University of Maryland and IAB/LMU


Good quality survey data are hard to come by. Errors in creating proper representation of the population and errors in measurement can threaten the final survey estimates. Survey methodologists work to improve survey questions, data entry interfaces, frame coverage, sampling procedures, respondent recruitment, data collection, data editing, weighting adjustment procedures, and many other elements in the survey data production process to reduce or prevent errors. To study errors associated with different steps in the survey production process, researchers have used experiments, benchmark data, or simulation techniques as well as more qualitative methods, such as cognitive interviewing or focus groups. The analytic use of paradata now offers an additional tool in the survey researcher's tool box to study survey errors and survey costs. The production of survey data is a process that involves many actors, who often must make real time decisions informed by observations from the ongoing data collection process. What observations are used for decision making and how those decisions are made are currently often outside the researchers’ direct control. A few examples: Address listers walk or drive around neighborhoods, making decisions about the inclusion or exclusion of certain housing units based on their perceptions of the housing and neighborhood characteristics. Field managers use personal experience and subjective judgment to instruct interviewers to intensify or reduce their efforts on specific cases. Interviewers approach households and conduct interviews in idiosyncratic ways; doing so they might use observations about the sampled households to tailor their approaches. Respondents answer survey questions in settings unknown to the researcher but which affect their responses; they might be interrupted when answering a web survey, or other family members might join the conversation the respondent is having with the interviewer. Wouldn't we like to have a bird’s eye view to know what was going on in each of these situations? What information does a particularly successful field manager use when assigning cases? Which strategy do particularly successful interviewers use when recruiting respondents? What struggles does a respondent have when answering a survey question? With this knowledge we could tweak the data collection process or analyze the data differently. Of course, we could ask each and every one of these actors involved, but aside from the costs of doing so, much of what is going on is not necessarily a conscious process, and might not be stored in a way that it can be easily recalled (Tourangeau et al., 2000).

At the turn of the twenty-first century much of this process information became available, generated as a by-product of computer-assisted data collection. Mick Couper referred to these data as “paradata” in a presentation at the Joint Statistical Meeting in Dallas (Couper, 1998). Respondents in web surveys leave electronic traces as they answer survey questions, captured through their keystrokes and mouse clicks. In telephone surveys, automated call scheduling systems record the date and time of every call. In face-to-face surveys, interviewers’ keystrokes are easily captured alongside the interview and so are audio or even video recordings of the respondent--interviewer interactions. Each of these is an example of paradata available through the computerized survey software.

Some survey organizations have collected such information about the data collection process long before the rise of computer-assisted interviewing and the invention of the word paradata. However, a rapid growth in the collection and use of paradata can be seen in recent years (Scheuren, 2005). It is facilitated first, by the increase in computer-aided data collection around the world, second, by the increasing ease with which paradata are accessed, and third, by an increasing interest among survey sponsors in process quality and the quantification of process errors. Thus, while process quality and paradata are not new, a more structured approach in choosing, measuring, and analyzing key process variables is indeed a recent development (Couper and Lyberg, 2005). This book takes this structured approach and provides a summary of what we know to date about how paradata should be collected and used to improve survey quality, in addition to introducing new research results.

The chapters in the first part of this book review the current use of paradata and make general suggestions about paradata design principles. The second section includes several case studies for the use of paradata in survey production, either concurrently or through post hoc evaluations of production features. Chapters in the last section discuss challenges involved in the collection and use of paradata, including the collection of paradata in web surveys.

Before reading the individual book chapters, it is helpful to discuss some common definitions and to gain an overview of the framework that shaped the structure of this book and the write-up of the individual chapters.


There is no standard definition in the literature of what constitutes paradata. Papers discussing paradata vary in terminology from one to another (Scheuren, 2000; Couper and Lyberg, 2005; Scheuren, 2005; O’Reilly, 2009), but for the purpose of the book we define paradata as additional data that can be captured during the process of producing a survey statistic. Those data can be captured at all stages of the survey process and with very different granularities. For example, response times can be captured for sets of questions, one question and answer sequence, or just for the answer process itself.

There is some debate in the literature over how paradata differ from metadata. Metadata are often described as data about data, which seems to greatly overlap with our working definition of paradata. Let us step back for a moment and consider an analogy to digital photography which may make the paradata--metadata distinction clearer. Digital information such as the time and day a picture was taken is often automatically added by cameras to the file. Similarly, the lens and exposure time and other settings that were used can be added to the file by the photographer. In the IT setting, this information is called metadata or data about data.

