Some Unsupported Extras

Several of the SMI tables are not documented and not officially supported. These could change in future releases. Two additional unsupported tables I have found helpful are systrans and syssqexplain.

User transactions: systrans

Three of the fields in systrans are very helpful to determine what logical log number a transaction began in, and the current logical log number in use by a transaction.

Key systrans fields:

       Column          Data Type      Description
       tx_id           integer        pointer to transaction table
       tx logbeg       integer        transaction starting logical log
       tx_loguniq      integer        transaction current logical log number

This can be used to create a script to determine what logical logfiles have active transactions. The output of this will tell you what logical logs are free and available for reuse. This first script lists all user transactions and what logs they are using.

from   systrans x, sysrstcb t
where  tx_owner = t.address

						SQL Output

Username               sid     tx_logbeg tx_loguniq  tx_logpos
informix               1       0              16     892952
informix               7       0              0      0
informix               8       0              0      0
lester                 53      0              0      0
informix       12      0              0       0
lester         51      14             16      0

This shows that my logical logs numbered 14 to 16 are in use by transactions. Another helpful use of this view is to summarize the transactions by logical logs. This next script show my transaction status by logical log.


database sysmaster;
--select transaction data into a temp table

select  tx_logbeg,   tx_loguniq
from   systrans
into temp b;

--count how may transactions begin in each log
select tx_logbeg, count(*) cnt
from B
where tx_logbeg > 0
group by tx_logbeg
into temp C;

--count how many transactions currently are in each log
select tx_loguniq, count(*) cnt
from B
where tx_loguniq > 0
group by tx_loguniq
into temp D;

--join data from counts with syslogs
               is_backed_up,   -- 0 = no, 1 = yes log is backed up
               is_archived,    -- 0 = no, 1 = yes log is on last archive
               c.cnt   tx_beg_cnt,
               d.cnt   tx_curr_cnt
from   syslogs, outer c, outer D
where  uniqid = c.tx_logbeg
and    uniqid = d.tx_loguniq
order by uniqid

SQL Output
               uniqid  size is_backed_up is_archived tx_beg_cnt tx_curr_cnt
               10               500             1       1
               11               500             1       1
               12               500             1       1
               13               500             1       1
               14               500             1       1
               15               500             1       1
               16               500             0       1       1       2

This shows that all logs are backed up except the current one, and it has two active transactions.

User queries: syssqexplain

Have you ever wanted to run a query to see what your users were doing? The view syssqexplain contains some of the data from a user's session, including the SQL that they are currently executing. Try this query on your system sometime to see your user's SQL.

select  username,
from syssqexplain, sysscblst
where   sqx_sessionid = sid

SQL Output
username               lester
sqx_sessionid  55
sqx_conbno     2
sqx_sqlstatement select username,sqx_sessionid, sqx_conbno, sqx_sqlstatement
                       from syssqexplain, sysscblst where sqx_sessionid = sid

username                 lester
sqx_sessionid  51
sqx_conbno     0
sqx_sqlstatement update items set total_price = 300 where item_num = 1

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