Chapter 11. Myths and Legends

The Internet is a wonderful source of both information and misinformation. You’ll find that a search for a particular item or phrase will return thousands, if not millions, of references. For example, a recent search for the term “acoustics,” using a popular search engine, turned up about 16,500,000 references in a search only lasting 0.13 seconds.

That’s sixteen million five hundred thousand

Now that is amazing.

Just as amazing is that the vast majority of those references probably contain information that’s faulty. Ferreting out what’s real and what’s false can prove to be troublesome to say the least. For example, the error in the calculation for Helmholtz slot resonators that you were reading about in Chapter 9, “Room Treatments,” not only exists in some obscure Web sites, but also at some universities. How’s that for making it tough?

My best suggestion to you, if you want to learn more about acoustics than what you’ve learned in this book, would be for you to buy some of the excellent books on the subject, such as The Master Handbook of Acoustics, by F. Alton Everest.

In addition, there are some excellent Web sites worth visiting, a few of which are hosted by some of the brighter minds in the world. The following are a list of some sites I visit on a regular basis:

Note that the “studiotips” forum is strictly dedicated to acoustics, and the site from John L. Sayers is devoted to studio acoustics and design. The remaining forums have a fairly wide range of material available relating to many different aspects of the recording world, including recording techniques. Just beware of the “Internet experts,” people whose only claim to fame and expertise rests on their ability to post something where everyone in the world can see it.

Some Popular Myths and Legends

What is a myth? The definition that affects us in some manner in acoustics follows:

  • Main Entry: myth

  • Pronunciation: ′mith

  • Function: noun

  • Etymology: Greek mythos

“A thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence.”

Let’s take a walk through some of the more popular myths relating to sound isolation and acoustic treatments making their way across the Internet today.


Are fiberglass (and glass wool-fiber) products carcinogens? Or are they safe materials to use in home studios?

Well, it all depends on who tells the stories.

Background Information

In the early 1990s, it was announced that fiberglass had been classified as a “possible carcinogen,” and that products used in the HVAC industry (such as fiberglass ductboard) could be putting people in danger. This was due to the possibility of small fibers breaking free (from the body of the duct) and entering rooms that were being treated by the HVAC systems. In those rooms, this material could then be taken into the body through the respiratory process and lodge in the lungs. The concern was similar to problems relating to asbestos.

Because I take the well-being of people very seriously, it was immediately announced that unprotected fiberglass ductboard would no longer be allowed on any project—residential or otherwise—that I was involved with. However, the installation of polymer-lined ductboards would be acceptable. This was due to the polymer lining’s ability to hold glass fibers in place.

I followed the track of this investigation throughout the 1990s into the present and offer the following from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC):

“Direct contact with fiberglass materials or exposure to airborne fiberglass dust may irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. Fiberglass can cause itching due to mechanical irritation from the fibers. This is not an allergic reaction to the material. Breathing fibers may irritate the airways resulting in coughing and a scratchy throat. Some people are sensitive to the fibers, while others are not. Fiberglass insulation packages display cancer warning labels. These labels are required by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) based on determinations made by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

1994—NTP listed fiberglass as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” based on animal data.

1998—The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists reviewed the available literature and concluded glass wool to be “carcinogenic in experimental animals at a relatively high dose, by route(s) of administration, at site(s), of histologic type(s) or by mechanism(s) that are not considered relevant to worker exposures.”

1999—OSHA and the manufacturers voluntarily agreed on ways to control workplace exposures to avoid irritation. As a result, OSHA has stated that it does not intend to regulate exposure to fiberglass insulation. The voluntary agreement, known as the Health & Safety Partnership Program, includes a recommended exposure level of 1.0 fiber per cubic centimeter (f/cc) based on an eight-hour workday and provides comprehensive work practices.

2000—The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reported that epidemiological studies of glass fiber manufacturing workers indicate “glass fibers do not appear to increase the risk of respiratory system cancer.” The NAS supported the exposure limit of 1.0 f/cc that has been the industry recommendation since the early 1990s.

