126 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Table 5-7 User information
5.3.3 Defining the directory and port configuration
We now list the EWLM components’ installation directory, working directory, and port
Table 5-8 shows our directory configuration. For this setup we used the default installation
directory. An EWLM working directory is required when you issue the EWLM configuration
and startup commands like createDM.sh, createMS.sh, changeCC.sh, and startMS.sh. The
working directory should not exist before creating the domain manager or the managed
server and must be provided as an absolute path. Refer to 2.3, “Virtualization Engine suite”
on page 22, 2.4, “EWLM configuration in our ITSO environment” on page 32 and 2.5,
“Installing the domain manager on other operating systems” on page 50 for more information.
Table 5-8 Directory configuration
Purpose Host name User name
Installing and configuring EWLM domain manager and
EWLM managed servers
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com root
ewlm1.itso.ibm.com Administrator
ewlm2.itso.ibm.com Administrator
ewlm3.itso.ibm.com root
ewlm4.itso.ibm.com root
Running WebSphere Application Server process on the
domain manager
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com root
Running domain manager process on the domain
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com root
Administering WebSphere Application Server on the
domain manager
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com ibmewlm
Running managed server process on the managed
ewlm1.itso.ibm.com userid00
ewlm2.itso.ibm.com userid01
ewlm3.itso.ibm.com root
ewlm4.itso.ibm.com root
Administering EWLM domain using the EWLM Control
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com ewlmadm
Operating EWLM domain using the EWLM Control
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com ewlmops
Monitoring EWLM domain using the EWLM Control
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com ewlmmon
Description Host name Directory name
EWLM domain manager
installation directory
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com /opt/IBM/VE/EWLM
EWLM domain manager working
ewlmdm1.itso.ibm.com /opt/EWLMDM
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