration of, 1215
Unemployment insurance (UI), 833
benefits from, 833
financed out of re-employment tax, 1635
as imperfect insurance, 1608
welfare effects of, 834
Unions, 1662, 1683, 1684, 1686, 1735
bargaining power, 1683, 1684
committing to binding agreements, 1662
decline in, 1683
employment law as substitute for protection from, 1641
enhancing productivity, 1641, 1662, 1663–1682t
monopoly model, 1637
profit and, 1683
rent-sharing and, 1002
retaliation, 1640
workplace organization and, 1662
Unit homogeneity, 1618
Upward, R., 1808
Upward mobility, degree of, 1494
Urukagina’s code, 1599


Vaage, Kjell, 1494
Vakis, Renos, 1404t
van de Gaer, Dirk, 1494, 1495
Van Den Berg, Gerald J., 1353t, 1356t, 1367
Van den Steen, E., 1791
van Ours, Jan, 1573, 1574, 1806
Van Reenen, John, 1000t, 1717t, 1728, 1742n22, 1743, 1748, 1753, 1754
van Rens, T., 824–826
Vandegrift, Donald, 1552, 1552n11
Vaupel, James W., 1359t, 1366
Velez, Melissa, 1335t, 1345t
Vella, Francis, 1574, 1575
Ventura, Gustavo, 843, 844
Verstraete, Matthieu, 1444t, 1451, 1452
Vesterlund, Lise, 1549–1551, 1552, 1553n12, 1558n19
Vidangos, Ivan, 811t
Vietnam War, 1053
Vigdor, Jacob, 1008t
Villeval, Marie-Claire, 1551
Violante, Giovanni, 787–789, 788f
Viscusi, W. Kip, 1010t
Vital Statistics Natality, 1338, 1410
Vives, Xavier, 1746
Vlachos, Jonas, 1528, 1529
Vogel, Jonathan, 1121n65
von Hinke, Vanessa, 1724t, 1733
von Wachter, T., 1624, 1687
Voos, Paula, 1682t
Voth, Joachim, 1355t, 1367
Votruba, Mark, 1523
Vujic, Suncica, 1379t, 1394