2001—The IARC working group revised their previous classification of glass wool being a possible carcinogen. It is currently considered not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Studies done in the past 15 years since the previous report was released do not provide enough evidence to link this material to any cancer risk.”[1]

I also want to reference the following studies, which draw the same conclusions:

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Technical Briefing Paper: “Health Effects from Exposure to Fibrous Glass, Rock Wool or Slag Wool.” Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA, 2002.

National Toxicology Program. Glasswool in Report on Carcinogens, 9th Edition. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Toxicology Program, Research Triangle Park, NC, 2001.

“Man-Made Vitreous Fibres, Special-purpose glass fibres such as E-glass and ‘475’ glass fibres (Group 2B), Refractory ceramic fibres (Group 2B), Insulation glass wool (Group 3), Continuous glass filament (Group 3), Rock (stone) wool (Group 3), Slag wool (Group 3),” VOL.: 81 (2002), International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization, Lyon, France

The above information notwithstanding, there are still those out there, including Web sites, which would appear to be (otherwise) “legitimate” sources of information, that make serious claims to the contrary. Simply put—they are wrong.

My Advice

So, for you, here is my advice when it comes to fiberglass.

When working with any glass fiber products, wear long-sleeved shirts with the collar and sleeves buttoned. Wear a dust mask and safety goggles.

Under normal conditions, once the glass panels are fabric wrapped, the fibers should be contained within.

When work is completed, use a vacuum cleaner to clean up any stray particles. Do not use a broom to clean up fiberglass dust, as this will raise and redistribute a large amount of particles. If available, a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter is the best way to go.

Common sense dictates that you wouldn’t want to dump this stuff in your body, but with a little bit of care, it’s perfectly safe to work with and have in a home environment.

Egg Crates and Other Great Acoustic Treatments

It’s amazing the number of otherwise intelligent people who make comments such as:

“If you want great acoustic treatments for cheap money, use egg crates.”

“If you want great acoustic treatments for cheap money, just stick used carpet on your walls.”

“If you want great acoustic treatments for cheap money, there’s nothing like packing foam, after all—foam is foam.”

“If you want great acoustic treatments for cheap money, put some mattresses up against your walls.”

(You could fill up a book with comments like these.)

Always followed by:

“I know, because I did it, and now my room is perfect.”

Let’s take a minute and examine these claims that they say work.

Although I have never found any test data for mattresses or packing foam, there is test data for egg crates and carpet. Acoustics First Corporation (formerly Alpha Audio) had egg crates tested at Riverbanks back in 1988, and here are the results:

Egg Crates and Other Great Acoustic Treatments
Egg Crates and Other Great Acoustic Treatments
Egg Crates and Other Great Acoustic Treatments
Egg Crates and Other Great Acoustic Treatments

As you can see from the above test report, in the lower frequency ranges in particular, egg crates offer little value for absorption. At best, they can knock down a bit of mid/high frequencies, but this will leave your room muddy in the end.

Figure 11.1 is a side-by-side comparison of the absorption coefficients of egg crates and Auralex 2” Sonomatt Eggcrate-style foam.

Table 11.1. Absorption coefficient comparison between egg crates and Auralex Sonomatt.

1/3 Octave Center Center Frequency

Egg Crates



Variance as Percentage


















































































































[**] Values reported as octave-band absorption coefficients in accordance with ASTM C423.

Note that from 200Hz and down, egg crates offer little or no value for sound absorption. There was some small value at 250, 315, and 400Hz, although you would use three to five times as many egg crates to achieve the same value as the Auralex Product. Again, almost no value from 500 through 800Hz. At 630Hz, they are almost identical, but then the numbers begin to fall off again—with the Auralex product performing nearly two to four times more efficiently than standard egg crates.

Even more telling is the percentage of confidence in the test results themselves. The last page of the report gives the standard ASTM used at the time of the testing of the egg crates. The requirement for uncertainty at 125Hz was 4% and was only 2% for 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 (hertz). The intent of this was to demonstrate that there was a 95% certainty that the test results could be duplicated at this or any other test facility. Yet, the only frequencies that exhibit certainty are the low frequencies, i.e., 125 and 250Hz. The remaining frequencies fail the repeatability requirements for uncertainty. And you have basically no absorption value at 125 and 250Hz.

