
    • 3M Corp.
    • ABB
    • ABC (Always Be Closing)
    • ABN AMRO
    • absorptive capacity
    • Accenture
    • accountants
    • acquisition strategy
    • acquisition, definition
    • Action for Blind People
    • activated intelligence product
    • active defenses
    • activist investors
    • advisors
      • business intelligence and
      • controlling
      • coordinating
      • external, roles of
      • financial advisor
      • payment of
      • in post-deal integration
      • in post-deal review
      • public relations advisors
      • selection of
    • AFP Integra SA
    • agency problems
    • Air France-KLM
    • Al Qaeda
    • Alchemy
    • Alexander, Lesley-Anne
    • Alitalia
    • Allen & Overy
    • alliances
    • allies, active defenses
    • América Móvil
    • American Airlines
    • American Tobacco
    • Ameritech
    • AMF Inc.
    • Amoco
    • amortization
    • analytical intelligence
    • AOL
    • AP Møller-Maersk Group
    • Apple
    • arbitrage hedging
    • arbitrageurs
    • Arcadia Group
    • Ardian
    • Argyll
    • Arthur Andersen
    • Asarco Inc.
    • Ashby, Ross
    • Ashurst
    • asset-based lending
    • asset revaluation
    • Aston Villa FC
    • AstraZeneca
    • AT&T
    • Atho, Barrie
    • Autonomy
    • Avis
    • Avis Rent-a-Car
    • AXA Generali
    • AXA Private Equity
    • Bain & Co.
    • balance sheet
    • Banco Santander
    • Bank of America
    • Bank of America Merrill Lynch
    • Bank of New York (BNY)
    • Bank One
    • Bankers Trust
    • Barclays
    • BASF
    • basic efficiency
    • BBC
    • bear hugs
    • Bear Stearns
    • Beer, Stafford
    • Berlusconi, Silvio
    • best practice
    • best price rule
    • beta
    • BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary Company)
    • BHP Billiton
    • BHS
    • Big Eight, The
    • Big Four, The
    • bilateral discussions
    • Bloomberg
    • BMW
    • BNY Mellon
    • boiler room scams
    • Boots Pharmaceuticals
    • Booz & Co
    • board of directors
    • Boschetti, Marco
    • Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
    • BP
    • Breuer, Rolf
    • Bribery Act (UK)
    • Bris, Arturo
    • Bristol-Myers Squibb
    • British Airways
    • British Aluminium
    • Brunswick
    • BSkyB
    • BT
    • BT Vision
    • Buffett, Warren
    • Bulcke, Paul
    • bulge bracket
    • “bump-free” divestiture
    • Bush, George W.
    • business as usual strategy
    • business cycle
    • business intelligence
      • advisors and
      • delivery of
      • industry
      • in negotiations
      • products
      • review
      • structure
      • in target selection
      • technology
      • use of
      • valuation and
    • business risk
    • Byrne-Quinn, Sarah
    • Cadbury
    • Cambridge Antibody Technology
    • candidates, screening of
    • Capgemini
    • capital structure change
    • CapitalIQ
    • capitalization of earnings
    • Carlyle Group
    • Carr, Roger
    • cash flow statements
    • Cass Business School
    • casual pass
    • Cazemove
    • Cedant Corporation
    • Centrica
    • channel stuffing
    • charities
    • Charter Communications
    • Chase Manhattan
    • chicken, playing
    • chief executive officer (CEO)
    • chief financial officer (CFO)
    • chief intelligence officer (CIO)
    • Children's Investment Fund
    • Chinese walls
    • Chrysler
    • CIA
    • Cineworld
    • Cintas
    • Cisco
    • Citibank
    • Citicorp
    • Citigroup
    • CLEAN RAID mnemonic
    • “clean teams”
    • Cleary Gottlieb
    • Client Relationship Management (CRM)
    • Clifford Chance
    • co-managers
    • Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS)
    • Coca-Cola
    • Colaeo, Vittorio
    • Colt
    • Columbia Pictures
    • Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)
    • communications
    • Companies House
    • company-specific deal processes
    • Compaq
    • comparable market multiples (market ratios)
    • competition
    • Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) (UK)
    • Competition Commission
    • competitive intelligence
    • complementary acquisition
    • confidentiality
    • confidentiality agreements
    • confirmation bias
    • conflicts of interest
    • conglomerate M&As
    • conglomerate merger wave
    • consultants
    • Continental Baking
    • continuing intelligence
    • Control Risks
    • coordinating advisor
    • Cornerstone Research
    • corporate development
    • corporate fraud
    • corporate intelligence
    • corporate performance management (CPM)
    • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
    • corporate strategic buyers
    • corporate venture capital fund
    • corrupt practices, foreign
    • costs
      • opportunity
      • post-deal integration
      • total deal
    • counter-intelligence
    • Cravath Swaine
    • Creasey, Gareth
    • Credit Suisse
    • Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB)
    • CUC International
    • cultural integration
    • cultural shift
    • Cummings, Philip
    • cyber-crime
    • Cyprus Amax Minerals
    • Daily Mail
    • Daimler Benz
    • Daimler Chrysler
    • Dakota Growers Pasta
    • damage limitation
    • Danone
    • DARPA (Defense Advance Research Projects Agency)
    • data mining
    • Davies, George
    • Day, G.S.
