Chapter Eight

Water Efficiency and Sanitary Waste


This chapter offers a general discussion of one of the more prominent issues facing America today, such as water conservation and using water more efficiently. Wastewater Strategy and Water Reuse/Recycling Reclaimed Water versus Gray water SYSTEMS are defined and explained. Also explained is the LEED Innovative Wastewater Technologies credit and its intent to reduce wastewater generation and potable water demand, as well as increase the recharge of local aquifers. Best practice strategies for landscape irrigation are elucidated. The various types of toilets (e.g., high efficiency, dual flush, and composting toilets), urinals (e.g., waterless urinals) and metering faucets, aerators and flow-optimized showerheads are also examined. Baseline water consumption calculations are explained and finally, retention and detention ponds, bioswales, and other systems are discussed.


Bioswales; Blackwater; Composting toilets; Cooling towers; Dual flush toilets; Gray water systems; Potable water; Uniform Plumbing Code; Wastewater; Xeriscaping

8.1. Overview

The current popularity of sustainability in the building industry has encouraged it to make taking care of natural resources, a part of our everyday culture, so that the concept of conservation of our natural resources has in now become part of society’s green culture. Nonetheless, with respect to water efficiency, Randhir Sahni, AIA, president of Llewelyn-Davies Sahni says, “The United States is notoriously water inefficient. For example, there are many development sites that have water and sewer service, but no buildings because the market evaporated or use changed. So what happens? The MUD (municipal utility district) has to put bacteria or animal manure in the sewer plant in order to operate and maintain the facilities.”
Among the more prominent issues facing us today is water conservation and using water more efficiently. In this respect, the LEED Water Efficiency (WE) section now addresses water holistically, looking at indoor use, outdoor use, specialized uses, and metering. Likewise, LEED has raised the bar for water conservation and now requires all projects to reduce water use by at least 20% as a prerequisite to LEED certification, whereas earlier versions of LEED awarded a point for a 20% reduction. This prerequisite was first introduced in LEED 2009 and is significantly more demanding plus it does not apply to earlier versions of LEED. The baseline is determined by assuming that all fixtures meet national codes, as laid out on a fixture-by-fixture basis in the credit requirements. As for LEED for Existing Building, the Operations & Maintenance threshold depends on when the facility was originally constructed or last renovated. Of note, those following the same WE requirements as LEED for New Construction include: LEED for Commercial Interiors, LEED for Core and Shell, LEED for Schools, LEED for Retail, and LEED for Healthcare.
Recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates place the amount of freshwater, i.e., water needed for drinking, industry, and sanitation at about 2.5% of the world’s total. Roughly, one-third of this is readily accessible to humans via lakes, streams, and rivers. Demand for freshwater continues to rise, and if current trends continue, experts project that demand for freshwater will double within the next three decades. Since 1950, the United States population has increased by almost 90%. In that same time span, public demand for water increased by 209%. Americans now use an average of 100 gallons of water per person each day. This increased demand has put tremendous stress on water supplies and distribution systems, threatening both human health and environment. Reacting to this potential crisis, the South Nevada Water Authority has put into place a Water Efficient Technologies program that offers financial incentives for capital expenditures when businesses retrofit existing equipment with more water-efficient technologies. Likewise, the EPA has launched WaterSense, a water-oriented counterpart to the ENERGY STAR program that promotes water efficiency and aims to boost the market for water-efficient products, programs, and practices.
In addition, local codes are not always keeping pace with some of the new green codes (e.g., the IgCC) and emerging technologies which are not code compliant but are nevertheless available in the marketplace. These include, gray water systems, rainwater collection systems, high-efficiency irrigation systems, recirculating shower systems, regulations controlling hot water delivery, recirculation of hot water, insulation of hot water piping, demand-type tank-less water heaters, water softeners, and drinking water treatment systems, all of which are being implemented through EPA WaterSense. The EPA estimates that toilets account for roughly 30% of the water used in residences, and Americans annually waste 900 billion gallons by the use of old, inefficient toilets. By replacing an older toilet with a WaterSense labeled model, a family of four could reduce total indoor water use by about 16% and, depending on local water and sewer costs, save more than $90 annually.
Moreover, water conservation translates into energy conservation and savings. By just 1 in every 10 homes in the United States installing WaterSense-labeled faucets or aerators in their bathrooms, in aggregate, this could result in a saving of about 6 billion gallons of water, and more than $50 million in the energy costs to supply, heat, and treat that water. The EPA also estimates that if the average home was retrofitted with water-efficient fixtures, there would be a savings of 30,000 gallons of water per year. If only 1 out of every 10 homes in the United States upgraded to water-efficient fixtures (including ENERGY STAR–labeled clothes washers), the resultant savings could reach more than 300 billion gallons and nearly $2 billion annually. This could have a significant positive economic impact on small plumbing contractors and small businesses throughout the various sectors. In fact, the recent increased demand and focus on water efficiency can provide a powerful catalyst to helping the emerging water and energy conservation market to revitalize these industries across the country at a time when most small business owners are suffering because of tough economic times.
According to Alliance for Water Efficiency, NFP, “Typical water use efficiency categories within many of the national green building programs (guidelines and standards) include:
• Plumbing fixtures and fixture fittings
• Residential appliances (clothes washers, dishwashers)
• Water treatment equipment (softeners, filtering systems)
• Landscape & landscape irrigation
• Pools, fountains, and spas
• Cooling towers
• Decorative and recreational water features
• Water reuse & alternate sources of water (gray water, rainwater and storm water, cooling condensate and cooling tower blowdown, foundation drain water)
• Specialty processes, appliances and equipment (food service, medical, laboratories, laundries, others)
• Metering & submetering
• Once-through cooling
• Vegetated green roofs
• Building water pressure”