So the myth is put to bed. Even if the uncertainty factor did not come into play, the more material you place on the wall, the more you suck the mids and highs out of the room, leaving the bass modal issues, which you know are the biggest issues in small rooms.

Even if you got all of the egg crates for free, after the cost of treating them so they would be flame retardant, if you compare the total costs per sabins for performance to achieve the results you require, you’ll find that this is not an effective means of room treatment.

Oh, one other thing regarding egg crates—the people who tell you how great they are will say that part of the reason they actually work better than test results indicate (because they can “hear the difference,” mind you) is due to the fact that they are diffusors as well as absorbers.

Well, you’ve studied the concepts behind diffusors and know that these perfectly symmetrical little egg carriers wouldn’t work well for that purpose (they are very narrow in the band they would diffuse based on their geometry), so you can straighten them out about that if they try to sell you on the subject.


Carpet, when placed on the walls of studios, can attenuate mid and some higher frequencies (the same as it will do on a floor), but is (again) not the answer for low frequencies.

This, too, is coupled with the fact that carpet is not made to be put on walls (with the exception of some Berber carpets that have test data certifying them for that purpose).

Figure 11.2 is from the Carpet and Rug Institute regarding the acoustic value of carpet:

Example 11.2. Noise-reduction coefficient on carpet.

Test Series A-1 Carpet was placed directly on the concrete floor of the test champer.

Test Variables

Pile Weight oz/sy

Pile Height Inches



Identical construction, different manufacturer













Identical construction, different pile surfaces









Pile weight/height relationships in cut pile carpet







Cut nylon

Cut acrylic

Cut wool




Increasing pile weight/height relationships in woven wool loop pile carpet













Increasing pile weight (pile height constant) in tufted loop pile carpet







Lop nylon

Loop wool

Loop wool




Varying pile height (pile weight constant) loop pile with regular back














Varying pile height (pile weight constant) loop pile with foam back














Observations: A-1

  1. Carpet tested in this program, which were laid directly on concrete, had NRCs ranging between .15 and .55.

  2. It was found that when manufacturers met identical specifications, their fabrics have the same NRCs. However, the sound absorption coefficients at individual frequencies varied somewhat.

  3. Cut pile carpet, because it provides more “fuzz”, provides a greater NRC than loop pile construction in otherwise identical specifications.

  4. As pile weight and/or pile height increases in cut pile construction, the NRC may not change substantially.

  5. Increasing pile weight while increasing or holding pile height constant in loop pile construction resulted in sound absorption “topping out” because the surface does not change in absorptivity at higher frequencies.

  6. Increasing pile height while holding pile weight constant in loop pile fabrics results in improvements in absorption. Loop pile carpoets average NRC values of .20 to .35.

  7. Foam backed loop construction resulted in an increased NRC value compared to conventional secondary backed carpet.

Note that the NRC (noise reduction coefficient) for carpet is fairly low, especially when you consider that the only carpet you can put on walls is Berber carpet (or at least those Berber carpets that have been tested and approved). Berber carpet comes under the variable heading “increasing pile weight/height relationships in woven wool loop pile carpet.” Note that the NRC for this carpet is only 30 to 40 or roughly half that of the Auralex Sono-matt, and you still need to think about ease of installation.

Understanding NRC is easy—you take the average sound absorption coefficient measured at four frequencies: 250, 500, 1,000, and 2,000Hz expressed to the nearest integral multiple of 0.05. So it’s easy to see that you aren’t getting any great ratings at those frequencies if your NRC is only 30 to 40.

Next, you need to read this (also from the Carpet and Rug Institute), regarding the placement of carpet on walls:

“Carpet is manufactured for use as a floor covering, and installation on other surfaces, such as walls, is not recommended. Many carpet manufacturers will not assume any liability, real or implied, when carpet is applied on surfaces other than floors.”

Interestingly enough, most insurance companies won’t assume liability either. If you place carpet on walls, and it is determined that it contributed in any way to a fire, that is a perfect opening for your insurance company to walk away from you.

