High-quality applications

As discussed, there are I/O device-specific, server-centric, language-oriented, architecture-inspired, and technology-agnostic applications aplenty. Today, most applications are being coded to fulfil the functional requirements identified. With IT being pronounced as the greater business-enabler, evolving business requirements are insisting that IT professionals and professors devise workable ways of incorporating NFRs into the source code. The prominent NFRs include performance, scalability, availability, resiliency, reliability, security, extensibility, accessibility, and modifiability. These QoS and QoE attributes are being mandated to be elegantly embedded in our everyday software applications. There is a new discipline that is emerging and grasping the attention and affection of software engineers and architects—site reliability engineering (SRE); that is, not only business applications and IT systems produced in an agile fashion, but also they have to be designed, developed, debugged, delivered, and deployed in a highly reliable manner. The written goal is to ensure application resiliency and reliable IT infrastructures. Future challenges for IT experts are many and diverse. Building high-quality applications is beset with innumerable difficulties. Scholars and scientists are working overtime to bring forth best practices, knowledge guides, optimized processes, architectural and design patterns, integrated platforms, competent infrastructures, and easy-to-understand and -use procedures to simplify and streamline the production of high-quality software systems.

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