Layered systems

In general, a layered system consists of layers with different units of functionality. The essential characteristics of layered systems are that a Layer communicates by means of pre-defined interfaces and communicate only with the layer above or layer below, and the layers above rely on the layers below to it to perform its functions. Layers can be added, removed, modified, or reordered as the architecture evolves. Consider the following diagram of layers:

So, let's start with an example. The REST style allows services to make use of a layered system architecture where we deploy the REST APIs on server A, store data on server B, and authenticate with server C. The client calling the REST API doesn't have any knowledge of the servers the services use:

The REST architectural style suggests services can consist of multiple architectural layers. The layers will have published service contracts or intermediaries. The logic within a given layer cannot have knowledge beyond the immediate layers above or below it within the solution hierarchy.

Intermediaries are the layers present between the client and the server and can be added or removed, more importantly, without changing the interfaces between components.

The intermediaries have the following properties:

  • Intermediaries can be event-driven middleware components to establish processing layers between consumers and services
  • They can be proxies (selected by the client to provide interfaces with data translation services, enhanced performance, or security protections)
  • They can be gateways as well (chosen by the server or the network, and used for data translation, security enforcement, and performance enhancements)

A client may not be able to tell whether it is connected to the services directly with the server endpoint, or to an intermediary before reaching the actual server. Intermediary servers help to attain improved system scalability by having load balancers and shared caches. Layers may also enforce security policies for their calling clients.

It would be helpful for us to understand a few applications of layered systems (design), so let's look at the following points:

  • Enables the service clients to invoke the services; the service that is called by the client doesn't reveal any information about other services it's using to process the client requests. In other words, the service consumer (client) only knows about the service it directly calls and doesn't know about other services consumed by the called service to process its requests.
  • The messages between the client and the server are processed by intermediaries helping to free the clients from the runtime message processing logic and making them unaware of how those messages are processed in other layers as well.
  • It's very critical for stability and scalability to add or remove layers in the layered system without any changes to the service consumers.
  • Request and response messages won't divulge any details to the recipients about which layer the message comes from.

While layered systems bring additional latency and overhead as a drawback, there are trade-offs that are the benefits of layers and layered system designs, as follows:

  • Encapsulates legacy services
  • Introduces intermediaries
  • Limits system complexity
  • Improves scalability
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