8.2. Wastewater Strategy and Water Reuse/Recycling

According to the US Department of Energy (DOE) estimates, commercial buildings consume approximately 88% of the potable water in the United States. This offers facility managers a unique opportunity to make a huge impact on overall US water consumption. Benchmarking a facility’s water use and implementing measures to improve overall efficiency will go a long way to achieving this goal. Likewise, in spite of the limited emphasis by LEED on water efficiency, water-efficient design should be one of the main goals of any project, particularly since our nation’s growing population is placing considerable stress on available water supplies. And even though the US population has nearly doubled in the last five or six decades, public demand for water has more than tripled! This increased demand is adding to the stress on water supplies and distribution systems, and depleting reservoirs and groundwater can put our water supplies, human health, and our environment at serious risk. According to the EPA, lower water levels can contribute to higher concentrations of natural or human pollutants. Using water more efficiently helps maintain supplies at safe levels, protecting human health and the environment.
The US EPA estimates that an American family of four uses about 400 gallons of water per day. About 30% of this is used outdoors for various purposes including landscaping, cleaning sidewalks and driveways, washing cars, and maintaining swimming pools. Nationally, landscape irrigation counts for almost one-third of all residential water use. This amounts to more than 7 billion gallons per day. Water Efficiency is one of the principal categories of the LEED Rating System and the number of WE credits available depend on the type of certification sought, e.g., New Construction, Commercial Interiors, Schools, etc. However, meeting LEED’s Water Efficiency Credit 3-Water Use Reduction is no longer a sure thing, even for commercial office buildings. Moreover, recent feedback from GBCI states that municipally treated process water is no longer acceptable for alternative compliance paths for WEp1 and WEc3 (LEED V3), and municipally supplied gray water may not be used to gain water savings in this prerequisite.
For New Construction, a total of 10 possible points (5 points were allotted to previous versions) can be achieved for Water Efficiency (WE) LEED V3 certification (WE Credits for LEED-Homes: Maximum 15 points possible). The main WE categories and topics to know for LEED N/C include the following:
1. WE Credit 1: Water Efficient Landscaping (4 points)
a. Reduce by 50% (2 Points)
b. No potable use or no irrigation
2. WE Credit 2: Innovative Wastewater Technologies (2 points)
3. WE Credit 3: Water Use Reduction (2-4 points)
a. (20%)
b. (30%)
Landscaping irrigation is the main source of outdoor water consumption, accounting for about 30% of the 26 billion gallons of daily water consumption. The intent of water-efficient landscaping in the LEED rating system is to reduce (by at least 50%) or eliminate the amount of potable water consumption and natural surfaces or subsurface water resources available on or near the project site and used for landscape irrigation.
Best practice strategies:
• Use most appropriate plant material for the project climate
• Use native or adapted plants to reduce or eliminate irrigation
• Use high-efficiency equipment when irrigation is required
• Use climate-based controllers
On occasion, landscape design strategies alone are unable to achieve a project’s irrigation efficiency goals, in which case attempts should be made to meeting efficiency demands through optimization of the irrigation system design. For example, use of high-efficiency drip, micro and subsurface systems can reduce the amount of water required to irrigate a given landscape. The USGBC reports that drip systems alone can reduce water use by 30–50%. Climate-based controls, such as moisture sensors with rain shutoffs and weather-based evapotranspiration controllers, can further reduce demands by allowing naturally occurring rainfall to meet a portion of irrigation needs. To earn a LEED WEc3 credit, a reduction is needed in the use of potable water for irrigation by 50–100% compared with a baseline irrigation system typical for the region. Because landscape irrigation can account for nearly 40% of the average office building’s potable water consumption, reducing or eliminating potable water use for landscaping can save both water and money. For LEED certification, one point is awarded for a 50% reduction in water consumption for irrigation from a calculated mid-summer baseline case, and a total of two points for a 100% water reduction. While LEED V3 has made it increasingly difficult to obtain WE points, it should have a positive impact on architects and plumbing engineers by continually challenging them to develop creative solutions that reduce building potable water consumption.
To facilitate in greening the supply, it is necessary to tap alternate water sources. LEED recognizes two alternate water sources: rainwater collection and wastewater recovery. Rainwater collection involves collecting and holding on-site rainfall in cisterns, underground tanks, or ponds during rainfall. This water can then be used during the dry periods by the irrigation system. Wastewater recovery can be achieved either on site or at the municipal scale. On-site systems capture gray water (which does not contain human or food processing waste) from the building and apply it to irrigation. Reductions shall be attributed to any combination of the following approaches, including:
• Use a high-efficiency microirrigation system, such as drip, micro misters, and subsurface irrigation systems.
• Replace potable (drinking) water with captured rainwater, recycled wastewater (gray water), or treated water.
• Use of water treated and conveyed by a public agency that is specifically used for nonpotable purposes.
• Factor in plant species, density and microclimate and install landscaping that does not require permanent irrigation systems.
• Apply Xeriscape principles to all new development whenever possible. Xeriscaping is the use of low-water, drought-resistant plants and plants that are accustomed to local rainwater patterns.
Additionally, groundwater seepage that is collected and pumped away from the immediate vicinity of foundations and building slabs are eligible for being used for landscape irrigation to meet the intent of this credit. It must be demonstrated, however, that doing so does not impact the site stormwater management systems. When a landscaping design incorporates rainwater collection or wastewater recovery in particular, it is essential to assemble a team of experts and establish project roles at an early stage in the process. Rainwater collection and wastewater treatment systems stretch over multiple project disciplines, making it particularly important to clearly articulate responsibilities. Having an experienced landscape architect on board is pivotal for a water-efficient landscape and irrigation system design. It is highly recommended to plan early to take advantage of the available LEED points for water-efficient landscaping credits.
Several of the LEED credits deal with gray water and blackwater. Gray water has several definitions; it is typically considered to be untreated wastewater that has not come into contact with toilet waste, such as shower water, water from sinks (other than the kitchen), bathtubs, wash basins, and clothes washers. Gray water use generally includes indoor and outdoor reuse. When used outdoors, the gray water is usually filtered and then used for watering landscape. Indoor gray water use on the other hand, consists of recycled water and is used mainly for flushing toilets. Gray water has other applications including construction activities, concrete mixing, and cooling water for power plants. The Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) defines gray water as untreated household wastewater that has not come in contact with toilet waste, whereas the International Plumbing Code (IPC) defines it as wastewater discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes washers, and laundry sinks; some jurisdictions allow the inclusion of kitchen sinks to be included with gray water. Blackwater lacks a specific definition that is accepted nationwide but is generally considered to constitute toilet, urinal, and kitchen sink water (in most jurisdictions). However, depending on the jurisdiction, implementing gray water systems that reuse wastewater from showers and sinks for purposes such as flushing of toilets or irrigation may encounter code compliance restrictions.

