Chapter Three

The Green Design and Construction Process


This chapter essentially explains Green Building Principles and the primary components of green building. It also highlights the main characteristics of high performance and smart/intelligent buildings and the use of an integrated design approach and the importance of putting together an integrated multidisciplinary project team to achieve the desired objectives. Additionally, the fundamental differences between the integrated design process approach to design and the conventional design approach are explained. Various green project delivery systems (e.g., Traditional Green Design-Bid-Build, Green-Design-Build, at-risk construction manager (CM) delivery approach, etc.) are also examined, and the advantages and disadvantages of each are delineated. Likewise, the most important green design strategies that are recommended for adoption are discussed. Also explained here is why the greatest value of engaging a Project Manager/CM as Advisor occurs when engaged very early in the design process. At the end of the chapter, the factors that impact the decision to choose design-build numerated.


Brownfield sites; Building commissioning; Building information modeling (BIM); Gray water; Green design strategies; Holistic approach; IgCC codes; Integrated design; Intelligent buildings; Solar energy

3.1. General Overview

Gone are the days of green building being a niche market. Ecofriendly construction or Building green no longer focuses only on environmental factors and considerations, but it also takes into account how the environment integrates with other factors such as cost, schedule, operations, maintenance, tenant/employee, and other considerations. Furthermore, it is important to understand that no matter how good building green may be for the environment, not many developers would be willing to jump on the “green” bandwagon if the alternative is cheaper. This is particularly true in the construction industry where, for commercial buildings, traditional methods could prove to be significantly cheaper. Research clearly shows that people in contemporary societies such as the United States and Europe generally spend most of their time inside buildings and we apparently take for granted the shelter, protection, and comfort that our buildings provide. Unfortunately, we rarely give sufficient thought to the systems that allow us to enjoy these services unless we are faced with an unfortunate power interruption or some other problem. Furthermore, not many people fully comprehend the full extent of the environmental consequences that allow us to maintain indoor comfort levels. This may be partly because modern buildings continue to increase in complexity. Likewise, buildings’ functions continue to change and become increasingly costly to build and maintain, as well as requiring constant adjustment to function effectively over their life cycle. And while sustainable design strategies may normally cost no more than conventional building techniques, the real goal of interdependence between strategies, known as holistic design, makes determining the true cost often difficult to assess. Furthermore, it is frequently found that the returns on sustainable design are generally measured by numerous intangibles, such as worker productivity, health, and resource economy. But for many building owners, developers, and designers it is more likely that determinations on sustainable design strategies will be made based on initial construction costs or by a quick return on investment rather than on the positive returns based on a building’s lifecycle and the many positive attributes of a green building.
While sustainability and green building construction continues to advance, nevertheless, the increasing presence of large numbers of conventionally designed and constructed buildings on the market today is fortifying their negative impact on the environment as well as on occupant health and productivity. Additionally, these buildings have become increasingly expensive to operate and maintain in a highly competitive market. Owners and developers as well as the construction industry have finally come to realize that their contribution to excessive resource consumption, waste generation, and pollution is unacceptable and must be addressed. Reducing negative impacts on our environment and establishing new ecofriendly goals as well as adopting guidelines and codes that facilitate the development of green/sustainable buildings as proposed by the USGBC, Green Globes, and similar organizations must be a priority for this generation. Of note, the International Green Construction Code (IgCC), which was recently approved after considerable research and development, is another sign of the seriousness that the federal government is taking regarding the negative impact of conventional building construction on the environment. The IgCC was established to aid in the construction of sustainable buildings in the business and residential sectors. The IgCC initiative began in 2009 with cooperating sponsors American Institute of Architects (AIA) and ASTM International. The release of Public Version 1.0 was announced by the International Code Council on March 11, 2010. Public Version 2.0 was released on November 19, 2010. This law in its final format was officially published in March 2012. It applies to all new and renovated commercial buildings and residential buildings in excess of three stories. The latest updated version is the 2015 IgCC which was released in June 2015, and an upcoming version is the 2018 IgCC Development.
This historic code was long overdue and was bound to have a significant impact on future trends as it set mandatory baseline standards for all aspects of building design and construction, including site impacts, energy and water efficiency, building waste, and materials. Local governments and states have the choice of adopting the code, but once they do, it becomes enforceable. Furthermore, according to Wikipedia, the goal of the IgCC is to decrease energy usage and carbon footprints along with several other issues including:
• The code addresses site development and land use, including the preservation of natural and material resources as part of the process.
• Enforcement of the code will improve indoor air quality (IAQ) and support the use of energy-efficient appliances, renewable energy systems, water resource conservation, rainwater collection and distribution systems, and the recovery of used water, also known as gray water.
• The IGCC emphasizes building performance, including features such as a requirement for building system performance verification along with building owner education, to ensure the best energy-efficient practices are being carried out.
• A key feature of the new code is a section devoted to “jurisdictional electives,” which will allow customization of the code beyond its baseline provisions to address local priorities and conditions.
Thus, with this new National Building Code, the concept of building “green” ceased to be in the realm of the theoretical and moved deep into the mainstream of current construction practice, and the general acceptance by the industry as well as familiarity with green elements and procedures will continue to drive down building costs. The method of building construction and materials that is employed also impacts the development of IAQ that can present an array of health challenges. Green buildings can address many of these environmental concerns, which is why it has become an essential component of our society. Building “green” therefore not only offers an opportunity to use existing resources more effectively but at the same time helps create healthier buildings, improve employee productivity, reduce the negative impact on the environment, in addition to achieving significant cost savings over the building’s lifecycle. Green buildings are also referred to sometimes as sustainable buildings, perhaps because they are structures that are designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner.
In today’s world of rapidly dwindling fossil fuel, the increasing impact of greenhouse gases on our climate has made sustainable architecture particularly relevant. For this and other reasons, the new national building codes go a long way to addressing these pressing needs to find suitable ways to reduce buildings’ energy loads, increase building efficiency, and employ renewable energy resources in our facilities. Green construction is environmentally friendly because it uses sustainable, location-appropriate building materials and employs building techniques that reduce energy consumption. Indeed, the primary objectives of sustainable design and construction are to avoid resource depletion of essential resources such as energy, water, and raw materials, and to prevent environmental degradation. Sustainability also places a high priority on health issues, which is partly why green buildings are generally more comfortable and safer to live and work in (Fig. 3.1) than conventional buildings.
Figure 3.1 The U.S. Green Building Council awarded The Kresge Foundation headquarters which is built on a three-acre site in Troy, Michigan, a Platinum-level rating, the highest attainable level in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system. The state-of-the-art facility was completed in 2006 and serves as a model of sustainable design and an educational resource for the local community. The headquarters integrates a 19th century farmhouse and barn—part of the offices for many years—with a new contemporary two-level, 19,500-square-foot, glass and steel building. Source: Kresge Foundation.
Familiarity with the new IgCC as well as other “green” certification systems such as LEED and Green Globes is essential for government (federal and state) contractors and certainly is recommended for contractors in the private sector. Even before the introduction of the new green codes, various arms of the federal government required that their public projects meet certain “green” standards whether it be LEED certification standards, Green Globes, or ENERGY STAR, etc., in addition to various monetary and tax incentives. For example, the General Services Administration (GSA) required that all building projects meet the LEED certified level and target the LEED Silver level. The GSA however, while strongly encouraging projects to apply for certification, did not require it. The U.S. Navy also, while requiring appropriate projects to meet LEED certification requirements, does not require actual certification. On the other hand, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all new facility construction and acquisition projects consisting of 20,000 sq. ft. or more to achieve a minimum LEED Gold certification. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also now requires all new or major renovation construction to achieve LEED Silver certification. We have yet to assess how the new National Green Building Codes will impact organizations such as LEED, Green Globes, etc.
Some of the more important reasons why it is worthwhile for owners and developers to consider green building design and construction include:
1. Green buildings are generally energy efficient which means that they will save on operating costs over time; at a time of sharply rising energy costs, this can be particularly useful.
2. Many government agencies provide financial incentives for green building projects which provide a great inducement for building owners and developers to cash in on the “greenness” of their development projects through tax credits, financial incentives, carbon and renewable energy tradable credits, and net metering excess donations. Whether these incentives will be affected by the new codes or not has yet to be determined.
3. Not many people realize that in some cases it may actually be cheaper to build green. For example, a building that takes advantage of passive solar energy and includes effective insulation may require a smaller, less expensive HVAC system to serve the building. Also, purchasing recycled products can often be cheaper than purchasing comparable new products, and incorporating a construction plan that minimizes waste will ultimately save on hauling and landfill charges.
4. The market demand for green buildings continues to rise, particularly in high-end residential projects and prestige corporate office projects. A BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) Seattle survey, for example, recently found that 61% of real estate leaders believe that green buildings enhance their corporate image and 67% of these leaders also believe that over the next 5 years tenants will increasingly make green features of a property an important consideration when choosing space.
5. Green buildings are in a much better position to respond to existing and future governmental regulation. Building construction and operations are a major factor in nationwide greenhouse gas emissions and energy use, and we can expect future governmental regulations and the new green codes to present a major challenge directed at the building industry.
6. Green building helps contribute to conservation, and one of the cheapest ways of stretching a limited resource is to conserve it. If new buildings can be built and operated in a way that conserves energy and materials, these limited resources will go farther and minimize the need for capital-intensive projects to increase them.
7. Support green building practices is important because it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions which in turn can help prevent climate change. Greenhouse gases are those gases in the atmosphere that are transparent to visible light but which absorb infrared light reflected from the earth, thus trapping heat in the atmosphere. Many naturally occurring gases have this property, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. A number of human-made gases such as some aerosol propellants also have this property.
On the other hand, with conventional methods of construction, owners and developers face a number of challenges such as:
• Higher final construction costs
• Prolonged project closeout
• Often over budget
• Frequently over schedule
• Excessive change orders
• Greater potential disputes, arbitration, and litigation
• Inability to solve problems satisfactorily

3.2. Green Building Principles and Components

The best approach to sustainable design that is both environmentally sensitive and reduces energy use over the life of the building is to adopt a program or programs that are designed to meet all sought objectives. And while the clear intent of green building is to be sited, designed, constructed, and operated to enhance the well-being of its occupants and to support a healthy community and natural environment with minimal adverse impact on the ecosystem (Fig. 3.2), this is not always easy to achieve.

