172 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Figure 6-11 Security context and boundaries
The following sections describe which actions are already in place when you install EWLM
and what steps are required to further protect the EWLM data travelling across the different
domain boundaries:
? Browser to Control Center
? Control Center to domain manager
? Domain manager to managed servers
? Domain manager and load balancer (discussed in “EWLM and workload balancing
overview” on page 188)
6.2.1 Browser to Control Center
Figure 6-12 on page 173 shows an EWLM user logging into the Control Center through the
browser via a secure login.
In this portion of the data exchange, EWLM performs SSL encryption of the conversation to
protect the content of the data between the browser and the Control Center, and the Control
Center application performs authentication of the user by verifying that the userid and
password logging in are defined and valid to the application.
Note: Once you establish your certificates, remember to set up file system protections to
limit access to the keystore file. After the configuration is established, access should be
limited to the user ID under which the Control Center’s server instance runs.
Operating System
User accounts
User account
Operating System
User account
User account
Chapter 6. Using a firewall and securing EWLM 173
For the authentication of the users, and before this login can happen, someone—typically the
system administrator responsible for installing and configuring EWLM and for managing its
users—must establish the user in the user registry and add the user to a Control Center role.
Your Control Center site has been already created using the createDM command, which
creates the Control Center along with the domain manager. For i5/OS, the createCC shell
command creates the Control Center. In both cases, the command establishes the userid
passed in the adminUser parameter as an administrator for the WebSphere Application
Server instance established for the site.
Figure 6-12 Communication between the browser and the Control Center
If we look at the SSL connection, EWLM establishes an SSL connection between the browser
and the Control Center, initially using a default pair of public/private keys.
When you log in to the Control Center (for example, in our configuration using the initial port
20003), you notice that EWLM immediately routes your connection on the SSL port 20004
and the conversation becomes SSL-encrypted from there on.
Also, when you perform the initial log in from your browser, you receive a security alert during
the sign-on process to ask you to accept the default certificate, as shown in Figure 6-13.
User account
Operating System
174 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Figure 6-13 Security Alert at login
For your installation, we suggest that the EWLM administrator configure EWLM for Server
SSL and use a certificate authority to create and install the certificate on the browser. In our
configuration, after we created a default login, we acquired a secure (non-default)
public/private keypair and used the changeCC command to configure EWLM to use the keypair
for Server SSL between the Control Center and the browser. Your installation can use the
same procedure we used in our environment, or you can use a certificate authority to create
certificates instead of using the public/private keypair.
Here are the tasks required to change from a default security setting:
? Create a keystore.
? Install the keystore in WebSphere.
? Trust the new certificate.
Create a keystore
We used the Java SDK tool to generate a certificate with our new key. As we mentioned
previously, this step is probably not going to take place in your installation. Most likely this will
be replaced by simply acquiring a key/certificate from a certificate authority.
As shown in Example 6-9, in our configuration we generated the keystore ks and stored it in
the /home/ibmewlm directory. This directory has limited access to ensure security of the
Example 6-9 Keystore creation
[ibmewlm@ewlmdm1 ibmewlm]$ pwd
[ibmewlm@ewlmdm1 ibmewlm]$ keytool -genkey -alias ewlmdm1 -keyalg RSA -keystore ks
-validity 365
Enter keystore password: 111111
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: ewlmdm1
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: itso
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: IBM
Chapter 6. Using a firewall and securing EWLM 175
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: Poughkeepsie
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: NY
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is <CN=ewlmdm1, OU=itso, O=IBM, L=Poughkeepsie, ST=NY, C=US> correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <ewlmdm1>
(RETURN if same as keystore password): 111111
As a result of this command, the keystore ks has been successfully created. The next step is
to switch the EWLM from using the default key to the key provided in the certificate just
Install the keystore in WebSphere
When you issue the changeCC command, you need to specify the level of security, in our case
adminDefined instead of the default ewlmDefined, and the keystore name, location, and
password. With this command, the keystore will be installed in the Control Center WebSphere
Example 6-10 ChangeCC command to enable security
[ibmewlm@ewlmdm1 bin]$ ./changeCC.sh -sslSecurity /opt/EWLMDM/ -adminUser ibmewlm -adminPW
111111 -level adminDefined -keystore /home/ibmewlm/ks -keystorePW 111111
Processing changeCC -sslSecurity request. Please be patient as this may take
a while...
...processing 33% complete:
...processing 66% complete
If the WebSphere instance was active at the time, the changeCC command restarts the
WebSphere instance after the keystore information has been updated. If the WebSphere
instance was not active when the changeCC command was issued, then the WebSphere
instance is updated such that the next time it is started, it will use the new keystore
Trust the new certificate
This section is not needed if the certificate is from a certificate authority that the Web browser
already trusts (such as Verisign). The only time you need to trust the certificate is when it is
not currently in your Web browser’s truststore.
The first time you access the Control Center from a browser, you still receive the Security
Alert warning shown in Figure 6-14, but this time only the first item should have a warning
symbol because now the certificate should match the name of your Control Center site.
176 IBM Enterprise Workload Manager
Figure 6-14 Securing warning after certificate installation
If you click View Certificate you will receive the Certificate shown in Figure 6-15, which gives
you the opportunity to launch the wizard to install the Certificate on your workstation.
Figure 6-15 Certificate
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