8.2.1. Reclaimed Water Versus Gray Water Systems

The recycling of water and putting it back to use is commonly thought of in two different water usage strategies: reclaimed water and gray water, and it is important to distinguish between these systems, although some mistakenly use the terms reclaimed water and gray water interchangeably.
Simply put, reclaimed water is wastewater effluent/sewage that has been treated according to high standards at municipal treatment facilities and that meets the reclaimed water effluent criteria. Its treatment takes place off-site and delivered to a facility. Reclaimed water is most commonly used for nonpotable purposes, such as landscaping, agriculture, dust control, soil compaction, and processes such as concrete production and cooling water for power plants. The use of reclaimed water is increasing in popularity, especially in states such as California, where openness to innovative, environmentally friendly concepts prevails especially in the face of a very real and critical water crisis. For example, Orange County, California, has recently started delivering purified wastewater, providing one of the first “toilet-to-tap” systems to be employed in the Nation.
On the other hand, gray water is the product of domestic water use such as showers, washing machines, and sinks and does not normally include wastewater from kitchen sinks, photo lab sinks, dishwashers, or laundry water from soiled diapers. These sources are typically considered to be blackwater producers because they contain serious contaminants and therefore cannot be reused. Moreover, gray water use is a point-of-source strategy, i.e., gray water collected from a building will be reused in the same building.

8.2.2. Innovative Wastewater Technologies

The intent of the Innovative Wastewater Technologies credit is to reduce wastewater generation and potable water demand, and increase the recharge of local aquifers. To achieve this credit requires a 50% reduction of potable water used for building sewage (blackwater) conveyance that is the product of flush fixtures. You can reduce potable water demand by using water-conserving fixtures, reusing nondrinking water for flushing or reuse water treated on-site to tertiary standards (with the treated water infiltrated or used on site). Tertiary treatment is the final stage of treatment before water can be discharged back into the environment. If tertiary treatment is used, the water must be treated by biological systems, constructed wetlands, or a high-efficiency filtration system. Of note, a Water Efficient Technologies program is now in place that offers financial incentives to commercial and multifamily property owners who install water-efficient devices and implement new, water-saving technologies. Examples of effective Water Efficient Technologies strategies include the following:
• Ultra-high-efficiency toilets and efficient retrofits
• Use efficient showerheads and efficient retrofits
• Waterless and high-efficiency urinals
• Other ultra-low water consumption products
• Converting a sports field from grass to an artificial surface
• Retrofitting standard cooling towers with qualifying, high-efficiency drift elimination technologies
Strategies for meeting one of the Water Efficiency compliance requirements, reducing potable water use for sewage conveyance, falls into two categories that can be implemented either independently or in concert. As shown above, by simply meeting demands efficiently, the use of ultra-high-efficiency plumbing fixtures can reduce the water required for sewage conveyance in excess of the 50% requirement. To use a typical example, composting toilets (not normally used in commercial facilities) and waterless urinals use no water. These two technologies alone can eliminate a facility’s use of potable water for sewage conveyance, qualifying both for this credit’s point, plus potentially a LEED Innovation in Design point for exemplary performance. Should the selected plumbing fixtures alone prove to be inadequate to reach the 50% reduction threshold, or if ultra high-efficiency plumbing fixtures are not selected, the water necessary for toilet and urinal flushing can be reduced by a minimum of 50%, or eliminated entirely, by applying strategies such as rainwater collection or wastewater treatment.
An excellent example of how this credit can be achieved is provided by the Southface Eco Office in Atlanta, Georgia (Fig. 8.1). The facility, targeting LEED Platinum certification, was able to completely eliminate the use of potable water for sewage conveyance using a variety of complementary strategies. For example, foam flush composting toilets and waterless urinals are used in the staff restrooms; composting toilets require only 6 ounces of water per use, which significantly reduces the volume of water required for sewage conveyance. Water requirements in the public restrooms are also reduced through the employment of a combination of dual flush toilets, ultra-high-efficiency toilets, and waterless urinals. The remaining reduced volume of water required for sewage conveyance is supplied by rainwater collected from a roof-mounted solar array and stored in a rooftop cistern, in addition to a supplemental in-ground storage tank. Early involvement of an experienced and knowledgeable team of local code officials are critical components for the successful design and implementation of nonpotable water supply systems. Furthermore, dual-plumbing lines for nonpotable water supply within the building are fairly easy to plan for during the design phase but much more difficult to retrofit after construction is complete and the building occupied.
Figure 8.1 The new Eco Office in Atlanta, Georgia is a 10,000 square feet. facility seeking LEED-Platinum rating, which was designed as a model for environmentally responsible commercial construction that is achievable utilizing existing off-the-shelf materials and technology. The new Eco Office provides a showcase of state-of-the-art energy, water, and waste-reducing features.

8.2.3. Water Use Reduction

The intent of the Water Use Reduction credit according to LEED is to “maximize water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems.” One point was previously awarded for reducing water use by 20% (in LEED V3, it is a prerequisite), and this becomes two points for reducing annual potable water use by 30%. Of note, in LEED V3 a 35% saving entitles three points whereas four points can be achieved for a 40% saving. The fixtures governed by this credit include water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, and kitchen sinks. For water-using fixtures and equipment, such as dishwashers, clothes washers, and mechanical equipment (nonregulated uses), which are not addressed by this credit may qualify for the LEED Innovation in Design point.
The use of proven, cost-effective technologies can facilitate achieving the required percent reduction necessary to earn points for this credit. The use of low-flow lavatory faucets with automatic controls (0.5 gallons per minute (gpm), 12 s per use) is normally sufficient to achieve a 20% reduction in water use, qualifying for the prerequisite. An additional 14% reduction can be achieved by the use of waterless urinals which, when combined with low-flow faucets, should exceed the 30% reduction threshold, thereby earning points.
Here too, the first step in the optimization process, reducing demands, does not apply. It’s not possible to design away occupants’ needs to use the restroom, wash their hands, or take a shower. Strategies for water-use reduction therefore fall into the same two categories identified for Innovative Wastewater Technologies—either meeting demands efficiently or fulfilling the demand in alternate, more environmentally appropriate means. The two credits complement one another and water savings related to the Innovative Waste Water Technology credit will also contribute to the Water Use Reduction credit. John Starr, AIA, and Jim Nicolow, AIA, of Lord, Aeck & Sargent, architects, state that among the LEED Water Efficiency credits, “Water Use Reduction can often be achieved without the early planning and design integration required by the other two credits. Most alternative plumbing fixtures use conventional plumbing supply and waste lines, allowing these fixtures to be substituted for less-efficient standard fixtures at any point in the design process, and even well into the construction process.”

8.2.4. System Approaches

Local municipalities and individual facilities continue to struggle to meet water needs in the face of dwindling water supplies, facilitating the emergence of a variety of reclaimed water and gray water system approaches. These systems range in their size and complexity. Toward the high end are the multibuilding installations that draw wastewater from municipal sources, followed by the middle tier which includes buildings that have installed storage tanks capable of collecting thousands of gallons of water from rainwater, sinks, and steam condensate, which is then treated and funneled to water reuse sources. There are also the more affordable undercounter systems that are simpler and on a smaller, yet significant, scale that carry out on-the-spot treatment of water that flows down sink drains, which is then pumped directly into toilet tanks. More complex systems should be built into new construction rather than retrofitting them at a later date, whereas on-the-spot collection systems can be implemented at any time. It is important when specifying sustainable systems and technologies to remain within budget as a matter of setting goals and performing research up front to determine the additional value and payoff of the systems being used.