3.2.1. Principles of Green Design

Cities and municipalities across the country are now adopting green building standards, which is why for many years ASHRAE and ICC have worked on the development of specific codes and standards that can be transformed into the industry standard of care for the design, construction, operations, and maintenance of both commercial and residential buildings in the United States and globally. Prior to the recently launched IgCC, the USGBC has been leading a nationwide green building movement centered on the LEED Green Building Rating System. LEED which was launched in 2000 has been mandated by many jurisdictions as a de facto building code. The convergence of these efforts in the IgCC may be the most significant development in the buildings industry over the last decade. We are currently in the process of evaluating just how the new IgCC codes will impact organizations such as LEED and Green Globes in the years to come. But as ICC Chief Executive Officer Richard P. Weiland lately stated, “The emergence of green building codes and standards is an important next step for the green building movement, establishing a much-needed set of baseline regulations for green buildings that is adoptable, usable and enforceable by jurisdictions,” and “The IgCC provides a vehicle for jurisdictions to regulate green for the design and performance of new and renovated buildings in a manner that is integrated with existing codes as an overlay, allowing all new buildings to reap the rewards of improved design and construction practices.”
Figure 3.2 (a) Bren Hall—faculty and students on third-floor terrace of Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UCSB which is a LEED Gold Pilot project. It utilized silt fencing, straw-bale catch basins, and scheduled grading activities in accordance with the project’s erosion control plan. (b) Rooftop photovoltaic panels. (c) Auditorium interior. Bren Hall uses silt fencing, straw-bale catch basins, and scheduled grading activities in accordance with the project’s erosion control plan. Building Bren Hall with sustainable materials and methods is estimated to have added only 2% to the building cost, which will easily be offset over time by energy savings. Source: Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at; photos Kevin Matthews, Artifice Images.
From state-of-the-art building technologies to inventive construction methods and better decision-making systems, projects are getting smarter. Given the fast development of emerging construction opportunities, owners should demand faster projects, lower costs, and improved buildings. In today’s competitive world, the practice of sustainable architecture and construction revolves mainly around innovation and creativity. One of the main attributes of green building is that materials and techniques are employed that do not have a negative impact on the environment. Likewise, the building’s inhabitants do not choose materials solely because they are more familiar with their use. For example, there are many recycled products that can be used in the construction of sustainable structures like ceramic floor tiles which can be made from recycled glass. Bamboo flooring is another suitable alternative to wood that is less expensive and is actually harder than hardwood floors and more durable. Also, flooring made from cork oak bark, for example, is friendly to the environment, since cork harvesting does not harm the trees it is taken from.
It is important to address the many traditional building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and aesthetics. Green design strategies underline additional concerns regarding occupant health, the environment, and resource depletion. To address all these concerns, there are numerous green design strategies and measures that can be employed such as:
• Encourage use of renewable energy and materials that are sustainably harvested
• Ensure maximum overall energy efficiency
• Ensure that water use is efficient
• Minimize waste water and run-off
• Conserve nonrenewable energy and scarce materials
• Optimize site selection to conserve green space and minimize transportation impacts
• Minimize human exposure to hazardous materials
• Minimize ecological impact of energy and materials used
• Encourage mass transit, occupant bicycle use, and other alternatives to fossil-fueled vehicles.
• Conserve and restore local air, water, soils, flora, and fauna
• Minimize adverse impacts of materials by employing green products
• Building orientation to take maximum advantage of sunlight and microclimate
By taking a holistic approach to implementing these strategies, puts us in a better position to preserve our environment for future generations by conserving natural resources and protecting air and water quality. It also provides critical benefits by increasing comfort and well-being and helping to maintain healthy air quality. Green building strategies are also good for the economy by reducing maintenance and replacement requirements, reducing utility bills and lowering the cost of home ownership, and increasing property and resale values. In practical terms, green building is a whole-systems-approach to building design and construction that employ features including:
1. Energy-efficient and water-saving appliances, fixtures, and technologies
2. Building quality, durable structures with good insulation and ventilation
3. Taking advantage of the sun and site to increase a building’s ability for natural heating, cooling, and daylighting
4. Recycling and minimizing construction and demolition waste
5. Use of healthy products and building practices
6. Incorporation of durable, recycled, salvaged, and sustainably harvested materials
7. Landscape to use native, drought-resistant plants and water-efficient practices (Fig. 3.3)
8. Designing for livable neighborhoods
Figure 3.3 (a) Sketch showing the use of native and drought-resistant planting that can significantly enhance the environment in addition to providing opportunities for food and decorative gardens. Sketch (b) shows the use of reclaimed water. Source: City of Santa Monica Green Building Guidelines for Design: Landscape, 2010.

Integrated Design

It has become almost imperative to achieve success in green building to employ a holistic approach and have an integrated design team that includes the designers, BIM manager, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, lighting, plumbing, and landscape engineers, and possibly others, in addition to the contractor, to work with the project owner or developer to find the most effective way to meet the owner’s goals and objectives. This is aided by adapting the various systems to each other as an integrated whole and recognizing the interconnectivity of the systems and components that cumulatively make up a building and the disciplines involved in its design. Unlike the traditional approach, integrated design correctly assumes that each system affects the functioning of the other systems, which is why these systems must be harmonized if they are to perform together at maximum efficiency. Optimizing the building’s performance and thus reducing the adverse impact on the environment and minimizing its total cost must be the ultimate objective of sustainability.
It should be apparent from the above that the first and most important steps toward sustainability in the area of real estate development is to focus on areas relating to energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste efficiency, and design efficiency, on a per building and a whole development basis. The following factors are the main components for achieving green building and are rewarded by the majority of green rating systems including LEED, BREEM, and Green Globes.

Site Selection

This is one of the cardinal features of successful green building; it basically emphasizes the reuse and restoration of existing buildings and sites. The intent of the sustainable site selection is to encourage good stewardship of the land in addition to ensuring that any negative project impacts on surrounding areas during and after project construction are minimized. Site selection is also concerned with rehabilitating contaminated or brownfield sites (determined by a local, state, or federal agency), as well as preserving natural and agricultural resources. Other features of site selection include the promotion of biodiversity and maximizing open space by reducing development footprint as well as reducing light trespass to minimize light pollution associated with interior light exist building and exterior light luminance not to exceed site boundaries. Additionally, it includes stormwater management through supporting natural hydrology and reducing water pollution by increasing pervious area and on-site infiltration, reduction of construction waste, reducing the heat island effect, and encouraging use of public or low-environmental-impact transportation options.
The IgCC, however, significantly eliminates development on greenfields (undeveloped land), although there are exceptions based primarily on existing infrastructure. It includes clear guidelines for site disturbance, irrigation, erosion control, transportation, heat island mitigation, gray water systems, habitat protection, and site restoration.

Energy Efficiency

In many ways this is the most important issue surrounding green building and is also the element of a project that can most significantly impact reductions in the operating costs. Energy efficiency measures may be eligible for federal and state tax credits and other financial incentives as required by the current ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 standard. The comprising components of this standard are (1) the building envelope, (2) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, (3) water heating, including swimming pools, (4) power, including building power-distributed generation systems, (5) lighting, and (6) other electrical equipment. As for the IgCC requirements, it stipulates that total efficiency must be “51% of the energy allowable in the 2000 International Energy Conservation Code” (IECC), and building envelope performance must exceed that by 10%. It also sets minimum standards for lighting and mechanical systems and mandates certain levels of submetering and demand-response automation. California also approved new green codes (“CalGreen”) which took effect in January 2011. David Walls, executive director of the state building commission says that “The new code’s mandatory measures will help reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 3 million metric tons by 2020.” As far as California Title 24 standards are concerned, the majority of buildings generally strive to meet this standard. The following strategies contribute to achieving both the IgCC and CalGreen goals:
• Energy-efficient heat/cooling system should be used in conjunction with a thermally efficient building shell. Other prudent energy saving opportunities may exist with heat recovery options and thermal energy storage. High R-value wall and ceiling insulation to be installed; minimal glass to be employed on east and west exposures and light colors for roofing and wall finishes.
• Encourage the incorporation of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or other alternative energy into the HVAC system to reduce operational costs and minimize the use of fossil fuels.
• Minimize as much as possible electric loads created by lighting, appliances, and other systems.
• Passive design strategies, including building shape and orientation, passive solar design, and the use of natural lighting, can dramatically impact building energy performance.
• Employ modern energy management controls as improperly programmed controls and outdated technology can mislead a building owner to believing that a building is performing more efficiently that it actually is. Replacing, upgrading, or reprogramming the temperature controls and the energy management system will ensure equipment operates at optimum efficiency.
• Strategies should be developed to provide natural lighting and views where this will improve well-being and productivity. A green building is typically designed to take advantage of the sun’s seasonal position to heat a building’s interior in winter and frequently incorporates design features such as light shelves, overhanging eaves, or landscaping to mitigate the sun’s heat in summer. Room orientation should generally be designed to improve natural ventilation.
• Install high-efficiency lighting systems with advanced lighting control systems and incorporating motion sensors linked to dimmable lighting controls. Inclusion of task lighting can reduce general overhead light levels.
• Use BIM computer modeling when possible to optimizing design of electrical and mechanical systems and the building shell.
• Most existing buildings have never been commissioned during construction, and as they age they require regular maintenance. In this respect, retro-commissioning can be extremely useful by resolving problems that occurred during the design or construction phases, or address problems that have developed throughout the building’s life, and thus make a substantial difference in energy usage and savings.
It should be noted that the ASHRAE Standard 90.1, 2013 edition (ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013—Energy Standard for buildings except low-rise residential buildings) has now been updated to include new features and more detailed requirements, as well as including changes from more than 100 addenda. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 is on continuous maintenance and is designed to be republished on a 3-year cycle. The next updated version is 90.1-2016. As for the 2013 modifications, they include:
• “Revised, stricter opaque element and fenestration requirements at a reasonable level of cost-effectiveness
• Improvements to daylighting controls, space-by-space lighting power density limits, and thresholds for toplighting
• Revised equipment efficiencies for heat pumps, packaged terminal air conditioners (PTACs), single package vertical heat pumps and air conditioners (SPVHP and SPVAC), and evaporative condensers
• New provisions for commercial refrigeration equipment and improved controls for heat rejection and boiler equipment
• Improved requirements for expanded use of energy recovery, small-motor efficiencies, and fan power control and credits
• Improved equipment efficiencies for chillers
• Clarifications for the use of prescriptive provisions when performing building energy use modeling, and revisions to enhance capturing daylighting when performing modeling calculations
• A new alternate compliance path to Section 6, “Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning,” for computer room systems, developed with ASHRAE Technical Committee (TC) 9.9.”