Paradata are instead data about the process of generating the final product, the photograph or the survey dataset. In the photography example, the analogy to paradata would be data that capture which lenses were tried before the final picture was taken, information about different angles the photographer tried before producing the final shot, and the words she called out before she was able to make the subject smile.

In the digital world, metadata have been a common concept for quite a while. In the social sciences, the interest in metadata is newer but heavily promoted through efforts like the Data Documentation Initiative or DDI (, which is a collaboration between European and U.S. researchers to develop standards for social science data documentation. Metadata are the core of this documentation and can be seen as macro-level information about survey data; examples are information about the sampling frame, sampling methods, variable labels, value labels, percentage of missing data for a particular variable, or the question text in all languages used for the survey. Metadata allow users to understand the structure of a dataset and can inform analysis decisions.

Paradata capture information about the data collection process on a more micro-level. Some of this information forms metadata if aggregated, for example, the response rate for a survey (a piece of metadata) is an aggregated value across the case-level final result codes. Or, using the examples given above, time measurements could be aggregated up to become metadata. Paradata that capture the minutes needed to interview each respondent or even the seconds it took to administer a single question within the survey would become the metadata information on the average time it took to administer the survey.


Paradata are not the only source of additional data used in survey research to enrich final datasets and estimates. Researchers also use what they call ‘auxiliary data’, but the definition of this term has not quite been settled upon. The keyword auxiliary data has been used to encompass all data outside of the actual survey data itself, which would make all paradata also auxiliary data. Also contained under auxiliary data are variables from the sampling frame and data that can be linked from other sources. The other sources are often from the Census or American Community Survey, or other government agencies and private data collectors. They are typically available on a higher aggregate level than the individual sampling unit, for example, city blocks or block groups or tracts used for Census reports or voting registries. Unlike paradata, they tend to be fixed for a given sampling unit and available outside of the actual data collection process. A typical example would be the proportion of minority households in a given neighborhood or block according to the last Census.

Paradata, as we define them here, are not available prior to data collection but generated within, and they can change over the course of the data collection. A good example is interviewer experience within the survey. If the sequence of contact attempts is analyzed and interviewer experience is added to the model, it would form a time varying covariate, for the experience changes with every case the interviewer worked on. Data on interviewer demographic characteristics are not always easily classified as either paradata or auxiliary variables. Technically, those data collected outside the survey are auxiliary data that can be merged to the survey data. However, if we think of the process of recruiting respondents, there might be changes throughout the survey in which cases are re-assigned to different interviewers, so the characteristics associated with the case (which include interviewer characteristics) might change because the interviewer changes.

A large set of different auxiliary data sources available for survey researchers was discussed at the 2011 International Nonresponse Workshop (Smith, 2011), where paradata were seen as one of many sources of auxiliary data. In the context of this book, we focus on paradata, because compared to other auxiliary data sources, their collection and use is more likely under the control of survey practitioners.


Paradata can help researchers understand and improve survey data. When we think about the quality of survey data, or more specifically a resulting survey statistic, the Total Survey Error Framework is a helpful tool. Groves et al. (2004) visualized the data collection process in two strands, one reflecting steps necessary for representation, the other steps necessary for measurement (see Figure 1.1). Each of the steps carries the risk of errors. When creating a sampling frame, there is a chance to miss some members of the population or to include those that do not belong, both of which can lead to coverage error. Sampling errors refer to the imprecision resulting from surveying only a sample instead of the population, usually reflected in standard error estimates. If selected cases refuse to participate in the survey, methodologists talk about nonresponse error, and any failure to adjust properly for such selection processes will result in adjustment error. On the measurement side, if questions fail to reflect the underlying concepts of interest, they suffer from low validity. Even when questions perfectly measure what is of interest to the researcher, failures can occur in the response process, leading to measurement error. Survey production often includes a phase of editing involving important consistency checks, and things can go wrong at this step too. Paradata can inform researchers about such errors that can happen along the way. In some instances, they can point to problems that can be solved during data collection; in other instances, paradata capture the information needed to model the errors alongside the actual survey data. Figure 1.1 depicts, within the survey data production process and the associated survey errors, some examples of paradata that are either collected at the respective steps (marked with a solid arrow) or used to evaluate a given error source (marked with a dashed arrow).

FIGURE 1.1 Survey process and process data collected to inform each of the total survey error components (graph modified from Groves et al. (2004), and expanded from Kreuter and Casas-Cordero (2010)). Solid lines mark paradata collected at a particular step; dashed lines (leaving the ovals) indicate that paradata are used to evaluate errors at the particular step, even though they are not collected during this step.


