

Home Recording Studio: Build It Like the ProsSecond EditionRod GervaisPublisher and General Manager,Course Technology PTR:Stacy L. HiquetAssociate Director of Marketing:Sarah PanellaManager of Editorial Services:Heather TalbotMarketing Manager: Mark HughesExecutive Editor: Mark GarveyProject and Copy Editor: Marta JustakTechnical Reviewer: Gino RobairInterior Layout: Jill FloresCover Designer: Luke FletcherIndexer: Sharon ShockProofreader: Michael Beady

© 2011 Rod Gervais.

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2010932780

ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-5717-1

ISBN-10: 1-4354-5717-X

eISBN-10: 1-4354-5718-8

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To all five of my children,

I want you to know that I am proud at the sense of drive and ethics you have brought with you into adulthood, and to see you raising your children with those same values (well, those three of you who have children anyway).

I would ask you all to remember that your dreams should not be set aside and forgotten, gathering dust in some chest in your attic, but are meant to be embraced, fed with fuel for their fires, so that you attain (in your lives) any and everything you could ever desire.

The only possible obstacle in achieving this is you. Don’t ever let that be the case.

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