Thanks to

Nancy Ruenzel, publisher of Peachpit Press.

Becky Morgan, my editor at Peachpit Press. Thanks for being so patient with me.

Becky Winter, for her eagle production eye.

The staff of Peachpit Press, all of whom make me proud to be a Peachpit author.

Steve Rath, the best indexer I’ve ever had. Steve proves the point that indexing is an art, and no program can ever automate the decision making involved in creating an elegant index.

Dave Awl, my new right hand, who dissected all the new features, marked up the previous edition, took screen shots, and then copyedited the whole damn thing! He even wrote one of the jokes in a sidebar. “It’s only funny till someone loses an icon!”

Robert Levine, of the User-to-User forum, who figured out how I could still use the new numbering system for all the exercises in the book. His one suggestion helped me save many hours of manual labor.

Barry Anderson and David Blatner of the InDesign Conference and Creative Suite Conference. Speaking at those events helps me write better.

Peter Truskier of Premedia Systems ( who created the script that automated my screen shot spotlights.

Dave Saunders who created my script to find all overset text boxes. Dave is a terrific scripter who can write custom scripts to order. Reach him at

Hemera™ Technologies which gave me the use of its extensive Photo-Objects 50,000 collection of photographs. The DVDs and search engine made looking for artwork a real pleasure.

The InDesign team in Seattle, who continue to make InDesign my favorite program to use and to write about. In fact, cs3 is so good, I broke my own rule and moved the book from the previous version over to the new one in the middle of production.

The InDesign Talk List of the Yahoo listserve. You all have given me great insight as to what subjects I need to cover. You have also given me great tips in working with InDesign.

The InDesign User to User forum. We may not always agree, but we’ve created a great community of questions, comments, advice, complaints, and silly threads.

And a very special thanks to David Lerner of Tekserve, who once again helped me keep my computers running in the middle of the book crunch. Tekserve ( is the best place to buy, fix, or enhance Macintosh computers.

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