Chapter Five

Building Information Modeling (BIM)


This chapter basically offers a brief history of Building Information Modeling which is one of the most promising developments in the architecture, engineering, and construction fields in recent years. The most significant benefits as well as negatives of BIM are clearly defined, including the benefits of employing Integrated Project Delivery, which is a recently adopted innovative approach to the design and construction of buildings. Moreover, the customization of BIM can usually provide great benefits in the use of BIM software. This chapter also explains why the transition to BIM will require the hiring of a specialist BIM Manager—someone with a solid foundation of BIM technology and computer skills, particularly as BIM technology continues to rapidly evolve. The future of BIM is examined as well as its use worldwide outside the United States.


3D Modeling; 3D Visualization; Autodesk; BIM benefits; buildingSMART; Computer-generated model; Cost forecasting; Integrated project delivery (IPD); Stakeholder; Virtual model

5.1. What Is Building Information Modeling—Brief History and Overview

Gone are the days when architects, engineers, and contractors typically operated independently of one another, offloading their portion of the project to those next in line. This may be because for over two decades, it has been recognized that early collaboration using virtual information models between all actors in a building project can reduce risks, construction timelines, and overall project costs. Indeed, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the most promising developments in the architecture, engineering, and construction fields for many years. It has changed the way contractors and engineers do business, but while its application is still relatively new, and there is still much to learn, great strides have been made.
BIM was introduced nearly two decades ago mainly to distinguish the information-rich architectural 3D modeling from the traditional 2D drawing. It is being acclaimed by its advocates as a lifesaver for complicated projects because of its ability to correct errors early in the design stage and accurately schedule construction. Although over recent years, the term “Building Information Modeling” or “BIM” has gained widespread popularity, it has failed to gain a widespread consistent definition. According to Patrick Suermann, PE, NBIMS Testing Team Leader, “BIM is the virtual representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility from inception onward. As such, it serves as a shared information repository for collaboration throughout a facility’s lifecycle.” The NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences) sees it as “a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility…and a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition.” But generally speaking, BIM technology allows an accurate virtual model of a building to be constructed digitally. Completed computer-generated models contain accurate and well-defined geometry and pertinent data required to facilitate the construction, fabrication, and procurement activities necessary to realize the final building.
BIM thus consists mainly of 3D modeling concepts, in addition to information database technology, and interoperable software in a desktop computer environment that architects, engineers, and contractors can use to design a facility and simulate construction. This technology allows members of the project team to generate a virtual model of the structure and all of its systems in 3D and to be able to share that information with the entire project team. Likewise, the drawings, specifications, and construction details are fundamental to the model, which includes attributes such as building geometry, spatial relationships, quantity characteristics of building components, and geographic information. This allows the project team to quickly identify design and construction issues and resolve them in a virtual environment well before the construction phase in the real world.
BIM is therefore, primarily a process by which you generate and manage building data during a project’s life cycle. BIM typically uses three-dimensional, real-time, dynamic building modeling software to manage and increase productivity in building design and construction. The process produces the Building Information Model, which encompasses all relevant data relating to building geometry, spatial relationships, geographic information, and quantities and properties of building components. The construction technology for the BIM process is continuing to improve with the passing of time, as contractors, architects, engineers, and others continue to find new ways to improve the process. One of the many significant advantages of using modern BIM design tools is as Chuck Eastman, Director, Digital Building Laboratory, states, they now “define objects parametrically. That is, the objects are defined as parameters and relations to other objects, so that if a related object changes, this one will also. Parametric objects automatically re-build themselves according to the rules embedded in them. The rules may be simple, requiring a window to be wholly within a wall, and moving the window with the wall, or complex defining size ranges, and detailing, such as the physical connection between a steel beam and column.”
But before one can give a precise definition of BIM, one must resolve the ambiguity over whether BIM is or is not fundamentally different from CAD. In the author’s opinion, BIM is not CAD, nor is it intended to be CAD. CAD is a replacement for pen and paper, a documentation tool, and CAD files are basic data. It consists of elements that are lines, arcs, and circles—and sometimes surfaces and solids, which are purely graphical representations of building components. Moreover, early definitions asserting that BIM is basically a 3D model of a facility are incorrect and do not reflect the truth, nor do they adequately communicate the capabilities and potential of digital, object-based, interoperable BIM processes and tools and modern communications techniques. BIM programs today are design applications in which the documentation flows from and is a derivative of the process, from schematic design to construction to facility management. Furthermore, with BIM technology, an accurate virtual model of a building can be constructed digitally, and when completed, the computer-generated model will contain all the relevant data and accurate geometry needed to support the construction, fabrication, and procurement activities required to execute the project.
Kenneth Stowe, PE, a construction technology expert and development strategist at Autodesk, Inc. reaffirms this and comments, “The construction industry is in the early stages of an historic transformation: from a 2D environment to a model-based environment. The benefits are many and are enjoyed by various members of the project team. Some firms are leading in planning and directing the whole team in BIM participation, implementing best practices, and making a point of measuring those benefits. The savings can be in the millions of dollars. The project durations are being reduced by weeks or months.”
