Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) is one of the most critical constraints; without addressing it, services cannot be termed RESTful services. However, before we get into the details of HATEOAS, let's get a brief idea about the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) as it is an essential reference and serves as a guide to any RESTful services to follow the HATEOAS constraints.

The RMM is a model developed by Leonard Richardson, and it breaks down the principal elements of the REST approach to Resources, HTTP Verbs, and Hypermedia Controls. The following diagram depicts the RMM's four levels, and those levels are used to grade the APIs; that is, the better the API adheres to these constraints, the higher the scores are:

So, an API is fully qualified to be a RESTful API only when it scores Level-3. We will see more guidelines for how APIs can be RESTful APIs later in this chapter. However, now you know why we touched on the RMM here before we move on to HATEOAS.

Once the client gets the initial response to its resource request from the server, it should be able to move to the next application state by picking up hyperlinks from the same received response.

Let's take an example to explain the preceding statement. Say a client will POST a representation of a new TODO item to the server, then the state of the Task Manager application will change by growing the list of the TODO item and both POST and GET are accomplished via hypermedia links.

Resource representations are shared by sending self-descriptive messages to any identified resources. Then, they change the state of the application, and the client with the received hypermedia links will move to the next application state.

In an HTML browser, GET methods are accomplished by clicking on anchor tags (<a>) that have an HREF attribute, and HREF contains a resource URI. POST methods are achieved by pressing the Submit button within a <form> tag that has an action URI attribute. The anchor (<a>) and form (<form>) tag elements were sent to the client as part of the representation of the client requested resource.

The web contracts (sharing representations) are expressed regarding media types; a client that calls the service would know the media types and how to process the content as well. So the application enables the server to inform the client of possible ways to change its application state via hypermedia.

Some media types work well (in harmony) with the web, and they are called hypermedia formats. The formats that host URIs and links are hypermedia formats.

Plain old XML is not hypermedia-friendly as it doesn't carry the links and protocols.

The following diagram depicts a sample JSON response from a server without and then With HATEOAS (with links and HREFs):

Before we conclude this section, let's have a recap of HATEOAS:

  • HATEOAS means an application state representation (resource) that includes links to related resources. The absence or presence of a link on a page is an essential part of the resource's current state and so is essential for the RESTful APIs.
  • A URI is a differentiator of REST architectural style, and defining the URIs is really critical, as it will be around for a very long time. So it is crucial to evaluate the links (when they change), keeping their future in mind, or put it in a simpler way, the URI should stay the same regardless of the many changes its representations go through. There is an interesting read about this at https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI.html.en; it supports this point in great detail, and we encourage you to have a look.

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