Extracting credentials with hashdump

In pen testing, you'll do the occasional bit of off-the-cuff magic. Most of the time, however, you'll be relying on simple tried-and-true methods to take small steps elsewhere in the enterprise. One such trick is reusing credentials that you find. I don't care if I find a password under someone's keyboard (yes, people still do that) or after shoulder surfing someone logging into a teller system in a bank – I always know I can be surprised at what that password will get me into. Let me tell you a couple war stories to demonstrate what I mean:

  • I was once on an assessment at a financial institution when I managed to get domain administrator access. I extracted all the hashes from the domain to crack offline. One of the passwords that I recovered in cleartext was for an account called BESAdmin, which is associated with BlackBerry Enterprise. Weeks later, I was at a totally different client, but I noticed during the assessment that their IT services contractor was the same company as the previous client. I found a BESAdmin account there, too. When I got to the third client using the same contractor with another BESAdmin account, I tried to log in with the recovered password and voila – it worked. The convenience of a single password allowed me to effectively compromise a domain administrator account for dozens of companies that used that contractor.
  • I was at another client who managed paid-parking structures. At the entrance of these structures is a small machine that accepts a credit card and prints tickets and receipts. All these XP Embedded machines (about 100 total) check in with a Microsoft SQL database every five minutes. You guessed it: they authenticate with a privileged domain account. I was able to downgrade authentication so that the cracking effort took 45 seconds. That password not only got me into the database and all of the payment machines, but it also got me into a few other systems off the domain.

Both scenarios depict some practices that aren't very secure, but what's interesting is when I present my findings to the IT staff. Most of the time, they are already aware of the implications of these practices! They feel trapped by dated configurations and stubborn management. I've had IT administrators pull me aside and thank me for giving them ammunition to deploy a layer of defense they've been asking for. I think password attacks are very important because of the total value they can provide to a client.

Let's get back to our scenario and depict a similar attack. We're going to use credentials on our pivot point to penetrate deeper into the network. This time, however, we don't have time to crack the password. How can we use a password without cracking it first?

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