Once again—no low-frequency benefit—and little benefit for what it does provide, especially when you consider the risk at which you are placing yourself.

Packing Foams

We’ve touched on this earlier in the book. These foams are only to be used for what they are made—shipping packaging. They do not attenuate sound the same way that products made specifically for that purpose do. I don’t care what your ears told you—your ears are wrong.

If, after all that’s happened with nightclubs and packing foams in recent years, anyone still wants to use these in their room(s), they must be crazy. Once again, your insurance company will drop you like a hot potato, and you can forget about collecting for a fire if that product is installed and contributed to a fire in any way.

Go back to Chapter 9 if you have any questions remaining and re-read the information there relating to foam products.


Yup, some people absolutely swear by these for use in studios as bass traps. They also make claims that they will help you big-time with sound isolation.

First, as you well know by now (having read the book to this point), isolation requires mass, which is sorely lacking from a mattress. Low-frequency attenuation requires mass and air, only one part (of which) is provided by a mattress. Mattresses will treat mid- and high-frequency transmissions (seem to be seeing a trend here with that), but, once again, the biggest problem in your rooms is going to be low-frequency modal and non-modal activities.

Second, safety is an issue again. Although these won’t take to flame quite the same way as packing foam, they will smolder for a long time before a fire actually takes off. You could well have a fire start in a mattress and not know it for hours after it began.

As always, because the acoustic benefits you might get from the material aren’t really helping you where you need it (as well as weighing in the safety factor), don’t even bother heading in this direction.

Please Buy Our “Soundproofing” Materials

Beware of companies selling “soundproofing” foams, fiberglass, insulation, etc. There are a fairly large number of companies out there that advertise what are actually sound attenuation products as “soundproofing.” Because they don’t have a clue what their product really is, or how to market it properly, I have serious concerns about whether they produced a product worth purchasing. Let the buyer beware.

Close Is Good Enough

This is the area where people get caught. And it is a costly mindset for someone trying to achieve isolation.

The details outlined in this book are there for a reason; they ensure that you make it from point “A” to point “B.” They are not there to cost you additional monies, but rather to ensure that failures due to the “human factor,” and possible deficiencies in materials, do not come back to haunt you in the end.

Thus, in a perfect world, a single layer of acoustic caulk would ensure that there would be no sound leakage through the perimeter of a wall assembly, and yet in here I recommend a caulk joint at each layer of drywall on the edges. The intent of this redundancy is a backup to cover the human factor or a product deficiency.

Let’s examine both of those for a moment.

The Human Factor

Human performance has certain capabilities and limitations that affect the outcome of work produced. When human beings make an error, they will assess the work and make a determination that the error is either acceptable or not acceptable. For example, a piece of drywall cut partly out of a square would be typically viewed as being acceptable, whereas a piece of wood trim (intended for a clear finish) not fitting properly would generally be viewed as being not acceptable. These decisions are easy to make, because in one case the drywall joint will be taped over and thus covered up, while the wood trim will be exposed for all to see.

Therein lies part of the problem.

People tend to view things that aren’t seen in the finished product as being not quite as important as the finished product itself. I’ve witnessed this time and time again during my many years in the construction industry. For example, there are framing carpenters who believe that framing doesn’t have to be cut perfectly square and tight-fitting because it gets covered up and you never see it. There are trim carpenters who don’t worry about painted trim fitting like it was cut with a razor blade, because the painters can just caulk the joint when they finish it. No one will know or see it in the finished product.

After all, close is good enough.

The fact is, especially in the case of sound-isolating construction, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s this mentality that is the cause for walls that were designed with a particular isolation in mind to actually have field ratings of 20dB less or worse. This happens in more cases than one might believe.

But what the heck, close is good enough.

How does one take the human equation out of the picture? Through the use of redundancy. You think “redundancy” because the odds of a person getting sloppy, making a mistake in exactly the same location, in the same exact manner, in an additional application, are pretty slim. They may very well get sloppy—they may very well make a mistake—but it will not be in the exact same location.