Water Efficiency and Conservation

Conservation is a particularly cost-effective strategy that should be pursued aggressively, regardless of other parallel efforts to ensure a sustainable water supply. This establishes maximum consumption of fixtures and appliances and sets specifications for rainwater storage and gray water systems. Of note, the United States annually draws out an estimated 3700 billion gallons more water from its natural water resources than it returns. Many municipalities have legislation in place requiring storm water and wastewater efficiency measures while the Energy Policy Act of 1992 which was enacted to provide for improved energy efficiency, already requires water conservation for plumbing fixtures. The need to implement water efficiency measures is to conserve our depleting water resources and preserve water for agricultural uses, in addition to reducing the pressure on water related ecosystems. There are numerous efficiency measures that can be implemented to advance water efficiency and conservation including:
1. Employing ultra low-flush toilets, low-flow shower heads, and other water conserving fixtures will help minimizing wastewater.
2. Incorporate dual plumbing systems that use recycled water for toilet flushing or a gray water system that recovers rainwater or other non-potable water for site irrigation.
3. Recirculating systems to be used for centralized hot water distribution, and point-of-use hot water heating systems for more distant locations.
4. Use a water budget approach that schedules irrigation systems.
5. Incorporate self-closing nozzles on hoses and state-of-the-art irrigation controllers.
6. Employ micro-irrigation techniques to supply water in nonturf areas; buildings to be metered separately from landscape.

Materials and Resources

Choosing the most appropriate building material is very important because it can have an enormous impact on the natural environment partly caused by the many processes involved such as extraction, production, and transportation, all of which can negatively impact our ecosystem. But it is also important because some materials may release toxic chemicals that are harmful to building occupants. Green building generally avoids using potentially toxic materials such as treated woods, plastics, and petroleum-based adhesives which can degrade air and water quality and cause health problems. Additionally, building demolition may cause materials to release hazardous or non-biodegradable material pollutants into the natural environment or into drinking water reserves. Sustainable building materials also reduce landfill waste of which the IgCC codes mandate a minimum of 50% of construction waste must be diverted from landfills, and at least 55% of building materials must be salvaged, recycled-content, recyclable, biobased, or indigenous. The IgCC also mandates that buildings must be designed to span for a minimum of 60 years of life, and must show a service plan that justifies that. The following aspects should be considered when choosing building materials for a project:
• Choose sustainable construction materials and products whenever possible. Their sustainability can be measured by several characteristics such as recycled content, reusability, minimum off gassing of harmful chemicals, zero or low toxicity, durability, sustainably harvested materials, high recyclability, and local production. Use of such products promotes resource conservation and efficiency, minimizes the adverse impact on the environment and helps to harmonize with its surroundings.
• Employing dimensional planning and other material efficiency strategies reduce the amount of building materials needed and cut construction costs. For example, the design of rooms to 4-foot multiples minimizes waste by conforming to standard-sized wallboard and plywood sheets.
• If possible, reuse and recycle construction and demolition materials. Using recycled-content products also cuts costs and assists in the development of markets for recycled materials that are being diverted from landfills, an example of which is the use of inert demolition materials as a base course for a parking lot.
• Allocate adequate space to facilitate recycling collection and to incorporate a solid waste management program that reduces waste generation.
• Require waste management plans for managing materials through deconstruction, demolition, and construction.
Employing recycled/reused materials helps to ensure the sustainability of resources. If building projects use only virgin raw materials these materials will gradually be exhausted. As the availability of raw materials become scarce, prices will rise and before long the materials will no longer be obtainable. This trend has already started to impact the availability of certain raw materials which are either no longer available or have become very scarce, and can only be obtained recycled from existing projects. Recycling and reusing materials helps ensure that these materials will be readily available for years to come.

Indoor Environmental Quality and Safety

The adoption of green construction principals can contribute substantially to a superior interior environment, which in turn can significantly reduce the rate of respiratory disease, allergy, asthma, sick building symptoms (SBS), and enhance tenant comfort and worker performance. Materials such as carpet, cabinetry adhesives, paint and other wall coverings with zero or low levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) will release less gas and improve a building’s IAQ. On the other hand, building materials and cleaning and maintenance products that emit toxic gases, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) and formaldehyde should be avoided as these gases can have a very negative impact on occupants’ health and productivity. Daylighting can also improve the interior quality by boosting the occupant’s mood with natural light. Adequate ventilation and a high-efficiency, in-duct filtration system should be provided. Heating and cooling systems that ensure proper ventilation and filtration can have a dramatic and positive impact on IAQ. The potential financial benefits of improving indoor environments can be very significant.
To prevent indoor microbial contamination materials should be chosen that are resistant to microbial growth. Provide effective roof drainage and drainage for the surrounding landscape, and proper drainage of air-conditioning coils. Other building systems should be designed to control humidity.

Waste Management Issues

These issues are connected to several areas of green building, from waste reduction measures during construction to waste recycling measures. Separating trash to be recycled has become a way of life in America. In fact it is estimated that 31.5 million tons of construction waste is produced annually in the United States. The EPA, says that more than 34% of garbage is recycled, a gain of over 400% since 1960. Furthermore, nearly 40% of solid waste in the United States is produced by construction and demolition.

Commissioning Operation and Maintenance

Green building measures cannot achieve their objectives unless they function as intended according to the specifications and contract documents. The incorporation of operating and maintenance factors into the design process of a building project can contribute to the creation of healthy working environments, higher productivity, and reduced energy and resource costs. Whenever possible therefore, designers should specify materials and systems that simplify and reduce maintenance and life-cycle costs, use less water, energy, and are cost-effective. Other benefits of commissioning besides reduced energy costs include lower operating costs, reduced contractor callbacks, better building documentation, and verification that the systems are performing in accordance with the owner’s project requirements.
Building commissioning and enhanced commissioning are also necessary imperatives that include testing and adjusting the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems to ensure that all equipment meets design intent. It also includes instructing and educating building owners and the upkeep staff on the operation and maintenance of equipment. As buildings age their performance will generally decline and can only be assured through regular maintenance or through retro-commissioning.

Livable Communities and Neighborhoods

We need to help define those structures and strategies that will advance the design of more livable ecofriendly communities and neighborhoods. There are several issues that pertain to community and neighborhood development and which should be addressed such as the application of ecologically appropriate site development practices, the incorporation of high-performance buildings, and the incorporation of renewable energy. In addition, the development of new communities and neighborhoods, and the housing incorporated into such developments, may also involve looking into issues not normally considered in single-structure projects. Such issues may include evaluating the community’s location, the proposed structure and density of the community, and the ramifications of the community on transportation requirements. Other issues that should be considered include setting the standards for the community’s infrastructure and the standards to be applied to specific development projects within the community, as all these factors influence the environmental impacts of the development, and the ongoing livability of the community as an integrated whole.
The introduction of the new IgCC has clearly impacted the construction industry which has for some years been part of the mainstream in the United States. Likewise, the escalating costs of energy and building materials, coupled with warnings from the EPA about the toxicity of today’s treated and synthetic materials, have prompted architects and engineers to revise their approach to building techniques that employ native resources as construction materials and increasingly use nature (daylight, solar, and ventilation) for the heating and cooling process. Green developments are generally more efficient, last longer and cost less to operate and maintain than conventional buildings. Moreover, green developments generally provide greater occupant comfort and higher productivity than conventional developments, which is why most sophisticated buyers and lessors prefer them, and are usually willing to pay a premium for green developments.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that buildings in the US consume annually more than one-third of the nation’s energy and contribute approximately 36% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions released into the atmosphere. This is partly due to the fact that the vast majority of buildings today continue to use mechanical equipment powered by electricity or fossil fuels for heating, cooling, lighting, and maintaining IAQ. This means that the fossil fuels used to condition buildings and generate electricity are having an enormous negative impact on the environment; they emit a plethora of hazardous pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that cost building occupants and insurance companies millions of dollars annually in health care costs. In addition, we have the problem of fossil fuel mining and extraction which adds to the adverse environmental impacts, while fomenting price instability which is causing concern among both investors and building owners. The latest IgCC will foster and mandate the creation of buildings that use less energy and both reduces and stabilizes costs, as well as having a positive impact on the environment.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) early on had the foresight to appreciate the urgent need for buildings that were more energy efficient and in 1998 it took the initiative and decided to collaborate with the commercial buildings industry to develop a 20-year plan for research and development on energy-efficient commercial buildings. DOE’s High-Performance Buildings Program’s primary mission is to help create more efficient buildings that save energy and provide a quality, comfortable environment for workers and tenants. The program is targeted mainly towards the building community, particularly building owners/developers, architects and engineers. Today we have in place the knowledge and technologies required to reduce energy use in our homes and workplaces without having to compromise comfort or aesthetics. The building industry has until recently remained aloof or uninformed and has resisted taking full advantage of these important advances. It is expected that with the new green codes coming into play future building projects will be designed and operated taking into account the many environmental impacts to produce healthier and more efficient buildings.

