AAPOR American Association for Public Opinion Research
ACASI Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview
ACS The American Community Survey
AHEAD Assets and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old
ANES American National Election Studies
BCS British Crime Survey
CAI Computer-Assisted Interviewing
CAPI Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews
CARI Computer-Assisted Recording of Interviews
CASRO Council of American Survey Research Organizations
CATI Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews
CE Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey
CHI Contact History Instrument
CHUM Check for Housing Unit Missed
CPS Current Population Survey
CSP Client-side Paradata
ESOMAR European Society for Opinion and Market Research
ESS European Social Survey
FRS Family Resources Survey
GSS General Social Survey
HINTS Health Information National Trends Study
HRS Health and Retirement Study
IAB Institute for Employment Research
IVR Interactive Voice Response System
KPI Key Performance Indicators
LAFANS Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Study
LCL Lower Control Limits
LFS Labour Force Survey
LISS Dutch Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences
LMU Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
NHEFS The NHANES Epidemiologic Follow-up Study
NHIS National Health Interview Survey
NSDUH National Survey of Drug Use and Health
NSFG National Survey of Family Growth
NSHAP National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project
NSR Non-self Representing
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PASS Panel Study of Labour Market and Social Security
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PSU Primary Sampling Units
RDD Random Digit Dial
RECS Residential Energy Consumption Survey
RMSE Root Mean Squared Error
RO Regional Office
SCA Survey of Consumer Attitudes
SCF Survey of Consumer Finances
SHS Survey of Household Spending
SPC Statistical Process Control
SQC Statistical Quality Control
SR Self-Representing Areas
UCL Upper Control Limits
UCSP Universal Client Side Paradata
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