The chapters in the first section of this book are designed to introduce paradata within the Total Survey Error Framework. So far, paradata related to nonresponse are featured most prominently in the survey literature. The findings in these areas are discussed in detail by Frauke Kreuter, Kristen Olson, Bryan Packhurst, and Ting Yan. Paradata which inform us about coverage error are of increasing interest in a world with multiple frame creation methods, and are discussed by Stephanie Eckman. Unfortunately, the literature on paradata to inform data processing and related errors is very sparse so far. Thus, there is no chapter addressing this error source, though the general logic of designing and capturing paradata for the other error sources applies here too. Sampling errors and adjustment errors have been widely discussed in the literature, but as with coverage error, much less is done in terms of evaluating the process of sampling or adjustment through paradata. The same holds for the issue of validity, though one could imagine process information about questionnaire creation.


Paradata are not just used to evaluate survey errors after data collection is done. In some instances, paradata are available during data collection and can be used to monitor and inform the collection process in (almost) real time. Survey methodologists have started to explore using paradata to guide data collection procedures, a process called responsive or adaptive design. The chapter by Nicole Kirgis and James Lepkowski shares experiences using such an approach in the National Survey of Family Growth. Similar in spirit is the use of paradata to predict responses to within-survey requests, suggested by Joseph Sakshaug in Chapter 8. James Wagner reports paradata-driven experiments he carried out to try to increase response rates in both telephone and face-to-face surveys.

In order to monitor incoming data and to make useful design decisions, the field needs tools that display and summarize the large amount of incoming information. Some survey organizations, including the U.S. Census Bureau, have applied theories and methods from the quality control literature to their survey processes. These efforts are summarized in Chapter 9 by Matt Jans, Roby Sirkis, and David Morgan. Statistics Netherlands is now heavily engaged in using metrics to monitor representativeness in respondent composition as Barry Schouten and Melania Calinescu explain in Chapter 10.


Despite the promise and hope of paradata, this new data source does present several challenges with which researchers are grappling. A few are mentioned here and are discussed in detail in the respective chapters. Others can only be touched on in this book, but are equally important.

1.6.1 Mode-Specific Paradata

The type of paradata that can be collected in a given survey or that is already available for a particular survey varies with the survey mode. Most examples discussed throughout this edited volume come from face-to-face surveys, and some from telephone surveys. Most self-administered surveys involve no interviewers and thus are stripped of one important vehicle for paradata collection. This is, however, not to say that self-administered surveys cannot be paradata rich. Web surveys, for example, are rich in paradata for measurement error evaluation, as Chapter 11 by Mario Callegaro describes in detail. Mail surveys on the other hand will not provide much measurement-error-related paradata if the questionnaire is printed and filled out by hand. This mode-dependent availability of paradata is a challenge for mixed-mode surveys, though we would encourage researchers to collect as many (useful) paradata as possible in each mode, so that each can be evaluated and improved.

1.6.2 Complex Structure

The structure of paradata can be a challenge even within one mode of data collection. Paradata are often not collected on the same unit of analysis as the survey data. For example, call record data are usually collected at each call, which could easily generate 20 or more records for cases fielded in a telephone survey. Response times are collected at an item level and sometimes twice within one item (if the time to administer the item is measured separately from the time the respondent took to answer the question). Vocal properties of an interviewer are recorded on a finer level and could generate several records even within the administration of a single item. The resulting hierarchical structure calls for different analytic methods, some of which are discussed by Gabriele Durrant, Julia D'Arrigo, and Gerrit Mueller in Chapter 12.

A related challenge has been pointedly described by Roger Peng, co-author of the Simply Statistics blog, in discussing big data: “one challenge here is that these […] datasets […] are large ‘on paper’. That is, there are a lot of bits to store, but that doesn’t mean there’s a lot of useful information there. For example, I find people are often impressed by data that are collected with very high temporal or spatial resolution. But often, you don’t need that level of detail and can get away with coarser resolution over a wider range of scenarios.”1 This is the case for paradata as well, and throughout the chapters we give examples of the levels of aggregation that have been used and shown to be useful. Ting Yan and Kristen Olson discuss, in Chapter 4, specific issues related to the preparation of paradata so that they can later be used for analysis purposes.

Finally, modeling challenges also arise when the process monitoring discussed in the earlier chapters is not stable over time. Joseph Schafer therefore presents in Chapter 13 flexible semiparametric models that can be used in these situations. His chapter provides examples of monthly paradata series from the U.S. National Crime and Victimization Survey.