3.2.2. High Performance and Smart/Intelligent Buildings

Green buildings are increasingly being transformed into high-performance “smart/intelligent buildings” that are equipped with the latest technologies, integrated systems, custom user applications and large amounts of data. The concept of intelligent buildings takes green to a whole new level. Not surprisingly, high performance buildings and building automation have become recognizable landmarks in today’s contemporary society; they typically consist of programmed, computerized, “intelligent” network of electronic devices that monitor and control the mechanical and lighting systems in a building. The United States Energy Independence and Security Act 2007, defines a high performance building as, “A building that integrates and optimizes on a lifecycle basis all major high performance attributes, including energy [and water] conservation, environment, safety, security, durability, accessibility, cost-benefit, productivity, sustainability, functionality, and operational considerations” (Energy Independence and Security Act, 2007, 401 PL 110-140).
On March 16, the 2016 Building Energy Summit was held in Washington, DC, and according to Natalie Grasso, senior editor for Work Design Magazine, the five things learned at the 2016 Building Energy Summit which brought together building owners, energy experts, and technology forerunners to discuss the business and social case for more energy efficient buildings are:
1. By 2030, over 500 billion devices will be connected to the Internet
2. The economic ROI on smart buildings is a big one — but it’s the smallest component of the value proposition as a whole
3. Real estate is about to become a totally digital business, and it’s going to make the workplace better
4. 23% of global energy use is from commercial buildings
5. Even old buildings can be energy pioneers
Due partly to rising energy costs an increasing number of new buildings are incorporating central communications systems to the extent that the “intelligent” or “smart” building has become an integral part of mainstream America. Indeed, many of today’s federal facilities have succeeded in achieving high performance buildings that save energy and reduce the environmental impact on our lives. Increasing consumer demand for clean renewable energy and the deregulation of the utilities industry have encouraged and energized growth in green power such as solar, wind, geothermal steam, biomass, and small-scale hydroelectric sources of power. In addition, President Barak Obama’s administration has encouraged small commercial solar power plants to emerge around the country and serve some energy markets within the United States.
The decision to operate a high performance building requires various proactive management processes for energy and maintenance. It may be prudent and more effective therefore when deciding to implement high performance building projects to initially instigating a green design “charrette” or multi-disciplinary kick-off meeting to articulate a clear road map for the project team to follow. A crucial advantage of holding a green design charrette during the early stage of the design process, is that it offers team professionals (with possible assistance of green design experts and facilitators), to brainstorm on achieving design objectives as well as alternative solutions. This goal-setting approach helps identify green strategies for members of the design team and helps facilitate the group’s ability to reach a consensus on performance targets for the project and to ensure that these performance targets are achieved.
Designers of sustainable buildings need to pay careful attention to measured performance expectations. Once performance measures are determined a follow up is required to establish performance goals and the metrics to be employed for each measure. Minimum requirements, or baselines, are typically defined by codes (e.g., the IgCC) and standards which may differ from one jurisdiction to another. Alternatively, performance baselines can be designed to exceed the average performance of a specific building type, measured against similar buildings that have recently been built or against the performance of a very well documented building of a particular type.
Over recent years, several green building rating systems have been established to set standards for the evaluation of high performance. To date, the most widely recognized system for rating building performance in the United States is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and Green Globes which provide various consensus-based criteria to measure performance, along with useful reference to baseline standards and performance criteria. However, a LEED or Green Globes certification, by itself, does not ensure high performance in terms of energy efficiency as certification may have been achieved by acquiring other non-energy related categories such as Materials and Resources or Sustainable Sites. For this reason specific energy related goals must still be set. To some degree this is being addressed in the United States by the recently adopted national green codes (IgCC) and California’s “CalGreen” that mandate green specifications.
In today’s highly competitive field, many professionals consider integrated design to be the cornerstone of the green building process. It is enhanced by the use of the latest computer energy modeling tools such as the Department of Energy’s DOE 2.1E, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and other computer programs. These programs can inform the building team of the impacts of energy-use implications very early in the design process by factoring in relevant information such as climate data, seasonal changes, building massing and orientation, and daylighting. It can also readily prompt investigation and survey of cost-effective design alternatives for the building envelope and mechanical systems by forecasting energy use of various combined alternatives. But before dwelling too deeply into green design and the integrated design process and to fully comprehend and understand its meaning, it may be advisable, if not necessary, to first describe the more conventional design process. The traditional process is a linear and segmented process whereas integrated design is a more interactive, more egalitarian and more consultative process. Thus the traditional design approach typically starts with the architect and the client agreeing on a budget and design concept, followed by a general massing scheme, typical floor plans, schematic elevations and, usually the general exterior appearance as determined by these design criteria and design intent. The mechanical and electrical engineers are then asked to implement the design and to suggest appropriate systems. Building information modeling (BIM) programs are increasingly being introduced and incorporated into the design process.
Although this is gradually changing, the conventional design approach remains at this point the main method employed by the majority of general-purpose design consultant firms, which unfortunately tends to suppress the achievable performance to conventional levels. However, the introduction of the updated green codes will likely encourage a more holistic approach to design and construction, especially since the sequential contributions of the members of the design team in the traditional design process consists mainly of a linear structure. The opportunity for optimization is limited during the traditional design process, and optimization in the later stages of the process is usually difficult if at all viable. Research has shown that this process has often proven to be inferior and inappropriate producing high operating costs and often coupled with a sub-standard interior environment. These factors can have a negative impact on a property’s ability to attract quality tenants or achieve desirable long-term rentals in addition to a reduced asset value for the property.

3.2.3. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Over the years, we have seen building construction continue to grow in complexity and change under the influence of emerging technologies. To meet these challenges a number of new software programs have emerged that are having a positive impact on the entire design, planning and construction community. Among them is introduction of BIM software which is the latest development in computer-aided design and which is being touted by many industry professionals as a lifesaver for complicated projects because of its ability to correct errors at the design stage and accurately schedule construction amongst other attributes. BIM embraces 3D modeling concepts, information database technology, and interoperable software in a computer application environment that design professionals and contractors can use to design a facility, simulate construction, and accurately estimate the project’s cost.
In this regard, Autodesk says, “building information modeling (BIM) software facilitates a new way of working collaboratively using a model created from consistent, reliable design information – enabling faster decision-making, better documentation, and the ability to evaluate sustainable building and infrastructure design alternatives using analysis to predict performance before breaking ground.” In fact some industry professionals forecast that buildings in the not too distant future will be built directly from the electronic models that BIM and similar programs create, and that the design role of architects and engineers will dramatically change (Fig. 3.4). In this respect, BIM is gradually changing the role of drawings for the construction process, improving architectural productivity, and making it easier to consider and evaluate design alternatives. Combined with clash detection programs, designers can ensure no systems interfere with each other, preventing field coordination problems before they arise on the jobsite. This modern modeling technology is particularly valuable in sustainable design because it enables project team members to create a virtual model of the structure and all of its systems in 3D in a format that can be shared with the entire project team thereby facilitating the process of integrating the various design teams’ work. This allows team members to identify design issues and construction conflicts and resolve them in a virtual environment before the actual commencement of construction, thus directly promoting the utilization of an integrated team process. This is discussed in much greater detail in Chapter 5 (Building Information Modeling).
Figure 3.4 Highlands Lodge Resort and Spa project, a joint venture of Q&D Construction and Swinerton Builders, Inc. where Vico, a BIM software package was used. The five-star hotel and high-end luxury condominiums has a total gross floor area of 406,500 sq. ft./37,720 sq. meter and is built on a roughly 20 acre site at the Northstar-at-Tahoe Ski Resort in Northern California. Source: Vico Software Inc.
Already BIM technology is being employed by a vast array of architectural and engineering consultants, and as BIM’s popularity continues to surge it is rapidly becoming pivotal to building design, visualization studies, cost analysis, contract documents, 3D simulation and facilities management. As Autodesk Revit is aggressively making headway in its market penetration of architectural and engineering firms it is projected that within the next few years, Revit will have achieved a significant market share of major projects designed in the United States and possibly other countries.

3.3. High Performance Design Strategies

Although it is difficult to find a definition of a high-performance building that everyone agrees upon, perhaps the one characteristic that most will agree upon is that high performance buildings reflect design excellence. This may be partly because they are typically designed in a holistic, integrative fashion that allows them to offer benefits such as minimize environmental impact (significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions), save energy and natural resources, provide optimized healthy interiors, and produce cost savings over their life cycle. Yet the real value of high performance buildings can be easily be underestimated when using traditional accounting methods that fail to recognize “external” municipal and regional costs and benefits. A much greater accuracy can be achieved when high performance building cost evaluations effectively address the economic, social, and environmental benefits that typically accompany green buildings.

3.3.1. Green Design Strategies

Improved technology is making it much easier and more cost-effective for designers and engineering professionals to incorporate sustainability into their high performance design strategies. Likewise, there are many recommended practices that can reduce the environmental and resource impacts of buildings, and enhance the health and satisfaction of their occupants. The most prominent strategies that come to mind include:
1. Using less to achieve more: The most effective green design solutions are able to address a number of needs with only a few elements. For example, a concrete floor may be simply finished with a colored sealant that reflects daylight for better illumination, and eliminates air pollutant emissions from floor coverings. The floor can also be used to store daytime heat and nighttime cold to provide occupant comfort. Thus a carefully designed element serves as structure, and finished surface, distributes daylight, and stores heat and cold, thus saving materials, energy resources, capital and operating costs.
2. Incorporate design flexibility and durability: Buildings that are designed with the flexibility to adapt to changing functions over long useful lives reduce life-cycle resource consumption. Durable sustainable structural elements that contain generous service space and are able to accommodate movable partitions can last for many decades, instead of being demolished because they are incapable of adapting to changing building functions. Durable envelope assemblies reduce life-cycle maintenance and energy costs and improve comfort.
3. To achieve maximum effectiveness combinations of design strategies must be carefully considered: Green buildings are incorporating increasingly complex systems of interacting and interrelated elements. Intelligent green design must consider the impact of these elements and systems on each other, and on the building as a whole. As an example, the need for mechanical and electrical systems is greatly affected by building form and envelope design. Combining strategies like daylighting, solar load control, and natural cooling and ventilation can all work together to reduce lighting, heating and cooling loads. Carefully combining these strategies can save resources and money, both in construction, operation and maintenance.
4. Take advantage of site conditions: Buildings are usually considered more sustainable when they respond to local microclimate, topography, vegetation and water resources; they are also usually more comfortable and efficient than conventional designs that rely on technological fixes and ignore their surroundings. As an example, Santa Monica in California has exemplary solar and wind resources for passive solar heating, natural cooling, ventilation and daylighting, but has meager local water supplies (some of which have recently been polluted). Taking advantage of such free natural resources, and conserving scarce high-priced commodities are appropriate approaches to reduce costs and connect occupants to their surroundings.
5. Adopt preventive maintenance, not repairing after the fact: Addressing potential problems from the beginning by applying preventive maintenance is both practical and economically prudent. For example, using low-toxicity building materials and installation practices is more effective than diluting indoor air pollution from toxic sources by employing large quantities of ventilation air.
Another attribute of green design is “Smart Growth” which concerns many communities around the country. It relates mainly to the ability to control sprawl, reusing existing infrastructure, and creating walkable neighborhoods. Locating suitable places to live and work within walking distance or near public transport is an obvious advantage towards reducing energy. It is also more logical and resource-efficient to maintain or reuse existing roads and utilities than having to build new ones. The preservation of open spaces, farm lands and undeveloped land, strengthens and reinforces the evolution of existing communities and helps maintain their quality of life. It also helps reduce the pollution of the environment.