changes in structure of, 1118
comparative advantage and, 1154–1157
competition and, 1592
compression, 1030
consumer, 1059n15
convexification, 1059
defining variable of, 1009
discrimination, 995
efficiency, 1799
elasticity to tenure, 1012
employment and, one-to-one link between, 1004, 1005
employment maximizing, 1025
endogenizing, 843, 844
enforceable, 1632
equilibrium dispersion, 1022, 1024
European taxes on low, 1177t
expected, 1009
fairness notions, 994
fixed, 1637
imperfections, 994
incomplete contracting of, 1640
in-kind benefits and, 1058
instability, 778, 778n7
insurance via, 1628
labor demand shock and, 1260–1263, 1267–1269
labor supply and, 1003, 1004
labor supply shock on, 1264, 1265
law of one, 1022–1024
law of one, failure of, 1024
living, 1008
low skill male, 1057
in low-skill labor, 995, 996
mandated, 1005
mandated, rise in, 993f
marginal product and, relationship between, 1016
market tightness on, 1195
mass points of, 1023, 1023t
matching effects and, 841n61
models to determine, 990–997
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and, 930
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 and, 933
occupations and full-time, 1098t
offer distributions, 1014
offshoring and, 1148
paid to skill group v. task, 1154
period-to-period variability of, 841n62
permanent contracts and premia of, 1202t
polarization, 1046, 1069, 1070, 1070n24, 1142
producer, 1059n15
productivity and, 1637
promotions and, 1802
promotions and changes in, 1779
racial achievement gap and, 859t, 860, 861t
reforms and average, 1196
renegotiations of, 843, 1640
reservation, 1032
responsiveness to rents, 998
Ricardian trade models and effects of, 1138–1140
rigidity of, 994
risk, 1307, 1308
seniority scales, 1012
stochastic process of, 842, 843
stock-based, 1794
structural interpretation of, 813, 814
as “take-it-or-leave-it” offer, 995, 1002
technical change on levels of, 1138–1140
temporary v. permanent premia, 1003
uncertainty and variability in, 824
worker set, 1637, 1638
Wage bargaining, 991–995, 1022–1023
individualistic, 995
models, 991, 992
Wage determination, 996, 997
occupations and, 1090–1095, 1092–1093t
Wage elasticity to separation, 1007–1018
correctly-signed, 1008
experimental evidence, 1007, 1008
non-experimental studies of, 1009–1012, 1010–1011t
quasi-experimental estimates of, 1002, 1007, 1002t, 1008t
recruitment elasticity and, 1012–1015, 1034–1035
wrongly-signed, 1008
Wage inequality, 777
cost-of-living-adjusted, 1059n15
equilibrium and, 1127, 1128
increase in, 1059n15
overall, 1061–1070
Wage posting, 991–994, 995
bargaining power and, 993
directed search models, 994
random matching in, 994
Wage subsidies, 1218
costs of, 1219
criticism of, 1219
windfall beneficiaries and, 1219
Wages, college, 1050–1055
detrended changes in supply and, 1111f
by experience, 1112, 1113, 1113t
high school and, gap between, 1109t, 1110f, 1111
nominal hourly, 1244–1246, 1244f, 1245t, 1246t, 1247f
ratio to high school wage, 1112f
real hourly, 1249, 1250f
skill supply and, 1052, 1053
weekly, composition adjusted, 1051f
Wages, high school, 1050–1055
college and, gap between, 1109t, 1110f, 1111
detrended changes in supply and, 1111f
hourly nominal, 1243, 1244f, 1245, 1245t, 1247f
ratio to college wage, 1112f
real hourly, 1249, 1250f
weekly, composition adjusted, 1051f
Wages, hourly, 1246t, 1248t
college nominal, 1244–1246, 1244f, 1245t, 1246t, 1247f
college real, 1249, 1250f
education and, 1060f, 1061, 1062f, 1248t
high school nominal, 1243, 1244f, 1245, 1245t, 1247f
high school real, 1249, 1250f
by metropolitan area, 1245t
occupations and, 1098t
percentiles, 1066, 1067f
percentiles relative to median, 1068, 1069f
Wages, insider, 1198, 1199
firing taxes entering positively into, 1198
outsider and, difference between, 1198, 1199
Wages, minimum, 1593
binding, 1025
Hammurabi and, 1600
heterogeneity, 1026
as imperfect insurance, 1608
to maximize employment, 1025
optimal design of, 1622, 1623
perfect competition and, 1024
training and, 1030
Wages, nominal, 1243–1249
college hourly, 1244–1246, 1244f, 1245t, 1246t, 1247f
cost-of-living adjusted, 1249, 1250
differences in perfect competition, 1249
high school hourly, 1243, 1244f, 1245, 1245t, 1247f
productivity and, 1251
skills gap in, 1272
Wages, outsider, 1198, 1199
derivation of, 1230–1232
firing taxes entering negatively into, 1198
insider and, difference between, 1198, 1199
Wages, real, 1249–1251, 1262
calculating, 1249
changes in composition-adjusted weekly, 1057f, 1058t
education and, 1058t
experience and, 1058t
hourly college, 1249, 1250f
hourly high school, 1249, 1250f
by skill group, 1055–1061
weekly, 1056f
Wages, weekly
occupations and, 1098t
percentiles, 1064f, 1065f
Wagner, Gert G., 1547
Waldfogel, Jane, 1383t, 1445t
Waldkirch, Andreas, 1533
Waldman, M., 1801, 1802
Walker, Ian, 1400t, 1406, 1407t
Walker, Reed, 1364t, 1368
Walker, Robert, 986t
Walld, Randy, 1350t
Walsh, Christine A., 1424t
Walsh, Randall, 1367, 1552
Ward, Michael, 806t
Warner, J. T., 1799
Warren, Ronald, Jr., 1679t
Washington DC
district data descriptions, 961–963
racial achievement gap in, 897, 898, 899, 900t, 901, 902f, 903f, 918f
Watts, Timothy, 1358t, 1367
Wealth, intergenerational transmission of, 1533
Weather shocks, 833, 835
Webbinnk, Dinand, 1379t, 1394
Weber, Max, 1750
Wechsler Intelligence Scale, 878, 942
decreasing, 1184, 1186f
defined, 1183, 1184
increasing, 1184
on low wage, 1179, 1181, 1181f, 1182t
reforms and, 1183f
tax on low wage, 1179
Weekly wage
occupations and, 1098t
percentiles, 1064f, 1065f
Weinberg, Bruce A., 1561, 1562
Weinberg, N., 1800
Welch, Finis R., 1564n28
Welfare, 1238, 1397
aggregate, 1306, 1307
cost-of-living adjusted, 1301
exposure to, 1531
incidence of enrollment in, 1530n62
intensity of enrollment in, 1530n62, 1531
intergenerational elasticity and, 1530, 1531
local, 1304, 1305
siblings and, 1397
trap, 1530
Welfare Milk Program, 1406
Welfare Restructuring, 1217
Wells, William, 1652t
WERS. See British Workplace Employees Relations Survey
WFTC. See Working Families’ Tax Credit
Wheeler, Christopher, 1288, 1813
Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, 1598t
WIC. See Supplemental Feeding Program for Women, Infants, and Children
Wickens, M. R., 1010t
Widom, Cathy, 1387t, 1395
Wilhelm, Mark O., 1532
William Lester, T., 1008t
Williams, Nicholas, 841n63
Williamson, O. E., 1642, 1686
Willis, Robert, 804t
Wilson, William Julius, 857
Windfall beneficiaries, 1217
wage subsidies and, 1219
Windfall problem, 1217
Windham, Amy, 1420t
Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey (WLS), 1520
WLS. See Wisconsin Longitudinal Survey
Wolfers, Justin, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1648t
Wollard, Ingrd, 1402t
Wolpin, K. I., 835
Wong, Vivian C., 1448t
Wood, H. G., 1606
Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery achievement test, 878–880
Woods, Elizabeth, 1435t
Woolley v. Hoffmann-La Roch, 1597t, 1611
Worker ability, heterogeneous, 1032–1034
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, 1598t
Worker quality cut-off level, 1005
Worker-employer matching, 841
Workforce Investment Act of 1991, 1809
Working Families’ Tax Credit (WFTC), 1217, 1398
World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index, 1568
Wulf, Julie, 1750


Yale experiment, 876t
Yaron, Amir, 843, 844
Yavas, Abdullah, 1552, 1552n11
Yavitz, Adam, 1438t
Yeaple, Stephen, 1748
Yelowitz, Aaron, 1411, 1412t
Yestrumskas, Alexandra H., 1561
Youngs, Rachel, 986t
Yu, Jennifer, 1435t
Yunzal-Butler, Cristina, 1426, 1427, 1429t


Zabojnik, J., 1803, 1804
Zaldivar, Nievves, 1431t
ZBC. See Zero borrowing constraint
Zero borrowing constraint (ZBC), 787, 789
permanent shock and, 788f
transitory shock and, 788f
Zhu, Yu, 1400t
Ziliak, James, 1722t
Zilibotti, Fabrizio, 1130, 1131, 1150
Zimmerman, David J., 1397, 1530
Zimmerman, M. B., 1680t, 1683
Zingales, Luigi, 1569
Zucker, Lynne G., 1293
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