1.6.3 Quality of Paradata

Another challenge in our use of paradata is their quality. Just as paradata help us to understand the quality of our survey data, we must also consider the validity and reliability of the paradata themselves. Paradata that require manual entry or are interviewer observations are inherently error prone. As Brady West and Jennifer Sinibaldi in Chapter 14 review, interviewers may erroneously record certain housing unit characteristics, misjudge features about the respondents, or fail to record a contact attempt altogether. For example, it is possible that interviewers vary in their perceptions (e.g., evaluation of the condition of the house relative to other houses in the area) or some interviewers may simply not place a high priority on filling in the interviewer observation questionnaires because they are not rewarded for doing so. The consequences of such errors—in particular for nonresponse adjustment—are discussed by Brady West in Chapter 15.


The number of surveys that collect and provide paradata is growing quickly, and while this book is being written, new applications and monitoring systems are developing. Several data collection agencies presented their paradata initiatives at the 2012 FedCasic conference in Washington DC, among them the U.S. Census Bureau with its newly formed unit called Survey Analytics. We strongly recommend interested readers to keep an eye out on this fast-moving development.

The development of paradata and its uses depends also on the availability of paradata for researchers outside of data collection agencies. Stove pipe organizational structures can make such access quite difficult. So far—unlike survey data and metadata—paradata are rarely made publicly available. Some notable exceptions to date are the European Social Survey, and the U.S. National Health Interview Survey. Both make contact protocol data available to the public, though while the European Social Survey provides entire datasets with the full contact history to each sampled unit, the National Health Interview Survey so far only releases summary statistics of the contact history for each case (e.g., total number of calls instead of variables in the dataset reflecting each call attempt). Other surveys, like the American National Election Survey, make individual paradata available for secondary analysis upon request.

In some situations, paradata, particularly those generated during frame construction or for nonresponse adjustment, are not released because they contain information about nonresponding or even unselected cases, and survey data releases do not traditionally include these cases. In addition, the fact that paradata are often not collected on the same unit of analysis as survey data makes the release of such datasets more complicated. The format of paradata can also vary a great deal by data collection agency and system: for example, outcome codes on call record data vary across agencies and modes of contact available to the interviewer (Blom et al., 2008). While the absence of standards about the collection and release of paradata is not per se a problem (except for making data preparation work more burdensome for the analysts), releasing data that do not have standardized formats or codes requires additional documentation which is usually not covered by data collection grants. Another obstacle to releasing paradata are unclear legal and ethical considerations. Only a few researchers have started to address this issue (Couper and Singer, 2013)).

As the examples in this book show, a lot can be learned from combining paradata with survey data. But for data collection agencies and survey sponsors to really invest in the design and collection of paradata, researchers have to continue to demonstrate the usefulness of such paradata. Collaborations of academics and practitioners will be necessary for this effort to succeed. In the multiplicity of data sources that are likely to form the future of social science data, paradata are one important piece with big potential.


Blom, A., Lynn, P., and Jäckle, A. (2008). Understanding Cross-National Differences in Unit Non-Response: The Role of Contact Data. Working paper, Institute for Social and Economic Research ISER.

Couper, M.P., (1998). Measuring Survey Quality in a CASIC Environment. Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, ASA, pages 41–49.

Couper, M.P., and Lyberg, L. (2005). The Use of Paradata in Survey Research. Proceedings of the 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Sydney, Australia.

Couper, M.P. and Singer, E. (2013)). Informed Consent for Web Paradata Use. Survey Research Methods, 7(1):57--67.

Groves, R.M., Fowler Jr., F., Couper, M.P., Lepkowski, J., Singer, E., and Tourangeau, R. (2004). Survey Methodology. Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Kreuter, F. and Casas-Cordero, C. (2010). Paradata. Working Paper Series of the Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD), No. 136.

O’Reilly, J. (2009). Paradata and Blaise: A Review of Recent Applications and Research. Paper presented at the International Blaise Users Conference (IBUC), Riga, Latvia.

Scheuren, F. (2000). Macro and Micro Paradata for Survey Assessment. Manuscript from

Scheuren, F. (2005). Paradata from concept to completion. Proceedings of the Statistics Canada Symposium. Methodological Challenges for Future Information Needs.

Smith, T.W. (2011). The Report on the International Workshop on using Multi-level Data from Sample Frames, Auxiliary Databases, Paradata, and Related Sources to detect and adjust for Nonresponse Bias in Surveys. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23(3):389–402.

Tourangeau, R., Rips, L.J., and Rasinski, K. (2000). The Psychology of Survey Response. Cambridge University Press.



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