It is sometimes difficult to determine who first coined the term BIM. Some claim that Charles M. Eastman at Georgia Tech coined the term BIM, the theory being based on a view that the term BIM “Building Information Model” is basically the same as “Building Product Model,” which Eastman has used extensively in his book and papers since the late 1970s. Other writers believe it was first coined by architect and Autodesk building industry strategist Phil Bernstein, FAIA, who reportedly first used the actual term BIM “building information modeling,” which was later accepted by Bentley and others (see Fig. 5.1). It is claimed that Graphisoft produces the original BIM—in the original terminology Virtual Building—software, known as Archicad. But many firms and organizations made contributions to BIM’s continuing development. For example, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLC (SOM) is one such pioneering firm which made significant contributions to the development and use of BIM.
Early on, SOM created a multipurpose, database-driven, modeling system known as AES, or Architecture Engineering System, and single-handedly pioneered its development. AES is regarded by some as the precursor to today’s BIM tools. Indeed, in the future, SOM “envisions BIM as a vehicle for real-time performative design simulation and environmental analysis, enabled through new visual and tactile feedback systems. This will allow architects to focus on building performance that can truly be validated—obtaining and interpreting data as one simultaneously designs—and will encompass new modes of collaboration. SOM envisions the architect/engineer in a pivotal role in this new virtual design and construction collaborative environment: as the conceiver of ideas and the manager of knowledge.”
Figure 5.1 Diagram showing the relationship of BIM to the various stakeholders and project team members. BIM technology continues to manifest itself as the most feasible and reliable option in the building construction industry. BIM can minimize errors and omissions made by the project team by allowing the use of conflict detection technology where the computer informs team members whenever parts of the building are clashing or in conflict. Source: ADVENSER Engineering Services Private Ltd.
Dana (Deke) Smith, FAIA, Executive Director buildingSMART alliance and who has been involved with the development of BIM since its inception, says that, “One of the basic principles and metrics for BIM implementation is the ability to enter data one time and then use it many times throughout the life of the project.” Smith identifies the 10 principles of BIM as:
1. Coordinate and plan with all parties before you start
2. Ensure all parties have life cycle view—involve them early and often
3. Build the model, then build to the model
4. Detailed data can be summarized (The reverse is not possible)
5. Enter data one time then improve and refine over life
6. Build data sustainment into business process—keep data alive
7. Use information assurance and metadata to build trust—know data sources and users
8. Contract for data—good contracts make good projects
9. Ensure data are externally accessible yet protected
10. Use international standards and cloud storage to ensure long-term accessibility
Smith believes that, “We are still all too often slaves to the stovepipes that have been our industry’s tradition, where information is collected for a specific instance and then not reused by others. There are currently many reasons for this: perceived intellectual property concerns, perceived liability issues, organizations pushing their own agenda, proprietary approaches, and simply not knowing that someone already entered the information because of poor ability to collaborate.
One group taking this challenge head-on is buildingSMART International. buildingSMART International is a coalition of more than 50 countries worldwide which are focused on implementing an open standard, BIM approach to interoperability of information for building construction and facility maintenance. The North American chapter of this group is the buildingSMART alliance. While it is our belief that the final goal will be an international, standards-based, information exchange, the primary goal of interoperability remains at the foundation of this effort, using whatever format is universally easiest to use at the time.”
BIM software has proven to be a very promising tool that allows architects and engineers to digitally model the different elements of a building (shape, structure, heating/cooling, cost, materials etc.) in real-time and quickly understand how specific changes in design or construction models will impact other variables like structure, loads, energy efficiency, and the fiscal bottom line. BIM has especially helped to enable sustainable design—allowing architects and engineers access to higher tech tools than ever before to carefully integrate and analyze things such as, heat gain, solar, ventilation, and energy efficiency in their designs (Fig. 5.2).
Today, we have several organizations that have initiatives underway to develop a National BIM Standard. In December 2007, the first version of the National BIM Standard (NBIMS Version 1) which was written by a team of 30 subject matter experts was passed, and which primarily established the approach for developing open BIM standards. However, it has failed to take hold in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) community mostly because of its reliance on the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) file format for 3D modeling. After several years, the National Institute of Building Sciences buildingSMART Alliance developed Version 2 of the National BIM Standard-United States (NBIMS-US) which is a significant improvement on Version 1. On July 2015, the National Institute of Building Sciences buildingSMART alliance released the latest edition of the nation’s consensus-based standard governing BIM. The NBIMS-US Version 3 (V3) covers the full life cycle of buildings from planning and design through construction and operations. The United Kingdom has also recently come out with its own AEC (UK) BIM Standards. Moreover, the adoption of BIM is now mandated in the United Kingdom from 2016.
Figure 5.2 Miami Science Museum—using BIM for Green Building which was designed by Grimshaw Architects, MiaSci won a grant from the US Department of Energy in 2009 to incorporate BIM into the design process to explore different environmental issues during the design stage and to ultimately produce a greener building.
BIM processes are helping countless firms in diverse industries to operate more productively, to produce higher quality work, to attract better talent, and to attract new business. And today, multiple federal agencies are implementing BIM initiatives, from GSA and Army Corps of Engineers to the US Coast Guard and Sandia National Laboratories. Finith Jernigan, AIA, President of Design Atlantic, Ltd says, “To prosper in today’s fast changing and unpredictable markets, you need new ways of doing business more effectively.” And although BIM is not a technology, it does require appropriate technology to be implemented effectively. It is therefore almost certain that all governmental or public infrastructure bid requirements will now include use of BIM. This trend is similar in the private sector.