3.3.2. The Integrated Design Process (IDP)

There are several fundamental differences between the IDP approach to design and the conventional design approach. The IDP approach is basically a collaborative one for designing buildings that emphasizes the development of a holistic or whole building design process in which the owner takes on a more direct and active role in the process and the architect assumes the role of team leader rather than sole decision maker. Additional key consultants including the BIM, structural, electrical, mechanical, lighting, and other players become an integral part of the team from the outset and participate in the project’s decision making process - not after completion of the initial design (Fig. 3.5). Therefore, from a design perspective, the key process difference between green-building design and conventional design is the concept of integration. Therefore, practitioners of an integrated process need to develop new skills that might not have been previously required in their professional work. Some of these new required skills to succeed in applying the integrated process include: critical thinking, analysis and questioning, teamwork, ability to collaborate with others on the team, good communication skills, and a deep understanding of natural processes. An integrated process differs in its way of thinking and working; it creates a team from professionals who have traditionally been used to working as distinct entities. Thus in the IDP approach the building is viewed as an interdependent system, as opposed to an accumulation of its separate components. The objective of looking at all the component systems together is to ensure that they work in harmony rather than conflict with each other.
Figure 3.5 Diagram showing the various elements that impact the design of high-performance buildings using the Integrated Design Approach. With the integrated design approach multidisciplinary collaboration is required, including key stakeholders and design professionals, from conception to completion of the project.
Furthermore, now more than at any time in history, the successful design of buildings today requires the integration of various kinds of information from different consultants into a synthetic whole. And to achieve an effective and well-designed sustainable building project today indeed requires the employment of an integrated design process with clear and precise design objectives, which should be identified as early as possible and held in proper balance during the design process. This integrated design approach to design and construction has become necessary to achieve a successful high-performance building. For example, by working collaboratively as a team the main players (architect, engineers, BIM manager, landscape architect, etc.), can maneuver and direct the ground plane, building shape, section, and planting scheme to provide increased thermal protection, and reduce heat loss and heat gain. By reducing heating and cooling loads the mechanical engineer, is able to reduce the size of mechanical equipment necessary to achieve comfort. Moreover, the architect, lighting and mechanical engineers can work in unison to design for example, a more effective interior/exterior element such as a light-shelf which can serve not only as an architectural feature, but can also provide needed sun-screening, and thus reduce summer cooling loads while at the same time allowing daylight to penetrate deep into the interior. This results in a more efficient environmental performance in addition to on-going operational savings.
Early in the IDP process, the project owner/client will typically appoint a person to undertake the role of leader for the project that is proficient and capable of leading a team to design and build the project on the basis of specific requirements in the form of a project brief for space and budgetary capacity. The project brief accompanying this planning activity should describe existing space use; include realistic estimates of both spatial and technical requirements, and contain a space program around which design activity can develop. Depending on a project’s size, type and complexity, there may be a need to employ a construction manager (CM) or a general contractor and who may come on board at this point. It has been shown that the best buildings almost always result from active, consistent, organized collaboration among all the players.
Upon completing the Pre-design activities, the architect, designer of record (DOR), and other key consultants, in collaboration with the other team members or sub-consultants, may produce preliminary graphic proposals for the project or portions of it via a 3D modeling program (e.g., BIM) or manually. The intention of the preliminary proposals are meant more to stimulate thought and discussion then to describe any final outcome, although normally the fewer changes initiated before bidding the project the more cost-effective the project will be. It is crucial to involve all relevant consultants and sub-consultants early in the process in order to benefit from their individual insights and to prevent costly changes further along in the process. Also early in the process decision-making protocols and complementary design principles must be established in order to satisfy the goals of the project team’s multiple stakeholders while achieving the overall project objectives. The final design that emerges will incorporate the interests and requirements of all project team participants including the owner, while also meeting the overall area requirements and project budget that was established during the Pre-Design phase of the project.
By this time a schematic design proposal will be in place which should include a site location and organization, a 3D model of the project, space allocation, and an outline specification including an initial list of systems and components that form part of the final design. A preliminary cost estimate can also now be made and depending on the size and complexity of the project, it may be performed by a professional cost estimator or computer program at this point. For smaller projects this service may be performed as part of a preliminary bidding arrangement by one or more of the possible builders. On larger projects, the cost estimate can be linked to the selection process for a builder, assuming other prerequisites are met such as experience, and satisfactory references. If a BIM manager is employed, he/she can perform this task.
The schematic design is followed by the design development phase. This phase entails going into greater detail for all aspects of the building, including systems and materials, etc. The collaborative process continues with the architect working hand in hand with the owner and the various contributors and stakeholders. The resulting outcome of this phase is a detailed design on which a consensus of all players exists and who may be asked to sign off. When the project design is developed using an integrated team approach, the end product is usually a design that is highly efficient with minimal, if not zero, incremental capital costs, and reduced maintenance and long-term operating costs and which avoid having to make costly changes late in the game.
At this point the development and production of contract documents follows which involves converting the design development information into formats that can be used for pricing, bidding, permitting, and constructing the project. An efficient set of contract documents can be achieved by careful scrutiny, and accountability to the initial program requirements as outlined by the design team and the client, in addition to careful coordination and collaboration with the technical consultants on the design team. Design, budgetary and other decisions continue to be made with the appropriate contributions of the various players. Changes in scope during this phase should be avoided as they can significantly impact the project and once pricing has commenced can invite confusion, errors, and added costs. Cost estimates may be made at this point, prior to or simultaneous with bidding, in order to assure compliance with the budget and to check the bids.
Even after the general contractor is selected during the construction phase, other members of the project team must remain fully involved, as there will remain many outstanding issues that will need to be addressed such as previous decisions that may require clarification, or supplier samples and information that must be reviewed for compliance with the contract documents, and proposed substitutions that need evaluation. Whenever proposed changes affect the operation of the building, the owner/client must be informed and approval sought. Any changes in user requirements may require modifications to the building’s design which will necessitate consultation with the other consultants and sub-consultants to assess the implications and ramifications that such changes may incur. Any proposed changes must be priced and incorporated into the contract documents as early as possible.
In the final analysis the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the building upon completion meets the requirements of the contract documents lies with the design team. The level of a building’s success of meeting program performance requirements can be evaluated through the commissioning and enhanced commissioning processes (preferably employing an independent third party). Here the full range of systems and functions in the building are evaluated and the design and construction team may be called upon to make some required modifications and adjustments to the systems. Colin Moar, commissioning operations manager for Heery International says, “To get the best value, hire the commissioning agent to get involved during the concept and schematic design phases”. Upon the building becoming fully operational, a post-occupancy evaluation may be conducted to confirm that the building meets the original and emergent requirements for its use and that meet the owner’s expectations. This is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 15 (Green Business Development).

3.3.3. Green Building Design and Delivery

The full impact of the new National Green Building Code has yet to be determined although one thing seems certain, and that is that the process of green building design and construction differs fundamentally from traditional standard practice. Successful green buildings result from a number of things, including a design process that displays a strong commitment to the environment and to health issues. Measurable targets challenge the design and construction team, and allow progress to be tracked and managed throughout development and beyond. Employing computer energy simulations offers the ability to assess energy conservation measures early and throughout the design process. By collaborating early in the conceptual design process the expanded design team is able to generate alternative concepts for building form, envelope and landscaping, and also focus on minimizing peak energy loads, demand and consumption. Design alternatives are aimed at minimizing the buildings’ construction cost and its life-cycle cost and their evaluation is on the basis of capital cost as well as reduced life-cycle cost. Assessments include costs and environmental impacts of resource extraction; materials and assembly manufacture; construction; operation and maintenance in use; and eventual reuse, recycling or disposal. Computer energy simulation is but one of the tools used to incorporate operational costs into the analysis. Computer energy simulation is also employed to evaluate a project’s effectiveness in energy conservation, and its construction costs. Typically, heating and cooling load reductions from better glazing, insulation, efficient lighting, daylighting and other measures allows smaller and less expensive HVAC equipment and systems, resulting in little or no increase in construction cost compared to conventional designs. The use of simulations to refine designs and ensure that energy-conservation and capital cost goals are met is extremely valuable; and to demonstrate regulatory compliance. For this reason simulations are necessary to guarantee the projects overall success.
In conventional, non-green buildings, the different specialties associated with project delivery, from design and construction through building occupancy, are responsive in nature, utilizing restricted approaches to address particular problems. Each of these specialties typically has wide-ranging knowledge and experience in their specific fields, and they provide solutions to problems that arise solely based on their knowledge and experience in their specific fields. For example, an air-conditioning specialist if asked to address a problem of an unduly warm room will suggest increasing the cooling capacity of the HVAC system servicing that room, rather than investigate the source of the problem of why this room is unduly warm. The excessive heat gain could, for example, be mitigated by incorporating operable windows or external louvers. The end results therefore while often being functional is nevertheless highly inefficient so that the building ends up comprising of different materials and systems with little or no integration between them.
With integrated design, you typically have properly engineered and functioning systems that help ensure the comfort and safety of building occupants. They also empower designers to create environments that are healthy, efficient and cost-effective. Integrated design is a critical factor and consistent component in the design and construction of green buildings. The summary description outlined below highlights the benefits of integrated design and the main attributes and characteristics that differentiate conventional and integrated design process. Being able to keep the goals and objectives for the project in mind throughout design and construction process is certainly one of the unique benefits of integrated design.

3.3.4. Putting Together the Integrated Multidisciplinary Project Team

As mentioned earlier, the design of green buildings requires the integration of many kinds of information into a well-designed, useful, and resilient whole. According to the World Building Design Guide (WBDG), “An integrated design process includes the active and continuing participation of users and community members, code officials, building technologists, contractors, cost consultants, civil engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers, structural engineers, specifications specialists, and consultants from many specialized fields.” It is important therefore that all members of the multi-disciplinary team collaborate closely, from the beginning of conceptual design, and throughout the design process and construction. For sustainable projects the design team usually has to broaden itself to include certain specialists and other interested parties, such as energy analysts, BIM specialist, materials consultants, cost consultants, and lighting designers; often, contractors, operating staff and prospective tenants are also included. This enlarged design team provides fresh perspectives reflecting new approaches, and feedback on performance and cost. The design process becomes a continuous, sustained team effort from conceptual design through commissioning and occupancy.
In most building projects, the architect is required to lead the design team and coordinate with sub-consultants, and other experts, etc. The architect is also required to ensure compliance with the project brief and budget. In some cases, the architect has the authority to hire some or all of the sub-consultants; in larger projects the owner may decide to contract directly with some or all of them. The architect usually administers and manages the production of the contract documents and oversees the construction phase of the project, ensuring compliance with the contract documents by conducting appropriate inspections, and managing submissions approvals, and evaluations by the sub-consultants. The architect also oversees the evaluation of requests for payment by the builder and other professionals and chairs monthly or bi-weekly site meetings. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, the owner may hire a BIM manager whose role and responsibilities will need to be clearly defined.
Involvement at the earliest phases of the project of the civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers is imperative as they are an integral part of the project team and essential for achieving a total understanding of the various regulatory and other aspects (e.g., structural, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, etc.) of the construction project; these consultants may be hired directly by the owner or the architect. Each consultant produces that portions of the contract documents that is within his/her specialty and all participate in assessing their part of the work for compliance with those contract documents.
A landscape architect may be hired as an independent consultant depending on the type and size of the project. If a landscape architect is employed, this should be early in the design process to assess existing natural systems, how they will be impacted by the project and ways to facilitate accommodation of the project to those systems. The landscape architect will also organize the arrangement of land for human use involving vehicular and pedestrian ways and the planting of groundcover, plants, and trees. This requires extensive experience in sustainable landscaping including erosion control, managing stormwater runoff, green roofs, and indigenous plant species.
Other specialized consultants may be required and as with all contributors to the integrated design process, these consultants should be involved early in the design process to combine their suggestions and requirements in the design so as to guarantee that their contributions are taken into account to ensure maximum efficiency.

