Appendix . Online Tools

Folks, you were promised from the very start of this book that you would not have to do any real math in order to build your studio. As I worked my way through the book, I realized that this would be more difficult than I imagined unless you were provided with the tools you needed to accomplish this.

The available tools were written by me (the author); Brian Ravnaas, the head of engineering at Audio Alloy; and Jeff D. Szymanski, PE, the former head of engineering at Auralex Acoustics. If you want a copy of any (or all) of these tools, simply shoot a quick email to and let me know what you’re looking for. I will happily send you what you need.

My personal thanks to both Brian and Jeff for their efforts in this regard. They constantly give of themselves at Internet Web sites to help people understand acoustics more clearly. Their assistance in putting together the toolkit for this book just shows again their devotion to both the field of acoustics and to you, the readers.

The available tools include the following files:

  • Panel Absorber.xls, a simple calculator for a narrowband panel trap, written by the author.

  • Fmsm_calc_RG.xls, a calculator to determine the Mass Air Mass frequency of various wall assemblies you might consider constructing, written by Brian Ravnaas.

  • OC 703-705.xls, a spreadsheet of the Owens Corning 703/705 line of rigid insulation for use with some of the toolbox tools. Please build on this for your use, provided by the author.

  • TLmodeler_mini_RG.xls, a neat little tool for analyzing Transmission Loss data in wall assemblies, written by Brian Ravnaas.

  • HelpTLmodeler_mini.pdf, a help file for use with the preceding tool.

  • Sabin - RT60 calculator.xls, a simple calculator for determining your future room’s RT60, both empty and after treatments, and a good tool for helping you develop a treatment budget during the design process, written by the author.

  • HVAC Calculator.xls, a calculator to determine sensible and latent HVAC loads in your studio, written by the author.

  • Quadratic Diffusor.xls, a calculator for “Well-Type Quadratic Diffusors,” ranging to prime 31. Includes a side view and inverted 3D view of your diffusor, written by the author.

  • Resonance_toolbox.xls, this is a great little tool by Brian Ravnaas that calculates single-panel isolation values based on Mass law, and also includes a modulus and critical-frequency calculator for free panels, a bound panel resonance calculator, and a multi-layer panel stiffness calculator.

  • Helmholtz Calculator.xls, called “Helmholtz Calculator,” a simple calculator for slat-type Helmholtz traps, written by the author.

  • Room Mode Calculator.xls, called “Room Mode Calculator,” written by Jeff D. Szymanski, PE, this is probably the best room mode calculator I have ever worked with. If you want to calculate it, this tool gives it all to you.

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