5.2. Basic Benefits and Challenges/Risks of Using Building Information Modeling

According to Sam Neider, director and cofounder, Proactive Controls Group, Pittsburgh, PA, “BIM allows the reduction of risk through better information throughout the process. So when you look at a project, not only are you gaining efficiencies via clash detection, coordination, scheduling, etc., you are also reducing owner’s risk of exposure for schedule and budget overruns, for claims, etc. Looking at the current economy, owners that would put down big dollars to do a project are no longer doing so. So what will help convince them to do so? You need to convince them there is a much better risk scenario out there and that is what BIM (and IPD) is delivering.”
The rapid embracing of BIM is fundamentally changing the way AEC project teams work together to communicate, resolve problems, and build efficient projects faster and at less cost. In today’s highly competitive construction market, it is no longer sufficient to execute a project in the real world of concrete, girders, sheet metal, pipe, and racks. In many cases, requests for proposals (RFPs) on most large projects now require contractors and subcontractors to execute the project first in the virtual world using BIM, and understandably so.

5.2.1. Benefits of Using Building Information Modeling

Effective use of BIM can have a dramatic impact on a project through improved design, enhanced constructability, and quicker project completion, saving time and money, both for the owner as well as the project team. BIM is also emerging as the solution to reduce waste and inefficiency in building design and construction, although some organizations are taking a wait-and-see approach regarding BIM, seeking clear evidence for return on the investment that it would entail.
The most significant benefits of BIM include the following:
• Lower net costs and risks for owners, designers, and engineers
• Development of a schematic model prior to the generation of a detailed building model allows the designer to make a more accurate assessment of the proposed scheme and evaluate whether it meets the functional and sustainable requirements set out by the owner, thus helping increase project performance and overall quality (Fig. 5.3)
• Improved productivity due to easy retrieval of information
• Improved coordination of construction documents
• Coordination of the construction reduces construction time and eliminates change orders
• Contractor and Subcontractors’ costs and risks are reduced
• BIM allows accurate and consistent 2D drawings to be generated at any stage of the design. This in turn reduces the amount of time needed to produce construction drawings for the different design disciplines while minimizing the number of potential errors in the construction drawings process
• Increased speed of project delivery
• Embedding and linking of vital information such as vendors for specific materials, location of details, and quantities required for estimation and tendering
Figure 5.3 Diagram showing use of Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions to achieve better design results. According to Autodesk, “BIM helps improve the way work gets done by providing more insight and greater predictability.”
• BIM allows the project team and owner to visualize the design at any stage of the process with the understanding that it will be dimensionally consistent in every view, thereby improving monitoring efficiency and reducing operating costs
• Realtors, appraisers, and bankers save money
• BIM technology will generally facilitate coordination and collaboration by multiple design disciplines. This shortens the design period, while helping to reduce potential design errors and omissions. It also affords greater insight and early detection of possible design problems, thereby allowing for better performance prediction
• First responders can make buildings safer
Kenneth H. Stowe, PE, on the other hand says, “There are ten measurable ways for project teams to benefit from a comprehensive BIM solution. They fall into two categories—each with five ways to leverage BIM.” According to Stowe, these are:
Better Planning, Cost Forecasting, and Control
• Model-to-Cost integration means that more design options can be quickly and accurately priced for capital cost and compared to building performance gains.
• 3D Visualization invites richer participation resulting in fewer RFI’s and Change Orders.
• 3D Coordination for the subcontractors means clash-free geometry in the field, reducing rework.
• 4D construction simulation and communications heightens the power of planning for safety and field efficiency.
• 3D geometry fosters confidence in Prefabrication enabling higher quality, lower labor costs, and accelerated schedules.
Lean Project Teamwork and Communications
• The ability to affordably simulate building performance leads to better decisions for structure, comfort, lighting, energy performance, resource conservation, materials performance
• Coordinated documents in a lean and automated, dramatically reducing wasted effort and rework, and fostering confidence in the specialty trades
• Rich digital teamwork leads to early builder and owner guidance for more constructible designs and efficiencies during maintenance
• Confidence in the geometry enables Just-in-Time deliveries, leading to safer and well-orchestrated field work
• Stability in the design configuration leads to labor productivity improvements, leading directly to high performing construction
More information and analysis including a list of the benefits of BIM, can be found by going online and visiting sites like Wikipedia or Autodesk at:
It should be noted that each member of the project team may have a different concept of what is considered to be the most beneficial aspect of BIM. Thus, BIM Wiki, for example, breaks down these benefits to specific groups and then goes into greater detail, for each group as follows:
1. Benefits at Planning
1.1. Benefits to the Planner/Designer
1.2. Benefits to the Cost Engineer
1.3. Benefits to the Owner
2. Benefits at Design
2.1. Benefits to the Architectural Designer
2.2. Benefits to the Electrical Designer
2.3. Benefits to the Mechanical Designer
2.4. Benefits to the Plumbing Designer
2.5. Benefits to the Landscape Designer
2.6. Benefits to the Structural Designer
2.7. Benefits to the Telecom Designer
2.8. Benefits to the Civil Engineering Designer
2.9. Benefits to the Cost Engineer
2.10. Benefits to the Specifications Writer
2.11. Benefits to the Owner
3. Benefits at Construction
3.1. Benefits to the Construction Manager
3.2. Benefits to the Construction Contractor
3.3. Benefits to the Owner
4. Benefits at Operations
4.1. Benefits to the Occupant
4.2. Benefits to the Owner
5. Benefits at Maintenance
5.1. Benefits to the Occupant
5.2. Benefits to the Owner
BIM Wiki then renders additional detail, for example, for the plumbing designer, the benefits are seen as:
• Fixture schedules can be synchronized or linked to the architects schedule with a mere key stroke if desired.
• Fixture schedules, plans, riser diagrams, sections, and details can be automatically synchronized.
• Designer and his/her collaborators can visualize fixture layout and piping in 3D throughout the design process.
• Collisions and interferences can be determined immediately and automatically by software and integrated designs. NO MORE RFIs to process, because BIM contains the information they need.
• Riser diagrams can be developed once and then automatically synchronized with the plans. All engineering data (such as drainage fixture units) can be automatically and continuously followed in plan and analyzed in a variety of views and filters.
• Revisions to the plan, including architecture, can be checked in much less time compared to CAD or drafting methods.
• Designer can add, delete, and modify fixtures and outlets easily with automatic update to the engineering data and the model.
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a report in August 2004 entitled “Cost Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability in the U.S. Capital Facilities Industry” (NIST GCR 04-867); the NIST report concludes that, as a conservative estimate, $15.8 billion is lost annually by the US capital facilities industry caused by inadequate interoperability due to “the highly fragmented nature of the industry, the industry’s continued paper-based business practices, a lack of standardization, and inconsistent technology adoption among stakeholders”.
Chris Rippingham, BIM engineer at San Francisco–based DPR Construction, says “Our thinking is that if we can sit at the table with the other great minds in the project—the architects, MEP and structural engineers, and our key subcontractors—as early as possible, then we can all deliver the most efficient building.” He goes on to say, “We definitely try to collaborate as much as possible even in situations where the contract doesn’t obligate us to do that, but with our experience in integrated delivery that’s our normal way of working.”
Integration and transition of models has led to increased cost effectiveness in employing BIM, and although the transition process may be long and expensive, the ultimate benefits of BIM are certainly worth the investment. When BIM is properly used, it coordinates the MEP trades, expands prefabrication opportunities, increases productivity, eliminates most rework, and reduces labor costs, while improving the consistency of the final work product. This is echoed by the EMCOR Group, Inc., headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, which considers it well worth the contractor’s time, effort, and financial investment to make the transition. EMCOR also emphasizes that successful implementation and use of BIM requires significant investments in technology, staff, and training. EMCOR and its subsidiaries (such as Dynalectric) have considerable first-hand experience with this transition, having more than 200 trained professionals who are well versed in using BIM. And with increasing usage of BIM among trade contractors, combined with improved delivery methods, the building industry continues to move closer to realization of major BIM benefits—including substantial cost and savings of time.
BIM technology also gives apartment building owners, architects, engineers, contractors, and fabricators affordable access to a full range of interactive tools for refitting of buildings for enhanced energy conservation, thereby helping to “green” these buildings., a commercial real estate information service, says that “Utilizing sophisticated parametric change technology, BIM software enables energy savings assessments for every conceivable aspect of a project – from floor plan designs to high-tech thermal imaging analysis.”

