Advanced RESTful API Patterns

Every software designer agrees that design patterns, and solving familiar yet recurring design problems by implementing design patterns, are inevitable in the modern software design-and-development life cycle. In general, there are various API design patterns, and in our earlier chapter, we covered a few fundamental RESTful API patterns. We'll delve into few advanced API design patterns in this chapter, as those patterns are necessary for real-time RESTful services and what the software industry needed at this moment.

This chapter is part two of API design patterns; the intention is to cover a number of advanced design patterns, such as versioning, and backend for frontend. Once readers have gone through this chapter, they should know how to implement the following patterns:

  • Versioning
  • Authorization
  • Uniform contract
  • Entity endpoint
  • Endpoint redirection
  • Idempotent
  • Bulk operations
  • Circuit breaker
  • API facade
  • Backend for frontend
Please don't forget to go through the Investor Service code examples and learn the advance pattern implementations as well.
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