
Shortly after the release of the first edition of this book, I set up an email site for those who might want to comment on the book. One of the things I asked my readers was for them to send along a wish list of things they might want to see added in a future edition.

Although I am not going to include everything that was requested (one example being adding construction terminology to the Glossary), I have made some major changes to this edition.

I’ve made minor revisions to Chapter 1, “Getting Started.”

In Chapter 4, “Floor, Wall, and Ceiling Construction Details,” I have added some wall isolation details, a method of isolation for floors that I developed after the original book, details for typical garage installation, and a number of details you asked for. I have also included some information on concrete and masonry structures for our friends overseas, who don’t work with wood as much as we do here in the States.

In Chapter 6, “Electrical Considerations,” I’ve added quite a bit of material, including low-voltage wiring, LED lighting, and various wiring methods.

Chapter 7, “HVAC Design Concepts,” includes additional details covering duct linings and methods of isolation chamber design.

Chapter 8, “Room Testing,” has been rewritten in its entirety and now features the RPlusD software package from Acousti Soft, Inc. This is the same company that produced the EFT Software reviewed in the first edition. I would also point out that Doug Plumb assisted me in writing this chapter and did the final review to make certain it represented his product accurately.

In Chapter 9, “Room Treatments,” I added various DIY treatments.

In Chapter 10, “Putting It All Together,” you’ll find additional details to help you find your way.

All the remaining chapters will be unchanged.

Again, I tried to hold true to the original concept of the book, which included no math-heavy problems to deal with and a hands-on approach to the people who only want to “get it done” so they can make their music.

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