Gray Water Demonstrations

The volume of gray water produced in a particular building depends largely on the type of facility. For example, a typical office building may not yield as much gray water as a college dorm or multiuse retail and condominium building; the benefits are all about economies of scale and deriving value from the system, no matter how large or how small they may be. Let us consider the amount of potable water that a typical four-person household can save. On average, each person uses 80–100 gallons of water per day with toilet flushing being the largest contributor to this use. The combined use of kitchen and bathroom sinks is only 15% of the water that comes into a home, which is significant considering that 100% of the water that comes into the home has been treated and made potable for drinking.
Thus, with the largest single source of freshwater in the home capable of using gray water instead of potable water, the household is able to make real gains on reusing water that is totally appropriate for toilet flushing. For household and small commercial facilities, the best solution may be to use a gray water system that incorporates a reservoir, which is installed under the sink and attached to the toilet. These gray water systems are designed so that the toilet draws first from the collected water in the reservoir. The system remains connected to the freshwater pipes so that, should flushing deplete the amount of water stored in the reservoir, the toilet can then secondarily draw from outside water. Because toilets are the largest consumers of water in households, such systems are able to save up to 5000 gallons per year.
Differing gray water policies and regulations between states are significantly impacting the extent to which facilities and homeowners can deploy gray water systems. The state of Arizona, for example, has gray water guidelines to educate residents on methods to build simple, efficient, and safe gray water irrigation systems. For those who follow these guidelines, their system falls under a general permit and automatically becomes “legal” which means that the residents do not have to apply or pay for any permits or inspections. California, on the other hand, also has a gray water policy but one that is restrictive which usually makes it difficult and unaffordable to install a permitted system. Many states have no gray water policy and do not issue permits at all, whereas others states issue experimental permits for systems on a case-by-case basis.
The term recycling is usually reserved for waste such as aluminum cans, glass bottles, and newspapers. Water can also be recycled and indeed, through the natural water cycle, the earth has recycled and reused water for millions of years. Water recycling, though, generally refers to using technology to speed up these natural processes. The recycling of water by whichever means provides substantial benefits, including reduction of stress on potable water resources, reduction of nutrient loading to waterways, reducing strain on failing septic tanks or treatment plants, using less energy and chemicals, and costing less than potable water. All of these benefits result in significant savings in both water and energy.

Long-Term Savings

It is worth noting that not long ago, purchasing environmentally friendly building components that met LEED compliance standards may have added more than 10% to total building costs, whereas today, plumbers, engineers, and other specifiers are now discovering that they can adopt higher sustainability standards without necessarily incurring extra costs. And where they do have to spend extra, the long-term payoff more than compensates, when you factor in long-term operating costs, including water and wastewater utility bills, plus the energy it takes to heat water for faucets and showerheads, etc.
According to Flex Your Power, California’s energy efficiency marketing and outreach campaign, utilities account for about 30% of an office building’s expenses. A 30% reduction in energy consumption can lower operating costs by $25,000 a year for every 50,000 square feet of office space. This has prompted the public to show greater awareness and take greater notice of how companies and facilities expend water and energy; both users and communities are holding building owners accountable for their use of precious local resources. Engineers need to stay abreast and monitor water and energy efficiency options in the restrooms and elsewhere in their facilities to minimize operating costs and help ensure that buildings meet LEED standards as well as the new International Green Construction Code standards (IgCC).

Construction Waste Management

Commercial construction typically generates between 2 and 2.5 pounds of solid waste per square foot—the majority of which is recyclable. Salvaging and recycling Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste can substantially reduce demand for virgin resources and the associated environmental impacts. Additionally, effective construction waste management, including appropriate handling of nonrecyclables, can reduce contamination from and extend the life of existing landfills. It is important therefore to devise an overall environmental strategy to enable achieving sustainability goals without sacrificing financial objectives. Thus, whenever feasible, reducing initial waste generation is environmentally preferable to reuse or recycling. Most common Construction & Demolition debris can be recycled including concrete, porcelain, plastic, carpet, rigid plastics, tile, lumber, metals, masonry, rock, insulation, and more.
From the outset, the Construction Waste Management Plan should recognize project waste as an integral part of overall materials management. The premise being that waste management is a part of materials management, and the recognition that one project’s wastes are materials available for another project, facilitates efficient and effective waste management. Moreover, waste management requirements should be included as a topic of discussion during both the preconstruction phase and at ongoing regular job meetings, to ensure that contractors and appropriate subcontractors are fully aware of the implications of these requirements on their work prior to and throughout construction. Furthermore, waste management should be coordinated with or part of a standard quality assurance program, and waste management requirements should be addressed regularly throughout the project. All topical applications of processed clean wood waste and ground gypsum board as a soil amendment must be implemented in accordance with local and state regulations.

8.3. Water Fixtures and Reducing Water Strategy

New technologies have flooded today’s mainstream market with thousands of plumbing fixtures and fittings which can help save water, energy, and money. Reducing indoor water use in residences and businesses has, in many cases, been accomplished through water-efficiency standards for plumbing fixtures. These standards generally impose a maximum on the amount of water used per flush by toilets and urinals and per minute by faucets and showerheads. In the United States, these amounts or flow rates are described as gallon per flush (gpf) or gpm. These include, but are not limited to, aerators, metering, and electronic faucets and prerinse spray valves. But when selecting energy-efficient equipment, it is vital to select quality products that meet conservation requirements without compromising performance. The product should deliver the consistent flow required, while maintaining the water and energy savings of the industry demands. And with restroom fixtures accounting for most of a typical commercial building’s water consumption, the best opportunities for increasing efficiency can be found there. Fortunately, there is an increased public awareness combined with an increasing number of higher-efficiency plumbing fixtures becoming more widely available.
One of the best ways to increase water efficiency in buildings is through plumbing fixture replacement and implementation of new technologies, particularly since significant water efficiency improvements over conventional practice are now readily achievable. Replacing older, high-flow water closets and flush valves with models that meet current UPC and IPC requirements is important. While current codes require the lower flow rate for new fixtures, existing buildings often have older, high-flow flush valves. Despite the tremendous water savings available by updating the fixtures, facility managers often avoid the upgrade because of concerns about clogging. Solid waste removal must be 350 g or greater. Fixtures Pass or Fail based on whether the fixture can completely clear all test media in a single flush in at least four of five attempts. Toilets that pass qualify for the EPA WaterSense label. It should be noted that when the Energy Policy Act of 1992 was first enacted, many facility managers at the time experienced problems with the low-flow fixtures clogging due to fixture-design issues which have long since been addressed (Tables 8.1a and b).
The value of selecting water-efficient fixtures will not only reduce sewer and water bills, but efficient water use reduces the need for expensive water supply and wastewater treatment facilities and helps maintain healthy aquatic and riparian environments. Moreover, it reduces the energy needed to pump, treat, and heat water. Water is employed in a product’s manufacture, during a product’s use, and in cleaning, which means that water efficiency and pollution prevention can occur during several product life cycle stages. Mark Sanders, product manager for Sloan Valve Company’s AQUS Greywater System says, Gray water and reclaimed water strategies make good use of water resources, especially when implemented in conjunction with efficient plumbing systems.

