
About Information Theft Prevention: Theory and Practice

A practical guide that addresses retail businesses’ critical information concerns—theft of personal identifiable information/data (e.g., customers’ details, trademarks, payment card details, personal identifiable data/information, trade secrets, bank account details, system configuration codes and details)—gives you a business advantage by directing your security strategies at their source: the people, their processes and technologies. A practical guide is about finding the right strategy that balances the protection of business information with allowing people do their job with efficient cost saving, high confidence, secured data integrity and increased productivity. Most businesses are aware of internal information theft and its consequences. Establishing a practical information theft prevention strategy is feasible, however, only if you know that the biggest obstacles you will grapple with in your retail business come from within your company.

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of key factors: the people, the process and the technology that play significant roles at the various stages of information theft prevention strategies, leading to successful implementation of security systems designs and tools. Combining interdisciplinary studies in computer security and criminology, the book consists of contributions focusing on theory, research and practice in the field of information systems security and human resource management. It generates an understanding of potential IS security loopholes and the counteractive theoretical and practical solutions for students, practitioners, financial fraud analysis researchers and university lecturers in the domain of the Information Systems Security. It also provides processes for the strategic delivery of IS functionality, prioritized based on business case studies, which ensures a proactive internal information theft prevention approach in business operations.

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