Installing Jenkins

There are various ways to install and run Jenkins. You can install Jenkins using a WAR (Web Application Archive) file available for Windows. However, we shall be looking at a Jenkins installation through Docker, because it's cross-platform and super easy to set up.

Before we set up the server, let's reflect on some efficiency notes on setting up Jenkins:

  • Jenkins is platform independent, available on Windows, macOS, and Linux:

Jenkins is supported on Windows and Unix. Better yet, we will be using Docker, which means the commands we will run will be similar, with slight syntax differences on different platforms.

  • Jenkins is easily configurable, and customizable to any project:

Before we even set up the server, we already know we can customize Jenkins to run any of the projects we come up with.

  • Jenkins has a rich plugin system:

Jenkins supports a vast number of plugins, some of which we shall be setting up when installing the server.

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