Table 8.1a

Comparison of plumbing fixture water-flow rates

Plumbing fixtureBefore 1992EPA 1992Current plumbing codes
Toilets4–7 gpf1.6 gpf1.6 gpf
Urinals3.5–5 gpf1.0 gpf1.0 gpf
Faucetsa5–7 gpm2.5 gpm0.5 gpm
Showerheadsa4.5–8 gpm2.5 gpm2.5 gpm


a At 80 psi flowing water pressure.

Source: Domestic Water Conservation Technologies, Federal Energy Management Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, October 2002.

Table 8.1b

National Green Building Standards and Codes. Comparison of specific water use efficiency provisions—maximum water use

PlumbingCalGreenaASHRAE SS 189.1ASHRAE S191 (draft)ICC-NAHB HOMESIAPMO Green Plumbing & Mech Code SupplementICC Green Code (PV2 draft)
Residential toilets (per flush)HET: 1.28 gHET: 1.28 gHET: 1.28 gHET: 1.28 gHET: 1.28 gHET: 1.28 g + WaterSense
Commercial toilets (per flush)1.6 g1.6 g
Urinals (per flush)HEU: 0.5 gHEU: 0.5 gHEU: 0.5 gHEU: 0.5 gHEU: 0.5 gHEU: 0.5 g + WaterSense (if a flushing urinal)
Residential & commercial “private” lavatory faucets (per minute)1.5 gpmb1.5 gpm1.5 gpm1.5 gpm1.5 gpm1.5 gpm + WaterSense
Commercial “public” lavatory faucets (per min.)0.4 gpm0.5 gpm0.5 gpm0.5 gpm0.5 gpm
Commercial metering faucots (per cycled)0.20 gpc0.25 gpc0.20 gpc0.25 gpc0.25 gpc
Residential kitchen faucets (per minute)1.8 gpmc2.2 gpm2.2 gpm2.2 gpm
Residential showerheads (per minute)2.0 gpm2.0 gpm2.0 gpm2.5 gpm2.0 gpm2.0 gpm + WaterSense
Residential showering compartment—size increment2600 sq. in.3000 sq. in.1800 sq. in.
Commercial prerinse spray valve (per minute)1.3 gpm1.3 gpm1.6 gpm1.3 gpm


a Prescriptive option only.

b Also a minimum flow rate of 0.8 gpm at 20 psi.

c Kitchen faucets may “temporarily” flow at 2.2 gpm but must default to 1.8 gpm maximum.

d Metering faucets have no flow rate maximum.

Source: Prepared by John Koeller, © 2010–2011 Koeller and Company. Updated: June 2011.

The maximum volume of water discharged, using both original equipment tank trim and using after market closure seals, shall be tested according to the protocol detailed on the WaterSense website. There are two primary approaches to measuring Water volume: gallons per flush for toilets and urinals or gallons per minute for flow-type fixtures such as lavatories, sinks, and showers. Metered faucets with controlled flow rates for preset time periods are measured in gallons per cubic yard. The maximum volume of water that may be discharged by the toilet, when field adjustment of the tank trim is set at its maximum water use setting, shall not exceed 1.68 gpf for single flush fixtures and for dual flush fixtures should not exceed 1.40 gpf in reduced flush mode and 2.00 gpf in full flush mode.
For LEED purposes, baseline calculations should be computed by determining the number and gender of the users. As a default, LEED lets you assume that females use toilets three times per day males once per day in addition to using the urinal two times per day. Both males and females will use the bathroom faucets three times each day and the kitchen sink once for 15 s each. The following section will discuss the various types of water-efficient fixtures on the market.

8.3.1. Toilet and Urinal Types

By using water more efficiently, we can help preserve water supplies for future generations, save money, and protect the environment.

High-Efficiency Toilets

The signing into law of the National Energy Policy Act in 1994, requiring that toilets sold in the United States use no more than 1.6 gallons (6 L) per flush was a significant step in water conservation. This mandate to conserve has encouraged manufacturers to produce a new generation of high-efficiency toilets (HETs) that use technologies such as pressure assist, gravity flush, and dual flush to remove away waste using as little water as possible. Of these new technologies, the dual flush method has the advantage of intuitive flushing, where the operator can decide electively that less water is required and so uses one gallon (3 L) or less per flush instead of the 1.6 gallon maximum.
Currently there are two basic types of toilet fixtures that dominate today’s marketplace: (1) Ultra-Low Flush Toilets (ULFTs), aka “low flow” or “ultra low flow,” and (2) HETs. ULFTs are defined by a flush volume in the range between 1.28 and 1.6 gpf. The HET is defined as a fixture that flushes at 20% below the 1.6 gpf maximum or less, equating to a maximum of 1.28 gpf. Dual flush fixtures are included in the HET category. This 20% reduction threshold serves as a metric for water authorities and municipalities designing more aggressive toilet replacement programs and, in some cases, establishing an additional performance tier for their financial incentives such as rebate and voucher programs. It is also a part of the water-efficiency element of many green building programs that exist throughout the United States. Unfortunately, this standard currently applies only to tank-type toilets. Flushometer valve toilets have yet to be studied in the same way as tank types, and testing for flushometer valves needs to be performed on the flushometer valve with the various bowls on the market so that the pair can then be rated.
Even though toilets purchased for new construction and retrofits are required to meet the new standards, there, nevertheless, remain millions of older inefficient toilets still in use. As water and sewer costs keep rising, low-flow toilets are becoming increasingly attractive to the American consumer, and local and state governments use rebates and tax incentives to encourage households to convert to these new technologies. The advantages of low-flow toilets in conserving water and thus reducing the demand on local water treatment facilities are obvious. According to the EPA, the elimination of inefficient old style toilets would save the nation about 2 billion gallons of water a day. Having a growing population and an antiquated water treatment infrastructure, water conservation will continue to be a major concern to the public.

