List of figures, table and case studies


1.1. Futures are not linear 5

1.2. The passing of technologies 8

2.1. Traditional publishing model 49

2.2. Library content mix 51

2.3. Independent libraries 54

2.4. Centralised libraries 55

2.5. Networked libraries 56

3.1. Rear vision mirror 62

3.2. Publishing business model elements 71

3.3. Publishing business model flows 72

3.4. Publishing business model alternatives 73

3.5. Publishing business model alternatives: 2 74

4.1. Axes of uncertainty 82

4.2. What could be 83

4.3. Axis shifting 84

4.4. Library axes 85

4.5. Libraries and learning 86

4.6. Library axes and time shifting 87

4.7. Emerging library scenarios 88

5.1. Traditional publishing model 101

5.2. Classic change cycle 102

5.3. Same thinking 105

6.1. Paradigm targets 122

8.1. How 3.6 zettabytes of data get consumed 144


9.1. Attributes of scenario outcomes 169

Case Studies

1. A major Hong Kong university library 157

2. A major Australian university library 162

3. CAVAL Ltd, Melbourne, Australia 170

4. SOLINET scenarios 173

5. Public library 180

6. The possible world of library consortia 184

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