5.2.2. Risks Associated With Applying Building Information Modeling to Sustainable Projects

As mentioned earlier, the advent of BIM technology is having a tremendous impact on the construction industry while simultaneously making the overall design systems for construction projects more efficient. It is also rapidly becoming the dominant system for project design delivery. And while the use of BIM benefits far outweighs the negatives and has the potential to reduce risk, it is nevertheless imperative to have a total understanding of the impact of these challenges and risks on a project. Moreover, we find that BIM also begins to blur the allocations of responsibility developed over generations, to the extent that it has become necessary for all members of the project team (i.e., architects, engineers, contractors, owners, and developers) to adapt legal safeguards. It may take some time to fully comprehend the full scope of BIM’s legal ramifications and the sources of potential risk that are generated by utilizing BIM on a green project. Mike Bordenaro, Cofounder, BIM Education Co-op feels that “The biggest hindrance to achieving these benefits is the lack of Universal acceptance, support and implementation of Open Standards as represented by the work of the buildingSMART alliance.” The Alliance for Construction Excellence (ACE) and other organizations list some of the challenges that a project would face by employing BIM and collectively as a team determines how to address these challenges in the rapidly changing technology of today. Contract provisions dealing with potential risks that are unique to BIM should not be overlooked by the parties and should be addressed in their design–build/BIM contracts. Perhaps, the most anticipated potential liabilities/risk challenges and questions that would confront a BIM project include the following:
• Information Management: The function of a BIM model includes the projection of values, cost savings and/or efficiencies, but what happens if when the building is completed, these projections fail to materialize?
• Ownership of the model at various stages of the project. Does the owner have sole ownership of the model after construction?
• Copyright—How should intellectual property rights be addressed? It is important to license and secure all intellectual property used within the model and to ensure that proprietary information or copyrighted information integrated into the BIM model is not a risk of copyright or patent infringement. Also, it should be predetermined who owns the data in the BIM model and who determines their use?
• Control concerns: To create BIM models requires coordination. Which party is responsible for this and who has access to the models and to what degree? Does the party managing the modeling process take on any additional liability exposure? There is often a concern that the Model may change without all stakeholders input.
• Concern that design and construction fees do not support the BIM process (or training for BIM).
• The BIM process will be a complete paradigm shift for the design and construction industry.
• Legal/Insurance language and procedures will need future clarification.
• Level of detail from the design team and what level of accuracy and reliance is the information provided by the team to the BIM model?
• BIM modeling allows the design–build team to improve on the project’s potential aesthetics, but what happens when those projections do not meet expectations?
• Project-specific standards for file sharing and is there a recognized protocol for the preservation of different replications of the model for historical purposes as well as for possible conflict?
• 2D documents are generated from the design model for permits and distributed to general contractor (GC) and subcontractors along with the 3D design model.
• Shop drawings and submittals may only be eliminated for subcontractors, vendor/suppliers participating in the development of the model. There will be others who have no need to access the model (i.e., toilet accessories, components, etc.).
• What happens when a BIM model is based on or includes faulty information provided by specialty equipment vendors?
It is apparent from the above that with the advent of BIM technologies, methodologies, and processes, it is extremely important to identify who or what holds key project details: i.e., the Architect or the GC, the model or the drawings, because with that ownership, comes great reward or risk. Identifying these legal risks should assist the parties in addressing the unique challenges that are associated with the use of BIM, particularly since there are few standard form contracts currently on the market that adequately address BIM legal risks. It should be noted that contracts play a pivotal role in defining deliverables, interactions with project stakeholders, and risk obligations for commercial building projects. On June 30, 2008, ConsensusDOCS 301 BIM Addendum was released, which is described as a product of industry consensus of current best practices in the use of BIM techniques and technology. ConsensusDOCS contracts are continuously updated to keep pace with the latest changes in construction practices and legal updates. ConsensusDOCS contracts were developed by a coalition of 35 leading industry associations representing owners, contractors, subcontractors, designers, and sureties. Additionally, it is also the first contract form that is specifically applicable to projects using BIM and remains the only industry standard document (with the AIA documents) to adequately address the legal uncertainties associated with utilizing BIM. ConsensusDOCS contract document series include:
• 200 Series—General Contracting
• 300 Series—Collaborative
• 400 Series—Design-Build
• 500 Series—CM At-Risk
• 700 Series—Subcontracting
• 800 Series—Program Management
But while the BIM Addendum reflects a good starting point, it is nevertheless an addendum designed to be used with other traditional standard form contracts and preferably should not be used as a stand-alone contract. And as with any addendum the parties should carefully review underlying agreements and address any inconsistencies that may exist between the addendum and the base contract documents.
Project stakeholders should be made aware that there is apparently no case law that currently addresses BIM legal risks, as there is no case law that tests the adequacy of the BIM Addendum. However, for project participants to be in a better position to avoid potential conflict, they examine the unique potential BIM risks of their project and address these risks upfront.