3.4. The Design Process for High Performance Buildings

Today we are witnessing a rapidly changing world in which building construction practices and advances in architectural modeling technologies have reached a unique crossroad in history with changing needs and expectations. And with many successful new building projects taking shape globally, it calls into question the performance level of many of our more typical construction endeavors, forcing us to reevaluate just how far our conventional buildings are falling short of the mark and what needs to be done to meet these new challenges. High performance outcomes necessitates a far more integrated team approach to the design process and marks a departure from traditional practices, where emerging designs are handed sequentially from architect to engineer to sub-consultant (Fig. 3.6 a,b). As mentioned above, an integrated holistic approach results in a typically more unified, more team-driven design and construction process that encompasses different experts early in the design setting process. This process increases the likelihood of creating high performance buildings that achieve significantly higher targets for energy efficiency and environmental performance than traditionally designed buildings.
Figure 3.6 (a) Main elements of high performance building design. (b) The Integrated Design Process. Diagram depicting the standard operation of the integrated project team.
The best buildings result from active, consistent, organized collaboration among all players which is why in the absence of an interactive approach to the design process it would be extremely difficult to achieve a successful high-performance building. The process draws its strength from the knowledge and expertise of all the stakeholders (including the owner) across the life cycle of the project in addition to their early collaborative involvement in recognizing the need for the building, through planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility and building occupancy is part of this process. Also, by implementing a team-driven approach high performance buildings are basically utilizing a “front-loading” of expertise. The process typically begins with the consultant and owner leading a green design charrette with all the stakeholders (design professionals, operators, and contractors) in a brainstorming session reflecting a “partnering” approach that encourages collaboration in achieving high performance green goals for the new building, while breaking down traditional adversarial roles.
By implementing best practices guidelines and an integrated team-driven approach we maximize the likelihood of achieving superior results in the building design and construction of a project. The application of integrated design methods elevates energy and resource efficiency practices into the realm of high performance. This approach differs from the conventional planning and design process of relying on the expertise of various specialists who work in their respective specialties somewhat isolated from each other. The integrated design process on the other hand encourages designers from all the relevant disciplines to be collectively involved in the design decision-making process and to work together in harmony to achieve exceptional and creative design solutions that yield multiple benefits at no extra cost.
Design charrettes can be very instrumental in complex situations where the interests of the client often conflict particularly when they are represented by different factions. Charrette team members are expected to discuss and address problems beyond their field of expertise. Although final solutions may not necessarily be produced, important interdependent issues are often studied and clarified. Conducting a facility performance evaluation to confirm that all the designated high-performance goals have been met and will continue to be met over the life cycle of the project is also an important consideration. Retrocommissioning is another factor that should be considered to ensure that the building will continue to optimally perform through any potential adjustments and modifications in the future.
It has been clearly stated earlier in this chapter, that when computer energy simulations are conducted, they should be as early as possible in the design process and continue until the design is complete, to offer a reliable assessment of energy conservation measures and to allow the design team to generate several alternative concepts early in the process for the building’s form, envelope and landscaping. Computer energy simulation has proven to be an excellent tool to assess the project’s effectiveness in energy conservation, as well as its construction costs. Employing sustainable approaches that reduce heating and cooling loads allows the mechanical consultant to design a more appropriate, more efficient and less expensive HVAC system thus resulting in minimal if any increase in construction cost compared to conventional designs.
Computer simulations have many positive attributes such as allowing us to see how a design can be improved and to ensure that energy-conservation and capital cost goals are met, in addition to checking that a design complies with all regulatory requirements. Furthermore, alternative design proposals can be created and readily evaluated either on capital cost or on the basis of reduced life-cycle cost. The primary aim of exploring alternative designs is to simultaneously minimize both a buildings’ construction cost and its life-cycle cost. But in order to more accurately assess these costs requires a comprehensive approach that includes accurate information on costs and environmental impacts on all aspects of construction including resource extraction and materials and assembly manufacture. It also requires costs relating to operation and maintenance in use to final reuse, recycling and disposal. There are several computer tools that are available to facilitate performing life-cycle cost analysis such as computer energy simulations that can be employed to incorporate operational costs into the analysis.
The awe and admiration of high performance sustainable buildings are witnessing a dramatic upsurge in the property development market and moreover, is emerging as an important market sector both in the United States and globally. At the same time this increased demand for high performance buildings has encouraged facility owners, investors and design professionals to reevaluate their position with regard to high performance buildings and the integrated design process. This reassessment of emerging patterns and primary processes on successful high-performance building projects is having a consequential impact on both the private and government sectors.
Many government agencies have started to take a serious approach to sustainability, and in January 2006, a Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed, for which the signatory agencies commit to federal leadership in the design, construction, and operation of High-Performance and Sustainable Buildings. An important component of this strategy is the implementation of prevalent approaches to meet certain requirements relating to various sustainable activities such as planning, siting, designing, and building, operating, and maintaining high performance buildings. The MOU contains a number of guiding principles to be adopted by federal leadership in high performance and sustainable buildings. These incorporate greater detailed guidance on the principles for optimizing energy performance, conserving water, improved IEQ, integrated design, reducing the impact of materials and other issues. Since the signing of the MOU many federal facilities have already succeeded in creating high performance buildings that save energy and reduce the negative impact on the environmental and people throughout the United States.
The Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG), as a subcommittee of the Steering Committee established by Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, initiated development of the guidance to assist agencies in meeting the high performance and sustainable buildings goals of E.O. 13423, Section 2(f). When the December 05, 2008 guidance on high performance federal buildings was originally issued, it included:
• Revised Guiding Principles for new construction
• New Guiding Principles for existing buildings
• Clarification of reporting guidelines for entering information on the sustainability data element (#25) in the Federal Real Property Profile
• Clarification and explanation of how to calculate the percentage of buildings and square footage that are compliant with the Guiding Principles for agencies’ scorecard input
Whether and how this guidance will be impacted by the new national green codes that have been recently issued is not clear.
The latest update is The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) which provides guidance to help agencies comply with the 2016 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings, which were issued by the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) on February 26, 2016.
The FEMP states that there are “Six Guiding Principles apply to existing buildings and new construction or modernization:
• Employ integrated design
• Optimize energy performance
• Protect and conserve water
• Enhance indoor environmental quality
• Reduce environmental impact of materials
• Assess and consider climate change risks.”
These Guiding Principles are used by the Office of Management and Budget to score federal agencies’ progress and compliance within the “Green Buildings” category on the agency’s annual scorecards. It should be noted that the 2016 Guiding Principles (as of February 26, 2016) update and replace the original December 2008 version with the intent to echo the evolution of sustainable building design, construction, and operating practices since the 2008 Guiding Principles, and to better incorporate other building-related Executive Order 13693 requirements. This reflects the Federal government’s commitment to lead by example in curbing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are driving climate change; to this end, President Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13693 on February 19, 2015. It is estimated that the EO will cut Federal GHG emissions by 40% over the next decade from the 2008 levels—saving taxpayers an estimated $18 billion in avoided energy costs—while increasing the share of electricity the Federal Government consumes from renewable sources to 30%.

3.5. Green Project Delivery Systems

Selecting the most appropriate project delivery system will typically be determined by the owner during the concept design phase. Each delivery system has its characteristic advantages and disadvantages depending on the type and size of the project under consideration. Indeed, selection of the right project delivery system is one of the most significant factors that impact a construction project’s ability to succeed. But before making a final determination on the delivery system to be employed, the owner will need to have a proper understanding of the attributes and challenges of the different systems. Project delivery is simply a process by which all of the processes, procedures and components of designing and building a facility are organized and incorporated into an agreement that results in a completed project. The process begins by fully stating the needs and requirements of the owner in the architectural program from concept design to final contract documents. There are a wide range of construction project delivery systems. In this respect, Barbara Jackson, author of Construction Management Jump Start, says “there are basically three project delivery methods: design-bid-build, construction management, and design-build.” Jackson goes on to say, “These three project delivery methods differ in five fundamental ways:
• The number of contracts the owner executes
• The relationship and roles of each party to the contract
• The point at which the contractor gets involved in the project
• The ability to overlap design and construction
• Who warrants the sufficiency of the plans and specifications
Regardless of the project delivery method chosen, the three primary players – the owner, the designer (architect and/or engineer), and the contractor – are always involved.”
Deciding on what project delivery approach is the most appropriate for a given project may be the single most pressing question in many owners’ minds. To attempt to answer this question, the owner must first define and prioritize how to measure the project’s success and choose a project delivery approach that will take the project in that direction. The expectation is that the delivery system chosen will produce the highest quality and most efficient project at the lowest cost and earliest time. But whichever system is chosen, the owner must maintain realistic expectations and not expect perfection as no project delivery approach is perfect nor can any guarantee a perfect project. The project delivery approach that is chosen by the owner will determine the expected trade-off between the owner’s control of the project delivery process and the anticipated risks that come with this decision. Likewise, the owner’s project delivery choice will also govern the amount of involvement, both in time and expertise, required of the owner to make the project delivery successful. This has prompted many owners especially on large or complex projects to engage design and construction professionals as independent advisors to assist them in making informed decisions and meet these demands. While these professionals advise, serve and represent the owner, they should have no other interest in the project other than the protection of the owner. Conflict of interest must be avoided at all costs.