Dual Flush Toilets

Dual flush toilets can help make bathrooms more environmentally friendly. They handle solid and liquid waste differently from standard American style toilets, giving the user a choice of flushes. It contains an interactive toilet design that helps conserve water that has become popular especially in countries where water is in short supply and in areas where water supply and treatment facilities are older or overtaxed. The EPA estimates that many states will soon experience water shortages as a result of increased water usage and inefficient water management from aging regional infrastructures. Using less water to flush liquid waste while logical may face cultural biases in the United States that make accepting such an innovative approach to personal waste removal harder to accept. Interest in low flow and dual flush toilets is on the rise in the United States, partly due to increased government regulation and the rising cost of water and the introduction of incentives in many States for making changes in the way we use the commode.
The method that water is used to remove waste from the bowl impacts the amount of water needed to get the job done. Standard toilets use siphoning action, which basically employs a siphoning tube to discharge waste. A high volume of water that enters the toilet bowl when the toilet is flushed fills the siphon tube and pulls the waste and water down the drain. Upon air entering the tube, the siphoning action stops. Dual flush toilets employ a larger trapway (a hole at the bottom of the bowl) and a wash-down flushing design that pushes waste down the drain. Because no siphoning action is involved, the system requires less water per flush, and the larger trapway diameter facilitates the exit of waste from the bowl. Combined with the savings from using only half-flushes for liquid waste, a dual flush toilet can save up to 68% more water than a conventional low-flow toilet. Use of a larger diameter trapway is the main reason a dual flush toilet does not clog as often as a conventional toilet while requiring less water to flush efficiently and able to save more water than a low-flow toilet when flushing liquid waste. However, it should be noted that a dual flush unit is typically slightly more expensive than comparable low-flow toilet designs. Also dual flush toilets typically retain only a small amount of water in the bowl, and flushing does not always remove all the waste. Even in full flush mode, some occasional streaking will occur.

Composting Toilets

These are dry toilets that use a predominantly aerobic processing system that treats excreta, typically with no water or small volumes of flush water, via composting or managed aerobic decomposition. Because they require little or no water to function effectively, they are particularly suitable (although not exclusively) for use as an alternative to flush toilets in locations where mains water and sewerage connections or waste treatment facility are unavailable, or in locations where water consumption needs to be minimized to the greatest extent possible (Fig. 8.2). A composting toilet can save more than 6600 gallons (24,984 L) of water per person a year.
It is estimated that the average American uses 74 gallons (280 L) of water per day, one-third of which splashes down a flushing toilet. Older toilet may swallow up to 7 gallons (26.5 L) per flush, whereas federal law stipulates only 1.6 gallon (6.1 L) be used for low-flow models in new homes. Not using water to flush a toilet also cuts out all the energy expended down the line, from the septic system to the treatment plant. That could be beneficial to our waterways.
Figure 8.2 Drawing showing how a Composting Toilet works. Composting toilets use the natural processes of decomposition and evaporation to recycle human waste. The waste that enters the toilets is over 90% water, which is evaporated and carried back to the atmosphere through the vent system. The small amount of remaining solid material is converted to useful fertilizing soil by natural decomposition. Source: HowStuffWorks, Inc.
To function properly, self-contained composting toilets require appropriate ventilation that can keep the smell out of the bathroom while providing enough oxygen for the compost to break down. Some toilets achieve this by employing fans and a heater powered by electricity (some models do not require electricity). The composter also has to be kept at a minimum temperature of 65° Fahrenheit (18.3° Celsius), so for those living off the grid, a heater could potentially require more electricity than used in the rest of the house. The heater does not have to run all the time, however, and one model may only operate at a maximum level of 540 watts for about 6 h a day. As self-contained models are relatively small, the power needed for fans is fairly minimal. It may need from about 80 to 150 watts, which is roughly the same amount of power used by a light bulb. The use of solar panels to power the fans and heater are possible alternatives.

High-Efficiency Urinals

High-Efficiency Urinals (HEUs) are urinals that use 0.5 gpf or less—at least one half of the amount of water used to flush the average urinal (i.e., as opposed to the baseline value of 1.0 gpf). The California Urban Water Conservation Council (CUWCC), in cooperation with water authorities and local agencies, defined them as fixtures that have an average flush volume lower than the mandated 1.0 gpf and zero water consumption urinals. Based on data from studies of actual usage, these urinals save 20,000 gallons of water per year with an estimated 20-year life. HEUs therefore not only help the environment but are making a significant difference in water usage and water bills. In addition to the HEU, there are Ultra-Low Water Urinals that utilize only one pint (0.125 gallons) of water to flush. These systems combine the vitreous china fixture with either a manual or sensor-operated flush valve.
They provide effective, low-maintenance flushing in public restrooms while reducing water consumption by up to 88%.

Water-Free Urinals

Water-Free Urinal technologies represent the highest amount (100%) of water savings available. Likewise, with Water-Free Urinals, we see a significant improvement over traditional urinals in both maintenance and hygiene, in addition to saving water as well as sewage and water supply line costs. Water-free and HEUs are part of the next generation of water-efficient plumbing products and contribute to US Green Building Council LEED (Leadership in Energy Efficient Design) Credits for water use reduction. These fixtures employ a special trap with lightweight biodegradable oil that lets urine and water pass through but prevents odor from escaping into the restroom (Fig. 8.3). Also, there are no valves to fail and no flooding. Periodic maintenance is required to clean the fixture and maintain the liquid seal device. Installation is easy whether in new or retrofit applications. The initial cost of a Water-free Urinal is often less than conventional no-touch fixtures, lowering your initial investment. The urinal can be used to accumulate water-efficient LEED credits, including innovation points. In lieu of no-water urinals, gray water or rainwater harvesting also could be implemented.
Figure 8.3 (a) Illustration of a waterless urinal diagram showing how it functions: 1. The cartridge acts as a funnel directing flow through the liquid sealant. 2. Preventing any odors from escaping. The cartridge then collects uric sediment. 3. (b) The remaining liquid which is noncorrosive and free of hard water is allowed to pass freely down the drainage pipe. Courtesy: Sloan Valve Company.
On the other end of the spectrum, we find that wash down urinal treads have steadily decreased flush volume to 0.125 gpf. And while this has helped save significant amounts of water, the marginal flush volume fails to provide enough water to fully flush out the system. This can result in excessive odor and calcite clogged trapways and drain lines.