So, having workers stagger the joints in each and every layer of drywall protects you from bad seams. Making them caulk each and every edge of those layers moves any areas of imperfection around the perimeter, with good joint areas protecting weak ones. While we’re on the subject of good caulk joints versus weak caulk joints, let’s look at the issue of product deficiency. I wish I had a dime for every time I’ve seen a caulk joint fail. Sometimes, they failed based on sloppy workmanship, and sometimes they failed when the workmanship was perfect.

Product Deficiency

Every product manufactured goes through a QC (Quality Control) process, and all of those QC processes have tolerance ranges, which are the maximum/minimum size, amount of chemical additive, etc. that can be used in the process prior to the product developing a failure. For an engine, it might be the max/min piston diameter vs. the max/min cylinder diameter. So, if the cylinder diameter is below the minimum allowable, then the max diameter piston won’t fit within the chamber. By the same token, if the cylinder is over the maximum limit, then the smallest allowable piston might not create enough compression for the engine to operate properly.

The same goes with the chemical compounds that create the bonding capacities with caulk. There are very small variances allowed in the mixing process that will maintain the bonding and curing capacity of the products. But, if the ratios of the mixture are outside of these, the caulk will fail.

So what happens when we take the human factor into consideration with the QC process in these manufacturing plants? Someone in QC decides that an additional Product Deficiency of an inch (beyond allowable tolerance) isn’t enough of a variance to throw out a run of 10,000 pistons, which end up being installed in some engines where the cylinders were at the maximum allowable tolerance—and you just bought yourself a lemon that never runs right.

In the case of caulk, someone in the QC process decides than an additional Product Deficiency of an ounce of a particular chemical (beyond design tolerance) isn’t enough of a variance to justify throwing away 10,000 tubes of caulk—and you just bought some tubes that are going to fail.

But what can you expect, after all—close is good enough.

What makes this interesting is that it isn’t generally 100% of the run that’s out of tolerance. If the tolerance at the beginning of the run were right at the edge when that particular lot was being produced, then maybe only 5 to 8% are out of tolerance. If that were the case, would you throw away stock knowing that anywhere from 92 to 95% of the stock was good? Well, some people in QC would and some wouldn’t. (I know this for a fact because my father used to work in QC and forever had people angry with him because he would reject an entire lehr of glass bottles because they slipped over the allowable tolerances. People would say to him, “If ‘so and so’ had inspected this, he would have let it go out,” to which Dad would reply, “Then maybe you should have had him inspect it, but it isn’t going out with my stamp on it.”

So you pick up 100 tubes of caulk at your local lumberyard, 5 cases from that same lot, and anywhere from 5 to 8 tubes are going to have joint failures. Let me clarify this by saying that I am not telling you that for every case of caulk you buy you are going to have five to eight tubes of bad caulk. This is just an example of what could happen with a bad lot that slipped through the QC process.

How does one take product failure out of the equation? Once again (in the case of caulk)—redundancy. If you caulk only one layer of drywall, then any failure of the caulk joint affects you directly. But calking each and every edge of those layers moves any areas of imperfection around the perimeter, with good joint areas protecting weaker ones.

Trust me, invest the money and go the extra mile. It is that commitment to excellence that is going to guarantee success rather than failure.

Trust Me—I Really Have Heard It All

I don’t know why, but I still find myself amazed every time I hear people spouting the same incorrect data, it seems like someone, somewhere, would finally get it right, but the misinformation on the Internet just seems to continue to make its rounds—almost as if it had a life all its own.

People claim that you can get great (cheap) isolation by putting carpet down, plywood over that, then a layer of gypsum drywall, another layer of plywood, and then finishing off with some pad and carpet (a great recipe for creating a feeding ground for mold, mites, and insect infestation). Others who say that loosely hanging a sheet of drywall at a slight angle in front of an existing wall will create an isolating panel that will increase the TL value of your wall. They tell you to make sure to put some fluffy insulation in between the existing drywall and the new floating sheet (no studs because it just rests against the base of the wall and a wood molding at the top) so that it not only acts as an isolator but also as a bass trap. Of course, they can’t tell you how it will perform, just that they did it and they “know it’s fantastic.”

