Acceleration, 221, 226240

Acceleration due to gravity, 221

Addition of sinusoids of same frequency, 166173,

See also under Sinusoids

Addition of two complex numbers, 137

Angular frequency, sinusoids, 161

Angular motion of one-link planar robot, 159162

frequency and period, relations between, 160162

Antiderivative, 280

Armature current in DC motor, 140141

Asphalt problem, 278283

Average velocity, 219

Bending moment, 250

Capacitor, 314321

current passing through, 247250, 314321

energy stored in, 314321

impedance of, 135

voltage across, 247250, 314321

Center of Gravity (Centroid), 286293

alternate definition of, 293296

determination using vertical rectangles, 292

evaluation using horizontal elemental areas, 89

first moment of area, 294

of triangular section, 86

Chain rule of derivative, 241

Complementary solution, 347

Complex conjugate, 145147

Complex numbers, 132156

addition of two complex numbers, 137

armature current in a DC motor, 140141

complex conjugate, 145147

division of complex number in polar form, 139140

examples, 141145

exponential form, 136

impedance of a series RLC circuit, 136137

impedance of R, L, and C as a, 134135

multiplication of complex number in polar form, 139

polar form, 136

position of one-link robot as, 133134

subtraction of two complex numbers, 137

Cos(θ), 61

Cramer's Rule, 188189, 192

Current, 240

flowing in inductor, 322326

passing through a capacitor, 314321

Definite integral, 280

Deflection, 251

Derivatives, 218277

applications in dynamics, 225240

applications in electric circuits, 240250

applications in strength of materials, 250260,

See also Material strength

chain rule of, 241

definition, 218221

examples of, 261266

maxima and minima, 221225

Differential equations (DEQ), 345400

first-order differential equations, 348374

leaking bucket, 345346

linear DEQ, solution with constant coefficients, 347348

second-order differential equations, 374390,

See also separate entry

Direct kinematics of two-link robot, 7374

Distributed loads, 251, 296302

on beams, statically equivalent loading, 297302

hydrostatic pressure on a retaining wall, 296297

Division of complex number in polar form, 139140


derivatives applications in, 225240

integrals applications in, 302314

Elbow-up solution for θ1, 7779

Electric circuits, 314321

Electric circuits (continued)

current and voltage in a capacitor, 314321

derivatives applications in, 240250

integrals applications in, 314321

Energy stored in a capacitor, 314321

Equivalent resistance, 3738

Euler's formula, 134

Exponential form, complex numbers, 136

Factoring, 33

First-order differential equations, 348374

Force-displacement relationship, 67

Free-body diagram (FBD), 117, 119

Graphical method solution, for two-loop circuit, 185186

Homogeneous solution, 347

Hydrostatic pressure on a retaining wall, 296297


of capacitor, 135

of inductor, 134135, 137140

of resistor, 134, 137140

of a series RLC circuit, 136137

Indefinite integrals, 281


as a circuit element, 243

current and voltage in, 243247, 322326

impedance of, 134135

Integrals, 278344, See also Distributed loads

Asphalt problem, 278283

concept of work, 283286, See also Work

definite integral, 280

in dynamics, 302314

in electric circuits, 314321

examples, 327333

indefinite integrals, 281

inductor, current and voltage in, 322326

inverse operations, 281

in statics, 286296, See also Statics

Inverse kinematics of one-link robot, 6872

Inverse kinematics of two-link robot, 7579

Inverse operations, 281

Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), 3, 184

Linear DEQ, solution with constant coefficients, 347348

steady-state solution, 348

transient solution, 347

Linear frequency, sinusoids, 161

Low-pass filter, 373

Material strength, derivatives applications in, 250260

bending moment, 250

deflection, 251

distributed load, 251

maximum stress under axial loading, 256260

maximum value, 259

minimum value, 259

moment, 255

shear force, 251, 255

slope, 252

Matrix algebra method solution

tension in cables, 191192

for two-loop circuit, 186188

Maxima, 221225

Maximum stress under axial loading, 256260

inclined section of the rectangular bar, 256

normal and shear stresses acting on the inclined cross section, 258

rectangular bar under axial loading, 256

Method of undetermined coefficients, 348

Minima, 221225

Moment, 255, 298

Multiplication of complex number in polar form, 139

Newton's first law, 117

Newton's second law, 375

Ohm's law, 3, 184

One-link planar robot

angular motion of, 159162

as a sinusoid, 157159

Particular solution, 348

Period, one-link planar robot, 161

Phase angle, 162164

Phase shift, 162164

Polar form

complex numbers, 136

position vector in, 107110

Position, 226240

Position of one-link robot as a complex number, 133134

Position vector

in polar form, 107110

in rectangular form, 107

Power, 240

Quadratic equations, 3259

current in a lamp, 3637

equivalent resistance, 3738

examples, 3850

pipeline through parabolic hill, 4850

projectile in a vertical plane, 3236

resistors in parallel, 37

Quadratic formula, 33

Rectangular form, position vector in, 107

Reference angle, 65

Relative velocity, 114

Repeated roots, 347

Resistive circuit, voltage-current relationship in, 35

Resistor, impedance of, 134

Resistors in parallel, 37

Resonance, 383

Second-order differential equations, 374390

forced vibration of a spring-mass system, 379386

free vibration of a spring-mass system, 374379

second-order LC circuit, 386390

Second-order LC circuit, 386390

Shear force, 251, 255

Sin(θ), 61

Sinusoids, 157183

addition of sinusoids of same frequency, 166173

amplitude of, 160

general form of, 164166

one-link planar robot as, 157159

phase angle, 162164

phase shift, 162164

sine function, two cycles of, 159

time shift, 162164

Slope, 252

Slope-intercept method, 5

Speed at impact, 219

Spring-mass system

forced vibration of, 379386

free vibration of, 374379

Static equilibrium, 117, 119

Statically equivalent loading, 297302

Statics, integrals application in, 286296

Center of Gravity (Centroid), 286293, See also individual entry

Steady-state solution, 348

Straight lines, 131

examples, 818

force-displacement relationship, 67

slope-intercept method, 5

vehicle during braking, 13

voltage-current relationship in resistive circuit, 35

Substitution method solution

tension in cables, 190191

for two-loop circuit, 185

Subtraction of two complex numbers, 137

Systems of equations, 184217

examples, 193205

solution of a two-loop circuit, 184189, See also Tension in cables

Tension in cables, 190192

Cramer's Rule, 192

matrix algebra method, 191192

substitution method, 190191

Time constant, 351, 357

Time shift, 162164

Transient solution, 347

Triangular section, centroid of, 86

Trigonometry, 60105

examples, 8996

one-link planar robot, 6072

reference angle, 65

sine and cosine functions, values of, 64

trigonometric functions in four quadrants, 64

two-link planar robot, 7289

Two-dimensional vectors, 106131

free-body diagram (FBD), 117, 119

position vector

relative velocity, 114

static equilibrium, 117, 119

vector addition, 110123

Two-loop circuit, solution of, 184189

Vector addition, 110123

Velocity, 226240

Voltage, 240

in capacitor, 314321

in inductor, 322326

Voltage-current relationship in resistive circuit, 35

Work, 283286

as area under a constant force curve, 284

as area under a variable force curve, 284

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