Encoder theory and techniques – what encoding is and isn't

One of the ways that msfvenom helps us to become effective smugglers is by providing encodersEncoders transform the shellcode bytes into another form using a reversible algorithm; a decoder stub is then appended to the shellcode. Now, you'll often see discussions about encoders and their value for bypassing antivirus protection. It's wise to not get caught up in the dream of encoding your way to undetectable payloads, for a couple of reasons. For one, encoders are really meant to assist with input validation concerns; they aren't intended to bypass AV. Suppose, for example, that you've found an application that takes input from a user. You've discovered through testing that if you overflow the buffer, you can control execution; thus, you set out to actually pass shellcode through the application's user input mechanism.

If the input doesn't allow certain characters, you'll be stuck despite having no bounds checking. This is what encoders are really for. Secondly, and more importantly, the concept of AV evasion with encoders implies that the particular sequence of bytes representing shellcode is all the AV is looking at. As hackers, we should know better. Even simple signature-based antivirus scanners can detect things such as the decoder stub and other hallmarks of Metasploit, BDF, Shellter, Veil, and so on. The more advanced antivirus products on the market today employ far more sophisticated checks: they're sandboxing the code to actually observe its functionality; they're employing machine-learning heuristics; they're gathering little chunks of information on a minute-by-minute basis from millions of endpoints in the wild, where hackers are trying their luck with a variety of methods. I'm sorry to be the one to burst this bubble, but it's best to give up on the dream of a foolproof method for sneaking shellcode past today's antivirus products. I hear someone in the back now: but there was that zero-day malware just last week that wasn't detected by AV, I have a buddy who generated a perfectly undetectable Trojan with msfvenom and BDF, and so forth. I'm not saying AV evasion is dead—in fact, as I demonstrated in this book, it's alive and well. The emphasis is on the word foolproof. The takeaway from this is that you must understand your target environment as well as you can. It's easy to get so caught up in the furious-typing hacking stuff that we forget about good old-fashioned reconnaissance.

But I digress. Let's take a quick look at the x86/shikata_ga_nai encoder and get a feel for how it works. We won't take a deep dive into the encoder's inner clockwork, but this is a good opportunity to review examining the assembly of a Windows executable from within Kali.

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