    • deal pipelines
    • Dean Witter
    • defense
      • active
      • legal
      • M.O.A.T.S for
      • preparation
      • preventive
    • Dell, Michael
    • Dell Inc.
    • Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (“Deloitte”)
    • depreciation
    • Desai, Tony
    • Deutsche Bank
    • Deutsche Börse.
    • differential managerial efficiency
    • Digital Equipment
    • Dimon, Jamie
    • discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis
    • Distillers
    • diversification, pure
    • dividend declaration
    • dividend discount models
    • DLA Piper
    • DLJ
    • “doing nothing”
    • Dole, Bob
    • era
    • down-scoping
    • downsizing
    • DP World case study
    • Drexel Burnham Lambert
    • Driessen, Michel
    • Drucker, Peter
    • dual capitalization
    • Dubai Ports
    • Dubai Ports World
    • Dudley, Bob
    • due diligence
      • commercial
      • consultants and
      • cultural
      • demands for
      • ethical
      • financial
      • integrity
      • internal information
      • legal
      • management
      • off balance sheet
      • preparing for
      • process
      • secondary sources of information
      • types of information
      • using the intelligence
    • DuPont
    • Eac-Ben
    • earn-outs
    • East India Company
    • Eastman Kodak
    • Easynet
    • eBay
    • economic value added (EVA)
    • economies of scale
    • Economist Intelligence Unit
    • Eisenhower, Dwight
    • Elan
    • Electric Storage Battery
    • electronic intelligence gathering techniques (“elint”)
    • Eli Lilly
    • Embratel
    • EMI
    • employee retention
    • employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
    • enhancing deals
    • Enron
    • Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
    • environment, organizational
    • environmental scanning
      • political
      • regulatory
      • sector
      • social
    • Epifani, Guglielmo
    • ESB
    • Euronext
    • European Commission
    • European Corporate Governance Institute
    • European Union
    • Evalueserve
    • Evans, Eric
    • event arbitrage
    • expense (operational) synergies
    • Exxon
    • EY
    • Facebook
    • FactSet SharkWatch
    • fair price provisions
    • fairness opinions (fair value opinion)
    • Federal Trade Commission (US)
    • Ferrero SpA
    • FIFO (first in, first out) method
    • financial advisor
    • financial buyers (financial sponsors)
    • Financial Conduct Authority
    • financial crisis (2007/8)
    • Financial Reporting Council (UK)
    • financial risk
    • Financial Services Authority
    • financial sponsor buyers
    • financial statements, adjustments to
    • financial synergies
    • financing
      • leveraged
    • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) (US)
    • Foreign Office and Commonwealth Office (FCO) (UK)
    • foreknowledge
    • Forte plc
    • Fortis
    • France Telecom
    • free cash flows (FCF)
    • Freeman & Co.