8.3.2. Faucets and Showerheads

The EPAct 1992 includes specific requirements for faucet flow rates. For example, residential lavatory faucets must be regulated by an aerator to 2.2 gpm or less, kitchen faucets to 2.5 gpm or less. LEED V3 has adjusted the baseline rate for public faucets from 2.2 gpm down to 0.5 gpm. The updated baseline standard applies to V3 editions of LEED-NC, LEED-CS, LEED-Schools, and LEED-CI systems. The V3 system distinguishes between “public” and “private” commercial restrooms and residential bathrooms. Commercial faucet requirements will vary according to fixture type: handle-operated models are regulated by aerator to 0.5 gpm, whereas self-closing and sensor-operated models are limited to less than 0.25 gallons per cycle. However, today we find that the technology available greatly exceeds EPAct regulations. While kitchen faucets may require about a 2.5 gpm flow rate to fill a pot in a timely fashion, studies have shown that residential lavatory faucets would be satisfactory for the user even when reduced to even a 0.5 gpm flow rate, and conservation-minded specifiers have started to recommend aerators that deliver this flow rate.

Electronic Faucets

Use of these faucets is an easy way to save energy, and although they are more costly than a traditional faucet, it will pay for itself in water and energy savings in a short period of time. The electronic faucet has a sensor feature which prevents it from being left on and from excess dripping. According to, “hot water leaking at a rate of one drip per second from a single faucet can waste up to 1661 gallons of water over the course of a year.” Electronic faucets typically come equipped with several standard features, including the choice of electric plugin (AC) and battery (DC) battery power options. Of note, recent research has shown that electronic faucets are more susceptible to contamination with bacteria (especially Legionella), than manual faucets, and may pose a potential risk for healthcare-associated infections, which has led to their cancellation in several newly constructed hospitals.

Metering Faucets and Aerators

These are less expensive than electronic faucets, yet can deliver similar energy-saving results. Metered faucets which are more common in commercial washrooms are generally mechanically operated fixtures that deliver water (at no more than 0.25 gal/cycle), and then self-close. The manual push feature prevents faucets from being left on after use and prevents unnecessary waste while scrubbing hands. The typical metering faucet’s cycle time can be adjusted to deliver the desired amount of water per minute. Many of these devices are designed to allow the user to adjust the temperature before operation. However, in the majority of commercial washrooms sensors are increasingly becoming the standard. But engineers appear to have reached the limit of water efficiency for sensor models: 0.08 gallons per cycle. However, it is not user demand or engineering limitations that have determined this to be the limit; it is due to the fact that other environmental considerations come into play.
Aerators add air into the water stream to increase the feeling of flow, and they are a very common faucet accessory. Aerators are capable of controlling the flow to less than 1.5 gpm and provide a simple and inexpensive low flow/energy solution. They come in a variety of models to provide the exact flow that complies with local plumbing codes.

Flow-Optimized Showerheads

Conventional showerheads use 2.5 gpm, so any shower head that has a lower flow can be considered water efficient. There are many water-saving showerheads on the market that use much less than this, at 1.5 gpm, which produce significant water and cost savings. A 10-min shower can use between 25 and 50 gallons of water because a typical high-flow showerhead uses between 6 and 10 gpm. The flow-optimized single- and three-function showerheads have a flow rate of 1.75 gpm, making it one of the first water-efficient showerheads to offer up to a 30% water savings from the industry-standard 2.5 gpm showerheads without sacrificing performance. This can also contribute toward maximizing LEED points.
The flow rate of 2.5 gpm is both the EPAct requirement and the LEED baseline (Baseline basically means that fixtures and appliances should use less water than these to be considered “water efficient”). Attempts to reduce the flow rate still further are mostly met with very unhappy users. Some users even remove the flow restrictors from their fixtures, producing rates of 4–6 gpm, which is clearly not green by any standard. Likewise, flow rates below 2.5 gpm risk failure of certain types of thermostatic mixing valves, leading to scalding of the user. Before specifying valves and showerheads, it may be prudent to consult the manufacturer of the valve; the information may help alleviate this problem altogether.

8.3.3. Baseline Water Consumption Calculations

To achieve the WE LEED credit, one must first determine the baseline model for water usage in the building. The primary factors in determining this calculation are the types of fixtures in the building, the number of occupants and the flow or flush rate for the specified fixtures. When evaluating a building’s water-use efficiency, the USGBC offers a helpful method that allows one to benchmark annual water use and compare that use to current standards.

Establishing Full-Time Equivalent Occupants’ Water Use

First one must establish water use based on past annual-use records or on estimates of building occupancy. This should be followed by estimating a theoretical water-use baseline based on the types of fixtures in the building and the number of building occupants. To determine the number of occupants in the building, the number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) building occupants must be known (acquired from the LEED administrator). The FTE will typically be broken down 50/50 for men and women except in cases where the type of building is meant primarily for one gender, for example, a gym for women. In cases that do not adhere to a strict 50/50 split principal for male and female occupants, an explanation of the design case ration is recommended. This can be included in the narrative section of the LEED online template for this credit. The FTE should include the transient (visitors) building occupants who the building is designed for, in addition to the primary occupants. Projects that will contain both FTE and transient occupants, separate calculations will be required for each type of occupancy.
In Table 8.2, we see an example used by the USGBC to illustrate the calculation process. It represents potable water calculation for sewage conveyance for a two storey office building with a capacity of 300 occupants. The calculations are based on a typical 8-h workday and a 50/50 male/female ratio. Male occupants are assumed to use water closets once and urinals twice in a typical work day (default), and females are assumed to use water closets three times (default). The reduction amount is the difference between the design case and the baseline case.
In Table 8.3, we show the baseline case being used in line with the Energy Policy Act of 1992 fixture flow rates. When undertaking these calculations, the number of occupants, number of workdays, and frequency data should remain the same. Furthermore, gray water or rainwater harvesting volumes should not be included. The baseline case in Table 8.3 estimates that the amount of potable water per year used for sewage conveyance to be 327,600 gallons. This means that a reduction of 72% has been achieved in potable water volumes used for sewage conveyance. Using this strategy can earn one point in LEED’s rating system.

Table 8.2

Design case for water use calculation

Fixture typeDaily usesFlow rate (GPF)OccupantsSewage generation (gal)
Low-flow water closet (male)01.11500
Low-flow water closet (female)31.1150495
Composting toilet (male)10.01500
Composting toilet (female)00.01500
Waterless urinal (male)20.01500
Total daily volume (gal)495
Annual work days260
Annual volume (gal)128,70
Rainwater or gray water volume (gal)(36,000)
Total annual volume (gal)92,700


Source: USGBC.

