Database and Table Information

The next five tables we will look at store information on your tables and extents. They are:

• sysdatabase Databases
• systabnames Tables
• sysextents Tables extents
• sysptprof Tables I/O

Information on all databases on a server: sysdatabases

This view has data on all databases on a server. Have you ever needed to create a pop-up list of databases within a program? This table now allows programs to give users a list of databases to select from without resorting to ESQL/C. The following is the definition of this view:

View sysdatabases
                 Column          Data Type      Description
                 name            char(18)       database name
                 partnum         integer        table id for systables
                 owner           char(8)        user name of creator
                 created         integer        date created
                 is_logging      bitval         unbuffered logging, l=Yes, 0= No
                 is_buff_log     bitval         buffered logging, l=Yes,0= No
                 is_ansi         bitval         ANSI mode database, l=Yes, 0= No
                 is_nls          bitval         NLS support, l=Yes, 0= No
                 flags           smallint       flags indicating logging

The following is a script to list all databases, owners, dbspaces, and logging status. Notice the function dbinfo is used. This is a new function in 7.X with several uses, one of which is to convert the partnum of a database into its corresponding dbspace. This function will be used in several examples that follow.

--dblist.sql - List all databases, owner and logging status
database sysmaster;
dbinfo("DBSPACE",partnum) dbspace,
name database,
from sysdatabases
order by dbspace, name;

Sample Output
dbspace          database       owner      is_logging is_buff_log
rootdbs          central        lester          0       0
rootdbs          datatools      lester          0       0
rootdbs          dba            lester          0       0
rootdbs          roster         lester          0       0
rootdbs          stores7        lester          0       0
rootdbs          sunset         linda           0       0
rootdbs          sysmaster      Informix        1       0
rootdbs          zip            lester          1       1

Information about tables: systabnames, sysextents, and sysptprof

Three tables contain all the data you need from the sysmaster database about tables in your database. The first of these is a real table defined as follows:

Table systabnames. All tables on the server
Column Data Type Description
partnum integer table id for table
dbsname char(18) database name
owner char(8) table owner
tabname char(18) table name
collate char(32) collation assoc with NLS DB

View sysextents. Tables and each extent on the server
Column Data Type Description
Dbsname char(18) data base name
tabname char(18) table name
star integer physical addr for this extent
size integer size of this extent

The view sysextents is based on a table, sysptnext, defined as follows:

Table sysptnext
Column Data Type Description
pe_partnum integer partnum for this partition
pe_extnum smallint extent number
pe_phys integer physical addr for this extent
pe_size integer size of this extent
pe_log integer logical page for start

View sysptprof. Tables I/O profile
Column Data Type Description
Dbsname char(18) database name
tabname char(18) table name
partnum integer partnum for this table
lockreqs integer lock requests
lockwts integer lock waits
deadlks integer deadlocks
lktouts integer lock timeouts
isreads integer reads
iswrites integer writes
isrewrites integer rewrites
isdeletes integer deletes
bufreads integer buffer reads
bufwrites integer buffer writes
seqscans integer sequential scans
pagreads integer disk reads
pagwrites integer disk writes

These tables allow us to develop scripts to display tables, the number of extents, and pages used. We can also present a layout of dbspace, databases, tables, and extents similar to the command "tbcheck -pe." And finally, we can show table usage statistics sorted by which tables have the most hits based on reads, writes, or locks. These scripts will enable a DBA to monitor and tune the database server.

Extents are created when a table's initial space has been filled up and it needs more space. OnLine will allocate additional space for a table. However, the table will no longer be contiguous, and performance will start to degrade. Informix will display warning messages when a table reaches more than 8 extents. Depending on a number of factors, at approximately 180 to 230 extents a table will not be able to expand and no additional rows can be inserted. The following script lists all tables sorted by the number of extents. The tables that show up with many extents may need to be unloaded and rebuilt.

--tabextent.sql - List tables, number of extents and size of table.
database sysmaster;
select  dbsname,
count(*) num_of_extents,
sum( pe_size ) total_size
from systabnames, sysptnext
where partnum = pe_partnum
group by 1, 2
order by 3 desc, 4 desc;

Sample Output
dbsname          tabname           num_of_extents       total_size
rootdbs          TBLSpace               8               400
sysmaster                syscolumns            6               56
sunset           inventory              3               376
sunset           sales_items            3               96
sunset           sales_header           3               48
sunset           parts                  3               48
sunset           customer               3               40
sunset           syscolumnext           3               32
sunset           employee               3               32

Sometimes it is helpful to see how the tables are interspersed on disk. The following script lists by dbspace each table and the location of each extent. This is similar to the output from "oncheck-pe."

--tablayout.sql - Show layout of tables and extents
database sysmaster;
select dbinfo( "DBSPACE" , pe_partnum ) dbspace,
pe_phys start,
pe_size size
from   sysptnext, outer systabnames
where  pe_partnum = partnum
order by dbspace, start;

Sample output
dbspace         dbsname         tabname         start           size
rootdbs         rootdbs         TBLSpace        1048589         50
rootdbs         sysmaster       sysdatabases    1050639         4
rootdbs         sysmaster       systables       1050643         8
rootdbs         sysmaster       syscolumns      1050651         16
rootdbs         sysmaster       sysindexes      1050667         8
rootdbs         sysmaster       systabauth      1050675         8
rootdbs         sysmaster       syscolauth      1050683         8
rootdbs         sysmaster       sysviews        1050691         8
rootdbs         sysmaster       sysusers        1050699         8
rootdbs         Sysmaster       sysdepend       1050707         8
rootdbs         sysmaster       syssynonyms     1050715         8

I/O performance of tables

Have you ever wanted to know which tables have the most reads, writes, or locks? The last script in this article shows the performance profile of tables. By changing the columns displayed and the sort order of the script, you can display the tables with the most reads, writes, or locks first.

database sysmaster;
--uncomment the following to show writes
--uncomment the following to show locks
from sysptprof
order by isreads desc; -- change this sort to whatever you need to monitor.

Sample Output
dbsname tabname        isreads       bufreads       pagreads
zip     zip            334175        35876509       1111
sysmaster      sysviews       259712         634102        1119
sysmaster      systables      60999          240018        1878
zip     systables     3491           8228           543
sysmaster      sysusers       2406           8936          87
sysmaster      sysprocauth    1276           5104          12
sunset  systables     705            2251           26
sysmaster      sysprocedures  640             2562         21
sysmaster      syscolumns     637             1512         49
stores7 systables      565           136            16
sysmaster      sysdatabases   534             2073         902

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