5.3. Integrated Project Delivery—Sharing Intelligent Data for Sustainable Solutions

The type of communication that should take place should be discussed among the various parties involved in a project and how data sharing should be approached. Advantage should be taken of the three-dimensional information, such as that provided by BIM, which allows all members of the Building Team to visualize the many components of a project and to determine how they will work together. BIM and other 3D tools convey the idea and intent of the designer to the entire Building Team and lay the groundwork for integrated project delivery (IPD).
IPD is a recently adopted innovative approach to the design and construction of buildings. Charles Thomsen, FAIA, FCMAA (fellow, American Institute of Architects/fellow, Construction Management Association of America), a leading expert in this field, defines it thus: “Integrated project delivery is an approach to agreements and processes for design and construction, conceived to accommodate the intense intellectual collaboration that 21st century complex buildings require.” At the core of IPD is the capability to have all data that affect a project to be stored in one unified database.
Thomsen says IPD projects can generally be characterized by eight common themes, which include the following:
• A legal relationship
• A management committee
• An incentive pool
• A no-blame working environment
• Design assistance
• Collaboration software
• Lean construction
• Integrated leadership
The main objective of IPD is to promote maximum collaboration, open sharing of project goals and risks, and maximizes the knowledge and insights of all participants (Fig. 5.4). The end result of this process being an increase in value to the owner, and a reduction in waste and inefficiencies as well as increased productivity throughout the various phases of design, fabrication, and construction of the project. When IPD teams are first formed, they are typically faced with the challenge of determining how they will organize themselves to enable themselves to collaborate effectively, and what processes they should follow, and in what sequence. Previously, sequential exchange of paper-based documentation was the main information-sharing method between project participants for the vast majority of design and construction projects. By challenging traditional methods of delivery, IPD has paved the way for improved, faster, and less costly building projects in addition to streamlined information and material supply chains, and more efficient processes throughout the building design and construction industry.
Figure 5.4 Diagram showing integrated project organization.
While the sequential exchange method has worked typically well in most idealized project situations, particularly where there is adequate time to fully develop the design intent, evaluate it, and then modify it as often as necessary prior to fabrication and installation, in complex project situations, owners and their project design and construction teams find themselves having to work in parallel and with incomplete information.
The fundamental essence of IPD revolves around the concept of having all stakeholders involved on a project working together as early as possible—preferably during schematic design—to accumulate, combine, and focus the expertise of the parties toward the development of a project prior to anything being designed. Furthermore, as an inducement to the parties, shared risk and shared reward contracts are established upfront with the clear understanding that all parties must work together for the good of the project.
An IPD Guide was developed jointly by the AIA’s Documents Committee and the AIA California Council, as a tool to assist owners, architects, engineers, contractors and other key stakeholders, to move toward unified models and improved design, construction, and operations processes.
From the above, it is clear that BIM and IPD have changed the way we hire and mentor, in addition to rethinking our approach to handling data requirements. Here the underlying principle that needs to be remembered is the realization that adopting BIM and IPD workflows means improved communication both internally within the organization and externally with clients and trade partners.

5.4. Building Form With Building Information Modeling

BIM transcends beyond traditional 2D drawings to include the additional dimensions of height and time. And because BIM allows active material input in the model, (including data required for LEED credits), any proposed changes can quickly be analyzed to confirm that these changes do not adversely impact the project’s objectives (Fig. 5.5). Likewise, by providing a long-term repository warehouse for data-representing design intent, LEED and green documentation are much less likely to be deleted or overlooked in the BIM model. Moreover, BIM allows architects, engineers, and contractors to weigh the costs and benefits of the majority of building components and their interrelationships. Also, the affirmation of the design options by the BIM model facilitates the reduction of design contingencies and allows the construction schedule to be consolidated. The provision of more accurate scheduling and improved cost take-offs, reduce the risk and construction contingencies thus allowing the owner the potential to incorporate even more green features that may not have initially fitted the project’s cost model. BIM also allows architects, engineers, and contractors the luxury of importing/exporting data from a wide variety of related software with ease, thereby simplifying design coordination and reducing the potential for loss of green goals in the transcription between software and individual users. The employment of BIM from the outset can help reduce green design fees partly because the data embedded in the model reduces multiple inputting processes, and any design modifications are immediately reflected. Such design variations might typically have resulted in a change order whereas now they may be checked quickly and with minimal effort to determine their impact on the project. There are clear signals that the industry is irreversibly headed in these new directions. It is worthwhile noting that up to 20 LEED credits can be validated and documented by using BIM.
Figure 5.5 Use of BIM to “green an apartment building.” Source: Monster Commercial.

5.4.1. Customizing Building Information Modeling

There is a saying that necessity is the mother of invention, and this would definitely apply to BIM in the contracting industry. Much of BIM’s development has been focused largely toward serving the needs of architectural and engineering firms. One of the key advantages of applying BIM systems is its flexibility and allowing project participants to customize existing elements, or create new elements, which can then be incorporated into the design. Indeed, customization can usually provide great benefits in the use of BIM software. However, it has been shown that a number of firms that are using BIM technology are not reaping the greatest benefits due to some difficulties such as the lack of communication between the various participants in the design and the construction. To address such issues, it is strongly recommended to bring on board a new professional with a special role specializing in the application of BIM technology, standards, and modeling and who would also undertake the coordination needed in BIM contexts. Such a BIM Manager (the precise title of such a specialist is immaterial) would be an integral part of the project team and would be a small investment compared to the potential benefits. Many AEC sector companies are already employing BIM Mangers although their precise function and responsibilities frequently require defining. This is particularly important because to this day, software vendors have yet to build a BIM product that comes out of the box with content that totally meets the requirements of the various industry contractors and fabricators.
Over the course of several years, Dynalectric, an electrical subcontractor and an EMCOR Company, is an industry leader in BIM applications. And through the implementation of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), Dynalectric has been able to develop and execute electrical services and systems. To achieve this, a layer standard had to be determined and keyed—e.g., a layer for conduit, a layer for hangers, etc., which allowed the system to be designed to automatically place each component type on the appropriate layer. These latest efforts include embedding calculations into the BIM which are aimed at improving prefabrication and to make the project team more efficient allowing it to achieve schedule and cost savings while making the overall project more efficient. As a result of all this in-house customization (doing everything from schedules and take-offs to automatic engineering calculations), when a BIM engineer models an electrical system on a project, it will be very accurate indeed.