Table 8.3

Baseline case. The USGBC requires that the baseline case must use the flow rates and flush volumes established by EPAct 1992

Fixture typeDaily usesFlow rate (GPF)OccupantsSewage generation (gal)
Water closet (male)11.6150240
Water closet (female)31.6150720
Urinal (male)21.0150300
Total daily volume (gal)1260
Annual work days260
Total annual volume (gal)327,600


Source: USGBC.

Of note, the baseline calculation is based on the assumption that 100% of the building’s indoor plumbing fixtures comply with the requirement of the 2006 UPC or the 2006 IPC fixture and fitting performance requirements. Once the baseline has been established for the building, the actual use can be compared and measures can be implemented to reduce water use and increase overall water efficiency. Although this baseline methodology is specific to LEED, it can nevertheless be used in buildings that are not seeking LEED certification.
For calculation purposes on LEED projects, the precise number of fixtures is not important unless there are multiple types of the same fixture specified throughout the building. For example, if there are public restrooms with different water closets on the second floor, their use is to be accounted for as a percentage of the FTE in the LEED credit template calculations. By applying the Energy Policy Act’s fixture and flow rates to Full Time Equivalent (FTE) building occupants, the baseline quantity use can be established. To determine the estimated use by the building occupants, FTE calculations for the project must be used consistently throughout the baseline and design case calculations to determine the estimated use by the building occupants.

8.4. Retention and Detention Ponds, Bioswales, and Other Systems

Stormwater runoff is generally generated when precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flows over land or impervious surfaces and is unable to percolate into the ground. As the runoff flows over the land or impervious surfaces (paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops), it accumulates debris, chemicals, sediment, or other pollutants that could adversely affect water quality if the runoff is discharged untreated. The most appropriate method to control stormwater discharges is the application of best management practices (BMPs). Because stormwater discharges are normally considered point sources, they will require coverage under an NPDES permit. Utilizing rainwater collection systems such as cisterns, underground tanks, and ponds, can substantially reduce or eliminate the amount of potable water used for irrigation. Rainwater can be collected from roofs, plazas, and paved areas and then prior to its use in irrigation should be filtered by a combination of graded screens and paper filters.
A retention pond essentially consists of a body of water that is used to collect storm water runoff for the purpose of controlling the release of this runoff. They have no outlets or streams, creek ditches, etc., and after the water collects, it is then released through atmospheric phenomenon such as evaporation or infiltration. Moreover, retention ponds differ from detention ponds in that a detention pond has an outlet such as a pipe to discharge the water to a stream. A detention pond is similar to a retention pond in that it is a body of water that is used to collect storm water runoff for the purpose of controlling the release of this runoff. However, the pipe that a detention pond contains is sized to control the release rate of the storm water runoff. Although neighborhood ponds serve several purposes, none of these include swimming or wading.
It is important that the pond is of sufficient depth (at least 8–10 feet) to prevent stagnation and algae growth, and to handle the amount of stormwater runoff that is expected to enter it. Most ponds typically have a “safety ledge” at the edge to keep those who unintentionally enter the pond from getting into deep water immediately. This safety ledge is generally no wider than 10 feet and leads directly to much deeper water. The slope off the safety ledge varies greatly, as does the depth of water it leads to. A typical problem that is encountered with ponds is the buildup of bacteria like Escherichia coli. Because of the limited water flow and the tendency of wildlife like geese to gather around ponds, they can become breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria. With proper design and maintenance, ponds can be very attractive, but it may require extra planning and more land. It should be noted that some years ago, most detention ponds were nothing more than ugly holes in the ground hidden as far from view as possible. Today, most developers are attempting to incorporate their detention ponds as amenities, whether they have a permanent pool, walking trails, picnic areas, or playgrounds, and so forth. Indeed, ponds today have become less a “waste of land” and more a beneficial use of land, but without maintenance, these ponds can still turn into major liabilities.
Local requirements for rainwater harvest and wastewater treatment will vary from location to location and jurisdiction to jurisdiction, which is why early involvement and input from local code officials is important. The owner should assemble an experienced team, including the architect, landscape architect, civil and plumbing engineers, and rainwater system designer, early in the design process, if realistic efficiency cost-effective goals are to be achieved. Developers will often try to do away with retention ponds and replace them with pervious concrete pavement which while perhaps more expensive than typical concrete pavement, the cost can be partially or fully offset by reducing or eliminating the need for drainage systems and retention ponds and their associated maintenance costs. In addition to the cost savings, elimination of retention ponds can also help meet the goal of reducing site disturbance found in LEED and therefore help earn additional LEED points. Whether it is practical to incorporate detention ponds or not will depend largely on site development, not large-scale land development. Costs of building a detention versus traditional detention should be studied, bearing in mind that the same storage volume will have to be provided. Then, after adding the cost for pumps, controls, additional storage, and thousands of linear feet of pipe, the decision needs to be made whether all that extra cost outweigh the cost of losing say, 12–15% of your land for a traditional detention pond. Historically, this water was conveniently forced into the city storm drains or into retention ponds, thus becoming someone else’s problem. Water from rainstorms and snowmelt needs to be carefully managed to conserve water in time of need, to better clean water before it starts its journey back to local aquifers, and to lessen the burden of excessive water runoff on municipal system drainage systems.
A system of interlocking, porous pavers resting on a multilayer bed of crushed stones and gravel of different sizes can be used for the parking area. This will allow water to diffuse through the surface of the parking lot, slowing the rush of water into the ground, and permitting the surrounding landscaping to absorb the water while being diverted toward bioswales surrounding the property. Bioswales are gently sloped areas of the property designed to collect silt and other rainwater runoff while slowing down the speed with which water collects (Fig. 8.4). The swales are designed so that water is diverted in a manner so as not to encourage erosion of the ground and soil. The planting of native vegetation in the bioswale can facilitate water absorption, and lengthy root systems can help prevent soil erosion while needing minimum maintenance. The advantage of native plants is that they are hearty and can manage well during periods of dry, hot weather, yet manage to make use of and manage the flow of water from unexpected storms. This ability to combine nature with a well planned surface system can make for an attractive design in addition to being an extremely efficient source of water management and filtering.
Figure 8.4 Drawing of a typical Bioswale. These consist of gently sloped areas of the property designed to collect silt and other rainwater runoff—and slow down the speed with which water collects. The swales are shaped so that water is diverted but not so sharply as to encourage erosion of the ground and soil. Source: Other World Computing.
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