    • freeze-outs (squeeze-outs)
    • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
    • friendly deal
    • Friends Provident
    • Friends Reunited
    • Frost & Sullivan
    • FTI Consulting
    • Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence
    • G4S
    • Garlock
    • Gate Gourmet
    • Gates, Bill
    • Gatorade
    • Gazprom
    • gearing
    • GelTex
    • General Electric (GE)
      • Deal Team
      • HR deal process overview
    • General Foods
    • General Motors
    • Genzyme
    • Gibson Greeting Cards
    • Giuliani, Rudolph
    • Glaxo
    • GlaxoSmithKline
    • Glazer, Malcolm
    • Glencore
    • Glencore Xstrata
    • golden handcuffs
    • golden parachutes
    • golden shares
    • Goldman Sachs
    • Golubov, Andrey
    • good cop/bad cop, playing
    • Google
    • Granada
    • Grand Theft Auto
    • Great Depression
    • Green, Sir Philip
    • greenmail
    • Groenink, Rijkman
    • groupthink
    • Grupo Bal
    • Grupo Sura
    • Guinness
    • Gulliver, James (Jimmy)
    • Gupta, Ashish
    • Hakluyt, Richard
    • Halifax Bank of Scotland
    • Hanson plc
    • Hanson Trust plc
    • Hanson, James
    • Harding, David
    • Harley Davidson
    • Harrison, Bill
    • Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
    • Hedge Fund Research
    • hedge funds
    • Hermes
    • Hershey Company
    • Hess Corp
    • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
    • HFS Incorporated
    • holding companies
    • Hometown
    • horizontal M&As
    • hostile bid
    • HR consultancies
    • HSBC
    • hubris
    • human beings intelligence gathering techniques (“humint”)
    • Ian Banham & Co.
    • IBM
    • Icahn, Carl
    • ICI
    • identity theft
    • immediate intelligence
    • Inco
    • income statement
    • information
      • internal
      • leaks
      • “need to-know” basis
      • rewards for sharing
      • secondary sources of
      • signaling and
      • types of
    • Information Technology
    • ING
    • initial public offering (IPO)
    • integration managers
    • Intel
    • intelligence function
    • Intercontinental Exchange
    • interest cover ratio
    • internal growth
    • internal intelligence consultancy
    • internal rate of return (IRR)
    • International Nickel Company
    • Intralinks
    • investment bank
    • investment bankers
    • InVision Technologies
    • InVita Seguros de Vida SA
    • ITT
    • ITV
    • J.M. Smucker Co.
    • J.P. Morgan
    • Jamba AG
    • Jamdat Mobile
    • Jamster
    • Jana Partners
    • Janis, Irving
    • John Deere
    • Johnson, Ross
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • joint ventures
    • Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Inc.
    • just say “no” defense
    • K2 Intelligence
    • Kabel Baden-Württemburg
    • Kadlec, Daniel
    • Kelly, Bob
    • key performance indicators
    • King, Justin
    • KKR
    • Kmart Holding Corp.
    • Knoll
    • knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)
    • KPMG
    • KPN
    • Kraft
    • Kravis, Henry
    • Kroll
    • Land Rover
    • Land's End
    • Larnica Trust
    • Law of Requisite Variety (Ashby)
    • lawyers
    • Lehman Brothers
    • letter of intent
    • leveraged buy-outs (LBOs)
      • company attractiveness and
      • reverse
      • types
    • Lévy, Maurice
    • Liberty Global
    • LIFO (last in, first out)
    • limited private auctions
    • LinkedIn
    • Linklaters
    • Linklaters & Paines
    • liquidation
    • liquidation value
    • litigation as defense
    • Liverpool FC
    • Lloyds TSB
    • Lockheed Martin
    • lock-up transactions
    • London Stock Exchange
    • LVMH
    • M&A boutiques
    • M.O.A.T.S acronym
    • Mack, John
    • Maersk Line
    • Magan, George
    • Magma Copper Company
    • Magnier, John
    • management buy-ins (MBIs)
    • management buy-outs (MBOs)
    • managerial share ownership
    • managerialism
    • Manchester United FC
    • Mandatory Offer Level
    • Mannesmann
    • Marcus, Rob
    • market power
    • Marks & Spencer (M&S)
    • Mars
    • MBK Partners
    • McAdam, Lowell
    • McCarthy, Callum
    • MCI
    • McKinsey
    • McManus, J.P.
    • Meline, David
    • Mellon Financial
    • Mellor, David
    • Men's Warehouse Inc.