3.6. Traditional Green Design-Bid-Build Project Delivery

In most countries around the world, the traditional Design/Bid/Build (DBB) delivery method has been the approach of choice in both public and private construction projects. It remains the project delivery system that is most widely used today and which is still required by some states. And because of its long history, the design-bid-build method is well understood by the majority of owners, contractors and industry professionals. With this delivery system, risk is minimized through the owner’s control and oversight of both the design and construction phases of the project. The design-bid-build process usually provides the lowest first costs based on submitted tenders, but takes the longest time to execute. However, this method has been somewhat modified in addition to increasing complexity by the inclusion of green/sustainability features into the equation.
Thus, when employing the traditional project delivery system, the owner contracts separately for the design and construction of the project to a planned budget. The owner will typically contract directly with a design professional for complete design of the project including contract documents and professional assistance during the bidding stage. The design professional often provides project oversight and continues to administer the construction phase of the project on behalf of the owner. This involves reviewing shop drawing submittals, monitor construction progress and check payment requests as well as processing contractor RFI’s re the construction documents and addressing change order requests. When the plans and specifications (bidding documents) are complete, they are released for bidding and solicitation of tenders to prequalified contractors. Prequalification requires certain information that facilitates the selection of potential constructors. This information includes proof of past experience in similar work, financial capability, a record of exemplary performance by responsible references and current work in hand to ensure that the contractor is not overloaded.
Allegations of owner favoritism (whether real or perceived) in the selection process can be largely eliminated by allowing all qualified contractors to tender on an equal low-bid basis. The design of the project must be completed prior to contractor bidding and selection. Once the general contractor is selected (normally through a competitive bid process) which in most cases is the lowest acceptable bidder, the owner enters into a separate contract with the general contractor to build the project. This process is generally perceived to be a fair process for contractor selection for the project. Under the design-bid-build project delivery system, the owner retains overall responsibility for project management and all contracts are generally executed directly with the owner. When a lump sum price is agreed to between owner and contractor, the owner can usually rely upon the accuracy of the price and is able with the assistance of the consultant designer to compare submitted bids to ensure that the best contract price has been obtained. It should be noted that there is no legal agreement between the contractor and the designer of record.
The design-bid-build process has several important advantages; e.g., it provides much needed checks and balances between the design and construction phase of the project. It also provides the owner with the ability to provide significant input into the process throughout the project’s design phase. The traditional design-bid-build process also has some disadvantages, the main one being that it is a lengthy and time-consuming process and the owner often has to address disputes that may arise between the contractor and the design professionals due to errors or other unexpected circumstances. With this process the ultimate estimated cost of construction is unknown until bids are finalized, bearing in mind that the system encourages potential change orders which will most likely increase costs. Moreover, there is no builder input during the design process which opens the project to potential change orders. Also, there is zero owner involvement through the bid process and normally the general contractor selects all subcontractors, although generally there is no contractor buy-in to green process and concepts. However, there is always the risk with this system that construction bids exceed the project’s stated budget (because plans and specifications are completed prior to tendering the project), the consequence of which is either being forced to abandon the project altogether or having to redesign it to fit within the available budget. Another important consideration with this type of delivery system is that the owner is normally required to make a significant financial up front commitment in order to have a complete design in hand as part of the contract documents before solicitation of tenders. According to Petina Killiany, Associate Vice President of PinnacleOne, a leading construction consulting firm the design/bid/build approach is generally best suited for projects that meet certain requirements such as:
• The owner desires the protection of a well-understood design and construction process;
• The owner desires the lowest price on a competitive bid basis for known quantity and quality of the project;
• The owner has the time to invest in a linear, sequential, design/bid/build process;
• The owner needs total design control.
Killiany also maintains that there are certain project success factors that owners sacrifice when using the design/bid/build approach which are, “First, because there is no input from the contractor during the design phase, their input is lost on what may provide the best value in the trade-off between scope and quality. The construction contract is usually performed on a lump sum basis, any savings are not returned to the owner. Design/bid/build projects normally do not allow for fast track design and construction, and as a result, can take more time than those delivered by other approaches.” It should be noted that should gaps be discovered between the plans and specifications and the owner’s requirements, or errors and omissions are found in the design, it is the owner’s responsibility to pay to rectify these mistakes.

3.7. Green Construction Management

The ASHRAE Green Guide states that, “The construction manager method is the process undertaken by public and private owners in which a firm with extensive experience in construction management and general contracting is hired during the design phase of the project to assess project capital costs and constructability issues.” This project delivery system is a process by which a “construction manager” is added to the construction team to oversee some or the whole project independent of the construction work itself. The CM’s role and responsibilities should be clearly defined. For example, it can be to oversee aspects of the project such as scheduling, cost control, the construction process, safety, the CxA, bidding, or oversee all aspects of the project until final completion.
Joseph Hardesty of Stites & Harbison PLLC says, “In many ways, the construction management process is not, by itself, a separate construction delivery system but is a resource the owner can use to assist in the construction project. The added cost of a construction manager must be weighed against the benefits this consultant brings to the project. Often, the architect can fulfill the role provided by a construction manager. However, depending upon the degree of sophistication of the owner’s in-house construction staff, and depending upon the complexity of the project, a construction manager can provide an essential element to the construction project.” Hardesty goes on to say, “A construction manager is most useful on a large, complex project which requires a good deal of oversight and coordination. A construction manager is also helpful to an owner who does not have a sophisticated in-house construction team. A construction manager can help the owner control costs and avoid delays on complex projects.”
The two basic types of construction management to consider under this method are: (1) The agency CM and (2) The at-risk CM (sometimes called CM/GC).
1. The agency CM is a fee-based service in which the CM acts as advisor to the owner and is exclusively responsible to the owner and acts on the owner’s behalf throughout the various stages of the project. The owner will separately commission the general contractor and designer of record. With this method the CM basically acts as an extension of the owner’s staff and assumes little risk except for that involved in fulfilling its advisory roles and responsibilities. With this method the general contractor remains responsible for the construction work and still carries out construction management functions relative to their internal requirements for managing the project to completion. However, the agency CM is not at risk for the budget, the schedule or the project’s performance nor does the CM contract with subcontractors.
2. The at-risk CM delivery approach does not differ significantly to the traditional design/bid/build method in that the CM replaces the general contractor in this scenario during the construction phase and commits to delivering the project on time and within a guaranteed maximum price (GMP). The CM holds the risk of subletting the construction work to trade subcontractors and guaranteeing completion of the project for a fixed price negotiated at some point either during or upon completion of the design process. However, unlike design/bid/build, during the development and design phases the at-risk CM’s role is chiefly advise the owner on relevant issues.
It is the duty of the owner to weigh the relative advantages and disadvantages of each construction delivery system prior to beginning the project. Petina Killiany lists some of the at-risk CM advantages over design/bid/build delivery system:
• Because construction can often begin before the design is complete, the overall project duration can be shorter;
• The owner generally gets better estimates of the ultimate cost of the project during all phases of the project;
• The owner benefits from a contractor perspective in making decisions on the trade-offs during the design phase between cost, quality, and construction duration;
• Constructability and design reviews by the contractor prior to bidding often result in better designs and lower trade contractor contingencies and bids;
• The expertise of the CM in pre-qualifying trade contractors helps achieve better performance and workmanship by the trades;
• The architect and contractor working together during the design portion can result in a better team effort after the GMP is established.
However, in some jurisdictions the at-risk CM approach faces the possibility of not being permitted by statute to a public owner. Also, not being a traditional method of delivery, some owners may not fully understand how to successfully implement this method, and as a result, feel forced to rely on the advice of the CM when they should in fact be questioning it. Moreover, the owner should consider the size and complexity of the project, the relative importance of cost or schedule and the in-house expertise the owner has to manage the project before deciding whether this delivery method is appropriate for the project.
It should be noted that when the Project Management/CM is engaged in an advisory capacity the service is totally different, for while project owners can’t totally avoid risks, it is possible to mitigate them to an acceptable level. Richard Sitnik a Senior Project Manager with Pinnacle One says, “When given appropriate responsibility and the ability to provide effective leadership, Project Managers/CMs as Advisors promote project success through informed, experience-based decision making, and well-disciplined and regimented project controls.” Sitnik also opines that the Project Manager/CM as advisor can provide a wide range of services to the owner throughout the design, bidding, negotiation, and construction phase of the project. Below are some of the more pertinent services outlined by Sitnik:
• perform needs assessments
• provide direction on alternate project delivery systems
• assist in the selection of appropriately qualified consultants
• manage governmental agency approvals
• identify and manage risks
• anticipate potential problems before they become costly
• produce master budgets and schedules
• establish project controls
• control costs
• perform quality controls
The greatest value of engaging a Project Manager/CM as Advisor occurs when he/she is engaged very early in the design process to initiate the establishment of controls, including budgets and master schedules. This will not only contribute to greater design efficiency, but also to fewer change orders in the field and less likelihood of surprises to the owner on bid day. The principal role of the Project Management/CM as advisor is to minimize delays, cost overruns, and a failure to meet project objectives. This can be achieved by basically providing the owner with total support and impartial advice and counsel, and guiding the owner to make informed decisions, without comprising the ability to coordinate the multiple agendas and sometimes conflicting interests of the design professionals, contractors, and owners.
On occasion the term “Program Management” is used which is essentially the same service as Project Management/CM as Advisor, the distinction being that Program Management is the term used when applied to large, complex, and multi-project programs. The general benefit to the owner in employing a Program Manager is the expertise and experience these firms bring to the table such as assisting the project owner develop an appropriate overall strategy to manage projects within the program, as building projects may differ in their requirements and method of construction. When Program Managers oversee processes that consist of more than one building, then allocation of the various roles may differ so that e.g., one building/project may comprise of an architect, general contractor, and a Project Manager/CM as Advisor, while a design-builder or at-risk CM may construct another project within the program. However, all construction projects are always likely to contain some risk, and employing a Program Manager and/or a Project Manager/CM as advisor would minimize this risk and should be seriously considered for large or complicated projects, particularly in cases where owner is faced with the risk and responsibility of choosing and implementing a project delivery approach, but lacks appropriate in-house technical capability or who needs an increase in staff when timeframes restrict their use.

3.8. Green Design-Build Project Delivery

There are several definitions of the design-build process. The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) describes this method as “an integrated delivery process that has been embraced by the world’s great civilizations. In ancient Mesopotamia, the Code of Hammurabi (1800 BC) fixed absolute accountability upon master builders for both design and construction. In the succeeding millennia, projects ranging from cathedrals to cable-stayed bridges, from cloisters to corporate headquarters, have been conceived and constructed using the paradigm of design-build.”
One of the distinguishing features of the design-build approach is that there is only one contract, meaning that the owner contracts with one entity (the designer/builder) that will assume responsibility for the entire project, i.e., its design, supervision, construction and final delivery. The selection process usually consists of soliciting qualifications and price proposals from various design/builders, usually teams of contractors and designers, before or during the conceptual design phase of the project. The design-build team is generally led by a contractor (often with a background in engineering or architecture), resulting in the owner issuing a single contract agreement to the contractor, who in turn contracts with a designer for the design. According to Killiany, design-build when permitted is generally suited for projects in which:
• The owner is willing to forego control of design and does not seek a highly complex design program/solution
• The owner can provide a complete definitive set of performance specifications and program for design for the design/builder to serve as the basis for the design/builder’s proposal and the owner’s contract with the design/builder
• The owner has realistic expectations for the end-product and a thorough understanding of risk giving up the control of the design
• The owner desires a fast delivery method and is willing to compensate the design-build team for its assumption of risk for design and construction.