5.4.2. Making the Transformation

As previously discussed, successful implementation and utilization of BIM requires significant investments in technology, staff, and training. There is no “magic wand” solution, which is why in adopting the process, one’s eyes should be wide open. Furthermore, upon taking the decision to transition to BIM, careful consideration should be given to the purchase of BIM software, which should be carefully evaluated. Once the goals and priorities are analyzed and determined, one can proceed forward, bearing in mind that any transition from CAD to the new BIM technology will require additional investment for among other things, to purchase more powerful PC hardware, software, servers, as well as high-speed telecommunications to support the process. It will then also require additional investment to customize the application software.
The transition to BIM will also require the hiring of a specialist BIM Manager—someone with a solid foundation of BIM technology and computer skills, and who understands the process of collaboration, in addition to possessing the technical and intellectual capabilities to integrate this knowledge into the BIM model. The figure shown as Fig. 5.6 was almost unanimously selected by the jury as the winner in the category Design/Delivery Process Innovation using BIM, and it has a LEED Gold certification. M.A. Mortenson Company was committed to using BIM in all aspects of the Hall project and created the role of design coordinator to manage coordination, interdisciplinary model creation, and interoperability.
BIM is frequently associated with Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) and aecXML, which are data structures for representing information it uses. IFCs are described as object-based file formats with a data model developed in BIM by buildingSMART of the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) to facilitate interoperability between software platforms in the building industry. However, aecXML is a specific XML mark-up language that typically employs IFCs to create a vendor-neutral means to access data generated by BIM. It was developed for use mainly in the AEC and facility management industries, in conjunction with BIM software. There are also other data structures on the market, but most of these are proprietary.
In addition to BIM technology being used for new construction, there are continuing attempts at creating BIM software that can be applied for older, preexisting facilities. For this, they typically reference key metrics such as the Facility Condition Index (FCI). The FCI is essentially used in Facilities Management to provide a benchmark to compare the relative condition of a group of facilities. However, to validate the accuracy of these models, they require being monitored over time, because whenever an attempt is made to model an existing building, numerous assumptions must be made regarding data relating to materials, design standards, building codes, construction methods, and the like. This makes it far more difficult and complex to modify an information model of an existing building from the design stage.
Figure 5.6 (a) The full 3D model of a building and (b) the mechanical systems layout model that allowed the Benjamin D. Hall Interdisciplinary Research Building to be designed with an extra floor. Source:

5.5. Building Systems With Building Information Modeling

A BIM Modeler can easily extract intelligent property data from a BIM model for the purposes of engineering, prefabrication, and take-off. However, this was not possible in off-the-shelf software; Dynalectric had to customize its BIM system to enable its staff to perform these functions. In addition, Dynalectric has in place a 4000+ object library that contains custom objects intelligently linked together to both populate the model as well as to derive information from it, including scheduling, seismic calculations, and so forth. The benefits of customized BIM software are many, including annotating drawings and creating schedules. For example, by merely employing pertinent intelligent property data to conduit and parts, the BIM modeler or staff can easily get a take-off of the conduit to determine the number of linear feet or quantity of hangers. In this way, it is possible to annotate conduit elevations by simply pulling up live data from the actual model components in the drawing.
Moreover, customization has enabled the BIM modeler and the project team to easily perform engineering calculations without hesitation. Likewise, a set of routines can be easily be formulated that would work within the intelligent property data to calculate strut loads, and which is capable of recalculating automatically as the user changes the length of the object. This system in turn, enables the BIM modeler and the project team to perform live engineering calculations including “what-if” scenarios, quickly and accurately.

5.5.1. Virtual Best Practices

Over the last decade, we have witnessed BIM technologies emerge from the research and development (R&D) arena and enter the main stream of green construction. And it must be apparent from this that BIM has become much more than an electronic drawing tool, allowing project participants and stakeholders full collaboration. Generally, the BIM Manager (or the GC) is responsible for designing and implementing the BIM execution plan. This will vary from project to project but includes determining what is to be modeled and at what level of detail, as well as facilitating mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) coordination.
However, in today’s BIM technology world, each trade is given architectural and structural models from the owner. The trades then commence routing their systems. The use of Design BIM systems facilitates detection of internal conflicts, and the employment of model viewing systems such as NavisWorks, offers the ability to detect and highlight conflicts between the models and other information imported into the viewer. Each trade contractor would then post regularly, say, on a weekly basis its systems to an FTP or other shared website. The BIM Manager (or GC) can then assemble all of the models into a composite using say, NavisWorks, which enables project team members to integrate and share data and drawings from the various software programs. The composite BIM can be viewed, manipulated, modified, and analyzed for conflicts among the trades and then hammer out modifications to resolve the conflicts. This process continues throughout the project—floor by floor and quadrant by quadrant until all the conflicts are finally resolved and “fit” in the virtual building. This integration of key systems into the model BIM can greatly reduce conflict issues.
The continuous development of BIM will mean greater and improved opportunities to owners, architects, engineers, constructors, and manufacturers who will be able to model reality in the built environment with greater accuracy and reliability, particularly with the use of plug-ins, network (BIM) servers brought online, the availability of enhanced third-party interface and analysis tools able to function with major BIM software packages, and local hardware with increased capacity to handle, store, and manipulate larger files on a cost-effective basis. This combining of the most advanced virtual reality modeling technology in computer science and applying the most current business process in the construction industry, the BIM technology world is progressing so rapidly that much of the published data may already be out of date.

5.5.2. AIA Document E202

Because BIM is a relatively new technology, there were some legal challenges and other issues that necessitated clarification. To help clear up these legal issues with BIM, the AIA recently released document E202, which lays out standard procedures and responsibilities for BIM models, but most importantly, it serves as a standard contract for projects using BIM. This document also establishes certain rules and regulations such as who owns the model, how it is used, and the party responsible for each model element. Because of the unique nature of each project, Document E202 cannot give a blanket declaration of each; rather it lays out a legally binding frame work of rules and then allows for adaption to each unique project (AIA, 2008, p. 1).
AIA Document E202 has been a huge boon to BIM-based contracts. People all across the building industries recognize AIA and have embraced their efforts in simplifying the complex legal environment around BIM. Because BIM is in many respects still new, many of those dealing in construction law simply do not know how to work with BIM. Document E202 created a standard BIM-based contract that addresses many of the legal issues and challenges faced when using BIM.