    • Mercer
    • Merck
    • Mercury Asset Management
    • merger, definition
    • Merger Monday
    • merger waves
      • first
      • second
      • third
      • fourth
      • fifth
      • sixth
    • Mergermarket
    • Mergerstat Review
    • Merkel, Angela
    • Merrill Lynch
    • MetLife
    • metrics
    • MG Rover
    • Microsoft
    • Midland Bank
    • minority investments
    • Mirant Corporation
    • Mobicom
    • Mobil
    • Monarchi, Giuseppe
    • monopoly merger wave
    • Morgan Grenfell
    • Morgan Stanley
    • Moulton
    • Murdoch, Rupert
    • MySpace
    • National Association of Software Services Companies (NASSCOM)
    • National District Cooling Company (“Tabreed”)
    • National Health Service (NHS)
    • National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (National Cyber Crime Unit)
    • National Provident Institution (NPI)
    • Naughton, John
    • NBC Universal
    • negotiated sale
    • negotiation and bidding
      • bear hugs
      • business intelligence in
      • casual pass
      • fairness opinions (fair value opinion)
      • freeze-outs (squeeze-out)
      • hard vs. soft
      • negotiation process
      • proxy fights
      • resistance strategies
      • signaling
      • takeover strategies
      • tender offers
      • toeholds
    • Nest Labs
    • Nestlé
    • net present value (NPV) (NPV method)
    • Network Solutions
    • New York Stock Exchange
    • NewsCorp
    • Next
    • Nextel
    • Nike
    • Nokia
    • Nokia Siemens Networks
    • non-disclosure agreements (NDA)
    • non-profit organizations
    • Novartis
    • NRG Energy, Inc.
    • NTL
    • NYSE Euronext
    • Obama, Barack
    • O'Donnell, Christopher
    • Office of Fair Trading
    • Omnicom
    • online gambling
    • operating synergies and management efficiency)
    • opportunistic vs. strategic deals
    • opportunity costs
    • Oracle
    • Oracle Business Analytics
    • Orchard Supply
    • Outlet
    • P&O
    • Pac-Man defense
    • Parmalat
    • passive actions
    • Patriot Act (US)
    • payback period
    • Pearl UK
    • PeopleSoft
    • Pepsi
    • Perrigo
    • Petrofina
    • pharmaceutical industry
    • Phelps Dodge
    • Phibro Corp
    • Philip Morris
    • phishing
    • poison pills
    • Ponzi scams
    • Portsmouth FC
    • post-deal integration
      • adjustment, planning and monitoring
      • advisors
      • change management
      • communication
      • costs
      • cultural integration
      • engineering of successes
      • focus on clients
      • integration planning
        • phase one: pre-closing
        • phase two: post-closing
      • integration success
      • leadership
      • retain key employees
      • speed of decision
    • post-deal review
      • applied learning
      • core competency
      • measurement and tracking
      • role of advisors
      • team
      • timing
    • post-deal scenarios
    • Potash Corporation
    • preferred bidder
    • pretexting
    • preventive defenses
    • price/earnings (P/E) ratio
    • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
    • pricing
    • printers
    • private and closely-held companies
    • project code names
    • proxy fights
    • Prudential
    • Prudential Regulatory Authority (UK)
    • public (open) auctions
    • public relations advisors
    • public sector mergers
    • Publicis
    • Purcell, Jack
    • Quaker Oats
    • Ramada Inn
    • rating agency
    • RBS
    • Reagan, Ronald
    • real options
    • reasons for M&A deals
    • receiving banks
    • redundancies
    • refusal of contact and access
    • Regan, Andrew
    • registrars
    • regulatory risk, management
    • reincorporation
    • Renagel
    • reputational damage
    • Resolution
    • restructuring and divestitures
    • Reuters
    • revenue synergies
    • review
    • rewards for sharing information
    • Reynolds Metals
    • RFID (radio frequency identity) tagging
    • Risk Advisory Group
    • RJR Nabisco
    • Rose, Sir Stuart
    • Rosneft
    • Ross, John
    • Rothschild
    • Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
    • Royal KPN N.V
    • Royal Mail
    • Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
    • Royal P&O Nedlloyd (PONL)
    • runaway deals
    • Runyon, Daymon
    • Rutledge, Tom
    • S.G. Warburg
    • Safeway Inc
    • Sainsbury
    • sale and purchase agreement
    • Salomon Brothers
    • Salomon Inc.
    • Samsung
      • VIP (Value Innovation Programme) House
    • Sanofi
    • Sarbanes-Oxley Act
    • Savoy Hotel
    • Sawers, Andrew
    • SBS Communications
    • scenario analysis
    • scenario planning
    • Schering AG
    • Schoemaker, P.J.H.
    • SCM
    • Scottish & Newcastle plc
    • screening of candidates
    • Sea-Land
    • Sears, Roebuck & Co.