And with the misinformation come the “acoustic experts” that start up companies. They are the people who sell isolation products that (when installed in accordance with their directions) take walls that were constructed in accordance with the building codes and turn them into walls that no longer conform to the code.

One company I found has products that require you to remove the drywall and then create their version of a staggered wall. (I will not mention a name here, just the concept, if you run across anyone selling products like this, run like the wind).You do this by building out every other stud so that your new drywall is bridging the studs in between without touching them.

Not a bad concept, but it does pose a problem. The Building Code (at least here in the States, you should verify the requirements in your own country if you don’t live here) has requirements for the fastening of drywall for both bearing and nonbearing walls. The Code reference is to a document entitled GA-216, which is a publication from the Gypsum Association that outlines the standards for the installation of drywall. It covers everything from one-layer walls to multilayered walls, from mechanically fastened to laminated panels.

One of the things it does is to specify the maximum stud spacing for walls receiving drywall panels. These requirements are dependent on the wall type (bearing/nonbearing), whether the wall is wood or metal studs, and what the thickness of the drywall is.

There are situations where the maximum stud spacing is 12”. Other times it is 16”, and almost as often (as 16”) it is 24”. But it is never more than 24”.

Because the vast majority of studs are spaced either 24” or 16” on center, that means that under the best of circumstances (with a wall framed 16” on center) your connections would be on 32” centers to use this product as designed by the manufacturer.

This is a code violation, but they never mention this on their Web site.

In addition to that, I spoke with a person who was almost a client of theirs (they claim almost magical improvements when their product is used), and they told him this would help him to stop the noise coming from his next-door neighbor’s apartment. Which means they were not only telling him to take a perfectly legal wall assembly apart to create the code violation I noted above, but also to create another code violation by modifying a rated, tested fire-separation assembly that is required under the code.

In some states doing this would actually be a criminal act. (Connecticut is one of those states.) And in most states doing this could lead to criminal charges if the act created a situation where a fire broke through the wall and someone was injured (or died) in part or whole due to the act of destroying the fire barrier.

Another problem that could arise due to this is the possibility that the wall in question may well be a shear wall required as a part of the engineering to help hold the building up when faced with strong winds or seismic events.

This may or may not be an issue in single family homes (depending on the size of the home and it’s location), but it is very commonplace for this technique to be used in apartment buildings, and quite often the walls in question are the party walls separating apartments from each other, or from hallways.

The company in question is obviously a start-up deal from a group of people who thought they had a good idea and figured it had to work. Heck, they might even have paid to have it tested acoustically. (The acoustical lab doing the testing doesn’t worry about code issues. You ask them to test something, they test it, you pay them, and you get the report, but none of that makes it code compliant, or safe.)

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Make it a point to check with a building official, an architect, or an engineer before you start tearing something apart because some company told you that their product would work.

These are just a couple of examples of things to walk away from. Just remember that for every real company out there, there are a dozen that do not have a clue.

The Final Word on Myths

The bottom line here is: “Beware the Acoustical Myth.”

There are a lot more fallacies and misconceptions in acoustics than could be presented in this chapter. In fact, an entire book could be devoted to the subject, but hopefully, you get the idea.

The examples given in this book are intended to help you avoid some specific problems (or concerns) with your studio design and construction. They are an attempt to illustrate the dangers in believing everything you see or read. Whether you read it in a magazine or on some Web site on the Internet, stick with what’s tried, true, and tested. You’ll never be sorry you did.

Anytime an acoustical myth can be identified and replaced with a little common sense or objective proof, acoustics as a science becomes less mysterious, and one less acoustical “truth” will be preached as gospel.



IARC Monographs Programme Re-evaluates Carcinogenic Risks From Airborne Man-Made Vitreous Fibres, Press Release No. 137, 24 October 2001, International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization, Lyon, France.


Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories, Sound Absorption Test RAL®–A88-80, 28 March 1988, reprinted with permission of Acoustics First Corporation.


Documented by Dr. Krammer, Ph.D., Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.


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