5.6. The Future of Bim and Its Use Worldwide

BIM is now used widely all over the world such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Moreover, internationally it is increasingly gaining the attention of the building industry and organizations involved in AEC in addition to the owners and operators of building projects and other structures. BIM Standard efforts in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere in the global arena assume that this digital information is shareable, interoperable among different stakeholders’ information systems, based on accepted open standards, and definable in contract language.
Discussing the future of integrated BIM, Dennis Neeley, AIA, Product Director, Reed Construction Data, believes that “Owners need to start immediately setting standards for their BIM projects. They need to provide the objects that their designers will use, or they need to get the manufacturers that they work with to provide the objects. They need to be consistent across all projects. Standardization on space designs, assemblies and objects and the data attached and associated is critical. The Reed SmartBIM site ( shows the concept, the Spaces section shows how an owner could created complete models of each of their spaces populated with the equipment and furnishing needed, including services like power, communications, etc. During construction, the BIM project must be updated with changes and substitutions. These steps will insure the downstream value and use of the BIM projects. These BIM projects can be integrated into companies GIS systems. The sooner owners get integrated BIM projects (BIM, IPD, and FM) the sooner they will see unbelievable savings.”
It should be noted that the application of the global BIM standards will necessitate the reflection of “business views” of information exchanged between AEC and owner/operator interests. The set standards will build upon standards already in use.
Worldwide use of BIM outside the United States
BIM is now widely used in countries around the world such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore.

5.6.1. United Kingdom

Many firms in the United Kingdom continue to resist using BIM, partly because of the seismic change in culture that it would necessitate. However, this has started to change now that the British government plans to make it compulsory on all public projects, in the belief that this new technology would facilitate improved ways of working that will reduce cost and add long-term value to the development and management of public sector buildings. To help establish BIM on public projects, a task group has been formed headed by Mark Bew to draw a road map and to phase in uptake over a period of 5 years. Recognizing that BIM is not a mature technology yet in the United Kingdom, the level to which it will be mandated on projects will reflect the ability of the industry. However, if this plan is to succeed, the UK construction industry will need to go through a steep learning curve. Still, one example of the successful employment of BIM is at Heathrow Terminal 5 where its use reduced project costs by £210m.
We are now witnessing a surprising upsurge in support for new working methods in the United Kingdom as industry challenges intensify, thereby spurring the UK AEC Industry to make a significant move toward incorporating BIM in its projects. One of the main drivers for the AEC industry to move toward using BIM has been the need to accelerate productivity. Pete Baxter Autodesk senior director Northern Europe, says, “BIM methods of working have been shown to create major efficiencies by eliminating inaccuracies, waste and clashes – and at the same time maintaining transparency and accountability. It’s no surprise that new working challenges have tipped the balance in BIM’s favor.”
In the United Kingdom, the Construction Project Information Committee (CPIC), has the responsibility for providing best practice guidance on the content, form, and preparation of construction production information and making sure this best practice is disseminated throughout the UK construction industry. CPIC, which is formed by representatives of many of the major UK industry institutions, has proposed a definition of BIM for adoption throughout the UK construction industry and has moreover invited all UK industry parties to debate the subject to facilitate reaching an agreed starting point. One of the main stumbling blocks to adopting a good working method that can significantly improve the quality and sustainability of the deliveries from the design and construction team to the owners is the lack of a clear definition of the term added to the proliferation of interpretations that currently exist.

5.6.2. France

In France, there are a number of organizations that are pushing for a more integrated adoption of BIM standards, to improve software interoperability and cooperation among players of the building industry. Such organizations include the FFB (Fédération française du bâtiment), or the French arm of buildingSMART International who are supporting IFCs. Software editing companies on the other hand such as Vizelia were early adopters of IFCs and are now reaping the benefits from the full potential of BIM in the Green Building newly emerging business.
According to the McGraw-Hill Construction SmartMarket Report (2010), “France has the highest adoption rate of BIM among construction professionals surveyed at 38%, although it is only slightly higher than rates in the UK and Germany.” The report goes on to say that “A very high percentage of French adopters (72%) use BIM on 30% or more projects.” The report concludes that French users see the most value from BIM through: reduced conflicts during construction (76%) and improved collective understanding of design intent (71%).

5.6.3. Germany

The SmartMarket Report (2010), says that “German adopters as a group use BIM 47% of the time on 30% or more of their projects.” In Germany, architects have the highest adoption rate among industry professionals with (77%), followed by engineers (53%) and finally contractors (10%).
The US Army Corps of Engineers’ implementation of BIM systems has also now arrived in Europe. The Corps now requires BIM to be used for many projects in its various mission areas and across its divisions, and that number continues to steadily increase. Jim Noble, Engineering Branch chief for the District, says that “Many German firms in private industry are on board with BIM. The challenge for us is that many architects the bauämter uses do not have much experience with BIM.” It is expected to take some time to fully incorporate BIM into the Europe District construction process due largely to the legal process as outlined in signed agreements between the United States and German governments that stipulate how BIM projects are to be accomplished in Germany. “Our job now is to get together with our partners, agree on some parameters, starting points and interpretations and move forward. We’re doing just that,” according to Noble.

5.6.4. Finland

A higher implementation of BIM in Finland has been achieved than in neighboring Scandinavian countries. Moreover, Finland now requires BIM to be used on all public sector projects. In recent surveys, it was shown that architects were the main users of BIM in their projects (approximately 93%) and engineer’s usage was roughly 60%. It should also be noted that there is a great commitment of the Finland’s public sector toward wider BIM implementation. Further evidence of this is the BIM guidelines which have been drafted as a result of the R&D ProIt project conducted with industry-wide support. These guidelines are in the Finnish language and cover general fundamentals of product modeling in construction projects, architectural design projects, and structural design projects as well as product modeling in building services design projects. And although these guidelines describe product modeling in detail, they do not provide adequate data exchange specifications, thus providing potential for further development in the guidelines.
BIM advocates in Finland’s private sector are also quite active and a number of corporations such as Skanska Oy and “Tekes”, are earnestly conducting R&D in BIM. Likewise, research organizations and universities as well as the Association of Finnish Contractors and the state client (Senate Properties) are also active in promoting implementation of BIM in the industry.