    • secure data rooms
    • Securitas
    • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    • Seifert, Werner
    • September
    • shadow teams
    • share ownership
    • shareholders rights plan
    • shark repellents
    • Shell
    • Sheraton Hotels
    • Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) (US)
    • Shire Pharmaceuticals
    • Siemens
    • signaling
    • Silver Lake Management
    • silver parachutes
    • Silverman, Henry
    • Simon, William
    • Simpson Thacher
    • Skadden Arps
    • Slaughter and May
    • sleeper tactics
    • Slim, Carlos
    • Smith & Nephew plc
    • Smithfield Foods Inc.
    • Smucker, Richard
    • Snapple
    • Snapple Beverage Company
    • Snowden, Edward
    • solicitors
    • Sony
    • Sotheby's Inc.
    • Spectra Energy Corporation
    • sponsorship
    • spread-betting
    • Sprint
    • spyware
    • stages in takeover
      • buyer's perspective
      • seller's perspective (open auction)
    • staggered boards
    • stakeholder allies
    • Standard Oil
    • standstill agreements
    • Starbucks
    • stock market crash (1904)
    • stockbrokers
    • strategic response theory
    • strategic vs. oportunistic deals
    • strategy, role of
    • street sweep
    • strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
    • structure
    • Sullivan & Cromwell
    • Sun Tzu
    • supermajority provisions
    • supplementary acquisition
    • Sura Asset Management
    • Symbol Technologies
    • synergies
    • Synthes Inc.
    • Take Two Interactive Software Inc.
    • takeover, definition
    • Taleb, Nassim
    • Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    • target selection
      • business intelligence in
      • lists, prioritized, of potential targets
    • tax
    • technical intelligence
    • technology demand receptivity (TDR)
    • Teledata Communications
    • Telmex
    • Telxon Corporation
    • tender offers
    • Texas Pacific
    • Thatcher, Margaret
    • TheStoryTellers
    • Thomson Financial
    • Thomson Reuters
    • three-way suitors
    • throwing mud
    • Time Warner
    • Time Warner Cable
    • timing
      • of deal
      • of synergies
      • post-deal review
    • Timken Company
    • tin parachutes
    • Titan
    • TNK
    • TNT
    • toehold
    • Tolchan Communications
    • Topshop
    • Total
    • Towers Watson (Towers Perrin)
    • trading
    • Transkaryotic Therapies (TKT)
    • Travelers
    • triangulation
    • Triarc Corporation
    • Trinity Mirror
    • Twitter
    • two-tiered tender offer (also called a front-end loaded offer)
    • types of M&As
    • UBS
    • UK City Code
    • UK Takeover Code
    • undervalued companies
    • Union Carbide
    • United Dominion
    • United Parcel Service of America, Inc.
    • US Airways
    • US Department of Defense
    • US Department of Homeland Security
    • US Department of Justice
    • US National Intelligence Council
    • US Securities and Exchange Commission
    • US Steel
    • Utah International
    • valuation
      • adjustments to financial statements
      • alternative methods of pricing and
      • alternative pricing methods
      • assumptions
      • business intelligence and
      • control premiums
      • experts
      • financing the deal
      • mergers vs. acquisitions
      • multiple valuation methods
      • private company
      • public company
      • role of business intelligence
      • synergies
        • expense
        • problems with
        • revenue
      • total deal cost
      • value vs. price
    • Varley, John
    • venture capital
    • VeriSign
    • Verizon
    • vertical M&As
    • Viable Systems Model (VSM)
    • victimization
    • video mining
    • Virgin
    • Virgin Media
    • virtual data rooms (VDRs)
    • Viterra
    • Vodafone
    • VSM see Viable Systems Model
    • vulnerable companies
    • Wachtell Lipton
    • “walk-away” price
    • Walters, Eric
    • Warburg, S.G.
    • Ward, Tom
    • Washington Mutual
    • Watson Wyatt
    • Wellcome
    • Wesray
    • West Ham United FC
    • WH Smith
    • white knight
    • white squire
    • White, Lord Gordon
    • Wikileaks
    • William Baird
    • winner's curse
    • World Bank
    • World Trade Center attack
    • WPP
    • Wyss, Hansjörg
    • Xii Jinping
    • Xstrata
    • Yahoo
    • Yun, Jong-Young
    • Zuckerberg, Mark

    • Index compiled by Annette Musker
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