3.8.1. Design-Build Process Basics

Many project owners prefer the design-build project delivery system to the design-bid-build system because it provides a single point of responsibility for design and construction rather than having to contract separately for the design phase and then for the construction with two separate entities which may also be the reason it is gaining popularity as the project delivery system of choice (Fig. 3.7a). Although it has the advantage of removing the owner from contractor and design disputes, it has the disadvantage of eliminating some of the checks and balances that often occur when the design and construction phase are contracted separately. Other disadvantages for the owner include the loss of much of the control of the project that exists under a design-bid-build process, and the owner/architect advisory relationship that exists in the design-bid-build process which sometimes results in the project not meeting the owner’s expectations.
Nevertheless, interacting with a single entity has obvious advantages for the owner, such as easier co-ordination and more efficient time management. The design-build contractor or firm will endeavor to streamline the entire design process, construction planning, obtaining permits, etc. One advantage with the design-build process is the ability to overlap activities so that certain construction activities on parts of the project can begin even before finalization of the design. There are times, when the main contractor may involve other organizations on the project with him, but in such cases too, the contractor will be the one dealing with them and assume responsibility. This overlapping offers flexibility to make changes to the design, while construction is in progress. With the traditional design-bid-build system, this isn’t possible, since construction cannot begin prior to finalization of the blueprints and contract documents (Fig. 3.7b).
According to the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), an organization that defines, teaches and promotes best practices in design-build, recently released research shows that design-build project delivery systems embody close to 40% of the total market share in the United States, based on dollar value at the end of 2012. This represents an 8% increase since 2005. The research also shows that the Military sector clearly dominates design-build project delivery systems with an 81% market share.
Figure 3.7 (a) Graph showing the rising popularity of Design-Build in non-residential construction in the United States over the years. (b) Design-Build Contract Relationships: Documents: AIA Documents A141, Owner/Design-Builder Agreement; A142, Design-Builder/Contractor Agreement; A441, Contractor/Subcontractor Agreement for a Design-Build Project; B143, Design-Builder/Architect Agreement; C141, Owner/Consultant Agreement for a Design-Build/Project; and C441, Architect/Consultant Agreement for a Design-Build Project. Source: (a) Design Build Institute of America (b) American Institute of Architects.

3.8.2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Design-Build

There are several important potential advantages and disadvantages for the numerous parties involved in a design-build contract, especially if all the parties correctly understand the mechanics of the process as it applies to their project. Kenneth Strong and Charles Juliana of Gordon and Rees LLP, lists some of the advantages and disadvantages below:
A. Design-Build Advantages
1. Time Savings: By combining the selection of a designer and a contractor into one step, the design-build method eliminates the time lost in the DBB process. Further, the design-build contractor is able to start construction before the entire design is completed. For instance, the design-build contractor can start excavation as soon as the foundation and utility relocation design has been prepared. Meanwhile, the design professional can continue design work for the rest of the project during excavation.
2. Cost Savings: Potential costs savings can be realized with the design-build system because it has high value engineering capabilities due to the close coordination between the A/E and construction contractor. Construction contractors have direct and real experience with the cost of purchasing and installing materials and, in the design-build system, can share that experience directly with the design professional during the Design Phase of the project. This process has the potential to translate into lower costs which savings can then be passed on to the owner.
3. One Point of Contact: The one point of contact feature for both design and construction is integral to the design-build system. The advantages of this feature are relative - having only one entity to deal with in many instances will outweigh the oversight benefits an owner would otherwise get from contracting separately with a design professional for the project design.
4. Fewer Change Orders: A definite advantage of the design-build system is that an owner can expect far fewer change orders on a design-build project. However, if an owner decides it wants a design change during the design-build project, and, that change is not covered by the defined scope of the project, that would be considered an extra. Still, in the design-build system, the owner is not liable for any errors the design professional makes because the design professional is part of the design-build team.
5. Reduced Risk to the Owner: The shifting of liability for design quality from the owner to the design-build contractor is one of the most significant features of the design-build project delivery system. The advantage to the owner is that it now knows from the outset the cost of that risk. As the design-build contractor is in a better position than the owner to manage and minimize that risk, this is a significant advantage of design-build contracting.
B. Potential Disadvantages to using the Design-Build Method
1. Loss of Control of Project Design: In the design-build system, the shift in responsibility for the design from the owner to the contractor implicitly includes some shift in control. The owner should evaluate the degree to which this loss of control will affect the success of the project. If the owner has specific needs or requirements, it should satisfy itself that it can clearly articulate them in defining the scope of work, or accept the risk that it will have to pay extra to get what it wants via the change order process. Change orders issued to revise scope are not inherently less likely or less expensive in the design-build project delivery method.
2. Less Project Oversight/Control of Quality: As has been discussed, one of the advantages of the design-build concept is the cooperation between the design professional and the construction contractor because they both are part of the same team: the design-build contractor. However, this feature can also be a disadvantage, as the architect is no longer the owner’s independent consultant and is now working with and for the contractor. For owners who do not have their own design-proficient staff, the loss of the architect’s input and judgment may expose them to quality control problems. The owner considering design-build project delivery ignores this issue at its peril. If the owner is one that is used to having the design professional act as its agent, it should make plans to have another entity take that responsibility.
3. Suitability of Design-Build Teams: In the DBB methodology, while public agencies are bound by state law to hire the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for construction work, they have more flexibility in selecting designers for their projects. In other words, DBB public owners are allowed to take into account in the selection of a designer more than simply which candidate offered the lowest price. In design-build, the public owner loses the latitude it had in DBB in selecting a design firm. True, the risk for adequacy of the design has been shifted to the design-build contractor, but that is little solace to an owner if the finished project is structurally sound but operationally deficient.
Other potential challenges or disadvantages include difficulty in pricing the work. It is often difficult to establish a firm price for a project if the design is incomplete which often reflects the situation when the design-build organization is selected. Costly tendering is another issue. Owners are usually expected to pay for the efforts by design-build organizations to formulate their tenders which normally may include preliminary design work in order to be able to present a cost estimate for the project.

3.8.3. Factors That Impact the Decision to Choose Design-Build

Before deciding whether the design-build methodology is the most appropriate delivery system for a given project, the following factors should be taken into consideration:
• Design-build is an appropriate project delivery system for projects that needs to be completed within a tight time frame.
• An important factor that will impact the delivery system selection is the type of project to be constructed. An appropriate candidate for design-build is a project where the performance and form of the finished project is sufficiently described in a scope document. However, the design-build may not be the best method to adopt in a project in which the owner’s needs are very specific and specialized.
• Several cost saving benefits in terms of the budget can be achieved using the design-build system, in addition to cost savings achieved by shifting more cost control responsibility to the contractor. For example a construction contractor may wish to use certain materials and methods that meet the owner’s requirements but were not originally considered by the designer. Any potential cost savings that may accrue from the contractor’s proposed modifications should be passed on to the owner rather than the contactor.

3.8.4. AIA Design-Build Documents

The construction industry has witnessed over recent decades, the steady increase in popularity of the design-build project delivery system on vertical construction projects. Project owners and contractors however, have displayed rising concern that the standard AIA forms of agreement for design build projects did not adequately address their needs. In direct response to these concerns, the AIA decided to completely overhaul the design-build forms of agreement which resulted in the introduction of several completely new forms of agreement and the retirement of the 1996 series (the A191, A491 and the B901) of agreements.
The new agreements include the AIA A141-2014 Agreement Between Owner and Design-Builder (replaces A141TM-2004 which replaces A191-1996); The AIA Document A142-2014 replaces AIA Document A141-2004, Standard Form of Agreement Between Design-Builder and Contractor, and consists of the Agreement portion and four exhibits: Exhibit A, Terms and Conditions; Exhibit B, Insurance and Bonds; Exhibit C, Preconstruction Services; and Exhibit D, Determination of the Cost of the Work. The previous A142-2004 Agreement Between Design-Builder and Contractor (replaces A491-1996); the B142-2004 Agreement Between Owner and Consultant where the owner contemplates using the Design-Build method of project delivery (no 1996 counterpart); the B143-20014 Agreement Between Design-Builder and Architect (which B143-2004 Agreement Between Design-Builder and Architect which in turn replaces B901-1996); the G704-2004 Acknowledgment of Substantial Completion of a Design-Build Project (no 1996 counterpart). The G744-2014, is the Certificate of Substantial Completion for a Design-Build Project. Because of the nature of design-build contracting, the project owner assumes many of the construction contract administration duties performed by the architect in a traditional project. Because there is not an architect to certify substantial completion, AIA Document G744-2014 requires the owner to inspect the project to determine whether the work is substantially complete in accordance with the design-build documents and to identify the date when it occurs. AIA Document G744-2014 is a variation of AIA Document G704-2000 and provides a standard form for the owner to certify the date of substantial completion.
In 2008 the AIA also published AIA Document A441-2008, Standard Form of Agreement Between Contractor and Subcontractor for a Design-Build Project, and AIA Document C441-2008, Standard Form of Agreement Between Architect and Consultant for a Design-Build Project.
C141-2014 (formerly B142-2004), Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Consultant for a Design-Build Project. According to the AIA, the AIA Document C141-2014, provides a standard form for the upfront services an owner may require when considering design-build delivery. The consultant, who may or may not be an architect or other design professional, may perform a wide ranging array of services for the owner, including programming and planning, budgeting and cost estimating, project criteria development services, development of bridging documents, conducting construction, and administration services. AIA Document C141-2014 consists of the agreement portion and one exhibit, Exhibit A, Consultant’s Services. Exhibit A provides a menu of briefly described services that the parties can select and augment to suit the needs of the project. Note: AIA Document B142-2004 expired on December 31, 2015.
It is true that the design-build form of delivery system has several advantages for building owners, yet they have come to realize and understand that with this system, they exercise less overall control in guaranteeing that the owner’s “intent” is clearly articulated and this has been a great cause for concern. From this concern emerged a concept known as “Bridging” which is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 14 (Types of Building Contract Agreements); it is defined as the owner’s means of conveying its intent to the design-build team, and can take on various forms so that the owner can assume a more expansive role, in which the owner can provide much greater input in the design, or alternatively the owner can assume a more restricted role, and simply set forth its intent in a more conceptual form.
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