5.6.5. Norway

Graphisoft Norway and Solibri, Inc. have partnered in response to an increasing need for BIM quality assurance and Model Checking in Norway. For this reason, BIM is being promoted and used in Norway by various public organizations and contractors including the civil state client Statsbygg and the Norwegian Homebuilders Association. Norway has also recently produced a BIM guidelines based on the experiences from the Statsbygg’s HIBO project (prepared in coordination with the NBIMS standard in the United States).
The private sector has also been active in promoting BIM. For example, Selvaag-Bluethink is developing BIM and ICT solutions based on BIM. Norway’s SINTEF is the leading organization conducting research in BIM and is a part of Erabuild which is a network of national R&D programs, focusing on sustainable tools to improve construction and operation of buildings. Moreover, Norway is recognized as being among the first few countries to develop International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) standard for the construction industry.

5.6.6. Denmark

In 2007, Denmark (like Finland) required BIM to be used on all public sector projects. The overall usage of BIM continues to increase in Denmark. According to a survey conducted in 2006 (cited in Kiviniemi et al., 2008), roughly 50% of architects, and 40% of engineers in Denmark were using BIM for some parts of their projects in 2006. One of the leading Danish user driven organizations is “bips” which has a strong influence in the implementation of IT in the Danish construction industry. Moreover, the mandatory demands on BIM from Danish state clients have moved the use of BIM to a higher level in Denmark.
In the Public Sector, Denmark boasts at least three public agencies that have initiated the implementation of BIM. These are: The Palaces and Properties Agency, The Danish University and Property Agency, and Defense Construction Service. Although government projects in Denmark do not represent a large portion of the total property area, their impact on the market created by the IFC requirements is significant. There are other government agencies like Gentofte Municipality and KLP Ejendommehave which have also adopted the requirements from the Digital Construction project in Denmark.
The Danish government has aggressively outlined its requirements for using BIM in the governmental projects. These governmental requirements are called “Byggherrekravene” (Wong et al., 2009). Starting January 2007, all architects, designers, and contractors participating in governmental construction projects are required to adopt a number of new digital routines, approaches, and tools. Under the Digital Construction program initiated by the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority, a package of guidelines relating to 3D was developed. These guidelines are concerned with both the setting up and fulfilling requirements in file and database-based CAD/BIM applications.
“Bips” is also developing BIM guidelines for the private sector and has adopted the results from the Digital Construction project. It is also promoting new working methods to the Danish Construction Industry. The Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority is an organization supporting BIM R&D in Denmark as well as other Danish organizations and universities such as Aalborg University which is focused on IFC model servers and 3D Models, and Aarhus School of Architecture which is focusing on product configuration, design intent and IFC model server, and the Technical University of Denmark which is focused on interoperability.

5.6.7. Hong Kong

The construction industry in Asia Pacific is undergoing fundamental changes and is rapidly automating and streamlining its processes to stay abreast with the international business ecosystem. In this respect, Hong Kong is considered to be one of the most advanced countries in the region to adopt building technologies, and Hong Kong has played an important role in setting up standards in the industry. By deploying cutting-edge technologies in its projects, Hong Kong has demonstrated its effectiveness and efficiency in completing world-class building projects.

5.6.8. China

The country is currently experiencing the world’s largest construction boom, and BIM is providing a competitive advantage to Chinese architects and engineers. Moreover, the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai have prompted the investment of billions of dollars in new construction in those cities and which already have some of the highest commercial and industrial rents in Asia.
The recent building frenzy taking place in China along with its burgeoning pollution problems has induced many Chinese architects to take a keen interest in sustainable design. It goes without saying that using a building information model facilitates the complex design evaluations and analyses that support key aspects of sustainable design and enables the project team to balance China’s construction growth with environmental concerns. Moreover, China’s rapid building growth presents enormous challenges as well as enormous opportunities. By embracing BIM, China’s building industry is able to take advantage of the productivity benefits that surround a digital building methodology, thus giving designers a distinctive competitive edge in the midst of the country’s whopping construction boom.
Wuhan Architectural Design Institute (WADI) is one of China’s main multidiscipline architectural design firms, with 625 employees, including 242 architects. In 2004, WADI selected Autodesk Revit to help it transition directly from its existing 2D-drafting solution (AutoCAD) to BIM. In preparation for bidding and using the Revit architecture, one WADI architect was reportedly able in just 4 days to produce all of the schematic design and presentation documentation for the building shown in Fig. 5.7.
Figure 5.7 The auditorium complex in central China is 15,000 square meters (161,460 sq. ft.).

5.6.9. Singapore

Construction and Real Estate Network (CORENET) is Singapore’s principal organization for the development and implementation of BIM for government projects. CORENET, a major IT initiative, was launched in 1995 by Singapore’s Ministry of National Development. It provides various information services including e-Information Systems such as eNPQS and e-Catalog to its clients, as well as e-Submission and Integrated Plan Checking Systems. IT Standards are being adopted in Singapore’s Construction Industry based on the guidelines of International Alliance for Interoperability (buildingSMART).
Singapore also now requires the adoption of BIM for various kinds of approvals such as building plan approvals and fire safety certifications, and the BIM “Integrated plan checking” guidelines are now operational.
Finally, although BIM is a relatively recently discovered technology in an industry that is often slow to adopt change, most early adopters feel confident that it will quickly grow to play an ever more crucial role in building design and construction. BIM has been defined as an integrated process that allows architects, engineers, builders, owners, and other stakeholders to explore a project’s key physical and functional characteristics digitally—prior to being built, and although BIM is the future, it is certainly already here now.
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